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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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@Cam Adair in 2017: EXPANSION. 2018: SAVAGE


What is this about? Last year Cam posted this video. You know about New Years Resolutions: they are usually highly unrealistic goals we set for ourselves that mostly end in wishful thinking (at least 9 out of 10 according to some studies).

But instead of something we believe we need to do with urgency (survival mindset), how about we start thinking about who do we want to become?

Quitting video games without delving into the deeper reasons that lead us to play is only abstinence. It doesn't solve anything in the long term. Sure, going through the detox  or quitting smoking, or losing weight, or getting a job is a foundation for a better life. But why are you doing all this, what is your end goal? Are you doing what you are doing to thrive, or to escape forward and kill time? 

So here's an exercise for you: pick a word. This word is going to be the basis of your actions, your intention for this year. What is the thing that you need in your life the most right now, that reflects what are you aiming to, the person you see in your daydreams? Describe it in one word and keep it in mind for the whole year. Sounds good?

What will your word for 2018 be, and why?

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2017 was a year of many fundamental changes for me - the foundation of which was GameQuitters/Respawn, then I have taken it to a whole new level of personal development now that I can't hide/waste time on games. My self awareness has developed to a point that I am proud of, so now my focus needs to shift on being more collected. More cool, calm, collected in stressful environments/scenarios. No more getting emotional, but being the rock that I want to be. Getting emotional only results in regret. I will continue to shape my personal development to achieve that this year.

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Posted (edited)



I have strong willpower but not enough commitment to apply that willpower. I haven’t strongly committed to exercising, writing, painting, or socializing. Luckily, I float enough between these activities to see small improvements since I’ve stopped gaming, but I haven’t fully grasped and committed to any of these. The monkey part of my brain often easily convinces me to relax instead. I’m very soft on myself. I want to especially commit to working out more.

Edited by Shine Magical
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This is my word for 2018. Transcender - a person who transcends(exceeds or goes past defined limits). This word is the best term to describe what I want to achieve in 2018.
Last year, my word was finances and I must admit, it worked pretty well! I understood how money works. I've managed to put aside three months paycheck as a failsafe. I've gathered money for an awesome trip. The only thing I've didn't achieved past year was starting my own business.
It made me realize that I need to go a little further to accomplish this. I need to find myself, my passion, something that I could turn into value, which someone else would be willing to be part of and pay for. My another resolution is to be a better person in terms of strong character, positive attitude and physical condition. Also I dream about my own flat
. All of this, requires me to transcend. Couldn't find a better word. :)

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First things first: If somebody opened a thread like this, who could it be? I love your passion and commitment to the forums, Hitaru. You are probably the only constant among all the variables in these forums. But I will expand on this topic somewhere else. Probably in your journal.

My word of 2018 will be: Intention(ous)

I know, it is no actual word. And also, it is kind of copy-catted from the original post. But that is what my new year will be about. When I went through the detox, I had to look for new activities, new hobbies, had to learn, grow, craft and so on. I did everything just to not think about gaming anymore. I even gamed, like a lot, when I felt the need to. I gave up smoking, started it again, quitted again and repeated this whole progress. I was shaken, my whole world fell apart. I wanted to do so many things and did not even do half of them. Because once the boost of energy hits you, you feel like being able to do anything, at all times, for eternity. But that feelings leaves you quite suddenly. And it did. I had too many hobbies, too many activities, to many new burdens and too many new people I did not like at all. But it was fine. I truly was. Since I gave up gaming, I had to fill my life with new things. Many of those things are as harmful to me the same way gaming was, but I had to find out for myself. Now, this year, I will simply go with what I feel necessary. If I feel the need to learn about Phyton, I will learn about it. But I will have a reason, otherwise, I will abandon it right away. If I buy a new tent, I'll buy it to sleep in the woods, otherwise, I will delete the domain and rather chew and swallow the cash. You can call it "determination" or "intentious". I like the last one, since it does not exist but fully expresses what I want to live this year. If I do anything, it will have a reason and I will be fully committed to this reason. If I talk to my friends, I will be able to name a reason if requested. If I boot up my PC, I will have a reason. If I drink alcohol until I cannot walk straight anymore, I will have a reason. Nothing will happen just because. Everything I do shall serve a purpose. A purpose that follows one greater goal: To get me closer to the person I want to be, chase the dreams I want to achieve and live the life I want to life. No more random. No more "meh". No more regrets. I do, because I want to do, in order to achieve, what I want to achieve, in order to become the person, I want to become, in order to live the life, I deserve to live.

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I realise that this isn't a religious forum and there are people here from all walks of life and all kinds of faiths or none, but without getting preachy and if it's alright with you, my word is this: Jesus.

Let me explain. Contrary to the few religious plonkers you see online and in the news who are spouting off judgy nonsense and spoiling it for the many, the core of what I believe is that, ultimately, I'm not good enough no matter what I do, and I can't fix myself. Instead, simply by believing, Jesus gladly traded his power and life for my weakness. Does that mean all of my problems are suddenly fixed and I'm always going to be a superhero? Of course not, neither does he expect me to be.

What it does mean though is that I don't need to be afraid of not being enough or not being able to fix myself. In fact, I cheerfully admit that I'm not good enough and I can't! Instead I realise that God has done the hardest work, and he just asks me to trust him. Of course, living this life free from everything that tries to hold me down, including gaming, requires discipline, commitment, and not being half-arsed about it. But it's not my strength, it's his. And when I stumble, he doesn't hit me with a stick and shout at me to do better. Instead, as a loving father and friend, he gently asks me to re-evaluate, turn around, trust him again, give him the guilt trying to hold me back, and keep going.

You may think I'm completely bonkers, and that's ok, I'm not trying to convince anyone in a short text post online, nor do I want to. But that's he's my word for 2018, and I know he's a trustworthy one :)

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2017 was the year I got my shit together. I'll call it reboot.

I want to be fierce in 2018. I want to find a higher level of intensity and commitment. I want to look back at the end of the year and say 'Gurl, you slayin' it!'. I don't want to slack off, half-ass, make excuses or procrastinate like a lil' bitch. I want to kick ass during my workouts. I want to find a new passion for the people in my life, especially hubby. I want to be vigorous even in the mundane every day tasks.

This may be totally unrealistic. I honestly do not care right now because I am on fire.

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My word for 2018 will be Mosaic.

I guess everyone knows what a Mosaic is, a beatiful picture made out of broken fragments and that's what my year will be about:

To create the most beautiful picture I've done so far with all the shattered pieces.

I'm looking forward to finally create something that isn't perfect but has its own beauty, even if it's just for me.

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My word for 2018 is Manhood.

For me this means not being a child anymore, but a man. 

Becoming a man for me is about being confident in myself and doing the hard things.

I want to stick to my commitments, be authentic with my environment, develop a stronger mind, body and willpower. This includes thinking things through before I commit to them and then give them my all. This includes being thankful for all the great things in my life and also for the bad things because they challenge me to become better. This include facing my emotions instead of detaching from them and still do the things which are right and not the ones which feel pleasant. 

It is time to stop playing around and complaining. It is time to become a man.

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To, with dedication and courage, cut out all that is not useful, both in my activities and Self, for the purpose of freeing up energy and relating with the world in a more intimate, authentic way.

I wish I could pick more words :( But that wouldn't be very minimal.

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Such a powerful word, but yet very simple.  Life would be  way easier if I  did the right things without delaying them. It would be way better if instead of thinking about the the future and what's yet to come, I'd live in the moment. But apparently I can't. Well, that's the reason for my pick.

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20 hours ago, WorkInProgress said:

My word for 2018 is Manhood.

For me this means not being a child anymore, but a man. 

Becoming a man for me is about being confident in myself and doing the hard things.

I want to stick to my commitments, be authentic with my environment, develop a stronger mind, body and willpower. This includes thinking things through before I commit to them and then give them my all. This includes being thankful for all the great things in my life and also for the bad things because they challenge me to become better. This include facing my emotions instead of detaching from them and still do the things which are right and not the ones which feel pleasant. 

It is time to stop playing around and complaining. It is time to become a man.

Beautiful brother.


I've considered multiple words, but I think I'm going with Practice.

To explain what this means to me, it means that I want to be able to practice things. Not just mess around for a little while, but truly to practice through repetition. It will be hard. But that's what's going to make it fun. I want to study more and better, and be able to truly engage with what I'm learning in school, not just remember these things for a little while to get through a test and a quiz. Most of all, I want to practice the skills that matter to me most rather than just thinking "wouldn't it be cool if I was x y z?" and then never following through. I want to finally follow through with my music and my school, because that's what it really is. If it isn't working for me long-term, then I guess that's what I should work on.

Thanks for being such a great community. I know I'm a newcomer and kinda bad about management of video games, but I appreciate having a community that I can run to and find support and inspiration. I certainly look forward to visiting this site much more in 2018 and remembering why I do what I do.

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