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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

Cam Adair

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  1. Tried it before but the section wasn't used enough to keep it. Definitely is something you can post about and ask if anyone wants to be accountability partners together.
  2. love to see it!
  3. Woot!
  4. 39,000 steps is the highest number I've seen. 🤣 Love the before and after pics - what a difference!
  5. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Definitely get your testosterone tested - there are 3 levels you want to look at. When you get your results, look it up online. Your doctor might tell you that you're within the averages but the averages have been being lowered over the years as testosterone levels have been lowering overall. Just something to look into more. You can also get your iron and thyroid checked - one of those can be impacting your fatigue and sex drive. I've been on a similar journey. Godspeed!
  7. Welcome David, glad to have you here with us.
  8. 23,546 steps is epic!
  9. Solid day!
  10. I once heard the state of your room is the state of your mind. Seems appropriate to share today. 🙂
  11. Awesome to hear improv went well!
  12. Happy to see you on here journaling! Glad it's helpful.
  13. Welcome Dustin.
  14. Next time you have a snack craving try drinking 1-2 glasses of water. Often food cravings can be dehydration in disguise, and they go away when we drink some water.
  15. Sending you lots of love!
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