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    • Entry 6.11 Day 768: No Useless Videos Day 765: Sticking to Food schedule Day 368: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 71: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -16 pomodoros -Morning workout -staying in sun for 20 minutes 1 thing I could do  better -Avoid expecting the card will arrive at my home address, expectations are problematic.
    • Welcome @NewHope ! You've found a great community here.  I recommend reading some journals.  You'll find people with similar struggles and read about various ways they cope with video game addiction.  I've learned a lot from the people on Game Quitters.   Hope to hear more about your new journey in real life! Torch
    • Hey Torch, if you still feel this way, it's a feeling that will pass. I can't speak to quitting all games myself - I cut out the most problematic ones only, and that is what is working for me - but I know the feeling from having played a lot of Empires & Puzzles and quitting that game. This is a mobile game with alliances, a daily set of quests to do, players work together to take down a daily big boss, get and share loot, there's private guild chats and public global ones, and there's alliance wars too, etcetera... All of these social elements were very addictive to me; it felt like I was part of a big mission, it enticed me to grind and "keep up" so I could contribute to my alliance. I even became a senior member of my alliance, helping out players with game things and resolving conflicts when they arose; and eventually, the games company asked me to become a moderator for their online forum (which I was quite active at too). So I really get this feeling. In particular, I understand how you feel in regards of expectations. I was quite well known in the games community. I had quite the reputation for putting together a big data spreadsheet and condensing it into a quick reference for all players. And ofc I was a moderator for the community so that gave me a bit of a spotlight. We may not be able to hold or touch things like fame and reputation, but they are very much still possessions; intangible possessions are just as temporary, and just as easily lost, as physical possessions. I say this because this feeling you have right now, it's also partly coming from you, your own sense and attachment to your game identity. You are severing that from yourself now, and yeah it's gonna feel weird for sure. It's almost like an identity crisis of sorts, almost like saying goodbye to a job you had for years. This weird feeling will pass though. I went through it with E&P, and now I'm going through it again, a similar "identity" loss from quitting social media and compulsively researching (fandom/wiki editing, in particular). But being able to be aware of this is helpful, because it then lets me figure out how to redirect that energy towards other more fulfilling tasks. For me, what has worked best is to focus on self-improvement and rediscovering my identity. I've been reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, as well as engaging in my daily journaling. Cheers!
    • My apologies @Amphibian220.  I gave you the wrong advice.  I should've  inquired about the context of your statement.   It sounds like you know what to do, practicing assertiveness with coworkers.  You will get better at this over time.  Perhaps write down a few scripts that you might say to the coworker?  Your coworkers will respect you for standing your ground, and you will feel proud if yourself.  Let us know how it goes!!    
    • A vrai dire, je lute contre un peu plus que les jeux vidéos ! C'est la procrastination en entier mon adversaire (lecture de sites d'actualité, vidéos youtube, wikipédia...). J'ai réduit au fur et à mesure du temps, mais dans les stades de ma vie où je m'ennuie, où je suis seul, où je suis stressé, les pics de procrastination refont surface et préparent les situations stressantes à venir (car du coup je ne prépare pas les réunions, j'oublie de faire des tâches du quotidien, mes projets s'arrêtent). Jour 1 : Un peu stressé. Je commence par faire une sélection de ma cible pour réduire mon stress :  Moins de 2h de smartphone + navigateur internet par jour (hors musique, gps). C'est encore un peu élevé, mais j'ai appris à ne pas mettre la barre trop haute du premier coup Pas de jeux vidéo hormis entre 21h30 et 23h (ça parait contraire à ce que Cam recommande, je joue probablement avec le feu, mais j'ai déjà réussi à m'y tenir, et je vais essayer cet objectif pour le moment)
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