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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Another thing is that Gaming is as many a other aspects of life a lifestyle decision.

I see gamers at youtube who are seemingly or are content of how they feel and have accepted gaming as a profession they are totally OK with what they are doing.



Your muscles will lose tone, Your eyes will be bloodshot, Your coordination improves but your mental focus will drop, your confidence improves only for a brief minute, it'll feel like  setting up your body for the gamer high. Professionals do the opposite because they take care of their bodies and bringing in twice as much as we get in war funds, just food for thought.


I have noticed that my psyolohical strength is not as developed as my physical strength.

So I did some meditation and breathing practices to tackle that.

The rest of it is just the fact that I need to say to myself that I wanna change and that I am willing to take action.

Yeah all that point s that I can think of are mostly based on my own decision.

I have delayed this decision by gaming or watching porn or doing some other things that put me under pressure.

Like yesterday: I was gardening and my mum was proud of me meanwhile I was having my phone in my pocket and was playing CH while moon could see me....


Most of my  "positive actions" are just  a cover for me gaming.

so it is just like one step for and 2 backwards..

Do you people know what can make me make the decision easier?


I have noticed that my psyolohical strength is not as developed as my physical strength.

So I did some meditation and breathing practices to tackle that.

The rest of it is just the fact that I need to say to myself that I wanna change and that I am willing to take action.

Yeah all that point s that I can think of are mostly based on my own decision.

I have delayed this decision by gaming or watching porn or doing some other things that put me under pressure.

Like yesterday: I was gardening and my mum was proud of me meanwhile I was having my phone in my pocket and was playing CH while moon could see me....


Most of my  "positive actions" are just  a cover for me gaming.

so it is just like one step for and 2 backwards..

Do you people know what can make me make the decision easier?

This is going to be hard, but you will systematically have to delete all games from everything you play on (phone, facebook, computer, sell your system). Find a hobby like playing basketball at a local gym or working out to keep your mind off of it. Just a sugg, dirkj3.


I have deleted my account and I couldn't sleep very well last night to be honest.

I can refer to Gamequitters podcast where Jason has described how it was like to sell all the games.

I can tell by now that I need more steps to take.



The affirmations from today 

the long sleep of 10 hours 

My productive day yesterday 



Thanks a lot Bob!!

 I am on my day 2 

I was in a sick mood the morning and the evening  and u didn't think about gaming I did the regular schooling wit a practical part today.

It was very stressful but I had some awesome company who helped me out a lot.

I went with a friend of mine to a coffee shop to drink a coffee together .

It was a think that I never did before!!


my helpful friends at schooling

The refreshing walk after school

My brother

I could do better:

Prepare for the next thing


time scheduling 







Today was kinda strsful our teacher made us write 12 pages of his lecture.

The time management is a big thing now in the afternoon it seems like you have all the time and in the evening night it is getting kinda stressful to prepare for the next day.

The subjects in schooling are Ok as long as you have the time to repeat the stuff every day but it wil be just a matter of time of me figuring out a way to use the time the most beneficial.

Also I was thinkingof.niy procrastinating the politics presentation. . I always found a way around it unfortunately 

As far as that goes I am pretty amped about my progress  I talked to a random girl today like it was a good beginning in the morning.

I noticed that my voice was kinda pressed that was awkward though!!

I feel more confident around people 

I think I am on my day 3ish




More talkative 

studied outside ( it is a real warm weather outside a little too humid)

I am tired( After a good day)


Good morning 

I forgot to tell you that 2 of my new companions at the schooling are gamers I don't want to deal with that and last week I was introduced by a guy who is  alright but a smoker like all his friends...

I am kinda stuck I don't  wanna smoke cigarette nor gaming

What am u supposed to do?


@BigPete247: Thank you very much for that comment!! By the way it is my day 5ish And since the podcast 19 came out I am binging on productivity !!!

who is doing the same?



encouraged by the podcast 

my parents 

my brother.

the nice morning



I downloaded the game Productivity timer and have deleted the Google account immediately after it!!

It feels awesome and I am not regretting of doing that I am liberated by the strong grip the account had on me

Before trying to quit was like :" Yeah I can quit and after that I can fame with my old account I automatically didn't take the journey seriously only longing for the gaming time I wanted to have after the detox.

Now you have so many different opportunities!!!



Today this post is coming real early 

It is1.06am

I have pushed through 3.5 hours of pure school grinding and I am deflated.

I have been watching the X men 2 which was extremely entertaining!

Looking back at the day I can tell that I have done an enormous amount of improvement.

I had a better mind and it was easier to grasp the right words to express myself.

I got some reward and acknowledgement by my mum for my combining of several facts.

I was very alive today I was checking out girls and I felt awesome!

I felt great responsibility for this day as for my behavior 

I wanna sleep but I cannot right know I don't know why I am going strong pushing through the days!

I felt the burn in the calves workout and the pain during my leg work day today..

So I thought why am I not trying out the new App Productivity challenge?

Willpower workouts are tough buy they offer you a great perspective to the other things you are doing.


My politeness 

always the way I look at the world.

My family in general

My tough rutines



This is my day 8 I believe 

I got to realize that doing a 5 minute short workout before work gets me ready for working hard psychologically!

It is awesome I have upped my last relapse  by about 2 days!!!

During the last couple of days I have realized that People in my class don't understand what I mean sometimes. I mean the right thing but hey seem  to not comprehend what I am trying to say.

I had the same fling when I was in the US 3 years ago.

though I thought the issue existed due to the language barrier...


I can emphasize to other people better

 I am way more positive and better in giving suggestions impacted by point 1




This is my day 8 I believe 

I got to realize that doing a 5 minute short workout before work gets me ready for working hard psychologically!

It is awesome I have upped my last relapse  by about 2 days!!!

During the last couple of days I have realized that People in my class don't understand what I mean sometimes. I mean the right thing but hey seem  to not comprehend what I am trying to say.

I had the same fling when I was in the US 3 years ago.

though I thought the issue existed due to the language barrier...


I can emphasize to other people better

 I am way more positive and better in giving suggestions impacted by point 1


Gratz on day 8 man! 
And really good job on starting to workout. 

Don't let your future self down and stay disciplined. Keep going.

- Velzen


@Robin Thank you very much  I notice that the first week was quite overwhelming and difficult to handle.

Especially the tough stressful days( I had 2 of them yet ) were tough but I guess you gotta start strong like I do today

Yesterday I had struggles to start to get the momentum rolling because I had some junk food and ice cream.

Then I did an extreme tough workout after it not matter what and I felt a new energy to push through the next work sessions!!!


I notice that I am not pushing myself hard enough I feel like been stuck in the mood where I just not want to go out of comfort zone.



I just Don't wanna anything for tomorrow but tomorrow we are getting graded in how we make recommendations to costumers who are entering the pharmacy....


I just Don't wanna anything for tomorrow but tomorrow we are getting graded in how we make recommendations to costumers who are entering the pharmacy....

Good luck dirkj3, it won't be as hard just be honest



I feel like I am being used by others...

Like  a girl in class doesn't have a partner anymore because she broke up the schooling.

My partner is not in class since Monday and she was coming to me and saying csn we do that together because I don't like to present alone.

That's OK but I feel like having no power in myself to say No.

I explained here that he could be sick but she just wanna to have sby to not be alone.

Maybe it is just normal that you don't think about making an decision spontaneously

I felt a little pushed to decide immediately.

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