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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Matt's Journal


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October 11-15


~ Feelings of belonging

~ Good weather

~ Waking up motivated earlier

~ My dad's part in 'Spring cleaning' my apartment with me


I feel sad for not joyously keeping up with GQ forums or Discord much this week - one of my more 'present' gaming partners put me back onto a list of 6 books - of which I've still only actually read 1.5 - perhaps so that I might more appreciate his world a bit more. He sent me this list while I was problem-gaming alongside him from January until May. I think that they're all supposed to inform readers socially, a realm where it's often hard for me to find my feet.

Speaking of realms, I've been lamenting the avoidance of the refrain that were mine and others' pixels in-game. Frustrations ran high these past 5 days, with what I thought was successful filling-in of my schedule. I used to be utterly obsessed with simply building my body, but as I sometimes say - exercise is more like a duty to help keep my mood upbeat, and to prevent injury, when I really think about it.

I called 'time' to Wheatbiscuit Senior for Sunday and Monday, willing to dub them 'nothing' days. Maybe I'll make my next post when my current sombre book-read is done, with what I got from it. I'll try to join in with everyone else's journals tomorrow.


~ Matt

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I finished reading the pdf of a 2001 non-fiction book on my computer Tuesday night. It basically took me a week for 250 pages of kind-of-complex sentences. 

The lessons that seemed to be meant to be imparted were not new to me this year, but had I read the book when I was really young, it could have helped me out even more. The morals include, in my words:

1) Thinking before acting, 2) Mastering impulses, 3) Re-framing ourselves as creators of our own destinies (not claiming victim status)

It was also useful as an empathic read - the writer had many sad and moving stories to tell. It was 'Life at the Bottom' by Theodore Dalrymple. I found a free pdf online, and it was sort of like studying because I read at my desk on a screen (telling a tale in itself), if it weren't for its emotive language and missing raw statistics with sources. 

The next - 3 of 6 - up for reading is 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

There's more to say about what's been going on for me, but I'll leave it there for now. Peace, everybody.

~ Matt

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Alright, this post's about gaming and life alongside it - specifically, old-school RuneScape and similar private servers. Here goes. I hope this is an easy read, because it was an easy type, honest, and I needed it out. My hand cramped the last time I wrote a diary entry for my psychologist. 😛 


What has kept me off ALL games has been my journey with you guys here on these forums since May. It's been a full 5 months without them, almost to the day. I did purchase the Respawn package, because I felt that I was starting to not belong, even on 'RS-relateds', as they've been called. I completed the reflection exercises in a new, cheap workbook, which I've also labelled 'Road User's Handbook' (study). 

As I physically wrote, my main reasons ever for playing were; A) Proving myself (that I could learn to play intelligently), B) Out of habit, C) Social reasons (but half of the time I was simply in an old IRC channel discussing life while others surely played), and D) and E) were Cam's well-stated reasons, 'Constant, measurable progress' and 'For the challenge', respectively. 

Also as physically written, my main reasons for quitting were; A) Stalling hygiene, chores, exercise, work and study, and B) Feeling like everyone playing with me (and even offline) were my competition - I've always liked an honest race, but all-go all the time has proved unhealthy. When I quit, I was playing a private server which I had become comfortable, complacent and ultimately miserable on. 

Also significant were the emotions I was experiencing back in May: for one, I would save emotional expression and perhaps even healthy reactions for when I got back online - 'bottling up'. However, I didn't even realise that until I read the question of how I was feeling in Respawn; people rarely simply ask whilst gaming, "how are you feeling?" That used to be the idea - talk into the void (an exercise in honesty), and scan the on-screen environment while hopefully paying attention to those people doing the same. However, these emotions, I think were supposed to be how we were feeling about the idea of quitting for awhile - at which I also felt happy, optimistic, and my naturally cautious-yet-excited self.

Those feelings are almost history now, after 5 months. I said in @BooksandTrees's diary, I think, that I wanted to find out what a Summer without gaming felt like again, in newer times. However, a lot of the memories I wish to re-live/overwrite/whatever I do might not even take place if I can't sustain my close relationships. Those relationships have been suffering due to my focus on real life, oddly enough, and I have very often been frustrated with them of late.

Thoughts of re-entering online worlds for a social and competency outlet again have been pressing on my mind.

I was telling a friend how, in my current circumstances, the only force for change for my life seems to be rage, which even if that has the potential to change into healthy expression, my head and heart tell me that's almost never the case. But people get away with letting some of it out every now and then, just when I'm becoming comfortable with them. I don't let it happen for me because I'm more all-or-nothing. I could also deal with and even understand being with people while they're having an honest outburst, if I already knew where we stood. I'm torn between being someone who perhaps many people model for behaviour, and being honest with myself again.


I think the problem is my medication's lingering effects on me. One of my case managers has said that a psychiatrist will review them with me soon. I'm not going to suddenly stop taking them, don't worry, but I haven't been responding to relatively small challenges as well as I have in the past. I am finding it hard to actually become excited about maintaining or progressing my relationships. 


I would find it very hard to dispute Cam's words in his relapse-prevention video (you can find it easily by clicking on the 'emergency' heading at the top of this website, which I obediently did and watched, lol), which were that 'gaming again will not solve any of your problems and they will be right there waiting for you when you come back'. But at 29 years of age, is my brain not set for the rest of my days?

All I want to do is hop online and talk, where everyone's suddenly 'on their own watch', without much bigger, real-life consequences, and partake in a mock-striving towards 'greater things'. That, from the safety of home, I know how to do. There, perhaps, with a little effort that I hadn't put in before, perhaps I could create harmony between offline and online. I miss finding the odd person who could be their open, honest selves and want to stay in-game in my company.

I know that all of this might pass, and that I might be glad if I never decide to go back. I am just not ruthless enough, capable of bullying myself into a strict, offline routine in my current state, or feeling dealt with in an honest manner by close family. Though I read this phrase on much more sinister webpages, 'the words seem understood, but not the music'.

Once again, as is all I wish us as people, peace,

~ Matt

P.S. - I never thought I'd feel like the kind of 'friend' sung about in David Bowie's 'Under Pressure (let me out!)', even if it's only a prevailing part of me, but there it is. 😅

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7 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

Those relationships have been suffering due to my focus on real life, oddly enough, and I have very often been frustrated with them of late.

While I don't fully know the circumstances for you, I understand to some extent. People may not understand everything you are trying to do, or they may have some ties to the old things you are trying to cut away. When that person is not just a gaming buddy, but a friend in general (or family member), it's more complicated than just cutting out the relationship. There is maintenance required while sticking to your values and goal of being game-free. 

A friend and I used to do a podcast together - and still kind of do - but I've been slowly distancing myself from it. I don't feel it's a passion of mine and is a pretty big time commitment for what I perceive to be little gain. I told him the other day that I don't listen to any podcasts right now and he said, "You would if you had an hour commute each way." I told him actually, I drive to and from my hometown which is an hour and am driving in silence, that I needed to reduce noise in life. He said he understood, but I could tell he really didn't fully. I'm unable to relate to other friends when they share YouTube links, but we have other things in common. It's okay for me to say, "Yeah, I don't do that right now." 

7 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

I think the problem is my medication's lingering effects on me. One of my case managers has said that a psychiatrist will review them with me soon. I'm not going to suddenly stop taking them, don't worry, but I haven't been responding to relatively small challenges as well as I have in the past. I am finding it hard to actually become excited about maintaining or progressing my relationships. 

Glad you are looking to get this sorted, and that you aren't going to just stop taking it cold turkey. I did that in the past and trust me, one of my worst ideas. Getting the right medication has been a huge help to me. It doesn't solve everything of course, but it really can change things for the better if you are someone who needs it. It can take a couple tries to find the right one. I was in denial for a while that I needed it and was influenced a little too much by unqualified people saying unfounded claims about its effects on you. When I set that aside and got the right one, I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Keep after it, your psychiatrist will help you.

7 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

But at 29 years of age, is my brain not set for the rest of my days?

No, it's not. Maybe according to biological "maturity", yes. However, you have the capacity for great change at all times throughout your life. Even if the brain has matured, that doesn't mean you cannot literally rewire it. It takes time, but you can see it happening to people all over this site. Our brain creates established pathways and it can take time to reduce those and establish new ones. 

29 is no place to stop. I'm also 29 and I have made some of the greatest strides of my life this year. I've altered (and as you can see in my journal, am still altering) behaviors and habits which have long plagued me. It seems like you have made some incredible progress. Don't listen to that side of you that quietly tries to take it away from you! There is in each of us an advocate and an accuser. Recognize their voices and know that your advocate is in there with your best interests in mind. Ignore the accuser; he doesn't know what he's talking about. 


Wishing you continued success on this journey. I read your journal every day🙂 

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On 10/19/2023 at 6:28 AM, wheatbiscuit said:

Those feelings are almost history now, after 5 months. I said in @BooksandTrees's diary, I think, that I wanted to find out what a Summer without gaming felt like again, in newer times. However, a lot of the memories I wish to re-live/overwrite/whatever I do might not even take place if I can't sustain my close relationships. Those relationships have been suffering due to my focus on real life, oddly enough, and I have very often been frustrated with them of late.

I would find it very hard to dispute Cam's words in his relapse-prevention video (you can find it easily by clicking on the 'emergency' heading at the top of this website, which I obediently did and watched, lol), which were that 'gaming again will not solve any of your problems and they will be right there waiting for you when you come back'. But at 29 years of age, is my brain not set for the rest of my days?

I agree with @FDRx7 above. It's not my idea, but again, things get worse before they get better.

You're still reaping the aftermath of your addict-self actions from the past, while you have nowhere near even the ephemeral comfort that gaming provided. The high is over. Perhaps the actions you've taken in the last five months don't seem like much, but they are realistically much more life-changing than those you'll do in the next five months, if you decide to stay on the path of getting to a better place.

29 is no age, if you stay healthy you can even triple that, so there's plenty of time to create, fix and end many relationships. I believe the important people in your life will recognize the change and the department of your relationships will magically "heal itself", as you step into your life more fully.

My family has definitely recognized and felt the change and there are very few people with whom I've been in contact now even when I was gaming. And the new people you meet don't care how you used to be, if you're good to them now 🙂

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October 20-22

So, Friday, Saturday and this morning, I had a nice little relapse. I spent most of the last two weeks feeling sad from sad reading content, and a major reason being from having my Dad briefly lose his temper/patience with me during a duo clean-up of my apartment on Thursday + Saturday, October 12 and 14, I guess.

I also had high hopes for an interview at a gym 20 minutes' walk away on Thursday morning, which looked even better as I approached it in person. However, the manager told me he was looking for personal trainers with at least 6 months' experience with group or individual exercise sessions.

It's been 2 weeks since I spoke to my step-grandmother on the phone, and she started to get worried at my solemn texts back to her on Thursday morning, right before the interview. She's had a tough life, and probably read too much into my tone that morning, thinking the worst.


Funnily enough, those ^ are the only things that really bothered me, aside from (as well, I'm sorry) my unemployment benefits being approved after 8 weeks, but then delayed bit-by-bit for another 2 weeks up until tomorrow, Monday. God knows what the process is.


As for gaming, I had a little bit of fun, but it affected my motivation to start my workout this morning (after 4 days away from lifting (I needed it anyway)), so I know it's got to take a seat way, way further back - or not at all - if you'll have my tainted keister back with you, that is, everyone. 

--> It's funny, ~15 years ago, when I began my first real gaming grind with a friend living in the same state as me, but whom I'd only met online, I learnt that this friend was already drinking and partying, and reaching unknown (to me) intimate bases, to use the metaphor. He told me that he only wanted to grind, and hated story-mode. I was definitely feeling that notion during today's/the end of this relapse. I just want to trust others and have others trust me to do our thing offline, so I need minimal personal screen-time. Anyhow,

I hope your weekends finish up alright. Peace,

~ Matt


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On 10/21/2023 at 10:24 PM, wheatbiscuit said:

October 20-22

So, Friday, Saturday and this morning, I had a nice little relapse. I spent most of the last two weeks feeling sad from sad reading content, and a major reason being from having my Dad briefly lose his temper/patience with me during a duo clean-up of my apartment on Thursday + Saturday, October 12 and 14, I guess.

I also had high hopes for an interview at a gym 20 minutes' walk away on Thursday morning, which looked even better as I approached it in person. However, the manager told me he was looking for personal trainers with at least 6 months' experience with group or individual exercise sessions.

It's been 2 weeks since I spoke to my step-grandmother on the phone, and she started to get worried at my solemn texts back to her on Thursday morning, right before the interview. She's had a tough life, and probably read too much into my tone that morning, thinking the worst.


Funnily enough, those ^ are the only things that really bothered me, aside from (as well, I'm sorry) my unemployment benefits being approved after 8 weeks, but then delayed bit-by-bit for another 2 weeks up until tomorrow, Monday. God knows what the process is.


As for gaming, I had a little bit of fun, but it affected my motivation to start my workout this morning (after 4 days away from lifting (I needed it anyway)), so I know it's got to take a seat way, way further back - or not at all - if you'll have my tainted keister back with you, that is, everyone. 

--> It's funny, ~15 years ago, when I began my first real gaming grind with a friend living in the same state as me, but whom I'd only met online, I learnt that this friend was already drinking and partying, and reaching unknown (to me) intimate bases, to use the metaphor. He told me that he only wanted to grind, and hated story-mode. I was definitely feeling that notion during today's/the end of this relapse. I just want to trust others and have others trust me to do our thing offline, so I need minimal personal screen-time. Anyhow,

I hope your weekends finish up alright. Peace,

~ Matt


Hey Matt.

Relapses suck. While not part of the solution, they are quite often part of the journey towards recovery from addiction. It might be worth the pain to fully learn how powerful your addiction is. I've heard other people share a similar experience to you; it wasn't some big thing that took them out, it was a bunch of little things. I know I'm not as active on the forums anymore, but I did think of you as my journal buddy since we started around the same time and were similar in terms of consistency.

I know from others that the shame surrounding a relapse is powerful, and it takes a tremendous amount of courage to try again. I have great admiration and respect for people who do it. I'm not sure if I could if I ever went out. If you want to have a lengthier chat, feel free to reach out.

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Small mishaps tend to derail me too and I need more responsibility and connection to life to become a tougher person.

With enough investment in work and family, greater responsibility, small mis haps stop counting and become an issue that is easily handled. I want to get into that territory

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October 23-31


~ surviving 3 days of grim weather (for us in Australia) to eventually receive 3 glorious ones

~ this new, bigger 1.5L (0.4 gallon) water bottle I've been refilling less often and having last longer

~ a weekend on effortfully sound terms with Wheatbiscuit Senior

~ feeling like a member of the public, I suppose


- WARNING: The following contains details of a gaming relapse

So, you know, before I make this about me, I caught up on all of your journals first. Initially, my ego tried to tell me that for some of you, things had slid because of my lack of willpower and presence. HAH, right?  But seriously, it's been a mostly positive day and week (plus the weekend of the 21st and 22nd), despite what's happened.

This past ~11 days, I had flat-out dedicated 2 hours per day of repetitive clicking alongside music and videos - videos including a large handful of Cam's GameQuitters content on Youtube today. I watched them whilst playing, impossibly enough, I think because I've watched so many over 5 months of pure-sobriety and have accepted them as pastime and as an insight/reminder of what I've been experiencing this October, which has been a lot.

I played enough to hit a milestone in under 2 weeks of a month's game membership, which I'm not really impressed with - the idea was to stick to a mere 2 hour maximum per day, not the 3-4 I actually did - and I noticed a few things, which I'll simply list under 'Positives' and 'Negatives' now.

*Positives*: 1) I divided time equally between play and duties, 2) I felt more in touch with my emotions, and oddly, more balanced, and 3) I also felt less socially-awkward, perhaps because I was proud of finding a low-committal activity within this game and having the patience to stick it out, whilst noticing changes in my thoughts and mood

*Negatives* (there are, unfortunately for addiction, more of them): 1) I've actually felt over-emotional, 2) I could feel that what should be very widely recognised as the/a 'false' self re-emerging, including not being entirely honest or open with pretty much everyone, - though which some people might say is healthy - something that most reading members here should probably expect of me by now, 3) I could feel my brain numbing, for real.


There are more things to list, naturally, but maybe I'll just finish for today with a few things that I did, and hopefully would have done anyway without the crutch:

1) I went to the state library, became a member, got a card and requested that a book that my former gaming buddy put me onto be retrieved from the depths (😄) for me to read for about 2 hours after a wait. I brought food and water for break. I'll most likely be heading back!

2) I decided that it would be good and safe for me to do my routine walk in the opposite direction to this year's 'normal', which was actually last year's direction. This is relevant in a strange way. At a pedestrian crossing, I innocently stared and eavesdropped among a 20-something girl with her friend, feeling completely at ease - if they had made any eye-contact, I would have introduced myself. However, we were all happy to walk on. It was pretty sweet. Heh

3) My chores at home have been a breeze. I'm guessing that's because of the dopamine and pixellated-progress obsession, what with my sweeping around almost clumsily and absent-mindedly. I do prefer being mindful of all of this.


So, again, maybe I should have known that some resorted to gameplay would come to the fore. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself as of yet. A review of my medication is scheduled for Thursday, and tomorrow it'll probably be an interesting follow-up video interview over the cell network (my wi-fi may go down for the day, but I didn't want to reschedule). I'll also be attempting to redeem myself on Saturday at the men's group for missing last weekend's Jiu Jitsu event (I really didn't end up being game for it). This week, it's axe-throwing 😅, but we all survived archery and if it gets too intense, I'll fall back on a conversation or two. 

Peace, and Happy Halloween! 

~ Matt

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Day # - November 1-6

Coming in with a new template. I've still been playing on my computer, but have not given up on resisting addiction, especially gaming. This past week has been tough, but ultimately beneficial and telling. Here goes.

Gratitude journal

I'm a tolerant person almost all of the time. Even though I worked my mouth a bit this week, not many people batted an eyelid no matter what I said. People are much tougher than I have thought previously, and I am very grateful for that. I will redouble my efforts striving to create happiness around me as well as inside of me.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Every time I finished a set of sled pushes during today's workout and thought I was in danger of collapsing, that went away in some 5 seconds. I set a target for both pulls and pushes and attained it over 90 minutes, sweating tons for a coldish day.


Last weekend was all about walking, after some 10kg-added bodyweight dips and rows on Friday morning. I met a group/personal trainer there early on, between 7:30 and 9:30am, training his own clients, which really motivated me to execute my workout and not be anti-social.


Each day when I wake up, I stay lying down in bed in silence, mostly listening to what I can hear through my 3 windows already happening around outside. Yes, I'm kind of numb from repetitive clicking, but the meditative feeling even more in the absence of worrying thoughts (I have an activity diary now, so my commitments aren't all stored in my head alone) is there, and am not rushing in the morning yet.


My old boss gave me one more invitation to carry out a shift in his pizza shop. I accepted once again, and have brought out and re-laced some plain black shoes, leaving them on the floor as a sort of reminder of this week's commitment. I've been picturing my old responsibilities, revising the menu and all I have to do is practise managing my thoughts and feelings while I'm working.

Daily affirmation

I watched a Youtube video and might post a picture of it (EDIT: The ADHD Doctor, Daniel Amen -  The Diary of a CEO) which re-stated a 2016 movie's (Hector and the Search for Happiness) end-note - that being 'happiness is a moral obligation'/we are all obliged to be happy'. I don't think I've been as addicted so much as had a desire for a kind of ease and control these past 2 weeks fulfilled online. We'll see. Another affirmation: Each of our stories let others know we're not alone.

Reading + taking notes

I regressed, to use another's word to some Harry Potter, but also reopened 'Treasure Island', which I might read in the library before work, as another means of mental preparation. I will write a '1 page miracle' and complete an exercise for 30+ ANTs (automatic negative thoughts, I think the A meant), checking them against mine and hopefully other's realities, as encouraged by the Youtube video.

Getting to bed before 9pm

This one happens almost every night.

Weekly Goal(s)

Survive 2 shifts per week at work.

Monthly Goal

Finish, to some amount of shame, getting this relapse out of my system before New Year's Eve. If I am no longer suffering unnecessarily, and have support of close friends, family and workmates, I may play socially.

3 Month Goal

Rack up at least 10 good beach visits this Summer.

What went well today:

Eating a late, slightly smaller breakfast and overcoming a strange 2nd-time sickly feeling in the morning.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Nothing so far, may update later.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Actually go to visit my brother's place instead of letting my politer side get discouraged from turning up unannounced, seeming overeager by asking directly or letting an early (for him) text bother me (he told me he woke up at 1pm lol) yesterday.

Good luck with the week's start, guys. Peace.

~ Matt

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  • 2 weeks later...

November 7-21

Gratitude, to start:

~ the recommended movies from my gaming buddy were good

~ I had a good in-person interview last week, which I'll chase up on this week, as I have now prepared for the possible next step

~ most of my basic needs I've been able to take care of

~ finishing a month's game subscription with a lot under the e-belt


I feel like I've stretched the last 2 weeks in terms of time, physical exercise, and internet-time. During 05/23 - 10/23 without gaming, my days would often start with exercise, but then follow with a LOT of idling. I decided to type here this morning after writing 6 exercise session plans, covering most of the basic components of fitness (muscular strength vs coordination/balance, for example) in the hope of a follow-up interview that was mentioned, then accompanied by my usual walk.

What I haven't done is actively looked for much more work. My support organisation applied to a few on my behalf, and I called off the shift I said 'yes' to at the previously-local pizza shop, more following my gut than perhaps simply avoiding the discomfort to come with re-establishing it as a part of my day/week/consciousness. I have been hanging on the two ideas of working at the interviewed gym and the excursion my supporting worker plan to take on Thursday to another, even more-popular gym to ask about possible positions there. Loyalty has always played a part in my decision making (though in about a month my boss and his choices of employees did manage to shatter most of it last year). In any case..

I read up on three of your journals before deciding to type, and I guess I know that it's coming up on the end of the year for everyone else too, for better or worse; a relapse or two more, a little like mine. You guys have done a lot better jobs at describing the thinking process of it all - I simply went for 'ease/control appeal'. Here, having keenly observed that there is a little over a month left in 2023, I may have settled for some extra time playing. I could foresee it being half of that, considering what I clicked to completion in the last month, but I do not discourage everyone else here from maintaining your abstinence as best as you can.

With wholly good friend and family relationships, very little gaming would be necessary on my part. I confess that while I tried to give my all on these forums for up to 3-4 hours of that 'idle' time each day without games, even producing standard-yet-genuine advice for new members, I found it difficult to be genuinely happy on a regular basis. I have the sense that everything about daily life is so achievement-based from where I sit/stand, with forgetfulness about just enjoying offline play as family and friends used to. 

I also still haven't completed the written exercises I listed 2 weeks ago, chiefly a page on what I want my life to look like, and checking negative thoughts against reality. I just don't want to end up being a machine and having people tell me that I'm too much like one. One thing that's changed this last month gaming for me has been that most of it's been very mindful (clicking 😛 ). The thing is, picturing and working in stages towards offline goals will take a lot more risk and sacrifice, and I'll still have to balance my needs with those of my friends (and family's, if they're willing to admit them).

Checking in again soon. Peace.

~ Matt




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  • 1 month later...

Seeing as it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make the gratitude list longer! 

This past month, I have been grateful for:

~ both rain and sunshine

~ keeping tidy day by day

~ more 'honest' interactions with friends and family

~ a little bit of newly experienced game content 🤥

~ thoughts of how to improve aforementioned relations

~ gym/exercise outcomes

~ enjoying some new and different music (e.g. Bright Eyes)

~ general peace and understanding

I know that I'm definitely imperfect. I've been thinking on this idea that a lot of my great natural efforts haven't led to the objective success I and others might like to see of me. I want to get better at really taking sufficiently, clearly good advice.

I hope to be teaching myself the road user's handbook again when I visit my mom for a week in January. I usually want to make a lot of pleasant conversation when I'm learning. She's good at that, and so is her partner. 

Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone. I'll still be checking your posts.

~ Matt

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On 12/23/2023 at 7:02 AM, wheatbiscuit said:

Seeing as it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make the gratitude list longer! 

This past month, I have been grateful for:

~ both rain and sunshine

~ keeping tidy day by day

~ more 'honest' interactions with friends and family

~ a little bit of newly experienced game content 🤥

~ thoughts of how to improve aforementioned relations

~ gym/exercise outcomes

~ enjoying some new and different music (e.g. Bright Eyes)

~ general peace and understanding

I know that I'm definitely imperfect. I've been thinking on this idea that a lot of my great natural efforts haven't led to the objective success I and others might like to see of me. I want to get better at really taking sufficiently, clearly good advice.

I hope to be teaching myself the road user's handbook again when I visit my mom for a week in January. I usually want to make a lot of pleasant conversation when I'm learning. She's good at that, and so is her partner. 

Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone. I'll still be checking your posts.

~ Matt

Super glad to see your gratefulness, keep it up. (Though I would suggest dropping gaming alltogether, but that's just me)

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December 31, 2023, Morning (here in Aus)


~ whilst I felt weird (but not 'off' weird) this end-of-year week, it was peaceful such that even most of my worst ruminating lacked power

~ most people in my life at the moment seem to just think that I'll probably be okay to them with or without gaming, so the only pressure to improve has been coming from me, because I know how I feel (that last statement sometimes raises eyebrows though 😮)

~ seeing (and hearing) people around me getting into the spirit of Christmas, the new year or both, especially at my brother's end of year barbecue yesterday

~ Harry Potter books (and some of the movies); reading the series almost once a year has been a helpful refrain. I am in the middle of #4


An interesting classmate of mine eventually told me what he was studying after high school - neuroscience. He liked heavy metal, and for the longest time had fairly long (and pitch black) hair, all the better to throw around as he quite literally head-banged to the best parts of his preferred music. Before I started really struggling, I remember in online chat simply telling him to "go get 'em". 

The 5 months I spent this year without games (even trying to live life so seriously as to almost entirely deny myself of 'play') was very modest. My focus was on appreciation, and strengthening my resolve not to even think or act as though I was 'gaming', going on YouTube for motivational talks or participating here on the forums. 

The people in my life during that period seemed to respect what I did on the outside, not the progress I was making on the inside. A portion of that is speculation, I realise, but that was my feeling. On RuneScape, - I would rather call it by name, like 'Voldemort', to decrease the fear of talking about 'my addiction(s)', as seems to be helpful - it was easy to translate my mental energy to the screen with a few clicks and taps on the keyboard. Getting up, showing up and speaking up is a lot harder. I'll need all the helping hands I can get, but I think people in person will hear '1 year without addiction' even louder than '3 month detox'.


So here it is; in 2024, I intend to achieve the following:

1) One year without games - this especially includes all coded, electronic games. Potentially harmless alternatives include frisbee, squash (though I haven't really tried it), and catch, generally. Where the 'rally' is more important than winning/losing. 

2) A driver's license. This will take a lot of confidence-building again (I learnt, but never took the test that would allow me to drive alone). 

3) New paid work that I'll have become competent at for 3+ months, though aiming for 6 to 9. This means that I'll be pushing to have been hired by April. 


When I update this journal, the gratitude entry will be followed by my progress in objectives 1), 2) and 3), and then maybe some other positive developments. I hope to see everyone around and encourage other new journeys. 


~ Matt

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8 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

So here it is; in 2024, I intend to achieve the following:

1) One year without games - this especially includes all coded, electronic games. Potentially harmless alternatives include frisbee, squash (though I haven't really tried it), and catch, generally. Where the 'rally' is more important than winning/losing. 

2) A driver's license. This will take a lot of confidence-building again (I learnt, but never took the test that would allow me to drive alone). 

3) New paid work that I'll have become competent at for 3+ months, though aiming for 6 to 9. This means that I'll be pushing to have been hired by April. 

This is a nice plan. Good luck! 🙂

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Posted (edited)

Day #1 (out of 366(?) days of the year - I'm only typing that once)

1) Gaming - Believing that giving in yesterday or today (right before my planned week-trip to my mum's to further celebrate her holidays) would be bad came easy. I still thought a little about the momentum I could only build up in the home in between sessions, and how it really was my little hide-y hole for the last 2.5 months. The day was won, I suppose, if only just.

2) I started in and made space for summarising the road user's handbook in writing, (first 10% done) so that I might remember it better. We'll see how I do tomorrow, and once I get to my mum's.

3) I applied to 3 jobs yesterday; catering attendant, gym receptionist and personal trainer + sales manager (more of a long-shot, but it could work). 


I'm sort of sorry to feel and say this so soon, but the omens have not been good, despite my initial freedom rejoicing after yesterday's post. When I quit for 5 months last May, I was sure that nobody needed me gaming with them. This time, it was mostly just knowing how much better things could be, and fear of becoming 'stuck' forever. I'm figuring these are more selfish desires, and am almost convinced that the 'gates' to wellbeing are being kept so long as no self-sacrifice is being emanated from me - or something. I had a decent deadlifting workout with some emotional support before and after from my gym's receptionist. At least I knew that was on the cards. Anyway, after much unpleasantness, I'm settled in and hopefully won't oversleep, have nightmares or beat my fists against the wall. lols


~ Matt

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On 12/31/2023 at 12:28 AM, wheatbiscuit said:

December 31, 2023, Morning (here in Aus)


~ whilst I felt weird (but not 'off' weird) this end-of-year week, it was peaceful such that even most of my worst ruminating lacked power

~ most people in my life at the moment seem to just think that I'll probably be okay to them with or without gaming, so the only pressure to improve has been coming from me, because I know how I feel (that last statement sometimes raises eyebrows though 😮)

~ seeing (and hearing) people around me getting into the spirit of Christmas, the new year or both, especially at my brother's end of year barbecue yesterday

~ Harry Potter books (and some of the movies); reading the series almost once a year has been a helpful refrain. I am in the middle of #4


An interesting classmate of mine eventually told me what he was studying after high school - neuroscience. He liked heavy metal, and for the longest time had fairly long (and pitch black) hair, all the better to throw around as he quite literally head-banged to the best parts of his preferred music. Before I started really struggling, I remember in online chat simply telling him to "go get 'em". 

The 5 months I spent this year without games (even trying to live life so seriously as to almost entirely deny myself of 'play') was very modest. My focus was on appreciation, and strengthening my resolve not to even think or act as though I was 'gaming', going on YouTube for motivational talks or participating here on the forums. 

The people in my life during that period seemed to respect what I did on the outside, not the progress I was making on the inside. A portion of that is speculation, I realise, but that was my feeling. On RuneScape, - I would rather call it by name, like 'Voldemort', to decrease the fear of talking about 'my addiction(s)', as seems to be helpful - it was easy to translate my mental energy to the screen with a few clicks and taps on the keyboard. Getting up, showing up and speaking up is a lot harder. I'll need all the helping hands I can get, but I think people in person will hear '1 year without addiction' even louder than '3 month detox'.


So here it is; in 2024, I intend to achieve the following:

1) One year without games - this especially includes all coded, electronic games. Potentially harmless alternatives include frisbee, squash (though I haven't really tried it), and catch, generally. Where the 'rally' is more important than winning/losing. 

2) A driver's license. This will take a lot of confidence-building again (I learnt, but never took the test that would allow me to drive alone). 

3) New paid work that I'll have become competent at for 3+ months, though aiming for 6 to 9. This means that I'll be pushing to have been hired by April. 


When I update this journal, the gratitude entry will be followed by my progress in objectives 1), 2) and 3), and then maybe some other positive developments. I hope to see everyone around and encourage other new journeys. 


~ Matt

Great Entry, warms up my heart to see you giving your reptilian brain a fight versus gaming, and writing out ambicious goals! Hit the gas Matt! Also thanks again for checking in on me 🙂

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11 minutes ago, wheatbiscuit said:

Day #1 (out of 366(?) days of the year - I'm only typing that once)

1) Gaming - Believing that giving in yesterday or today (right before my planned week-trip to my mum's to further celebrate her holidays) would be bad came easy. I still thought a little about the momentum I could only build up in the home in between sessions, and how it really was my little hide-y hole for the last 2.5 months. The day was won, I suppose, if only just.

2) I started in and made space for summarising the road user's handbook in writing, (first 10% done) so that I might remember it better. We'll see how I do tomorrow, and once I get to my mum's.

3) I applied to 3 jobs yesterday; catering attendant, gym receptionist and personal trainer + sales manager (more of a long-shot, but it could work). 


I'm sort of sorry to feel and say this so soon, but the omens have not been good, despite my initial freedom rejoicing after yesterday's post. When I quit for 5 months last May, I was sure that nobody needed me gaming with them. This time, it was mostly just knowing how much better things could be, and fear of becoming 'stuck' forever. I'm figuring these are more selfish desires, and am almost convinced that the 'gates' to wellbeing are being kept so long as no self-sacrifice is being emanated from me - or something. I had a decent deadlifting workout with some emotional support before and after from my gym's receptionist. At least I knew that was on the cards. Anyway, after much unpleasantness, I'm settled in and hopefully won't oversleep, have nightmares or beat my fists against the wall. lols


~ Matt

Great goals, great progress, keep it going. Small wins pile up! 
I'd also suggest actually finding the phones of the places you apply to and call them , I believe just the fact of picking up he phone helps you really visualize yourself in the job and shows seriousness, plus if you don't really want the job you'll feel it when you need o call 🙂 (Allthough I am looking for a job for quite a few months now, and still haven't got one, so take my advice in a limited fashion, and do your own research 🙂 That said, I do believe I am progressing a lot more and learning more by calling )

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Days #2-9

1) No gaming, but some thoughts of the stage I left it at. I didn't bring my keyboard or mouse to my holiday here (am coming back home tomorrow), so as I said, it would have been fruitless to log in anyway.

2) In the 6 days I've been here, - I even skipped 2 days to try and be with everyone else properly - I covered 100 of the 200 pages of the road user's handbook. It might be harder to finish the next half of them at home, it being a little bit further from the paradise that is my mum and her partner's home, but we'll see.

3) I was waiting this week for any of the first 3-4 jobs I applied for to contact me. One job I thought very worthwhile promptly emailed me saying that I was unsuccessful - my language. heh. But I also had a pretty positive 15-20 minute initial phone interview with another gym - it looks like their hiring process is serious, but while I'm in it, I'll enjoy hoping.


~ while I didn't face many fears while on this extra holiday, I made it through a lot of uncomfortable feelings that I felt able to without having my mind on Runescape, at least - I think that if I was playing, I would have been apathetic and ignorant of most of them, and definitely not have known what to think, say or do - I only made a few meaningful contributions to discussions, but as this is a new and different period of abstinence, I am still counting them all

~ the warmer ocean water that we swam in twice

~ my brother's set example of staying 'switched on', to call it one thing

~ something I've never mentioned - my mum's partner's huge efforts cooking, coordinating and driving, and still remaining really thoughtful each day


There's something I don't know what to chalk down as - a gaming buddy messaged me again to ask, in short, if I'd found work yet. This was on the 20th of December, and I had just given up pay-to-play Runescape for the holidays (but now for this year), but was still clicking on trees etc for free while messaging him. Our messages sort of devolved, and I left my computer - when I'd said what little I had to say - to go for a walk. When I got back, he'd left me a longer message saying that I had become (or always was while talking to him) incoherent and that step one to becoming job/life-ready was to get off medication, calling them drugs, not being 'a real solution to any problem'. 

I can't actually speculate properly on what gives rise to the way my friend speaks and acts because he's said so little about what makes him who he is. Most of 2023 was punctuated by my messaged ruminations to him, and his recommendations of movies and books as goals and possible remedies. I thought that finally, he was simply done with it and chose to bring it up just before Christmas, which was the main thing that I blocked him on Discord for - an actual reason being that I knew I wouldn't have anything nice to say about that. So, I've gone and had a pleasant Christmas and New Year's, but still think about him and everyone else in my life whose timing often ends up being poor. That's all here for now.

Peace, and will be catching up on your forum posts -

~ Matt

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Days #10-12


~ Waking up mostly refreshed at 7am with a soft alarm with time to eat, walk and shower, before an appointment with the job agency; where we made the final required applications for the month - the rest will be made in our own time

~ I recognised a need to have things in some order when stressed in myself and my father and dealt with it better in my head - he did some work in the apartment while I was away. I say 'the' apartment because I'm pretty sure at this point that it's partly his. lol

~ Having the luxury, perhaps (post-12 days away from Runescape), of thinking and making decisions instead of possibly reacting poorly.

~ Knowing when to halt (heh) my cardio warmup at the gym and start lifting

1) No gaming, but some odd dreams maybe involving some. The downer just before coming here was thinking that I won't find a good place (work or otherwise) to sort of play and muse with other people when I feel the need to. 

2) I really wanted to get a routine walk and gym session in today, right after getting back. I finished putting the things I brought with me on the trip, made a couple of meals and have basically tried to get comfortable. Anyway, no more notes on the road rules did I take today. I'll try to sleep even better tonight, so as to hopefully wake up clear-headed and motivated. I may try some soon with the rest of the day.

3) I made the next and last mandatory job applications today with my support person, and have just received a link to a survey. That should be fun. I also got an either quick or late reply to a gym application (the survey was for a hospitality job), and chose the first interview available in 3 weeks. In the meantime, I might check out their other location(s), having been to their local branch already.


I became really moody the night before leaving my mom and her partner's place. I said things almost entirely without the sense that I might not really mean them (that is sometimes a problem for me, if not my family too). Since 2 days ago, I felt like many things that perhaps should be considered standard interactions were excessively harsh and/or egotistical. I just don't understand how we as people in a society can tune in and out of readings of body language or deeper, underlying meaning and taking things at face value appropriately and simultaneously. Granted, I like to feel as grounded as possible so that I don't feel fear in addition to all that, and so notice more that might affect me that way, instead of maintaining that healthy combination of discomfort/learning and trust/security as I go, so there is perhaps that. I was glad to be back in the gym though.

Happy Friday, ladies and gents.

~ Matt

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Days #13 and 14


~ restorative sleep

~ slightly warmer ocean water

~ getting good value out of walking and lifting
~ exploring a new neighbourhood

1) No gaming, but a few negative emotions made me want to retreat back to it. It's difficult when I don't know where to turn. I did come online here with the intention of spilling a bit more.

2) No road rules study *sigh*. I went straight to the exercise park before attempting to meet a buddy or two at past 2pm. I didn't rouse the person hosting us, so dawdled around and headed back home. I was disappointed, but successfully distracted myself yet again from such feelings.

3) Today's Sunday, and I read one of the regular suggested jobs emails, a leisure centre I've applied to like 3 times last year appearing again - the rest too long a distance without driving, or places I don't want to spend more time in.


I just finished watching Harry Potter 4 (Goblet of Fire), and the scene where Amos Diggory cries out "Let me through; that's my son! That's my boy!" over Cedric's body gives me pangs like almost nothing else. I know that my Dad feels for me in the same way (from experiences as a pre-teen/pre-pubescent), but I'll be damned if I ever get those vibes these days. They're there, deep down, I suppose. 

I wonder whether I'll sink into a similar kind of day-to-day complacency as I did in the later months of my 5-month detox in 2023. I started resenting all the little pushes I was getting from everyone, because I thought I was doing such a great job simply resisting games and gaming mindsets. I was also taking life seriously, so transgressions from that in others also bothered me. 

Today when I explored a new neighbourhood with the intention of meeting a recently-made friend, another in our group chat of five seemed unwilling to be of assistance. I couldn't rouse my host, later finding that I did turn up at the right place, so I stayed in the area for an hour before leaving. I felt a strange kind of bliss, knowing that I did my best and saw what patience I had through to its eventual end, backtracking to the bus home.

On the way, I thought of the Sara Bareilles song lyric from 'Armor' - "strength means blessed with an enemy", and how the third of us may have seen things that way for a long time. I then noticed that my fear of heights had temporarily left me whilst doing so, crossing a bridge over a highway. I still dissuade myself from entertaining ideas like that, in a style reminiscent of my mother - 'never give up on goodness' would be the shared attitude that remains. I'm just not in the right position to challenge others with that attitude (renting from my dad and his friend, and making frequent cash transfers and concessions to my younger brother as he struggles with his own person). 

Hoping for better luck and that everybody enjoys the rest of the weekend,

~ Matt


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Days #15 and 16


~ I don't recall any seriously ill feelings toward anyone/anything

~ Got through over half my travels without angry music in my ears

~ Being understood by the people working with me

~ Two largely independent days

1) Basically only one momentary urge to game. If I chose from any HALTED feelings, it would have been (T)iredness

2) Took notes from pages 103-123/200 of the road manual.

3) A manager from a nearby fitness centre called me and calmly told me again about the work I applied for last week before inviting me to a group interview! Hopefully it's not too cutthroat in there! 


Today was an eye-opening day. My mood was good and level until the time I opened the road user's handbook to read. I was sitting here on my own in the quiet room, and I said to myself 'this is all too much', mostly because I couldn't think of any excuses not to start reading. Quickly, I dismissed that thought as ridiculous, not-so-compassionately, but it availed me for an hour. Then when it finally came to be 'gym time', I had to pack my bag really slowly and unenthusiastically and slow-walk all of 500 metres - not even half a mile. It felt like the most painfully mindful thing I'd done since I was a pre-teen. I then used angry music on the treadmill, swapping to some softer stuff for unilateral leg press. I'm just glad I didn't implode or anything.

I texted my dad because he hadn't bothered me in 36 hours, and had been offline from social media for awhile. Nothing was said to be out of control. 

I don't even know what tone I'm typing this in, but I hope it doesn't seem wrong, considering everything that seems to be going on for us and the world outside.

Good luck for the week, guys

~ Matt

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10 hours ago, wheatbiscuit said:

3) A manager from a nearby fitness centre called me and calmly told me again about the work I applied for last week before inviting me to a group interview! Hopefully it's not too cutthroat in there! 


Hope the interview goes well!

It sounds like you're doing great with not gaming and with recognising trigger points.

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Days #17-19

1) Didn't game or have many thoughts of gaming because I had a several things to do/look forward to/plan for the last 3 days. At the same time, I didn't use my computer much either, so there were some emails I had to catch up with and, without having been online here, I felt like I was letting slip some valuable control I might have had over those days. Could it really be that I just didn't give my keyboard or mouse a proper workout - an old gaming feeling? I didn't miss my screens, for sure.

2) Haven't opened the driver's handbook again, as between the few things I did each (or all day, in the case of Thursday) day, I was just re-gathering my thoughts and eating/drinking a little. I'm a little mixed up as to how fast/well I'm spending time so far this year.

3) On Wednesday I went in for a group interview with 6 others, making an odd 7 - could have been the deciding factor in levels of awkwardness, perhaps, but we (and I, sort of) all did alright. Hard to say who, if any of our group will get another call - I assumed there were at least a couple of other groups. 


~ that I didn't wholly feel like arguing with anybody; seeing existing pain first instead of unnecessarily adding to it

~ being able to put two bad dreams behind me, maybe accepting that it was just toxins being cleared from my brain by sleep, or something, but the dream material had to come from somewhere, so I dunno

~ the first successful men's group event for the year

~ (this morning) not going straight out to the supermarket bleary- eyed, and starting the day with what I already had in the kitchen


Edit: Saturday night and Sunday's activities

Right after what I originally typed above for goals and gratitude, I met a member of the mates group for some basic lifting and swimming. I can rarely make heads of tails of his mentality, but I think he tries to be a good moral actor, generally. It's just that I often read a frustration on his face similar to the one that I feel when I think people aren't putting effort into understanding the first thing about others' feelings, or don't pause to do so.

When together, I think we both recognise our independent respective thoughts, and yet because of this suspected knowledge, we sort of expect fully-fledged plans even when we intended to just socialise and have fun. Yes, I wanted to reach a squat bearing 100kg alongside him and really bust our humps, but I think it's too scary a prospect for us to put our whole selves into it when faced with an intimidating (mental or physical) equal. The difference is 5 extra years of age and babbling ability on my side. 

Anyway, afterward the two of us stayed overnight at a 3rd mate's place, playing Cards Against Humanity for about 15 rounds, then watching Central Intelligence - a comedy/action movie. It wasn't until we woke up and faced an unplanned Sunday that I felt the threat of things going pear-shaped. Long story short, I felt ignored and dismissed when having expressed a deep fear. I told myself on the spot that I wouldn't accept another invitation from them unless I felt a LOT better understood, but eventually, a few more surface experiences saw us through to the end of our meet, and myself back inside on this very hot Summer's day. I felt really bad, and not only feared a violent reaction in myself, but that it would have been a welcome change in the monotony to the others. My imagination only, perhaps. Is that the price of giving up gaming - really facing and working through my anger? Because I don't know anyone right now who seems to understand it. It is a part of me, and I have to accept and beware of that whenever not working towards something for myself alone, it seems. It's too bad that I've historically turned gaming into obsession so quickly most times. Well, that's it.

A happy weekend to everyone,

~ Matt

P.S. - I'm thinking of adding goal #4) to my future posts; avoiding the YouTube videos that fuel bitterness and resentment in my spare-time thoughts/ruminations - this is subjective, but if I watch one, I'll see if I can stop there and post about it next entry, and if I don't, I'll simply note or acknowledge the behaviour change. Over and out.

Edited by wheatbiscuit
grammar + a review of Sunday/Sat Night
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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hey guys, so I'm back because I have a problem, or multiple, with a root cause.

I'm pretty sure that I've been battling mental illness all of my life, and trying to meet a constant need to retreat to where nothing matters but the task at hand, usually in a playful manner. This has gotten harder and harder to find, because, while I have probably stalled a bit more than the average person in this way, some maturity has inevitably presented itself in my personality.

Last year, for 5 months, (between May and October) I stopped all wilful gaming, and thoroughly enjoyed sharing and reading all of our journal entries together. I tried to make them fun and upbeat, as often as I could. I had committed to my first detox, whilst among you doing the same. That was meaningful. 

But people in my life forget about the illness when I seem to be doing well, though it never really goes away; I dream vividly almost every night, even and especially when I am happy, perhaps a reminder of a greater purpose. Sometimes, I wish it wasn't there, and I could simply ask my peers 'why would I do this' (unnecessary thing - even if it's incredibly altruistic and kind), as I overhear so many people saying, which I've usually found really cringe-worthy. Even in hard times, I never asked that question. I was rarely ever complacent, likely often because I had my online game to remind me that the 'quest' was never over.


If I thought that this, or any other website, could turn into a paradise - offering reprieve and soulful fulfilment (our GQ Discord was relatively hard to get in the mood with), I would commit again to 'no-gaming'; a sincerity that I could carry around in the longest-term. But when jokes have been made by those I know about real, painful things, I dwell and wish that I didn't have to be a part of those scenes.

Sometimes I wonder about 'the warrior gene', which sometimes gains traction in online discussions. For the last 2 weeks, I loaded my backpack with 10kg for my multiple-a-day, hour-long walks. I had forgotten what it was like to feel light, in several senses of the word. I think I did that because I wanted my body and mind to feel the same way about my life.


So maybe this journal should be just as much about what I want to be as what I don't want to do. 

To finish up the entry, I'll share a memory (1) and some gratitude (2) for things that seemed to go right, regardless:

1) I saw 'The Blind Side' movie in the cinemas with my mum and partner when it came out. The credits, with that Five For Fighting song left me feeling good like very few movies did. I think before the movie, a large clump of earwax fell out of one of my ears, perhaps enhancing the experience. 😅 That might have even been while I gave up my computer game (though not all games) for approximately 3 months (because of a very negative PvP experience - I gave away all of my high-value 'items'). I guess that says a lot, huh?


- Clouds and nature; we never really say that a cloud or a tree has an incorrect shape. It's pretty much always is the way it is, pretty-looking and natural

- Not getting physically sick; yes, whilst gaming, I read a couple of players' histories of nearly dying with sepsis. I felt incredibly fortunate both to be healthy and there to witness such openness

- Warm drinks, again; I've made 4 or 5 different ones a day for awhile now. They are both calming and a reason to sit down and reflect, or in this case, type and share.

- The little bits of appreciation I've gotten as my most recent gaming endeavours have reached their end - like the sounds around me upon waking in the morning, and the fresh air that comes in after I've opened all of my windows.

That's all. I'm going to call this Day #1 of simply and hopefully being and staying active with a community that, if nothing else, got me through a hard Winter and the start of a life-long journey.


~ Matt

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