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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Entry 25.7 ( Written on 26.7) Day 663: No Useless Videos Day 662: Sticking to Food schedule Day 264: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 19: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -pulled through the urge to doze off and completed 4 pomodoros -40 minute mainset run -Continued move profgress including 5 calls to foreigners offices, one call to lawyer and a few emails 1 thing I could do better -Measure time of plates wash and every other part to make it more effective it seems I'm slacking off too much. It took me over an hour to prepare breakfast.
  2. Entry 24.7 ( Written on 25.7) Day 662: No Useless Videos Day 661: Sticking to Food schedule Day 263: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 18: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -24 hour-ish fast -morning workout -Slept on the floor for an hour and half to make sure I'm "in bed" before 20:10 1 thing I could do better -If there is a next time I go to shop, make sure to take everything for two weeks, I do not want to make two dashes, even if that means looking for some other product in real time when I see some other one is lacking. For that reason I could probably go to the store physically, because when I order, they leave little time to ponder questions, they just say " we don't have that in stck" and all you have left to say is - ok.
  3. Entry 23.7 ( Written on 24.7) Day 662: No Useless Videos Day 661: Sticking to Food schedule Day 263: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 18: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -36~ minute run - tempo -at least 3 pomodoros -Sleep early + Ignore being bit by mosquitos (Apartment mate cleaned he nets so now all the mosquitos of the country had access to my room because the window is wide open 1 thing I could do better -Visit embassy yet agaib, since they don' answer email
  4. Entry 22.7 ( Written on 23.7) Day 661: No Useless Videos Day 660: Sticking to Food schedule Day 262: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 17: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -3 hrs deliveries -at least 3 pomodoros -1 hr nap 1 thing I could do better -Be a bit more effective in the morning, it took me over an hou to cook the 3 meals, Try the vegetable cutter and see how it works
  5. Food Schedule Update (22.07-5.08) Weekdays Breakfast Banana - 1 piece Carrot - 1 piece Cucumber - 2 pieces until I have 1 per day - then 1 and if fasting makes it over 1 again, may eat 2 again. Tomato - 2 pieces until I have 1 per day - then 1 and if fasting makes it over 1 again, may eat 2 again. Avocado - 150g Brazil - 15g Edamame 100g with peel Tahini 70g Peanut butter 30g Hummus 30g, until it runs out, then replace with 30g cashews Dates 60g Lunch Flax Seeds 16 g (To be replaced with 16g chia once it runs out since the store didn't have flax seeds in stock) Chia seeds 20g Walnuts 45g Almonds 55g Chlorella 3g Nutritional yeast 2g Quinoa (Raw) 40g Cranberries 17g Raisins 10g Dinner Apple - 1 piece Peas - 100g Edamame - 100g with peel Cabbage - 35g Olive oil - 40g Lentils (Raw) - 70g Cranberries 17g Raisins 10g In fast days (after 24h I may replace the apple and cabbage with a mango, or any other day in fact) Weekends changes in relation to Weekdays 1. A Mango is added in the morning 2. Olive oil up to 100g (Really arouind 80, since it's really hard to digest 100 but the top limit is 100) 3. Coconut oil up to 50g 4. Cashews 75 g replacing pistachios since the store didn't have any 5. Peas 200g 6. Carrots 2-3 pieces Clarificaton(22.07 Aprox 08:00): Raisins and cranberries are still interchangeable Clarification 2(22.07 12:24) Peas and carrot conservation can contents may be used interchangeably with peas can contents 1 per 1g Clarification 3(23.07 7:57) A. Walnuts being interchangeable with almonds still applies. B. Entry of 5th May food schedule update still applies in case of 3 hrs deliveries + workout C. Tahini may be interchangeable with peanut butter
  6. Entry 21.7 ( Written on 22.7) Day 660: No Useless Videos Day 659: Sticking to Food schedule Day 261: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 16: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -30 minutes run mainset. -Bringing the matter of having to add money for the flight date change to a close, they said my booking change was confirmed -In fact yesterday I didn't sign the two agreements, but only 1, today i finished the second and finalied the reservation fee transfer 1 thing I could do better -Finish the Grocery order while still at work. Alternatively it took me 2 hours in the night. If I would have finished at work I could possibly skip the nuts order and do it today and just stick with the urgent order for yesterday only while sleeping fine....
  7. Entry 20.7 ( Written on 21.7) Day 659: No Useless Videos Day 658: Sticking to Food schedule Day 260: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 15: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Made a dash home for dinner when I forgot it, even though it was quite far -"Eventually" focused n figuring out the flight change in the midde of job time and avoided losing more time by continuing to try to speak through the helmet -signed two "Temporary" contract agreements because of my being late to move to my new apt because of not receiveing the visa yet 1 thing I could do better -Hold my coolness and do the conversation with the flight company and finish it. Not try to do both deliveries and the conversation
  8. Entry 19.7 ( Written on 20.7) Day 658: No Useless Videos Day 657: Sticking to Food schedule Day 259: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 14: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Visiting embassy to find out suggested time to reschedule flight even though they often threw me out with tomatoes thrown at me before. -approximately 9hrs 15 min f deliveries -set appointments with both of my contractors in both appartments 1 thing I could do better -No stretching the "get home deadline" I'd better lose a few shekels and not skip brushing teeth
  9. Entry 18.7 ( Written on 19.7) Day 657: No Useless Videos Day 656: Sticking to Food schedule Day 258: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 13: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -4 hours or so of just calling phones regarding visa speeding process up. -1 hour 15 min workout approximately -When my direct superior got mad over me getting out late to a break, I kept my cool and just kept working, whatever he does, ev if he makes me leave for a break later I am willing to accept this for now, even though I prefer not to of course, but I currently have no control over this unless I quit... And I'm not going to quit because of such a thing allthough it might happen because of other reasons. 1 thing I could do better -Remember to lead the sales calls, If I don't - some "guests" get too lost in irrelevant questions and then blame me for the long call, and I think it is justified, because If I lead it I coud've prevented usch length
  10. Food schedule update: Everything remains the same apart for some edits to finish for the next 3 days, I may also change things in accordance with moving or not moving after Sunday In any case until sunday (21.7) here are the edits 1. Carrots and peas can might be used 1 per 1 replacement with peas can 2. Brazil nuts may be eaten up to 15g 3. Cucumbers and tomatoes 2 every day 4. Oranges replaced with Mangos
  11. Entry 17.7 ( Written on 18.7) Day 656: No Useless Videos Day 655: Sticking to Food schedule Day 257: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 12: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Sent 4 email regarding hurrying up the visa -Made a quick duplicate of no criminal penalties record + withdrew money to complete the visa request. -1hr and 15 min workout or so 1 thing I could do better -I could have used the additional time I had left (I said I might come later to the job at 14 or 14 30, in order to call authorities of ministry of foreign affairs to hrry up the visa process, instead of going straight to work.
  12. Entry 16.7 ( Written on 17.7) Day 655: No Useless Videos Day 654: Sticking to Food schedule Day 256: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 11: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Continuing visa process, meaning preparing more papers -letting my superior know of the meeting that I have today and that I might be late. -1hr and 15 min workout or so 1 thing I could do better -Asked apartment mate via message to print the few other documents that were left even though its the second time today 😉
  13. Entry 15.7 ( Written on 16.7) Day 654: No Useless Videos Day 653: Sticking to Food schedule Day 255: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 10: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Woke up at 4 so that I may get to ministry of health at 08:00 - I was actually there at 08:10 -at least 3 pomodoros =/ -3 hrs deliveries 1 thing I could do better -Read all the life insurance cntract before signing, I am losing my integrity a bit by signing it so quickly, also I think I could have negotiated to leave it not contracted ( I don't need a life insurance, but because the representative told me it's included in the insurance bundle I quickly signed it to just finish the paperwork, under the pressure, while I should've kept it unsigned and requested another representative to cancel it.
  14. Entry 14.7 ( Written on 15.7) Day 653: No Useless Videos Day 652: Sticking to Food schedule Day 254: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 9: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Printed out English bank account movements report -Having decided to think about translation of "No dangerous infections" report one more day, instead of spending 120~ Euro on it right away. Even though it might delay the application process =/ -Caling many doctors etc. to check who may help me with "no infections" report 1 thing I could do better -Wake up earlier, finish 4 pomodoros earlier, so that at 08 00 I could already go wherever is needed physically regarding the other permits/documents that are left
  15. Entry 13.7 ( Written on 14.7) Day 652: No Useless Videos Day 651: Sticking to Food schedule Day 253: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 8: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Made 3 price inquiries regarding two remaining document translations -8 hrs and 40 min of deliveries -cleaning room dust 1 thing I could do better -Be more effective during weekly planning...( first write a first template then go looking for information etc. and build upon the first draft) it took me 3+ hours
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