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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. For me it is football and table tennis. I used to be a lot more competitive at football and played in amateur leagues some years back, but my form isn't as good now. I also regularly do push ups off the wall as a way of developing stamina. I practiced playing tennis as a kid and enjoyed it, but I never progressed to a point where I could play against an opponent. Never heard of Jugger club. Will have to find out what it is.
  2. welcome back! Are there sports that you find addictive Nils? i have a few sports like that and the competitive and progression element are so attractive that I never stop . I can get injured, but it is part of living it for real. So what kind of sports are you playing? Something I figured out is that I need to play enough and win enough at sports, to communicate enough with family and friends, for me to be content at my job. If I am not eating well, or resting well, I eventually get demoralized and start thinking of games, because games are quick relief from fatigue. So staying strong guarantees I will not think of games.
  3. Wishing you well. For me even films are suspect. One of my christian friends said he does not watch films because they show a lot of indecency. I agree with this, and read books instead. Books are a lot more fun than films because they can tell a story in a way that films cant. At first, living a healthy life appears unattractive, but just hold on and it gives meaning. We are not here for entertainment, but to achieve something of substance and make a great difference for our community.
  4. As I have said before I have to train a new apprentice , but he has got serious anxiety issues. When we were doing a task together and he thought there was a mistake, he talked about it like a disaster of some sort. This keeps recurring and the pressure starts to take hold. I dont know how to convince the employee that the work we are doing is of a good standard. He keeps watching his back and is super vigilant but just turns the work into an ordeal.
  5. Welcome to game quitters. the trap as you described it is a game or film perceived as something common. There is a bigger excuse to do something wrong, if a false impression is created that there is a community around the harmful activity. This is how people play online video games for years without detecting that they are performing the same operations without any tangible meaning. Another thing is how jobs previously filled by your community members, have been transferred to automatic computer systems and back office functions. So the human element is greatly reduced. This causes that feeling of loneliness and loss of sense of belonging to a community. Now online communication and easy on demand entertainment makes people less present to notice their family, neighbours and friends. There is a great transition to fake substitutes. the answer is greater control over one’s needs and focusing on building relationships with family and community.
  6. Something about this subject of indecent films. As children many people are exposed to particular types of popular films and other media promoted by the government. In many of these films, female characters are portrayed in a sexually revealing and accessible way. And this is being shown to children. These types of films program from a young age that personal desires are the pedestal of goals, and carry over into adolescence. There was the school ball, where I saw boys making inappropriate comments to their female classmates. And of course intoxicants had to be there, because popular films depicted them as essential. Why should desires be on a pedestal? If you look at the history of where you come from, your ancestors were truly hierarchical and were healthy and that is because the rules of their life made them so.
  7. This is the recurring narrative in journals. If the job is not serving a great mission, we try to change it for something that carries meaning. But as time passes, we dont invest enough energy in it. So now we have to put ourselves through a trial to break out somehow. But if within some time, I don't see results, I start pondering whether I should go back to careless living. Mediocre goals are not an alternative to gaming. Drifting to low performance? Keep standards absolute. The way in which i continued persisting in going after my goal as an athlete is by reading the very long battles of world athletes that took them decades of focused work. But this focused work will not mean anything if you are not having a good time and brothers who support you
  8. your answer is ciphered in a way. You have to try to recollect why sport and brotherhood you turned away from. Was your discipline already affected by the addiction? Was there some conditioning i.e. fear of losing, of being disliked, that led to the gaming becoming stronger. Do you experience low energy after abstaining from the video game for some time? If that happens, which is most likely the case, you have to slog through it and set up a daily routine with a replacement treat. If it is not going to be a video game, it has to be a sport where you can get some thrills every evening outside your home. My gaming habit was so disruptive that I had to run out of the house after school to prevent myself from playing. So ridding myself of access to the game did it. I felt a total waste, laying in bed feeling that I lost an opportunity, but seeing peers content with life Without playing games gave me a new perspective. hope this better helps you to decipher your answer.
  9. Welcome to this self accountability forum. But let me ask you this, in this 53 day stretch of not playing video games what were you focused on and thinking about, were you fired up about a goal of some sort? Like winning a sports tournament etc?
  10. I played an old board game. I decided to play to escape, and it was not doing the trick, so I went for my friday training session. This felt much better. I haven't secured a job that was my goal yet. Will continue searching
  11. Week 15, 16 My attitude to work got worse and I’ve got a need to escape. One of my peak performances was a part time coffee shop position, when I was most committed and happy about what I was doing. I haven’t noticed that anybody else is invested in this workplace. Its like everybody is here just for some exposure, call it an internship or what you may. I seem the only one wanting to establish a strategy for growth. Nobody is bothered in thinking through a project, just their direct line of duty. I can better understand these projects, but have much less energy than I did a year ago. I saw a homeless man on the street jokingly tell a young woman to give him shelter as a start to their romantic relationship.
  12. System trap elaborated the new management turns down requests for new stationery equipment because it is expensive, but this team organized a very extravagant celebration of our successfully completed project. Following on from this, they are likely to increase expenditure on recreational activities. Would a monthly party make us more productive? I am more in favour of jogging at the end of each working day.
  13. This is another stage in becoming stronger as a man, wishing your family well.
  14. Week 14, I no longer want to change my routine, Im quite happy with it at work and at home. But chronic fear of dismissal for the last two years has had a toll on my morale. I got anxious over three dismissals at my workplace so far. One of them is a very talented professional. I just do all of my things in a very dejected way, so its the mind I have got to fix. I was a happier guy when I was in competition with folks in another department, but now since they were replaced, I just don't get the same kind of thrill from showing better results than the new group.
  15. When you say you want to do more in life, do you want to do more on your own or for other members of your group to take part in your work? It demoralizes me to have to work without having a connection with guys whom I could lead or who could lead me. What if we can change ourselves, our families and then communities through our struggle? We won’t have to adapt to no society then.
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