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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)

It's a smart thing to consider Bobby boy. I found that as I began living in the moment and became more aware of my surroundings, I became very frustrated at the amount of people who are always on their phone, and 9 times out of 10, they were on facebook. I immediately deleted facebook off my phone. I found that I then switched to twitter and was still doing the same thing, so I deleted twitter as well. For browsing, I convinced myself it is a better experience to be looking at pages or reading on a big screen rather than my phone. So now when I think about browsing or want to google something, I simply send myself an email with the link or the topic. Then twice a day, at 5am and at 8pm, I check my e-mail and do all those things (or delete them for no longer being relevant).

Give it a try, you will feel liberated. 

As for an old school alarm clock, that's a good idea too, especially when they're only $10 or less. So is getting a different or older phone like a feature phone. I don't do any of that, but what I do is make sure when I get home I put my phone by my bed and walk away. It breaks that urge to always look or check it because it means you have to walk to the bedroom, check it and see nothing is actually there, and then walk back to what you're doing. Such a time waster. I did it because I didn't want my son to see me with a phone in my hands all the time but its the same effect. I would get rid of my phone entirely if I had another way to listen to podcasts, thats the kicker for me. When I was using a feature phone I did find I was also messaging people a lot less and actually talking to them more, because it was such a chore to type on it. I found it did wonders for my relationships.

And noting where you are in your detox, I think this is appropriate for you watch -


Edited by giblets
Bob's living in the 70s... he feels like he has lost his keys! *insert guitar solo*

Thanks, everyone. Support and posts really keep me going. ?

One solution will be the way I journal. Typically I journal in the morning and read and post on a few journals. Then, all day, I check in and post and read whenever I see a new entry. Starting tomorrow I am moving my journal entries to the evenings. And I will read and post in a single time block. That way I still participate on the forums like I want but it doesn't become an all day issue.

I've thought about a couple of other solutions too. Buying an old school alarm clock and keeping my phone physically away from me at night. And have some time in the evening where I put my phone in another room on the charger. I can still read on my Kindle if I want or physical books. I'll have to think on it.


Good thinking! And great progress. Keep it up, bro.

Posted (edited)

Day 73/90. I.am so tired right now I'm functioning on adrenalin. I don't know why but I just couldn't fall asleep. I'm not sure why. I wasn't really preoccupied with any thoughts. I get little sad twinges when I think of the approaching divorce but it's way more muted than it used to be. Maybe it was a mini-withdrawal from porn and fast food/soda since I'm quitting again after a relapse? Anyhow, I think I got 3-4 hrs of sleep. Some people can function on that. Not me. Hopefully I'll crash nicely tonight. So pardon me if I have less to say and don't respond and post normally today. Thanks again everyone for your support. @giblets I love the videos you post! Always relevant hehe.


1. Less than 2 weeks in my detox

2. Have enough money to get my car fixed tomorrow. Proud of myself.

3. Feeling physically smaller ?

Edited by Mettermrck

God Job Bob!!

It is not bad at all that you didn't write much it makes you be more authentic and yourself.

I believe in you that you can stick out the hard times !!!


3. Feeling physically smaller ?

Not smaller, but better. You're doing good, bro.

It's probably your deep worries about the divorce that keep you up. We're with you, man. Hang in there.


Reading a physical book in bed is great way to fall asleep. Do you have night ritual or night routine before going to bed? Truly recommend it.


3. Feeling physically smaller ?

Not smaller, but better. You're doing good, bro.

It's probably your deep worries about the divorce that keep you up. We're with you, man. Hang in there.

Yes, it's normal to feel a bit down about it. If you need to talk about it we got your back. Talking the feelings away is usually helpful, or you can journal about it privately.


3. Feeling physically smaller ?


I've read it as "feeling physically smarter" which kept me wonder if you're feeling neural links rearranging due to detox) Anyway, I hope it helps you to handle all the other life changes.


When I said physically smaller, it was a cute way of saying I was losing weight and there was less of me in the mirror. Sometimes I try to be too clever for my own good. ?

@Daniel, yes my night ritual is primarily prayer and meditation. It helps calm me down and separate myself from technology.

Day 74/90. I slept like a log, surprise. I had weird dreams which is a sign that I was sleeping deeply. I had read a book a couple weeks ago about Krakatoa, the volcano that erupted over a century ago. So naturally my dreams had a volcano in it haha.

I got my car fixed this morning. I'm actually patting myself on the back because I didn't blow all my money on games and food like before and I was able to take care of my responsibilities. But man alternators have gotten more expensive over the years!

I ran into the priest from my new church at the grocery store today. That was a nice little sign that I was making the right decision to move on spiritually.

I haven't been thinking of gaming too much with the 90 days approaching. Once in a while...but I can't see video games and my podcast project coexisting.


1. Taking care of my responsibilities

2. Bought a new smaller pair of jeans today...yeah!

3. Air-conditioning when the heat index outside is over 100


When I said physically smaller, it was a cute way of saying I was losing weight and there was less of me in the mirror. Sometimes I try to be too clever for my own good. ?

@Daniel, yes my night ritual is primarily prayer and meditation. It helps calm me down and separate myself from technology.

Day 74/90. I slept like a log, surprise. I had weird dreams which is a sign that I was sleeping deeply. I had read a book a couple weeks ago about Krakatoa, the volcano that erupted over a century ago. So naturally my dreams had a volcano in it haha.

I got my car fixed this morning. I'm actually patting myself on the back because I didn't blow all my money on games and food like before and I was able to take care of my responsibilities. But man alternators have gotten more expensive over the years!

I ran into the priest from my new church at the grocery store today. That was a nice little sign that I was making the right decision to move on spiritually.

I haven't been thinking of gaming too much with the 90 days approaching. Once in a while...but I can't see video games and my podcast project coexisting.


1. Taking care of my responsibilities

2. Bought a new smaller pair of jeans today...yeah!

3. Air-conditioning when the heat index outside is over 100

This is a prime example of what i wish to accomplish in my life, starting with my car, nice @Mettermrck!


When I said physically smaller, it was a cute way of saying I was losing weight and there was less of me in the mirror. Sometimes I try to be too clever for my own good. ?

@Daniel, yes my night ritual is primarily prayer and meditation. It helps calm me down and separate myself from technology.

Day 74/90. I slept like a log, surprise. I had weird dreams which is a sign that I was sleeping deeply. I had read a book a couple weeks ago about Krakatoa, the volcano that erupted over a century ago. So naturally my dreams had a volcano in it haha.

I got my car fixed this morning. I'm actually patting myself on the back because I didn't blow all my money on games and food like before and I was able to take care of my responsibilities. But man alternators have gotten more expensive over the years!

I ran into the priest from my new church at the grocery store today. That was a nice little sign that I was making the right decision to move on spiritually.

I haven't been thinking of gaming too much with the 90 days approaching. Once in a while...but I can't see video games and my podcast project coexisting.


1. Taking care of my responsibilities

2. Bought a new smaller pair of jeans today...yeah!

3. Air-conditioning when the heat index outside is over 100

Resultado de imagen para celebrate the small steps


Day 74/90. I slept like a log, surprise. I had weird dreams which is a sign that I was sleeping deeply. I had read a book a couple weeks ago about Krakatoa, the volcano that erupted over a century ago. So naturally my dreams had a volcano in it haha.

I got my car fixed this morning. I'm actually patting myself on the back because I didn't blow all my money on games and food like before and I was able to take care of my responsibilities. But man alternators have gotten more expensive over the years!

I ran into the priest from my new church at the grocery store today. That was a nice little sign that I was making the right decision to move on spiritually.

I haven't been thinking of gaming too much with the 90 days approaching. Once in a while...but I can't see video games and my podcast project coexisting.


1. Taking care of my responsibilities

2. Bought a new smaller pair of jeans today...yeah!

3. Air-conditioning when the heat index outside is over 100

Bob, I'm really proud of you, your staying power is unquestionable!

I'm also very grateful to you for your support, it really helps me and many others with our detox journeys.


Day 75/90. A pretty good day. I lost a little of the weight I had gained last week so that felt good....I've gotten back to what's working on the avoiding junk food front so that's helping.

     Went to the gym. It's funny how I keep steadily increasing my speed and incline on the treadmill and my body can still handle it. Maybe it's just so gradual and steady that my muscles don't feel really overwhelmed. I get the nice aches, but I don't feel like I'm overdoing it yet. So I'll just keep increasing until I feel that I've caught up with my body hehe.

       I felt like I fought off some complacency when it comes to the gaming. This devil on my shoulder wants to reinstall Steam on day 91. I just think that's a big mistake. If I do, I think I would give up my podcast project, start slacking at work, and stop reaching out to people in a month. I cannot do that. This experience in these past months is just the tip of something wonderful and I want to keep going.


1. A running car

2. A new church

3. Devouring books for breakfast like I used to do


Day 75/90. A pretty good day. I lost a little of the weight I had gained last week so that felt good....I've gotten back to what's working on the avoiding junk food front so that's helping.

     Went to the gym. It's funny how I keep steadily increasing my speed and incline on the treadmill and my body can still handle it. Maybe it's just so gradual and steady that my muscles don't feel really overwhelmed. I get the nice aches, but I don't feel like I'm overdoing it yet. So I'll just keep increasing until I feel that I've caught up with my body hehe.

       I felt like I fought off some complacency when it comes to the gaming. This devil on my shoulder wants to reinstall Steam on day 91. I just think that's a big mistake. If I do, I think I would give up my podcast project, start slacking at work, and stop reaching out to people in a month. I cannot do that. This experience in these past months is just the tip of something wonderful and I want to keep going.


1. A running car

2. A new church

3. Devouring books for breakfast like I used to do

If you stick to regular training schedule you will eventually lose DOMS/aches and will just become stronger and fitter without physical discomfort. If I train consistently, it's a breeze, if I miss a 3-4 sessions all the hell breaks loose after the rebound session - I feel like my arms and legs are trying to fall off, and general fatigue is a pain. Also expect the workouts after say recovering from a cold (knock on wood) to be way tougher. Ease into it and it will soon feel easy and natural again.

Screw gaming, you've become a significantly better person in a short period of time and you're continuing to get even better. We need you to go on, because you inspire people. It's a one-way ticket really, if you fall back now or in the future it will be waaaay more painful, because now you have a first-hand experience of your potential and feel the realistic perspective of achieving more and having a better life.

Grow, bro!


Well, srry @Vlad , i'm afraid you don't have to do the HITT workout...Mettermrck you're up! But seriously man, keep doing what you are doing, just imagine how far you are into your life now vs. back then.


>> This devil on my shoulder wants to reinstall Steam on day 91. I just think that's a big mistake.

Ohh, well, I still have my visual novels on Steam) Somehow gaming doesn't seem as captivating when you have to find points of game that's actually fun vs fun of learning new skills or reading a book.


Day 76/90. Only two weeks to go! I think I've made my peace with keeping the detox going out to one year. Even though gaming is the weakest of my addictions next to porn and especially soda/fast food, I just feel that to give in on gaming would be to give in on those as well, which would be a disaster.

Enjoyed the eclipse here at work. It was 98-99% coverage here at the beach. It was cool to see it with my glasses and it got somewhat dark but it wasn't quite as exciting as the hype. Still, something memorable.


1. The time to turn my life around

2. A productive job with good benefits

3. Supportive family and friends

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