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Posted (edited)

Day 43:

What I did:

  • hot yoga in the morning.
  • reading some Tao Te Ching
  • Listened to the Beyond Recording and made some notes.
  • Went to volleyball and made a meet-up date with this new couple I met for Friday night dinner.
  • hopped on a 30 min call with my Beyond Accountability Partner
  • Studied 15 mins. of nursing

What I'm grateful for:

  • having a new set of friends I just met!
  • Coming out of the rejections with some results!
  • feeling GREAT right now
  • getting to know my accountability partner, and how we share similar situations.


Wow! My first achievement in making new friends! It's a first for me. It's feeling great so far that I got to meet a new bunch of people that share interests and don't really lose time just smoking weed. Great couple.

Turns out they go to the same gym I go to as well! Now I have new gym buddies :D





Edited by Tatu92

Wow! My first achievement in making new friends! It's a first for me. It's feeling great so far that I got to meet a new bunch of people that share interests and don't really lose time just smoking weed. Great couple.

Turns out they go to the same gym I go to as well! Now I have new gym buddies :D



Day 44:

What I did:

  • 15 mins. nursing study
  • Rested a bit, my body is so damn aching. I got a six pack now LOL.
  • paid for a volleyball league membership for 2017 Jan-March.
  • Went to my volleyball house league in North York from 6-930pm.

What I'm grateful for:

  • getting a bit of rest.
  • taking a long walk outside in the morning, with a cup of coffee, enjoying the fresh morning air.
  • the nice people at the house league, always pushing me to my limit and calling me out when I mess up. Makes me enjoy working hard for the team.
  • I'm about to enjoy a nice home-made fruit/vegetable shake.


Ah... my goal today was to get more numbers from people, but I kinda copped out. I felt like the moment was not appropriate and the vibe wasn't ripe to go for numbers. Maybe it's all in my head, maybe it's not. It's not too big a deal, but I do know that I wanted to get more contact info for possible friendships. But I didnt' get a chance to get to know the people as much as I did in the more relaxed league I played at yesterday. 

Lots to think about out, and lots to forget about. But overall I enjoyed the day, in the least - I didn't game :) 




Hey thanks a lot! I've been working 12 hour shifts back to back so haven't had time to journal. But I'll re-start it tonight. Still going game-free though!


Day 47:

What I did:

  • came back from night shift.
  • woke up at 1700 hr. went to "the works" with a new couple I just met from volleyball.
  • picked up my brother and went to my sister's house for a sleep over

What I'm grateful for:

  • my family being close
  • learning about boundary setting and being more dominant
  • semi-handling it well when the new couple asked me about if I'm seeing anyone (and I'm not) I kind of handled it badly, but that just shows I'm human and not invulnerable.


I've been so busy with work that the rest of my daily habits have been suffering. But I'll get back on it soon.



Day 48:

What I did:

  • woke up at my sister's place.
  • worked on my budget sheet and paid off my debt.
  • attended the Beyond Cast #2.
  • Met one of my close friends to hang out.
  • Met with my other friend, now as a group of three. 
  • Shisha with the group, then billiards/pool.

What I'm grateful for:

  • My close friends still around.
  • Me learning to draw boundaries around people that don't respect me.
  • My dad made fruit shakes for us to drink.
  • Being close to my siblings :D


Alright so one of the main things I learned from our cast today with the Beyond group is the re-iteration of planning our day, week, month, year/ life. I've dabbled with using an agenda. But, right now it's more a chore, than an effective tool. 

I will spend 15-30 minutes organizing my calendar/agenda as soon as I wake up. I will do that every day. I will wake up earlier if I have to. 

Mid-day I will spend 15-30 minutes drafting ideas for my current plans/ priorities/ projects. I will adjust my calendar accordingly. 


That's it for now.




Day 49:

What I did:

  • 15 mins. filling up my calendar
  • 15 min meditation
  • 1 hr hot yoga
  • Christmas shopping with a budget
  • Grocery shopping with my dad
  • 15 min nursing study

What I'm grateful for:

  • 25 cm of snow. I hate snow. 
  • Re-reading some highlighted notes on the slight edge, is refreshing.
  • Meeting someone new at hot yoga.
  • Trying to establish an enduring positivity. 


Going back and reading notes from Slight Edge felt great. It's important to review lessons, and to do it often. 

I'm trying to uncover enduring lessons, since all things come and go. Activities come and go. Friends come and go. This is where fundamental practices come in. My journaling for example. Yoga for example. These have been my basic staples, which have supported me as the days come and go.

I think meditation is a great staple as well. It's a microcosm of life. In that moment, sitting down and letting things come and go. In life, we should also let things come and go. Like what Osho says, "if you truly love the flower - you do not pick it up". To have, but not possess. 

I did good in going to my first yoga class in 4 days, I did good introducing myself to someone new at hot yoga. 





Day 50:

What I did:

  • got 25 cm of snow. had to plow it.
  • 1 hour hot yoga
  • 3 hour volleyball
  • 1 hour rock climbing
  • spent some quality time with some new friends over midnight dinner

What I'm grateful for:

  • meeting a new social circle. one with no drugs.
  • getting myself into a volleyball league for free :P
  • Good food with good friends.


Today wasn't too bad. I spent a lot of time doing extra curricular activities. I like that, and it allowed me to meet new groups of people. One thing that I'm also learning is about not being a nice guy. I'm reading the NMMNG book. I'm just drawing the boundaries with being too much of an asshole. But I'm learning a whole new side of myself :D. One that I like much more than the fearful nice guy. 

That's it for now. 




Day 51:

What I did:

  • Woke up and drove around, walked around the mall to look at sales.
  • Didn't do much today, I cancelled on my rockclimbing group tonight because I messed up my ankle from yesterday.

What I'm grateful for:

  • Meditation keeping me calm during times when I'm all over the place.
  • Time alone
  • Rest


Mediocre day. I'm bummed about my ankle. But still glad to have a day off from everything. 



Day 52:

What I did:

  • got my car fixed. replaced battery and basic inspection with oil change.
  • met up with an old friend, someone I decided to only see once a month now, because we are slowly separating ways.
  • went rock climbing.

What I'm grateful for:

  • Today, I did a leap of faith for a rock that used to be too far out of my reach during rock climbing. And I finally made it today :D. And I did it three times after that. 
  • I got a new number from a friend of a friend. And I drove him home. Met a new friend.
  • I am very happy to have fixed everything that was wrong with my car. Now I feel safe driving it. I spent a handful of cash on it, but nothing beats peace of mind. 


I felt a little down because I wasn't very outgoing and introducing myself all over the place when I went rock climbing. But, there are times for being silent. Today was one of those days. I was more focused on rock climbing itself. Less on socializing. More on me.

As the days go by, I hope to spend less. I'm stuck on this spending mentality. I really need to more honest with myself about the moments when I decide to let loose. 

Peace out.



Posted (edited)

Day 53:

What I did:

  • Went to work
  • Slept for a bit
  • Went to the gym
  • Did some house cleaning.
  • 15 mins studying nursing

What I'm grateful for:

  • I'm grateful for deciding to follow through with going to the gym today, despite feeling resistance.
  • My coworker said that I "grew up a lot in the last year". That comment made me feel really proud. In the beginning he said I was a, "baby". I have been doing a lot of thinking in the past few months, and also have been putting a lot of effort into my personality and really trying to grow as a person. It's nice to have someone that knows me on a daily basis comment on the work I've put in. 
  • Today I stepped up for myself by going on break instead of saying "I'm fine". Despite being afraid of "letting my coworker down". That's a step away from being "nice".


Today I did something that I should not have done. I took some noopept again. It was a small amount. But, I did say that I was never going to do it again. I'm sorry me :(

I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but I'm just acknowledging it on here. 



Edited by Tatu92
Posted (edited)

@Tatu92 Are there really 91 other Tatus? lol

I have made it a goal to read one journal a day. :D 

I realize you were the first one I read when I started to re-read it.  I have only read three so far :(

But I made the comment gj instead of explaining why I said that lol.  It looked a little out of place. :/

So Ding, Ding, Ding you have been a grand prize winner!  I have read your journal. :D

Congratz on all the progress, Duuuuude 9_9

You are my hero!  53 days! @.@ 


Edited by dandielionous
I am now keeping a list. :D

Day 54:

Thanks guys! @dandielionous haha, 92 is a reference to 1992 - year I was born. Thanks for the kind words.

what I did today:

  • cleaned up and organized my room + laundry
  • 1 hr. hot yoga
  • cleaned up my car.
  • read 7 habits of highly effective people.
  • about to go to night shift.

What I'm grateful for:

  • cleaning my car, it was all dirtied up by snow, salt, etc.
  • getting to rest for around 4 hours before my night shift
  • Thank god for coffee.


A little bit of a slow day. I didn't do much today, because I had work at night. Maybe I had a little too much time to waste today. The cold really puts me to lazy mode. I need to work on that. I still have loads of things that I want to do, but for now, I'll try to be happy with what I've got.




Day 55:

What I did today:

  • woke up from night shift
  • 15 min nursing study
  • got perscription for eye glasses.
  • Ate sushi + plowed driveway, and prepared for night shift

What I'm grateful for:

  • visiting a couple of new places without really spending too much.
  • eating wonderful sushi at a new place :)
  • journaling despite being almost late for work LOL


Just a quick one today, gotta run!




Day 56:

What I did:

  • woke up from night shift
  • chilled with some friends and had dinner

What I'm grateful for:

  • I spent time with the friends that I wanted to grow away from today. They're not too bad, other than their vices. That's why I spend at least once a month getting together with them. The only thing is that if I don't grow away from them, I would never grow myself. On that same vein though, it's nice to spend at least once a month on old friendships, doing things that don't fuck up my values.
  • I stood up for myself yesterday, and someone snided under their breathe. But the funny thing is, what I did - she's done so many times, but she seems to not realize that. 
  • Having a really good dinner.


Tomorrow, when I get back from work, there's gonna be a few things I gotta do. I'll check in until then, for now I gotta go to work. I'll be reading a few journals tomorrow to see what everyone is up to. 



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