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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mohammad's Journal


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I came to a coffee shop for a study. I feel the urge to go home and play. I know it is not just a game, it is my life that is in danger! however, I am fooling myself that its weekend and I can have some fun!

I also started to read a new book this morning: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. That's a motivational book that I believe I need to get some momentum for the start.

I read some books in the past few months that I was on 90-day detoxes to name a few: Rich dad poor dad, Sapiens: a brief history of humankind, and Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.

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Thankfully, I didn't play last night. I went to the beach today in the morning, and then I came to a coffee shop to study. I will study here and probably will go home when its time to sleep :D

Think and Grow Rich is a compelling self-help book that gives me what I need.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 17,18,19,20,21:


No gaming

I read Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill, and it motivated and moved me!

I have now a very high energy and I have learned how to keep the energy up. 

That is the end of the gaming habit for me. I have learned life is a better game to play. 

I recommend reading the book.

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I apologize for being critical of you for your recent posts. Please accept my apology if I sound rude. 

I just read one or two pages and all you say is you didn't play a game today. You're failing and restarting your day counter and then getting angry that you're failing. 

Write down why you're failing. We're all strangers here. None of us can offer you help if you're not going to open up and elaborate on why you're failing. I don't know what your hobbies are, what you do for work, do you live alone or have family, are things stressing you out causing you to seek video games as a stress release???

Since you're not writing about trying to change or giving any details about your experience quitting video games all I can assume is you're going on shear willpower to quit games and battling every day. When you battle every day eventually you lose. 

Discuss why you're seeking video games, what in your life is a trigger, and formulate some ideas for replacing the need to game. 

I played games because I was lonely and wanted to get attention and achievement. I now do better at work, rock climb, play board games, and eat out with new friends. I have zero cravings anymore. It's not a battle for me to stay away from games now because I've discovered why I played and replaced the needs. I'm 50 weeks in a row without gaming because I'm no longer fighting. I'm living. 

I apologize if I sounded rude, but please elaborate on your experience and let us help you. Nobody is going to be able to help if you're just writing a day counter. 


Edited by BooksandTrees
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