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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)


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  1. Day 27th without gaming. I came home today feeling unwell, possibly because of the flu shot I received last night. I am also feeling exhausted and drained today so I need to take it slow at this point and give myself time to recover.
  2. Wow, your mission statement is beautifully written, meaningful, and deeply human. I understand the significance of having a mission statement in one's life! I have to find one for myself.
  3. could you please share the findings of your research regarding a phone that supports a stylus? 😄 I am pretty much into these things too
  4. Day 26th without gaming. (it is 45 days since I started journaling and had a few games there in between). I am keeping a very active and healthy lifestyle. I have been eating healthy (low calories, high fibre/protein), and my fitness is at its peak. It's been almost a year since I started calorie counting, but because of gaming, I was interrupting my workout and eating routine, and I was not getting enough sleep, which is essential for building muscle. However, since September 9th, when I started journaling again, I have been steady with my diet and exercise. I can see my body has changed so much in only 45 days of rigorous workouts, consistent high-protein meals, and a good night's sleep. It's amazing! My energy level is also very high. I wake up at 6:30 a.m. and (almost) don't sit down until 8:30 p.m. when I am ready for bed. I have been building my resistance to standing over the past year, and I do most of my work while standing. I am standing even when watching Netflix at night! Besides physical health, I have been reading books for at least one to two hours a day. In addition, I am working on my focus to engage myself in deeper work. I then take walking breaks to burn more calories. I have also been walking between work and home for an hour every day for the past year. I have to make every effort to avoid gaming. I know that if I can continue this lifestyle, I will be much happier and more fulfilled.
  5. your journal is always very insighful. keep up the good work 🙂
  6. Day 25 without gaming. I have been doing great these days. I am very happy and on track. I don't have any urges to play video games. I am very active, eating healthy and working very hard.
  7. I am wondering how you make time to write such a detailed and thoughtful journal every day. I usually spend 5-10 minutes on journaling and anything more, I feel that I can use that time to do more important things. I understand that self-improvement is critical and I also spend a lot of time every day to think through them while walking from home to work. May I ask how much time you allocate to this website every day? Could you also elaborate on why it is so important to you?
  8. Day 23 without gaming. I did crave pumpkins with my son. He enjoyed it so much, and we had a great time together. Thanks, @D_Cozy, for your suggestion 🙂 I had a very productive weekend. I went to the gym and had a great workout. I spent a couple of hours reading papers/books. I watched a bit of Netflix too. I am now getting ready to go to bed 🙂
  9. I am glad that you were able to say "no" to your dad. I don't know if I can say "no" to my family in a similar situation.
  10. Day 22 without gaming. I came home from work exhausted, but I didn't feel tempted to play games. At this stage, it seems to be a thing of the past, and I am happy about it. However, I have been like this in the past, and even though I feel very distant from gaming, a trigger like chatting with a friend or a memory can create the impulse to play, so I should still be careful and avoid being overconfident.
  11. Thanks. Yes, that's right. I am more purposeful and also more experineced at this 🙂
  12. Day 21 with no gaming. I arrived home and spent one hour with my son. After he went to bed, I started watching Netflix. I intentionally avoided studying/reading as I always do before bedtime. It turned out very well. I watched for two hours and went to bed in time and I am not feeling burnout today.
  13. very interesting! 🙂 I will try to be more proactive too. Is this 7 habits related to the book "7 habits of highly effective people"?
  14. Day 20 with no gaming. I just arrived home from work feeling exhausted and drained. I know from experience that this could lead to bad results. I don't have any temptation for gaming but still, I need to be mindful of my burnout. I need to do something fun tonight and stay away from work and study.
  15. Why are you depressed? Are you feeling any better now?
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