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Posted (edited)

FB community guidelines. ¬¬

I think someone must have reported it. At least I hope they don't have an automatic swastika recognition in place, lol.

And of course, you can post the hammer & sickle as much as you like even though tens of millions have died to socialism as well.

Below: a fully reasonable position that isn't bannable anywhere:


Edited by Marchosias

FB community guidelines are very consistent with their inconsistency.

I've seen a video of a man having his hand chopped off with a machete.  One of the few times I bothered to report a post.  Kids use Facebook, they don't need to see shit like that.  "This video does not violate Facebook Community guidelines"

Then they ban posts that logically argue against certain ideas.  


I also remember a video that featured a dead body that didn't get removed at all. At the same time, I got a ban once for posting a picture that included a nipple in a completely neutral/non-sexual context (there were women just standing around; I wasn't even aware what exactly was visible). Both were posted in a political discussion group, so I suppose a number of reports a certain posts gets plays a role.


God, yet another close call. Where are these situations coming from. I know; I've been slacking off for the last three days, so it was only a question of time before going back to my depressed state, which by default leads to WoW cravings.

There is a sort of a lining to this; idk if it's made of metal, or whether the metal precious or not, but there is something there. People who are normal, more mentally sound, can afford to live in a passive, unproductive way and still feel relatively fine. Not me. I absolutely have to be creative to want to get out of bed.

I had a blog that I wrote for a few months. Nothing special, some rambling, some posts with an actual theme, some sadposting. I wish I could share it here, but it'd be just weird because it's from a different online persona. A persona I just killed off today because I no longer know what to think of it.

And it isn't even the only one. I want to consolidate them all; this is getting beyond ridiculous, and it's, at the most base level, really just another distraction.

If I in fact go through with it, I may actually end up with a readership above 5 people. What's holding me back is some of these profiles, especially one of them, the one I used on WoW forums, is infamous for drunk posting and meltdowns, but it's also the most popular and has written some good stuff.

And even if I look at this thread, there are posts I'd prefer I haven't made; they either say something I don't truly believe in, or they present it in a poor manner. Not to mention all the stuff that's just not written very well, but that's fine since what can you do.

The question is, however, what to even merge all these identities to. It's sad that I need to think about this at 30, and I can clearly see anyone under 30 reading this and thinking, "this won't be me when I'm that old". I know because I was the same. And if you're on this forum, chances are you won't ever be in my position, so there's that.

I wish I had the money to leave the apartment in a way more meaningful than just taking a random walk to nowhere. It all comes back to it, and it's something I've been posting about a lot in past; I don't want to repeat myself too much. But I also don't want to write about what I'm doing about it because I've done that as well.

Got banned on FB a while ago again. The reason is as underwhelming as always.


I loled. Maybe they are using AI to moderate posts? 

Good luck hope you do well in things and life! 

Posted (edited)

The thing about damaged girls is that they react differently than normal girls. You can be very brash, direct, downright autistic with them, and they'll laugh and become excited. At the same time, you can also be very emotional and gentle, and they'll accept it without thinking any less of you; at least that's my experience. I don't know if I have a full, rational explanation; they just tend to be fun to hang out with, especially when they realize you're not fazed by their pasts (some of it is always made up, too).

Yesterday, I tried to explain Ayn Rand's view of selfishness to two of my (internet) friends in a clear and thorough way; I think I got through to them at the end. One's a trained physicist that writes in C languages for a living, other is 9 years younger and will be once he stops smoking weed every day.

I'm not in a bad company. It does make me glad that I can have some sort of meaningful relationships with all those people. Even if most of them can't be called a friendship by any stretch and may perhaps never be.

Too bad it's all online. I guess I need to work on that.

I also have been spending too much time on social networks for the past week. Time for the old Cold Turkey to sing again.


Edited by Marquess
Posted (edited)

Edited the above post for readability. Also forgot that this page is a part of my Cold Turkey list; this is what I was greeted with! (I'll admit it took 1 refresh, oh well.)


Edited by Marchosias

I loled. Maybe they are using AI to moderate posts?

Good luck hope you do well in things and life! 

I don't think so, no. I basically posted it in a FB discussion group; it was in a thread where self-proclaimed national socialists were complaining about getting banned from the group, and I just posted two pictures to entertain myself. The other one (which didn't get removed):


Remember, memes are real.



What is that one. Hierarchy group meme? :)

Can't wait to see more memes!

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

Jews control Americans, Illuminati Jews control Jews, Aliens control Illuminati Jews, Reptilian Aliens control Alines.

Wake up, sheeple.


Thank you, Cam, for affording me special treatment for probably the third time and changing my nickname ^^.

This one is far, far easier to pronounce (I honestly have no idea how Marchosias is supposed to even sound), contains two syllables (down from 4), and is at least somewhat less pretentious. How's that for progress.

Posted (edited)

I wrote a sort of a personal life statement. I originally titled it "my personal manifesto", but using the word "manifesto" feels like I'm planning to go on a shooting spree, which is exactly the opposite of what I'm trying to convey. This is just the first draft; I'm not actually trying to sell any of the ideas; the goal is just to get something out. Should any of it sound harsh, please read to the end; it's really very uplifting and positive.

(YES I LOVE THE SEMICOLON PORN. I tried to hold back for a while, but then I started reading Rand who nearly spams them. I take a lot of what she says about selfishness, but don't subscribe to the idea that reality is objective. I find the question largely irrelevant and put more emphasis on practicality and faith. You can't get far by reason and emotions alone.)


Post song: VNV Nation - Where There Is Light

Life Statement

1. Observable reality

I exist. I don’t know in what exact sense; I may be a brain floating in a jar, but I am. 

2. Faith (in other people’s existence) 

Other people exist in a same way than I do. I can’t prove it, but life is more meaningful and pleasant this way. I chose to believe it for my own selfish benefit. 

This is helped by the fact that, for the majority of the time, I certainly feel like other people are real; the feeling can be further intensified by socializing & building relationships. 

Faith makes life amazing; the alternative is grim. I chose to believe it for my own selfish benefit.


They have no right to rule over me. I have no right to rule over them. 

They requests are meaningless and are to be disregarded if they go against my selfish interests. 

However because (I choose to believe) they are as real as I am, the same applies for my requests towards them. 

If I say their requests can be disregarded, but my requests should never be, they don’t exist in the same way as I do — they are either inferior or non-existent. 

That would mean that I truly am alone in this existence. This would be extremely difficult to accept and live with. It would also go against my feelings; I feel that other people are equal to me in terms of existing, being real.  

(Ability in specific skills may and does vary, but the nature, value of their conscience is equal to mine.) 


Society is made out of (real) people. As but a single member of it, I can influence it to a degree, but I’m either unable or extremely unlikely to change it in a fundamental way. 

I owe nothing to it and it owes nothing to me. (You owe nothing to the world and it owes nothing to you.) 

My goal is to adapt to it and influence it in ways that I find both suitable and possible.  Asking from the world what it can’t give me can only lead to unhappiness. I accept and understand and chose to thrive inside what’s possible instead of complaining and blaming others or myself. 


All my functioning is a result of predetermined processes. Chemical and physical processes that take place in my brain can all, on some level, be predicted and are therefore, in a way, predetermined. Just because I’m not capable of being aware of their predictability, that doesn’t mean that I have free will. Despite the fact that it feels that way.  

If I choose to lie down and do nothing with my life, dramatically proclaiming that it’s all set in stone anyway, that’s been predetermined. If I choose to deny the notion of determinism and pursue my life goals to my maximum ability, that’s been determined as well. 

It’s all a mental exercise, and the only rational approach is to go with what is most practical. But that choice has already been determined as well. 

The best I can do is, again, have faith. Faith that what’s determined for me is good; that it will bring me both lasting fulfillment and pleasure. 


- Saying that other people exist in the same way that I do may sound redundant. However, how many people actually follow that in their everyday lives? Choosing to believe that other people are just as real as you will make you more likely to treat them with respect and kindness. Not for their sake, but for your selfish interest. 

- Saying that the only thing one should pursue in life is their selfish interest may sound negative and brutish. But the vast majority of people, with the exclusion of sociopaths and the like, are built in a way that gives us pleasure when we do something that benefits others.  

This may not be true in a situation where our personal needs aren’t met, but almost all people automatically turn towards helping others once they’ve built themselves up. The reason for this isn’t some kind of high-minded sacrifice; it’s because it feels good; it appeases their selfish interests.  By choosing to live for yourself and no one else, you will, if successful, turn into a person that’s seemingly acting in the most altruistic manner imaginable.

And you want to be successful for the sake of your own selfish interest. See, it all works out ^^.

Understanding and making peace with that will make the process easier for you and everyone else. 

- Lasting fulfillment must always take priority over momentary pleasure.

Edited by Marquess

Two more things that don't matter so much for this journal I wish to express anyway: I'll start cleaning my past posts a little bit as some of what I wrote is either not what I truly believe in or is poorly presented. The second thing is that I decided to put something that's very important to me on hold yesterday. I didn't expect it to hurt so much, but the fact that I find it so troubling only reaffirms me in knowing that it's worth pursing -- when the time is right in a few months.

Posted (edited)

Lol, this video makes a fine job of making fun of Pokemon GO in a non-aggressive way (well, kinda). It definitely is Gamequitters friendly, and the entire Joe Goes channel is just very good.

I don't think all the jokes about being a virgin have a lot of basis though. The entertaining dork in the video must be more of a persona, an act, since he clearly knows how to relate to people and make them react in a way he wants. There may be a chance I'm not entirely right about this, but I'd say it's slim. This guy is slaying it in spite of his looks.

As for me, I found Pokemon lame as soon as it came out. I wasn't small enough at that point; I'm not sure whether I still had my glorious Game Boy (the original one ofc), but there were better games to play, and the Pokemon thing was just a lame card game or something.

Edited by Marquess
Posted (edited)

Just because you can still buy food in the store and pretend none of this is real, that doesn't mean it isn't coming to you more likely sooner than later. #Nice

Edited by Marquess
Posted (edited)

People talk about how Pokemon GO is great since it makes people go outside.

But that's not the idea behind it; the idea is to make normal people who don't see themselves as gamers (even if they may play some mobile or flash games) play a more serious video game. And what better way to hook them but apart from integrating it with the real world? They don't have to sit at home and feel like sad nerds, it's social, and it can be played anywhere.

Modern games are either about subscriptions and mictoransactions, and for these models to work, the best costumer is an addicted one. The amount of money involved is far, far too massive for any of the gaming companies to care whether they ruin lives.

I find it slightly terrifying how popular this thing's become and how fast. Methods to distract others from meaningful activities are probably as old as civilization, but they're becoming exponentially more advanced and effective. VR is around the corner; it's said to be crap right now, but it's just a matter of time before it becomes a norm, I think.

PS: Why the fuck do children need cellphones? We didn't have cellphones until the 7nd grade of elementary school and we curiously weren't eaten by wild beasts.


This comic encompasses a part of my life statement (found higher up on this page) well; it shows how faith and pragmatism can lead to great things when combined. The flame may be spirits of vengeful dead, but look how well can we use it for hot soup!

(In case you're wondering where all these awesome comics are coming from: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.)

Edited by Marquess

Hey, I'm also frightened how fast this Pokemon GO can grow.

And how many addicts of this already exists, playing 16 hours a day.

And how does it engage not only children/youth but also adults to walk around every place and find virtual things.

And even though it's so difficult to install in Europe, thousands of people are already playing it.

No sense at all.

If you're into conspiracy theories (I'm sheepie so I'm deaf and unaware :D)  than you can probably see, that this kind of apps gets your precised localization, so everytime you're playing it, all other playing (and Google too!) knows your localization.

Where is the whole privacy? Why people get dispose of privacy so easily?

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist


Hey, I'm also frightened how fast this Pokemon GO can grow.

And how many addicts of this already exists, playing 16 hours a day.

And how does it engage not only children/youth but also adults to walk around every place and find virtual things.

And even though it's so difficult to install in Europe, thousands of people are already playing it.

No sense at all.

If you're into conspiracy theories (I'm sheepie so I'm deaf and unaware :D)  than you can probably see, that this kind of apps gets your precised localization, so everytime you're playing it, all other playing (and Google too!) knows your localization.

Where is the whole privacy? Why people get dispose of privacy so easily?

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

Conspiracy theories are only conspiracy theories if they aren't true. There are some conclusions you can make from publicly available data that most people would call insane.


Because that's what personal responsibility is really: the fact that you can only spend so much time and energy on trying to help someone. If we lived in a world of unlimited resources, that wouldn't be an issue.

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