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So a few days back for my 'go to new events & meet new people' challenge,  I asked the local Islam group if I could come along. They said yes and today was the day I got to go and observe them praying. I had no idea what to expect…. There are no mosques here so they have to rent out this small room in an office building at the top of a whole bunch of stairs.  Well it was really interesting, they didn't seem to mind me just sitting at the side looking at them... They were all very friendly, a few came to talk to me afterwards. 


This sounds really cool! I like the idea of understanding other people by looking into their view and way of life. Massive props to you for doing such an interesting experiment!

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  1. OK  inspired by what I read Patch Adams did (ring up wrong numbers to practice relating to people),  I wanted to do a similar thing but with a little twist...
  2. Phone random numbers.... on islands around the world!   
  3. I live on an island so I thought it would be fun to phone other islands :D
  4. To do this I I looked up phone books online for various islands lol then used this website
  5. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/dialing.html to get the country's code and to ensure I was calling at an appropriate time.
  6. I rang far away islands that speak English, and in their phone books I searched for English sounding surnames.  because I wanted to have a conversation in English!!



First I phoned up a 'Hector' in Fiji  --- a very friendly old voice answered the phone. I asked for Hector, the voice said he was at work.   So then I introduced myself to the person on the phone and said I'm calling from an island the other side of the world.... baiscally they ignored that LOL and said you can contact Hector's wife, Millie. And I said oh OK, that would be great. They gave me Millie's number  and to ask for Millie at reception.   .... So I phoned up Millie's   work number, but Millie was not in  ( :o where's Millie? interesting!  A mystery!!!)


MICRONESIA Micronesia1map.png

Next I phoned up a 'Praise'  (cool name!)  in Micronesia ---  a woman answered the phone, I asked for Praise but he was not in. So I told the woman that I'm calling various islands around the world just for a chat, would she like to have a chat?  She sounded puzzled and said she said she had to go to a meeting soon.   I asked her what the weather was like there. She said it was rainy.  hmm, interesting!  Then she said bye. OK, have a good day! :) 


NOBODY HOME ON CHRISTMAS ISLAND!!!!! too busy opening presentschristim.jpg

I reeeeaallly wanted to talk to someone in Christmas Island but couldn't get anyone to pick up - maybe it was too early (7am there) 



Phoned a bunch of numbers in Hawaii and got a load of american accent answering machines


PAPUA NEW GUINEA77fc9ed6b0ff7498f09ca08ce93c2476.jpg


Called up a 'Mary' ----- her doctor answered lol.  The doctor said Mary was at work. I said OK something or other.   darn, should have just talked to the doctor haha!  remember next time...........


Luck running low I return to…. 


  •  A woman picks up the phone. This time I say I'm a student doing a project phoning up various islands around the world  lol  and YES SHE TALKED TO ME.  I could hear her smiling, good sign!!!
  • I asked her questions like, what's the weather like (it was sunny). i told her where I was it was pitch black, almost midnight (lol, I thought maybe this might creep her out?! but she laughed)
  • I asked what's the wildlife like.... I asked her if there were dolphins (in case you were wondering: yes Fiji has dolphins!!!!)
  • I told her about where I live.
  • I told her about all the other islands I had rung and that she's the first person who properly talked to me.
  • I asked her what her favourite thing about living on Fiji is ---- she said the people, they are very friendly, beautiful people  :) yes they definitely are!!!!
  • Then she was talking in a different language. I said huh?  She said she was telling her husband about me lol.
  • Not much more to say, we said our friendly goodbyes, never to talk to each other again!!!!!!  *crying*



Having finally had a successful conversation  I'm going to bed now  :D  


This mission was very fun. You just don't know what's going to happen or who's going to pick up the phone.  It's mind-blowing how we can just call up some stranger on the other side of the world and talk to them.     I'll probably do it again sometime :) oh hang on, the phone bill……...



The phone challenge sounds fun. Very challenging but harmless. And when it doesn't go well and everybody just hangs up on you, at least you dont pay as much ;)


I just committed to something crazy…. :oI'm going to Costa Rica in 2 months …….. I signed up to this clown course lol, I have to dress up in my wackiest clothes and with a bunch of other people we're gonna cruise around hospitals, prisons and stuff, trying to make people smile:) and hopefully Patch Adams will be there to lead us all…..   this will definitely push me wayyyy out my comfort zone!!!!!!!!! and my time zone, and the o-zone layer of my mind. but it's not about me, it's about what I can give for others!!!! <--- that's been an inspiring thought lately.  wow. proud of myself for committing.  I know I'm going to learn so much from this.  I'm gonna have to warm up for it by doing loads more challenges 'til then!!!!! B| 


other stuff

started recording a video of myself talking for a few minutes every day, trying different ways of expressing myself to see what I like, what I can improve

I contacted a few more places to ask about volunteering, I'd like to have more experience working with various people!!!

Today in my car,  waving and smiling at strangers and other cars passing.

Posted (edited)

Today I wanted to find someone who's birthday it was, and give them a wrapped present (a silly painting of the sun lol)....  while being dressed like this






I was prepared to spend 2 hours trying to find someone!!!!:S

Got off the bus into town and just started asking people if it's their birthday today, I asked most people I saw, some were sitting on their own some were walking by. A few times I raised my voice to speak to a crowd of people waiting in a queue or something lollll    I made sure to be very polite and always wished them a lovely day.  Again I was pleasantly surprised that there were no ill feelings -- once I had broke the ice asking them, most people just smiled.

One time there was this french family on a bench and they were like 'no speak english',  I managed to communicate with VERY limited french saying 'Anniversaire??? Vous?????'  the dad said 'aujord-hui? non'  so I was like 'ah ok, merci!!!!!!!'   a large man sitting on another bench laughed loudly overhearing this. THanks duolingo!!!!
Amazingly it only took about 15 minutes to find someone!!  I must have asked around 80-100 people in this time.  It was outside a cafe front with people drinking at tables.  I asked is anyone here celebrating a birthday today -  looked around and yes, a man with a sheepish look said yes he is!!  He was a middle aged gentleman sitting with his wife.  I blew my party whistle and asked really?! wow happy birthday!! I shook his hand and asked his name - it was Roderick :)  So then I said I have a present for you and he looked surprised and I gave it to him along with a red bag.  Then I said before I go there's 1 more thing and I blew a party popper which made him jump lol. it was very loud. it was awkward while i picked up the mess lol. then I wished them a good day.

Mission accomplished!!!!!  on my way home  I got off the bus, blew my party whistle and waved at the driver who smiled. it made a couple of people on the bus laugh B|

The worst part about walking around dressed like a crazy person is definitely that first step out the door and into the world.  After that it gets easier!!??

Edited by usernameforworldpeace!


Today I walked around town backwards.   I was a bit nervous at first and wasn't going to do it, but I knew I had to.  I went down the main street walking backwards while eating my lunch.  Got to the end and was gonna call it a day, but I was like oh what the heck and did it again xD  A few people stared at me but most just seemed to ignore lol,  one time I was sure this guy was filming me so I just smiled and waved :D   I was trying not to laugh because it was quite funny xD



you should have named this journal: prepare to be enterained! :D I definitely am. Thanks for that.

Seriously. I send this journal to all my friends. It's so good!


Hi @usernameforworldpeace!, I've been reading up on your journal, and I'm honestly blown away!

Your desire to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone has really impressed me, and I can relate this to a time earlier this year when I was pushing my boundaries to develop my social skills. I'd like to get back into that mentality and state of mind, and your journal is inspiring me to do so.

Also congratulations on your title of Legend! I've only noticed it today so I might have missed it before, but you certainly deserve it for your efforts on developing yourself.

I'm now following your journal, keep it up man!


Hi @usernameforworldpeace!, I've been reading up on your journal, and I'm honestly blown away!

Your desire to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone has really impressed me, and I can relate this to a time earlier this year when I was pushing my boundaries to develop my social skills. I'd like to get back into that mentality and state of mind, and your journal is inspiring me to do so.

Also congratulations on your title of Legend! I've only noticed it today so I might have missed it before, but you certainly deserve it for your efforts on developing yourself.

I'm now following your journal, keep it up man!

Hey @AlexTheGrape, thanks for taking the time to read and comment.  I'm amazed myself to be honest- I'm like, what, me, did I do that?!?!!!  .I used to pride myself being 100% introvert on personality tests, thinking myself a hermit , hiding in my room- now I'm like, wait, what is this new awesome thing called life, lol?!!! And I'm trying to express my inner-goofball more… still so far to go!!  Thanks again!

you should have named this journal: prepare to be enterained! :D I definitely am. Thanks for that.

Seriously. I send this journal to all my friends. It's so good!

Thank you for all your support!!!

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  1. The other day I emailed a learning disability charity about volunteering, and this evening they were having a BBQ so I went along and introduced myself. Met some super people and definitely got to practice conversation here!!!!  I even joined in with some of the folks singing karaoke for a bit. I want to get to the point where I do that sort of thing and don't feel at all self-conscious. I could feel I was holding back, but it was a good step- I mean, I actually joined in! They're having a film night next week.


  • Earlier today I was in town. With no challenges planned you'd think I'd feel relaxed but I actually felt a bit empty, like 'aww shucks, I can't be silly!'  So I ended up doing some more backwards walking lol. And I saw some fish in the harbor, so I asked some passerbys "can you see the fish?" pointing at them, trying to start some chats.  I felt better after expressing myself in these ways!

clipart-fish-3fca.png clipart-fish-0573.png 65-flashy_fish.png

"can you see the fish??????"   me--->мо-о-ой-указывать-очер<---stranger


Today is Tom Hanks' 60th birthday so I wore a party hat to celebrate lol, I wore it to the shop then to the conservation volunteers group. It was interesting seeing how people responded, some people asked about it and others didn't mention it.  It was a very good conversation starter because then we would always talk about Tom Hanks films and our favourite ones lol. The question is, which 1 to watch today?? Sir Doctor Tom Hanks, if you're reading this - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!:x

Yesterday I got to go along to this alzheimer's charity sing-a-long. I helped a bit with the teas and they introduced me to the group, I sat with them and we sang all the old-time songs and did the hokey-kokey lol. I loved the senses of humour they had. I was a bit shy and would have liked to have talked with the old folks more. 

Still attempting the 21-day no complaint challenge, I got to day 3 once--- back on day 1 atm!!   

  1. picgifs-tom-hanks-956510.gif

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