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Journal entry #41

Days game free: 18
Procrastination free: 2

No procrastination for now. Although, something popped up and at first, I've panicked, that I won't get it done this week, that I simply don't have enough time; I've shook myself up and started working on it. Now I see that although it's hard, it can be done. I just can't allow myself to procrastinate.


Weekly goal:  make all scheduled accountability plans

Monthly goal(October): expand my website, write at least one article a week

Long term goal(deadline: end of year 2016): learn website programming/start making income from this


Thank you for sharing your story! I joined today and it kept me going trough an early relapse. Especially your newly posted to-do lists... I work exactly the same except I always had to move points from my list to the next day. (55 hours of work piled up now..). I'll keep following.

Posted (edited)

Thank you @Terra for your interest! Link in post.

It's interesting practice with that piling, @Yellow. How is it working for you now? 

Journal entry #42

Days game free: 26
Procrastination free: 0

Yesterday after workout, I've procrastinated on watching films. I need to cut it down, because I waste time on it, instead of doing something productive. Goal for today: install website block program and ban all those series websites.

Check my website: www.slickthought.wordpress.com which I was asked for many times. For now I have only one article there, but I'm committed to post there weekly.

Edited by Piotr

Journal entry #43

Days game free: 27
Procrastination free: 1

Just a quick entry before my workout. I've installed redirector add-on, so whenever I want to open tv series website it re directs me to JavaScript tutorial. This is a good reminder, on what I should really be focused. Beside that, I've done some big housekeeping, what wasn't really on my schedule. Today, hit me a desire to create a product based on which I could run my own company. Although a beautiful dream, I don't think I could be another Steve Jobs.


I like the article. I have read a lot of selfhelp books lately and share your opinion. I don't know why everyone has to lead a special life these days. Nobody wants to be normal anymore. Though I find a normal life to be more favourable. In the end, happiness does not come from success, but from good relationships. 


I totally understand what you guys are saying. I've said it myself many times. Some people are happy with "so little", while others have "so much" and can't be happy. Not everyone was born to be Michael Jackson, or as you said, Steve Jobs.

But if you keep comparing yourself to others, you will find yourself frustrated more often than you think. More than that, you will never feel happy or fulfilled.

I can't help but remember what Simone Biles said when she was compared to Michael Phelps: "I'm not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I'm the first Simone Biles."


I can't help but remember what Simone Biles said when she was compared to Michael Phelps: "I'm not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I'm the first Simone Biles."

Simone Biles is so awesome! The more I learn about her the bigger my respect for her grows.


It's great to hear that you like it and find it useful! 

Journal entry #45

Days game free: 31
Procrastination free: 0

I've forgot how soul-healing was listening to music before sleep for me. This really helps me fall asleep and not to overthink some thoughts. As the latter, really kills me. 

To much neglecting learning JavaScript. I need to improve my focus. Especially now where more studying comes in its way. 


I usually listen to TheHonestGuys on youtube before sleep. I fall in sleep so much quicker while listening to them and the meditation/sleep talkdowns are really relaxing.

Let's make today an awesome day buddy!


Journal entry #46

Days game free: 32
Procrastination free: 1

I've read all my journal entries to get a little overview on how things changed. I can see a major improvement in therms of quitting games. Completed detox, withstood cravings, changed my focus from games to life and although I've relapsed two times I was strong enough to get up and fight again. Now I don't see games as something I can't live without, they are completely out of my interest. What replaced them, is working towards a better life, focusing on everyday goals, rising bar and facing difficulties instead of escaping them.

Although growth can be seen, I think that I need to improve my focus on more important matters. Being man, is not only about gender or age, it's about taking responsibility for my actions, where I should cut the crap and get more from life. Replacing tv series with Think and Grow Rich techniques, seems like a good start.


Journal entry #46

Days game free: 32
Procrastination free: 1

Going strong with weekly tasks. Yesterday, I wrote my plan/affirmation as advised in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It's really helpful, because with it, I had no problem to focus on my goal. Thank you @Robin for mentioning TheHonestGuys, their guided relaxation is really a positive thing!


Journal entry #47

Days game free: 33
Procrastination free: 2

Productive day. Every task for today, crossed out on my list.
Lots of positive communication with colleagues.

More positive and developing knowledge applied as mindset.
Going strong!


Journal entry #46

Days game free: 32
Procrastination free: 1

Going strong with weekly tasks. Yesterday, I wrote my plan/affirmation as advised in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It's really helpful, because with it, I had no problem to focus on my goal. Thank you @Robin for mentioning TheHonestGuys, their guided relaxation is really a positive thing!

Is "Think and Grow Rich" worth a read? I borrowed it from the local library and gave it a try, but it felt rather silly (probably because of the translation to Swedish). To me it sounded like he only repeated a bunch of nonsense.

Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh and give it another, this time honest, try?


@Simon E I think it's all about retrieving useful information. For me this book is silly when it comes to "mystical" shit, like dream it and it will come, connect with ultimate mind(I don't know how it was referenced in the English version but I think you know what I'm talking about) which will give you answers, etc.
But for me it's genuine when it comes to topics like planning, co-working, changing your mindset and focus.
Again, some things works for others, some don't... The thing is to find what works for you.

Greetings, Piotr.


Journal entry #48

Days game free: 40
Procrastination free: 3

Lost consistency with my journal. Some kind of anxiety holds me since few days... This weird fear regarding many areas of my life. It's good that mediation gives temporary relief...


Journal entry #48

Days game free: 40
Procrastination free: 3

Lost consistency with my journal. Some kind of anxiety holds me since few days... This weird fear regarding many areas of my life. It's good that mediation gives temporary relief...

Accountibility is back!

You should try out writing on daily basis, unless you want to get virtual kick from you accountibility! :D

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist


Journal entry #49

Days game free: 43
Procrastination free: 2

I have a burning desire for being successful. I want to create a change, which will have a positive impact on human history. But in what field? What should I do? Is quitting games, with daily habits enough to trigger such achievement or is the whole gamequitters thing just a start? I want an answer to appear in my life.


Journal entry #49

Days game free: 43
Procrastination free: 2

I have a burning desire for being successful. I want to create a change, which will have a positive impact on human history. But in what field? What should I do? Is quitting games, with daily habits enough to trigger such achievement or is the whole gamequitters thing just a start? I want an answer to appear in my life.

You should try as many different activities as possible to see the answer. We'll talk about it more on our call tomorrow :)



I would just like to say that your dedication to living your best life, and to leaving a mark on this world, well it's inspiring, to tell you the truth. It really is. You're pursuing your dreams with laser like focus, and I respect that.

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