Hello Colin! That fantasy world gaved you more joy than real life and all the problems presented there were much more easy to deal with. Colors and pixels. So why we get addicted to a chair, why do we miss that? Humans search for happiness, they all need affection and affirmation. In a world full of " Me ", " I ", " Myself ", is hard to fill this gap without love, so we run to a virtual world, where being nice is much more accesible ( some coins, assistances, good advices, encouragements, guilds, friends, and so on ). In some parts of the globe, people are cold, there is a lack of love; they get some love from their parents and lovers, but in most of the cases this is not enought. So they try to buy love with fame and money. Having more money, doing something that can attract more attention ( like a sport to pump you up, a hobby, a well paid job etc ) can help greatly here. You seem like a nice and sensible guy, so for the moment, i reccomend listening to music more often. Music that we love, can change our mood in a matter of seconds!