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Entry 9.10

Day 739: No Useless Videos
Day 736Sticking to Food schedule
Day 339: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 44: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-8 pomdoroos
-Managing to withdraw money from atm machine
-75% effort run

1 thing I could do  better
-Withdraw cash from atm in advance of going to fruit shop

So what happened today?

approx 04 00 05 30 morning routine
05 30 07 50 approx run with a bit of extra running upstairs and drinking water
07 50 08 50 blog approx
(all times estimated
08 50 14 00 call banc plus poop to find out how to use card, take out all trash including recycle, prep bike and bags, go to fruit shop, try to figure out bank card in shop, go to atm machine, go back to fruitshop, go to carrefour to buy fruit not peeler but maker of smaller fruit, eventually ended up buying just oliuve oil and peas there, going to mercadfona, placing stuff In fridge. 40 min prep food. To be continued, later i spent 4 hours more eating and doing a transfer to apt. owner(to be continued in more detail

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food schedule update 9-23.10 everything remains the same apart for me being allowed to eat 2 carrots instead of 1 since they're small. also am going to do a nut purchase online again so it seems, may update if anything changes then. (the schedule doesn't include 23.10 itself


Entry 10.10

Day 740: No Useless Videos
Day 737: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 340: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 45: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-12 pomdoroos
-Putting another transfer for my apartment owner for the bills after the one i accidentally transferred to the wrong person
-filing a complaint at police station

1 thing I could do  better
-Be a bit more mindful during breaks, note timer, do not put it for 25 minutes instead t 5 so that it would beep and get me out of my trans

23 hours ago, Yan said:

Entry 9.10

Day 739: No Useless Videos
Day 736Sticking to Food schedule
Day 339: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 44: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-8 pomdoroos
-Managing to withdraw money from atm machine
-75% effort run

1 thing I could do  better
-Withdraw cash from atm in advance of going to fruit shop

So what happened today?

approx 04 00 05 30 morning routine
05 30 07 50 approx run with a bit of extra running upstairs and drinking water
07 50 08 50 blog approx
(all times estimated
08 50 14 00 call banc plus poop to find out how to use card, take out all trash including recycle, prep bike and bags, go to fruit shop, try to figure out bank card in shop, go to atm machine, go back to fruitshop, go to carrefour to buy fruit not peeler but maker of smaller fruit, eventually ended up buying just oliuve oil and peas there, going to mercadfona, placing stuff In fridge. 40 min prep food. To be continued, later i spent 4 hours more eating and doing a transfer to apt. owner(to be continued in more detail

So at about 16 i did an accidental transfer to the wrong person of 44 eur, the next hour i spent trying to understand what to d, calling bank, calling police, then i realized i need to finish eating before 18 and i must do it now and not together with pomodorosor else i will not finish so another hour passed from 17 to 18
Then once i finished I continued focusing for another hour on trying to get the person to whom i sent the transfer to return it, and talking with apartment owner about it.

19 to 21 working on pomodoros.... 

Will continue description tomorrow, I'm trying to understand what I could do differently to avoid this day where I wasted some 7 hours...


Entry 11.10

Day 741: No Useless Videos
Day 738: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 341: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 46: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-16 pomodoros
-continuing my workout while waiting for bank appointment
-calmly reacting to apartmentmates emotional boom

1 thing I could do  better
-plan out spi participation in livestream


Entry 12.10

Day 742: No Useless Videos
Day 739: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 342: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 47: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-16 pomodoros
-morning workout
-going to bed earlier

1 thing I could do  better
-if real estate takes too much time away and I do not see it as a quick deal, or it might hinder my main goal, leave it be and go for a lower return investment

  • Like 1

Entry 13.10

Day 743: No Useless Videos
Day 740: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 343: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 48: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-11 pomodoros
-morning workout
-going to bed earlier yet again which is in line with the value of health. focusing on 7.5 hrs sleep net. (8 with organizations)

1 thing I could do  better
-yesterday's note makes sense. I think I'm gonna exchange the book on real estate I started listening to on audible, it seems like a science, not a one and done thing, it hurts a lot but If I focus on two things, both will suffer. better do 1 thing at a time

On 10/7/2024 at 2:39 AM, D_Cozy said:

What timers do you use for Pomodoro? I.e. do you work 25min and then take a break for 5min, or something modified?

I've been practicing Pomodoro at work mainly and find it to be tremendously helpful, but find that I had to customize it depending on what task I'm working on. So that is why I ask, out of curiosity.

I do 25 minute blocks, with 3-5 minutes in between, and every 3-5 pomodors another 15-30 minutes break

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Entry 14.10

Day 744: No Useless Videos
Day 741: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 344: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 49: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-12 pomodoros
-1hr 40 min run
-repaying debt for mobile

1 thing I could do  better
-go through day as scheduled, going to sleep at 22 because that's what I wrote in schedule... Anyway, |I won't have todeal with this problem hopefully anymore since hopefully tomorrow will do a weekly schedule

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Entry 14.10 (All posts that are titled as 9.10-14.10 actually need to move 1 day back, since the 9.10 post as accidentally written instead of 8.10, from there it was a great error)
Day 745: No Useless Videos
Day 742: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 345: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 50: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-16 pomodoros
-morning workout
-Made a blood test appointment even though it took 1 hour

1 thing I could do  better
-Perhaps publish the post half-baked when I see I'm again sinking in perfectionism? (It is not really half-baked? A matter of perspective...)


Entry 15.10 
Day 746: No Useless Videos
Day 743: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 346: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 51: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-13 pomodoros
-blood test
-cooking quite effectively ( for the week, today's dinner was quite slow)

1 thing I could do  better
-perhaps omit shower before blood test


Entry 16.10 
Day 747: No Useless Videos
Day 744: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 347: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 52: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-13 pomodoros
-quickly reacted to the fact that i remembered that b12 fasting for 3 days is needed before a blood test of it by rescheduling the test even though it was changes for the sam de da(I usually don't change the same day in the same day)
-continuing an evening routine which reinforce the priority of 8 hrs devoted to sleep on average

1 thing I could do  better
-locate the food plastic containers on the floor on pieces of paper when I was moving the quinoa from the big bag to the boxes (I had a 5kg bag hat arrived to me with holes) I made a mess on the kitchen counter which was much harder to clean than it would have been on the floor) I think I could have saved 30 minutes there at least...  Probably more)


Entry 17.10 
Day 748: No Useless Videos
Day 745: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 348: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 53: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-16 pomodoros
-1hr 40 min run
-Moving one plastic container's qinoa into jar from peanut butter. quite creative, thus freeing up one box (I have many of them full because a 5kg quinoa came with holes fro it's delivery, so i moved all of the quinoa to those boxes and now I have a lack)

1 thing I could do  better
-stick to the 3-5, 15-30 pomodoro windows


Entry 18.10 
Day 749: No Useless Videos
Day 746: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 349: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 54: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-17 pomodoros
-Improved pomodoro pauses as a result of yesterday's entry
-15-ish minutes in the sun absorbing vitaminD

1 thing I could do  better
-stick to the 3-5, 15-30 pomodoro windows


Entry 19.10 
Day 750: No Useless Videos
Day 747: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 350: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 55: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-16 pomodoros
-Started on taking someactionon SPI course
-continued sun exposure for absorbing vitamin D

1 thing I could do  better
-I think look less at parking lots?I'm getting carried away with this all the time, this real estate investment thing...


Entry 20.10 
Day 751: No Useless Videos
Day 748: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 351: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 56: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-13 pomodoros
-washed glassjar of leftover peanut butter
- the same 3rd day in a row continued sun exposure for absorbing vitamin D

1 thing I could do  better
-Don't chill too much after going to toilet, and finish everything faster


Entry 21.10 
Day 752: No Useless Videos
Day 749: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 352: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 57: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-14 pomodoros
-took my own advice of yesterday, and applied it with today's blood test, I know it's something I'm afraid of, but even though I didn't use my hand where I got it extracted, I tried to do stuff quite quickly No feeling sorry for myself or letting myself "take it easy"
- 4th day sun exposure

1 thing I could do  better
-Stick to schedule without entering to a real estate store unplanned

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Entry 22.10 
Day 753: No Useless Videos
Day 750: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 353: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 58: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-7 pomodoros
-sent masmovil change identity request
- quickly clean food that fell on floor

1 thing I could do  better
-order food instead of begetting it myself or go to 1 store instead of 3


Food Schedule update 23.10-06.11 (Not including 06.11)

Cucumber 0.5 unit
Tomatoes 3 units
Avocado 150g
Edamame 120g - compensating for reduced peanutbutter I guess
Brazil 10g - changed because too much selenium
Tahini 33g
Peanut Butter 30g - Interchangeable with 30g almonds - reduced peanutbutter because I saw the top limit for it is 32g that's recommended + it might be the cause of my eczema that's why i plan to alternate it with Almonds)
Dates 60g

Apple 1 Unit
Flax seeds 16g
Chia 20g
Quinoa 40g (Raw measurement, although I eat it cooked)
cranberries  17g - interchangeable with raisins
raisins 10g
Chlorella 3g
Almonds 30g 
Walnuts 25g (Alternating with and 33g tahini and flax seeds, test how it feels 1 day for walnuts, the other flax and tahini)

Banana 1 unit
Carrot 2 units
Peas 130g
Edamame 120g
Olive oil 60g
LEntils 70g (Raw measurement, although I eat it cooked)
cranberries 17g - interchangeable with raisins
raisins 10g
Almonds 35g (May omit these almonds in favor of 35g peanut butter at breakfast, if i decide i continue taking it)
Coconut oil 30g

Note: Peanut butter is to be alternated only If I see after 4-5 days of alternating walnuts that eczema persists


Entry 23.10 
Day 754: No Useless Videos
Day 751: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 354: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 59: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-10 pomodoros
-morning workout
-absorbing sun some more

1 thing I could do  better
-if something is not in schedule, do not do it. stick to schedule


Entry 24.10 
Day 755: No Useless Videos
Day 752: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 355: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 60: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-11 pomodoros
-morning workout
-checking out some garage property

1 thing I could do  better
-should have paid more attention that I'm eating the unplanned walnuts.

  • Like 1

Entry 25.10 
Day 756: No Useless Videos
Day 753: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 356: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 61: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-13 pomodoros
-morning workout
-removed walnuts and chia and tahini from today's nutrition because yesterday I ate both accidentally (Without noticing, just went on with habits and noticed only when i almost finished with walnuts)

1 thing I could do  better
-First finish my main goal of 16 pomodoros then all the rest (Apart for staying in sun)

  • Like 1

Entry 26.10 
Day 757: No Useless Videos
Day 754: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 357: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 62: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-13 pomodoros 
-morning workout yet again
-changed my cellphone contract

1 thing I could do  better
-Avoid mid-day tasks (even thoughchanging phonecontract is a good thing, it took me more than an hour, which resulted in not reaching the 16 pomodoro goal....


Entry 27.10 
Day 758: No Useless Videos
Day 755: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 358: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 63: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-17 pomodoros 
-Running in the rain when its cold
-cleaned one burned pot

1 thing I could do  better
-Avoid reading news if they don't impact me directly


Entry 28.10 
Day 759: No Useless Videos
Day 756: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 359: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 64: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-16 pomodoros 
-Morning workout
-Started a new routine in my creative work, aiming for more bite-sized publications

1 thing I could do  better
-Have clear indications when to exchangemney both in long and short term, to avoid thinking 30 minutes whether to do it

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