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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Entry 31.8 ( Written on 1.9)

Day 700: No Useless Videos
Day 699: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 301: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 7: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-Morning workout
-having devoted a boatload of time to finishing yearly finance report
-At least 6 pomodoros =/

1 thing I could do better
-Again i get carried away with Duo, I need to remember that while it is not inherently harmful, it does hinder my long term goals. I must remember my first priority which is the pomodoros


Entry 1.9 ( Written on 2.9)

Day 701: No Useless Videos
Day 700: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 302: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 8: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-1hr 40 min run
-8 pomodoros
-Handing in finance report

1 thing I could do better
-Stick to pomodoro timeframes. At one point I just stopped doing pauses and spent 1.5 hour straight on trying to call representatives of the Local "I.R.S" so to speak so that they help me better udnerstand what sort of formular I should fill in
I better make these pauses at least so that I have documented how I use my time


Entry 2.9 ( Written on 3.9)

Day 702: No Useless Videos
Day 701: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 303: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 9: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-prepared food for next day
-morning workout
-managed to still ind a benc to sleep on beore 23l15 despite being at te airport tus maintaining te streak

1 thing I could do better
-Planned the next day as usual despite the flight. when one does not plan the day a boatload o time is lost


Entry 3.9 ( Written on 4.9)

Day 703: No Useless Videos
Day 701: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 304: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 10: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-looked for stores to store food in their fridge at the airport thus possibly saving my  day's meals
-4 pomodoros at the very least
-rapidly going to train and making possibly because of it saving a lot of commute time
1 thing I could do better
-same as yesterday - Planned the next day as usual despite the flight. when one does not plan the day a boatload of time is lost

Posted (edited)

Food Schedule Update (3.09-17.09) not including 17.9

Everything remains the same, apart for some adjustments because there were things lacking at the store or too expensive or it was unreasonable to buy them for 3 days, like a whole big cabbage... and also the next purchase is going to be in an unfamiliar place again
so starting 6.9 i allow myself to have one more change till the 9.9

so for now the additions are - 150g peas instead of 130|

70g lentils instead of 40g quinoa

60g raisins instead of dates

60g peeled edamame insted of shelled

oranges instead of apple and cabbage

all the rest remains the same


all this is to be reversed once I'm back in Spain unless something unexpected occurs during the grocery purchase yet again (Since there were a lot of changes, I allow myself to write updates here during the first breakfast i make during this plan and lunch, just in case i made any errors and forgot to mention something, if not, it holds.,


Changes after purchase in England - 07-september

-35g dry lentils equals 100g of shelled edamame or 60g of peeled edamame allowed to be interchanged since the store didn't have edamame

-peaas 170g a day allowed

-oil is some sort o combined oil not clearly olie oil 1 per 1

-2 tomatoes allowed instead of 1

-1 and a half carrots are allowed instead of 1

-bananas up to 2 allowed

Hopefully I didn't forget anything... if I did - today may still add critical changes

Changes after purchase in Spain - 11-September (Although purchase was made on 10th)
The only thing that needs to be changed is that instead of an orange I may eat 1 grapefruit + cucumbers will be eaten half a day since they were larger..

Edited by Yan
clarifications/changes after Spain purchase

Entry 4.9 ( Written on 5.9)

Day 704: No Useless Videos
Day 702: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 305: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 11: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-27 hour-ish fast
-4 pomodoros at the very least
-Devoted 1 hour to deciding  whether join SPI's All Access Pass because of their promotion, even though I decided negatively
1 thing I could do better
-Drink more water, I think the fact I have been fasting with the added fact that I forgot to drink water after workout added up into a lot worst of a decision making on top of me being in another country of course. It took me around 3 hours to do groceries instead of the planned 1.5 hours (Including commutes)


Entry 5.9 ( Written on 6.9)

Day 705: No Useless Videos
Day 703: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 306: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 12: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-1hr and 40min tempo run
-9 pomodoros
-30 minute walk with father. i think this was important since i've been in germany for 3 days, at least once i'll get to talk to him a bit in this short period, so that it wouldn't be in vain
1 thing I could do better
-i think it's been enough time i've been journaliong the next day for the previous one, the best way to do it is journal in the evening at the end of the day + make sure the next day is completely planned before starting it. not only half way


Entry 6.9 ( Written on 7.9)

Day 708: No Useless Videos
Day 705: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 308: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 13: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-Gone to airport in advance to pass check-in as planned
-Made in time for the public transport I planned to get on both bus and train in the morning on the way to airport
-Gonr to checkout the half marathon track which is planned for sunday
1 thing I could do better
-Still do GQ in the evening


Entry 7.9 ( Written on 8.9)

Day 709: No Useless Videos
Day 706: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 309: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 14: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-Morning workout 
-Found everything that was needed aprox 2 hrs in the shop
-at least 2 pomodoros 


1 thing better

- still the same... Gq in evening


Entry 8.9 ( Written on 9.9)

Day 710: No Useless Videos
Day 707: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 310: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 15: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-My first official half-marathon competition 🙂
-4 hour "tour" walking around the city eith the family
-Managing to eat all my meals on time before 19 despite going out with


1 thing better

- dunno how many more times I'll have to erite it, but GQ in the evening

Posted (edited)

Entry 9.9 ( Written on 10.9)

Day 711: No Useless Videos
Day 708: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 311: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 16: Being in bed before 23:15
( I went to sleep 21 15 aprox england time and woke up 23 27 Spain time so I guess it must count as if i was "in bed/sleeping befiore 23:15)

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-Quickly organized all my stuff to leave the apartment on check-out time despite having quite a short notice from father and still managing to stuff in a workout 
-Thrown out 3 plastic food containers which cost approximately 1.4 euros to reduce risk of being noticed at the gate with my big bag and denied boarding. (which could potentially cost 70 Euros. (On the wayy there it almost happened
-At the very least 2 pomodoros =/


1 thing I could do  better

- Still GQ in the evening (Although I didn't have internet I could've done it offline and posted it later)

Edited by Yan
made remark next to sleeping daycount UNboldened

Entry 10.9 ( Written on 11.9)

Day 712: No Useless Videos
Day 709: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 312: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 17: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-Morning full workout
-made a purchase for two weeks
-At the very least 2 pomodoros yet again =/


1 thing I could do  better

- Still GQ in the evening.


Entry 11.9

Day 713: No Useless Videos
Day 710: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 313: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 18: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-GQ in the evening
-11 pomodoros
-continued progress on request for refund and compensation with the train company that denied my boarding when moving to Spain


1 thing I could do  better

- Interchange GQ to be done before daily plan (Do that tomorrow in the daily plan wich is currently written before GQ 😉 )


Entry 12.9

Day 714: No Useless Videos
Day 711: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 314: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 19: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-GQ in the evening
-14 pomodoros!!!


1 thing I could do  better

- Interchange GQ to be done before daily plan yet again forgot that


Entry 13.9

Day 715: No Useless Videos
Day 712: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 315: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 20: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-GQ in the evening yet again
-16 Pomodoros! Am I on the wave or what? 😉
-Began process of application for SPI pro


1 thing I could do  better
-Maybe I should generally do less "one slide" presentations... This way the program will be less stuck because of less animations on the same slide and thus everything may be done quicker.


Entry 14.9

Day 716: No Useless Videos
Day 713: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 316: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 21: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-GQ in the evening yet again
-14 Pomodoros
-Finished process of application for SPI pro


1 thing I could do  better
-brushed teeth before dozing off in the afternoon


Entry 15.9 (Written on 15.9 but site didn't work so posting today)

3 things i did well today
19 pomodoros
4 am wake up and early morning run at 75% effort about 21km
Trying out super suggestion from the book

1 thing I could do better
-make time for nap in schedule not i ¨I feel tired"


Entry 16.9

Day 718: No Useless Videos
Day 715: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 318: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 23: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-Cooking for the whole week
-13 Pomodoros
-Finished 3rd review + put video ti export


1 thing I could do  better
-I do not yet know exactly how but I must do something more effective, cook day takes a BOATLOAD of time


Pre-Entry Note:
Focus on changing food schedule more frequently until I see a reduction in after breakfast sleepiness, possibly doing weekly check in my bi-weekly plan (Including changing the bi-weekly plan now too of course, I should've done it a long time ago, as I need less calories and am lacking Iodine because i didn't find cranberries, Vitamin D 'cause I reversed my sitting in sun habit, but didn't reinitiate my Portobello eating, Iron and Calcium I suppose cause I replaced Tahini which I didn't find in store with peanut butter. And possibly need to reduce brazil nuts which I increased to finish them before flight but- didn't restore to original, among other things which I possibly do not exactly recall now


Entry 17.9

Day 719: No Useless Videos
Day 716: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 319: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 24: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small

-2hr 20 min run light into a completely unknown place with lots of turns, and managing to remember how to return 😉
-12 pomodoros at least =/
-Call with channel jumpstart for a potential educational program/course


1 thing I could do  better
-The results of weekly food plan seem to show I do't need that mny calories, but I'm underweight the last time I checked... Need to ask my apartment mate if he has a weightscale to re-check myself. If I am indeed underweight than need to take that into account, and If I reduce calorie intake watch my weight closely so as not to disappear.

Free text: 
-for now it seems I'll reduce 120g of peanut butter and eat 30g tahini instead, we'll see.
-need to find a place to order cranberries for cheap
- and what vitamin d source to take or a routine of sun exposure.
-Also need to check if the chlorella i've been consuming works for B-12 va a blood test


Entry 18.9

Day 720: No Useless Videos
Day 717: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 320: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 25: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-Morning workout
-17 pomodoros
-23.5 hrs fast


1 thing I could do  better
-write detailed food schedule (actually there are not so many changes but I think I'll just go for 60grams of peanut butter at breakffast instead of 120g, and keep track of y weight so as not to disappear, cause i consume 1500 cals on breakfast and 800-900 in other meals so it seems that could very well be the reason i feel extremely sleepy after breakfast, but do I really need those calories (I do run half marathons on high/low intensity variating 3 times a week but how much calories do I really need for it?


Entry 19.9

Day 721: No Useless Videos
Day 718: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 321: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 26: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-1hr 40 min run 75%
-15 pomodoros


1 thing I could do  better
-apartment conversation must fit in the alotted time, if not, the remainder of things is moved to next week

7 hours ago, Yan said:

Entry 19.9

Day 721: No Useless Videos
Day 718: Sticking to Food schedule
Day 321: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 26: Being in bed before 23:15

3 Things I did well no matter how small
-1hr 40 min run 75%
-15 pomodoros


1 thing I could do  better
-apartment conversation must fit in the alotted time, if not, the remainder of things is moved to next week

Hi Yan, 


I am happy to see that you have not played for 721 days! could you please explain some of your strategies that helped you stay away from video games for such a long time?


I am struggling to keep up on my detox. thank you. 

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3 hours ago, Mohammad said:

Hi Yan, 


I am happy to see that you have not played for 721 days! could you please explain some of your strategies that helped you stay away from video games for such a long time?


I am struggling to keep up on my detox. thank you. 

Thanks so much for your interest. Will do up to 3 days 😉


Food schedule update 17.9-1.10 (not including 1.10)
 For now everything stays the same, BUT on 24.9 I'll make a purchase and look for replacements of Iodine, vitamin D and Tahini instead of pnb.(I may then change the plan accordingly seeing whether I'm still underweight and checking out different store options) Also I plan to take a blood test before then(24.9) and weigh myself at my new medical insurance branch
(Need to find it first 😉)

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