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I had a great time today. I spent my time productively and with friends. The best moment of the day was going to watch a Romeo and Juliet play that people in my school have prepared for nearly a year now. It was epic!

Great to hear you had a good day! And you're so grateful each day! That's so inspiring!

Hope that you'll get the job you've been interviewed about today! What kind of job is that?

Thanks man! The job interview was for a cleaning company. I'm interested in trying out a variety of new jobs just because that way I'm able to get a lot of experience and perspective. Cleaning is a hard work I'm sure but I bet I can learn a ton from it! Let's hope for the best. :)

30 pages on your journal..


I'll be in a hundred in no time! xD

Today I'm grateful for:

  • The play
  • My teachers for making a dance performance
  • Good progress in physics
  • Writing my thoughts on my personal journal
  • Positive and productive people


Yesterday was May day and I was out partying with my friends. Today has been more of a resting day. The best thing that happened today was seeing friends and relatives.

A story of my friend gave me food for thought. He recently turned 18 and in these one and a half months he has already spent 200 euros on bars and drinking. From this I got an idea to allow myself 25 euros a month for bars and drinks. I have a pocket in my wallet for that money so the limit is in an easy tangible form. This way I don't have to worry about spending too much.

I've got to say that I miss my gym exercise. At the moment it and Bjj just can't make it in the same schedule. It's a hard choice between them.

An okay day, time to get some rest.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Chatting with my friend
  • Soviet Unions national anthem
  • Fun conversations
  • Meeting a lot of my friends yesterday, most of them are doing great
  • Beautiful weather today




Today I did a good decision to train Bjj even though I felt tired. Today has been mostly the usual reflection, studying, cooking and exercising. The best thing that happened today was landing a cool sweep we practiced, in a spar. It's so cool to land it just after practicing it! xD

I took a quest to go this month without drinking alcohol. To be honest it would worry me if I wouldn't be able to not drink for a month. This was a quick decision but I will take it no less seriously.

I'll focus on my conversational skills this month as well. This week it's all about listening. It's mainly about not interrupting, being interested in the other person and guiding the conversation forward. This is very basic, simple and good. 

That's freakin' awesome attitude! Try every activity/job you can to gain experience and find out what you want to do in your life!

 Thanks man! I'm sure experience will be worth it!


You could try some bodyweighttraining at home. In this case you would use the time you otherwise had to drive/walk to the fitness studio.

Thank you for the idea! I'll keep it in mind. It's just that I miss the heavy squats, bench and deadlifts :-(( 

Today I'm grateful for:

  • This month leaving more time for leisure activities
  • Banana bread turned out delicious
  • Daring Greatly! I'm re-reading it and boy is it good.
  • Antibiotics and disinfecting liquids
  • Playing

Today I did a good decision to train Bjj even though I felt tired. 

Hey @SpiNips, I can certainly relate to this! Some of the best exercise workouts are the ones that you don't necessarily feel like doing but grind through regardless, I've had a couple of gym sessions like that over the past few months xD



A good day! Keeping up with basic habits. The best thing today was us, tutors sharing the experiences of the past year.

I missed time with friends when I decided to train. I think I shouldn't think it this way – What am I losing. Instead I should look it from a positive viewpoint. I exercised, learned useful new moves, and most importantly built momentum with training BJJ.

Daring Greatly. YES! Maybe you can share some of your favorite quotes or insights from it here for others.

Oh, what a great idea. I'll try to see if I find some that fit this journal well! :)

Today I did a good decision to train Bjj even though I felt tired. 

Hey @SpiNips, I can certainly relate to this! Some of the best exercise workouts are the ones that you don't necessarily feel like doing but grind through regardless, I've had a couple of gym sessions like that over the past few months xD

That's true! Looking it beyond the tiredness to see what's actually good for you. Due to holidays I'll have time to go to gym as well. ^_^

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Studying hard
  • Prepped meals for today from yesterday
  • Van Halen, Whitesnake and Eric Johnson combo
  • Small little leaves on trees
  • Plenty of time to sleep tonight


Today was great! The best moment of the day was sharing some feelings and ideas with my friend. We both had thought the same kind of ideas and gave each other plenty food for thought. It was a really moving moment.

I'm still sticking with my no drinking policy. Today I saved around 15 euros not drinking and still had a great time with my friends. This is good.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Great conversations
  • A new pillow
  • Finding lost glasses
  • Playing with football
  • The door wasn't locked when I came home


Today was a very social day. I played football and a Finnish version of baseball and hung out with my friends pretty much the whole day. The best moment of the day was playing football!

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Chopin, Nocturno 9 op 2
  • Being able to help my friends
  • Seeing my improvement in chess
  • Sun cream
  • The warm and awesome wather


Today had it's ups and downs. The morning was for some reason exhausting but doing little things like writing about my feelings, cleaning and taking a nap cheered me up quite significantly. Today's best moment was experiencing the quick change in my mood after managing the little things and listening to Foo Fighters.

I found that with my attempt to stay alcohol free for this month it's useful to think about it as avoiding alcohol each day for 30 days. When I think of the events I might miss during this month it feels much harder a challenge to complete than just working it in day-sized sections.

There is some emotional baggage that I need to notice and work through.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Avocados that ripen fast
  • Playing Africa's Star with my friends
  • Making progress in physics
  • Having time to organize my own stuff
  • My family helping me to reach a more positive state of mind


Today was great! This little break from school has been awesome! I played football, cooked and celebrated my friend's birthday alcohol free. The best moment of the day was cycling in the evening. It felt as if I was in some middle European country, it was warm and atmospheric.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Spotting some nasty self-talk
  • Getting home earlier
  • Writing about feelings
  • Meeting new people
  • Gorgonzola filled smoked salmon


Today was great! This little break from school has been awesome! I played football, cooked and celebrated my friend's birthday alcohol free. The best moment of the day was cycling in the evening. It felt as if I was in some middle European country, it was warm and atmospheric.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Spotting some nasty self-talk
  • Getting home earlier
  • Writing about feelings
  • Meeting new people
  • Gorgonzola filled smoked salmon

Great job on the celebrations without alcohol!  I can just picture your pleasant bike ride, it sounds very serene and a nice get-away from it all.  I liked that you noticed some nasty self-talk.  I think that self-awareness of these tendencies is a great strength to have, especially since negative self-talk of any magnitude could possibly lead to a compounding effect on one's self-esteem or even confidence.  You've got an amazing life, SpiNips!!  Great read.  :)



Today was a cool day. Morning routine, reading, celebrating mother's day and so on. I felt some resistance to training catch wrestling but I trained anyways which ended being a good choice. The best thing today was seeing my friends in the evening.

I'm contemplating whether to change Sunday's catch wrestling to gym exercise. The problem with catch wrestling is that most of the guys are 100kg Hulks and I on the other hand am 30kg lighter chap. I'll experiment with this. Maybe I can do both of them. I need to remember that focusing on too many things will tire me out.

Reading @Dannigan's habit chains got me thinking that maybe I could do the same thing with BJJ. It could be just preparing my training bag and leaving it next to the door so it will be easy to just make the decision to train and get on with it quickly. 

Great job on the celebrations without alcohol!  I can just picture your pleasant bike ride, it sounds very serene and a nice get-away from it all.  I liked that you noticed some nasty self-talk.  I think that self-awareness of these tendencies is a great strength to have, especially since negative self-talk of any magnitude could possibly lead to a compounding effect on one's self-esteem or even confidence.  You've got an amazing life, SpiNips!!  Great read.  :)

Definitely, the negative self-talk creeps upon you very delicately and compounds until you catch yourself and deal with it. Enjoying reading your journals as well! :)

Today I'm grateful for:

  • New X-guard sweeps, Be prepared @kortheo B|
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Having interesting friends' friends
  • Dass ich Deutsch sprachen kann
  • Cherry tomatoes


Today was an okay day. Training BJJ was harder than usual but I've got to say that I learned a lot. I'm feeling pretty tired. Nothing that a little Pirates of the Caribbean music can't fix. Jk but it's really great! Today's best moment was solving a problematic physics assignment.

I read a great article called The Four Stages of Life. It gave me a great contrast to personal development. Some of the books are written by people in completely different stages of life. Therefore the ideas or philosophy might not be applicable to everyone's life. This was a part of why for example The Slight Edge has given me more than Think and Grow Rich. To be honest I'd rather take my time and go through these stages than forcing myself to "the stage 3". Good article, definitely food for thought.

A weird day, with both exhausting and great moments.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Metal music
  • Not badly in flu anymore
  • Olive oil
  • Driver's licence
  • Identifying myself a lot with Brené's writings
  • A lamb shirt my sister gave me for Christmas

I read a great article called The Four Stages of Life. It gave me a great contrast to personal development. Some of the books are written by people in completely different stages of life. Therefore the ideas or philosophy might not be applicable to everyone's life. This was a part of why for example The Slight Edge has given me more than Think and Grow Rich. To be honest I'd rather take my time and go through these stages than forcing myself to "the stage 3". Good article, definitely food for thought.


Posted (edited)


Today was great! Our city arranged an informative event for people looking a place to study after upper high. There were some faculties that I found really interesting. One is an entrepreneurial tuition which sounded very practical. Now I have a way better perspective to what do I want to do in the future. The best thing today was going to the beach to play volleyball and soccer with my friends.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Muse
  • Finland's education system
  • Getting a good new book recommendation I will teach you to be Rich by Ramit Sethi
  • Fun time with my friend
  • Progressing in physics with my friend
  • *Edit* "Old Timer" ^_^
Edited by SpiNips


Today was a great day! Gym cheered up my mood and brought with it productive energy. The best moment of the day was coming up with an idea for a summer job!

Hey Spinips, loved that 4 Stages of Life link. Glad to see you're still going strong on the forum, fellow "Old timer" haha.

Manson is an intelligent son of a gun. Still going and hopefully going with you guys in the future too!

Sleep required.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • GameQuitters chat, It's a really cool feature
  • New ideas
  • Having a place where I want to study in
  • Trying out new exercises in the gym
  • Playfulness


Today was a day for required for resting. I cleaned, cooked and trained a bit of BJJ. Altogether managed some little tasks that have an impact on my mood. The best thing today was my swedish lesson.

I'm having a really eventful weekend in sight! Now I'm going to get some well deserved rest.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • The theme from survivor
  • Flow with physics
  • Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper
  • Working with cool people tomorrow
  • Calendars


Today was good. I was in a bit more of a relaxed state than I'm usually. I read an interesting article about confirmation bias. Basically your tendency to notice the facts that support your point of view. It's weird to notice some of your own biases. The best thing today was getting to better know people from a summer camp I'm going to attend in June.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Twister
  • "Have a good day"-playlist on Spotify
  • Meeting my team of protu camp tomorrow
  • Being able to read books on the train
  • Meatballs

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