Days 158 to ∞. Closure is a beautiful thing. Half a year without playing games. Some dreams here and there, a craving or two, and that's it. I had enough time to find root causes, make peace, reshuffle a number of things. And above all, change. It's time for me to move on. And I won't do it before thanking everybody who has been with me in this journey. @Cam Adair , @kortheo, @Phoenix, @AlexTheGrape, @SpiNips, @wookieshark88, @ChrisSatcher, @KoyoteIcarus, @Marchosias, @Zala, @Ed, @Florian, @gankylosaurus, @Elegwa, @cordharel, @bassitone, @Mark, @Django, @Alkan... My wife and my children. Everyone I forgot to mention. You understood, you believed, you made it happen. Thank you! I wish luck and strength to everybody still struggling. Don't be afraid. Dream big. Push your boundaries. Be your own character, build your own skills, level up your own life. Peace!