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Wow great to see how far you've come mate! Keep up the good work and I think I'll check out that "Four Stages of Life" article right now :)




Last weekend was great! I met my protu-team and we work very well together! It was cool to meet new people and connect with them. The best moment of the day was stopping and sitting in silence in the chapel of silence built in Helsinki.

I've been reflecting my thoughts. I feel like instead of the analyzing I tend to resort to quite often it would be better to categorize the thinking progress into pondering and reflection. Analyzing feels limiting and energy sucking because it sucks me into this unrealistic and uncertain world which often leads to nothing.

There are plenty of things happening. Once again I'm noticing the importance of sleeping.

Today I'm grateful:

  • Being able to train gymnastics today
  • Feeling that I understand myself better
  • Best conversations
  • Moments of silence, you can hear your thoughts
  • Pizzeria Barbarossa


I'm very busy at the moment. It feels like everything is happening at once. Today was a productive day and I used my time efficiently for example going to gym and preparing my schedule for next semester. Gotta watch out to not get burnt out. The best moment of today was managing to get all the courses required in the schedule.

I'm sorry, I'll answer to your comments when I have more time :-(

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Pilot – Magic
  • Acoustic songs
  • Cars making transport 100 times easier
  • Little acts of vulnerability
  • Hot showers


Today was a social day. I had plenty of fun hanging out with my friends. I currently feel that I need to spend a little time by myself and work on my thoughts. The best thing today was having a conversation about money with my friends.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • a walk in fresh air
  • Cottage cheese
  • Tim Ferriss' idea about daily income ideal
  • Board games
  • WhatsApp


Today was a slower day I needed. I took a walk and reflected and pondered my ideas and feelings about relationships and money. The best thing that happened today was playing a couple of matches of chess after school with my friend Teemu. Connecting with people is awesome.

Thoughts about money – For now to support my lifestyle and work towards my dreams of traveling making a 200 euros a month would be perfect. I could succeed in this by for example working for a food transporting company called Foodora. It would require only one workday a week to reach the goal. I don't know whether they'll hire someone to work just for one day a week but it's a possibility.

Relationships – Well, I think romantic relationships require time and conscious reflecting. It's hard for me to let somebody close. In some way fear of not being enough.

Wow great to see how far you've come mate! Keep up the good work and I think I'll check out that "Four Stages of Life" article right now :)


Thanks mate! The article sure gave me food for thought. For me it's relieving to understand that there is no need to run through the stages if I'm not ready.

32 pages. just amazing!

Almost as amazing as Finland beating Canada 4–0 in hockey. :P  Jk

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Coldplay
  • Freshness of spring
  • Lasagne
  • Willpower instinct's paragraph about meditation
  • Managing miscellaneous tasks, no longer worrying about completing them
  • Having plenty of time to sleep tonight
  • Theme from Casino Royale


Today was a cool day! I trained Bjj, cleaned and studied. I also applied for a job in Foodora. Let's hope I'll make it to an interview. The application form was very short and I accidentally pressed enter and sent it before I had time to check it... :ph34r: Well I'll wait for a while and make a joke about it when I'm in the interview. The best moment today was drilling with friends after training.

I felt a little all over the place today. I've been just trying to do the most useful things I can.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Parsonsfield
  • Having a good laugh at the history lesson
  • Fresh air
  • Bo Kaspers Orkester
  • Arranging a meet with my camp-group

Good luck with getting a job with Foodora! It may be a little difficult to do only one day per week though, but I know that local shop owners may want a day off every weekend so perhaps look into working at local stores. Have a great day :)



Today was a long day. I studied, prepared my schedule for next semester and hung out with friends. I've been feeling up and down today but it's normal. The best thing that happened today was being with my friends.

I was invited to play a song in a performance in my school. I'm feeling a bit unconfident about it but this is a good chance to try something new out. And of course put in a lot of practice.

Good luck with getting a job with Foodora! It may be a little difficult to do only one day per week though, but I know that local shop owners may want a day off every weekend so perhaps look into working at local stores. Have a great day :)

Thanks Man! I've heard they've got a freelancer contract so it's up to me to choose the amount I work. Have a great day as well! :)

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Bananas
  • Warm pullovers
  • Libraries
  • The door was open when I came home
  • Having the chance to taste quorn for the first time today


Today was another great day! Relaxing, reading, eating well and hanging out with friends. We watched the new X-men film which was okay but in my opinion it lacked depth. The best thing today was spending time with friends.

The Willpower Instinct is giving me food for thought. I may try to apply a habit of resting for 5-10 minutes straight after school to improve my willpower for the rest of the day. The book also brings up the importance of basics like sleep and exercising regarding your willpower. I'm looking forward to reading Ramit Sethi's I will teach you to be rich.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Noticing how social norms direct your behaviour
  • Hammocks
  • Jeans are fixed now
  • Daring to try new things
  • This song for reminding me about last summer


Today was a cool day! I spent most of it hanging with my friend. The best thing that happened today was supping in lake Pyhäjärvi and exploring some islands. We found for example a sauna made out of tarps.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Grilled food
  • Learning about the history of native Americans
  • The fact that there are untouched islands where you can chill
  • Plenty of sunshine
  • Just two weeks until holidays


Today was a busy day! I sent an application to Foodora in order to get into an interview. I believe that work will pay out in the end. Today we planned a camp and it seems to be turning out great. The rest of the day was spent studying. I've gotta watch out to not wear myself out too much. It's just quite hard for me to spot my limits before I've already crossed them. Well I'm going to try my best. The best thing that happened today was driving home with my workmate and talking about traveling and inequality.

Unexplored Islands! Sounds awesome.

It's crazy cool to just start paddling and explore the nearly untouched islands! :) Nature is great.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Beethoven's 7th symphony, simple yet powerful
  • Apple trees in flower
  • A great nap
  • Bo Kaspers Orkester
  • Warm weather
  • Good conversations
  • My friend bringing me a souvenir from Estonia


Today was a good day! Overall the mood was very productive. I think the habit of resting for 5 minutes, without a phone or anything, legs elevated, after school and training boosts my mood a good bit. Training BJJ was hard today. I felt unable to put up a good fight. I need to think about my hobbies because I feel that they aren't in balance right now. The best thing today was going swimming with two friends of mine.

About the job at Foodora, I got into an interview!!! ^_^ I'm hoping to do my best there. Sending out a proper application to the right person worked way faster than the sites bugged application system. I'm feeling happy about this!

Today I'm grateful for:

  • School felt easy
  • There is plenty of time to enjoy the evening
  • A speaking test tomorrow. It feels like a nice challenge
  • Warm water in Rauhaniemi
  • Learning more about Israel and Palestine today. Boy things are complicated there


Today has been studying after studying. I worked on swedish and physics nearly the whole day. The best moment of the day was cooking chicken and listening to great music.

There is a new book that I'd like to read soon. It's called Vagabonding, I believe that Cam suggested it at some point.

@WorkInProgress, @Cam Adair Thanks! :)

Today I'm grateful for:

  • The fact that work tends to pay off
  • Calendars
  • Colder weather
  • The Dudesons
  • Getting the chance to taste fried liver today


Very busy. I've been going the whole day. Working, studying, practicing and preparing for my exams. The best thing today was preparing for tomorrows performance with friends.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Elton John
  • A nice conversation
  • Virtual laboratories
  • I went to take away Chinese and was in a hurry. The lady at the desk said that the food would take 10 mins to prepare but then asked me if I was in a rush. 3 minutes later my dish was ready! <3
  • A little while to catch my breath in the weekend


I'm keeping this short since it's late. Today was great. Exams went alright and the performance was fun. The interview was okay but I noticed some spots for improvement. The best thing today was going out with my friends.

Today I'm grateful for:

  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Friends have driver's licenses as well
  • Playing volleyball
  • Performing arts are actually very fun
  • Playing chess and getting free cake and lemonade

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