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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. No better day to start than now. Welcome!
  2. Hi Abdulaziz, welcome to the forums. We are here to help you.
  3. Keep up the good work brother! One day at a time.
  4. Welcome. There have been many in a similar position to you. @Moe Smith's journal would be good to read - he was put on academic probation before quitting gaming and turning things around.
  5. @giblets can help on the master's degree - he just got his!! So great to have you back here and to hear that you're doing so well. Always inspired by you Joe!
  6. Welcome, you are in the right place. We are here to support you.
  7. Hi Lee! welcome to the community. Your desire to play will pass over time, it tends to be the most intense at the beginning and then over the course of the first few weeks it will get easier and then especially the longer you are off the less you crave games. Cravings are a withdrawal symptom! This video can help:
  8. This article outlines a few strategies you can try: 13 Things to Remember If You Love a Gaming Addict
  9. Hey welcome! I hope to visit Denmark someday.
  10. Welcome! Glad you're here with us. Let us know if we can help at all.
  11. Take it one day at a time. When you quit gaming it's like stepping into the unknown, and that can cause you to miss the 'certainty' of what you had before but you also know what having gaming is like in your life. Be patient, change takes time to feel more comfortable but you will get there! ?
  12. Hey Roku welcome. The work of Brené Brown really helped me learn how to deal with things like guilt and shame and other fears. Might be helpful for you.
  13. Hi Adnan, Welcome to the forums. I am coming to the UK in March - can't wait!
  14. Hi Warrick! Welcome back. Crazy to see how things have grown since 2015. The good ol' days.
  15. Hi Matt! I've quit smoking cannabis as well - helped me a lot!
  16. Hi Nathan! Welcome to the forums. ?
  17. Hey Ben - Yes there is no going back. Good memories. ?Congrats on graduating, that's a very big accomplishment I hope you are proud of. Good luck with the baby!
  18. I wouldn't be playing VR during the detox for sure. It's not just about 'gaming' as it is about being mindful of that type of immersive 'digital' stimulation.
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