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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. What's up Nick, welcome to the forums. Always nice to see someone from my home province here, although I wish it was under better circumstances. ?You'll find a lot of support here and we've got your back to make a transformation.
  2. One day at a time! The small things you do now will compound into bigger results long-term.
  3. You've made it through 100% of your tough days - remember that. ?
  4. Just read this - so proud of you! Hope you're still doing well. ?
  5. Read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle or The Power of Now. It's about letting go of what has been to create space for a new chapter in your life.
  6. Great to have you back and journaling bro. Always enjoy following along. You're a stud.
  7. I still think about games. That doesn't really go away. You just get better at navigating it.
  8. We have a quiz that can help you screen the severity of your situation here.
  9. Good job getting your journal up and running. keep it up ?
  10. Take your goals and put them into smaller chunks. What's the first thing you can do/complete to start moving in the direction of writing your novel? What's an actionable step towards your social skills goals? CLARITY is what leads to action.
  11. Don't text her bro. GIVE HER SPACE. Wait until after freshers which is the time you've agreed to. I know it's challenging, but just like when you quit gaming and had cravings, this is the same.
  12. You guys could run circles around me ?
  13. Which websites are you using? Have you tried Tinder or Bumble?
  14. Hey Max welcome. One of the keys to successful recovery is learning how to navigate the times of heightened stress - which are common times to relapse from a desire to escape. This video on escapism will help you with all of that, as will this video on relapsing. Grateful you are here with us. ?
  15. Boston Marathon would be cool! @giblets quit gaming a while ago and has run 7 marathons since!
  16. Hey, welcome to the forums and great job on 8 days so far - that's a big accomplishment even if it seems like only the beginning.
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