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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Tuesday, got out of bed at 7:20 but felt a bit sleepy after sleeping at 10 last night. Mostly due to me getting up at night because I chugged down a cup of water before bed again. I tried to run yesterday but failed after not being able to run after a week. My knees were hurting because probably I didn't stretch after last time when I beat my old record and felt exhausted. Anyways, this is day 20 of my detox and I am pushing through. The main threat to me now is my TV which I everyday after working in front of my computer I watch it for 2 hours straight. 


I still remember when I first joined I was so new to detox and everything and I was a total amateur. I looked at the games I coded before today on a website called scratch. It was "interesting", that was the word I was looking for. I had games in which you tried to survive by killing and eating bears and games where you tried to fight giant zombie bosses. I had also meme games where I would make memes and make them into animations and I looked back at them and thought it was funny. I made some changes to my games like a clicker game called sheep clicker where you click sheep to get better sheep and get better gears and power-ups. To conclude, this is my 22nd day of my detox and I have made it, the day where all fails before, the day of the 2nd greatest relapse in my previous detoxes.

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Today just more coding for fun for myself and family to play with. Went on a run today which is very good. I went running around my city for about 3 miles and walked the rest because I was tired from the run 2 days ago. The game I made today is insanely hard and is so hard you can't beat the easy levels(at least I can't although I created it 😞). It's here in case if you want to try it out(set a timer so you won't relapse):https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/466106084/

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Day 24. I am not very happy with myself right now. I know that it appears I'm doing well but I have a big problem. My holiday break started so no school work but, this leaves me an extra 6 hours of procrastination time. I am now thinking of a plan for everyday like a to-do list. Just cooked and ate breakfast and now I just procrastinated 2 hours on my couch watching TV. I hope I can do better than yesterday.



Breaks can be tough. You are making some good decisions like making a to-do list and cooking, keep those up. For the to-do list, don't go crazy. Only write like a few top priority things on there, you really want done. 

For the rest of the free time, try thinking of other hobbies you are interested in; like art, photography, writing, or hiking. I think a mistake i made was seeing all of this new free time as a daunting task that i just had to fill. While it is important to fill up the time, realizing you have so much time now, spending or wasting a few hours in front of the tv isn't bad in my opinion, as you're getting accustomed to it. You don't have to have every moment filled ever, but Hopefully tomorrow is better.



This is 2 days from Christmas. Today I feel kind of lost because I don't have the motivation to do anything. Hopefully, as the day progresses my senses will come back to being more enthusiastic. I did not want anything material this year for Christmas but I wish I can complete my 90 day detox. Things has been pretty challenging for me now because of the innumerable cravings. I hope I can make it to 90 days.

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Posted (edited)

Glad you had fun. Friday's always a good day if you got the weekend off. Good luck making it 90 days. I like to think you get better at quitting as time goes on and you feel better too.

Edited by TheNewMe2.0

Well, I haven't been on since Wednesday I think. I have been busy with the Christmas celebrations so I have not turned on my computer for 5 days. Christmas has been great for me as of now for we are still in the pandemic. I have been sleeping well lately with no insomnia. I workout almost everyday either by agility training or running 3 or more miles every afternoon. One thing I have been working on is building a Lego kitchen for a future Lego film. Another thing I have been working on is practicing piano because I already played some Christmas songs for my family on Christmas. So far, this has been day 32 of my detox and today I have also finished reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scot Fitzgerald.


Day 35 I think. One thing I hate about my detox are detox distractions. Every time I watch television when I am tired, Youtube keeps giving me suggestions related to gaming even if I click not interested. I now just watch Prime video and Netflix more because I have had enough of Youtube giving me updates on gaming.


Day 39! Happy new year!

My goals for 2021:

90 days without gaming

Running 5 kilometers under 30 mins.(before summer starts) and then possibly 25 minutes after

BMI under 21

Read 20 books

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Day 40, 44.44% through! 

Today I started school again but the truth is: I pass through my classes half-dead from staring at screens although my grades are good in the end. Today I am not going running because I got tired from yesterday's run.

Homework goal: every 20 mins rest so I don't get too nauseous from staring at screens. Hope to get homework done in less than 1 hours so I can shut my computer down for the rest of the day.


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5 hours ago, hemonkey said:

Today I started school again but the truth is: I pass through my classes half-dead from staring at screens although my grades are good in the end.

This is all of us, who are still in school currently. The sad truth is, we will have to put up with being on screens for a bit longer, at least till the whole covid situation dies down. I understand completely, i am doing great but i just can't stand online learning. It'd be nice to go back into full time school but what we deal with now is the reality unfortunately. In terms of advice, i'd say if your school has break periods, like in between classes, find something beneficial you can do in that amount of time. For example, at my school between classes is usually about 4-5 minutes, so what i do for one of the breaks is do 10 push-ups quickly. Idk how your school works but this is what helps me


5 hours ago, hemonkey said:

Homework goal: every 20 mins rest so I don't get too nauseous from staring at screens.

This is a great goal! Hope it goes well

8 hours ago, hemonkey said:

Homework goal: every 20 mins rest so I don't get too nauseous from staring at screens.

Hi! I wonder if you have been utilizing thins that help with that nausea, like having the "night shift" feature constantly on, and using dark theme on your apps. If not, let me know, and I would be super happy to share the many apps there are to help you deal with the ZOOM Fatigue. Today I forgot to turn the apps on, and have been feeling incredibly tired most of the day. It was very frustrating to find out that the reason behind it all was just my computer screen heh.




Day 41, almost half-way through!

Today I started an investing game with my dad. It is on Marketwatch where you start with $100,000 and try to become first place among a lot of contestants in your private game.

Tomorrow is going to be hard because at school I have the eye straining classes (math class, I need to use a math learning program to do homework). I am however getting good grades because I think getting an A- or below in middle school is unacceptable.


Day 42

Pretty deviating day. I was on the brink of relapse and pulled myself out by doing a 45 minute exercise. That was pretty scary because I don't want to start over again but I will not give up to my inner gaming addiction and cravings.image.jpeg.71f5c720101d9f66182c99770c0d22f6.jpeg


Day 43

I had some fun on my simulated stock market and made only $136 as of now but the maximum I made today is $600. I am just practicing right now so when I go to college I will know how to invest and how to make more money through investing.

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Posted (edited)

Day 44

I was working in my garden today when I pricked my whole arm and hand with rose thorns. AHH! It hurts! I was actually trying to see what was underneath the plant pot when my arm got stuck on one of the branches. The thorns pierced me with viciousness and hooked onto my arm painfully! Luckily, I pulled them off but my arm hurts now and my hand hurts from touching the rose bush to save my arm.What's wrong with my plant? : Garden : University of Minnesota Extension

Edited by hemonkey
Posted (edited)

Day 46

Day 45 marked my half-way point yesterday so I played with Legos the whole day to show that I can replace gaming with other types of entertainment.

Yesterday night however, was a long and sleepless night. I lay awake in bed for 2 hours and woke up early. Today I feel more sleepy but I don't have time to sleep.

Edit: I drank some coffee mixed with milk because I like milk with coffee and feel much better. I made some growth in my investing game by making $1700! I thought buying like 200 something shares of MRNA was a bad idea but it was OK. I made an analysis of MRNA and found its standard deviation was kind of high so I need to keep an eye on it.

Edited by hemonkey
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Day 47.

I slept well today with a pill of melatonin before bed yesterday night. I did not write in my personal journal because I was focusing on going to bed before 10 p.m.

Stocks market game: I made $1762 today and I don't regret buying 200 shares of MRNA.

One thing I am thankful for is 8 days until Donald Dump goes away.


Dang it! Yesterday I made $3100 and my stocks all lowered and now my returns dropped down to $2300. If you didn't know I play an investing game and I am doing good at it. This is my second time investing and I am doing way better than last time when I only made $86. This has been my 48th day and I am doing great!

Yesterday my mom made Har Gow which are steamed shrimp dumplings which are really good.Har gow - Wikipedia


DAY 50! YES! This has been my farthest detox!

So today I have something to say about toxic classmates. I used to be friends with this gamer and we had fun playing games. However, the tides came crashing down at me when I told him he is bad at gaming. He started to insult me and my mom (I do not know why there was no correlation) and blocked me on google hangouts. Just yesterday, he unblocked me and started spamming at me with mean messages. He was more of an asshole than ever before. I blocked him right away and never talked to him since.

Today however, something interesting happened. The hater told one of my friends to spam hate messages at me like the f word and some other vulgar statements. I am disgusted by those behaviors and kicked my friend out of the chat group to prevent any more spamming. That is my story for today.

On 1/15/2021 at 3:48 PM, hemonkey said:

I used to be friends with this gamer and we had fun playing games. However, the tides came crashing down at me when I told him he is bad at gaming. He started to insult me

You probably insulted the one thing that he cares about and is important to his life. Smart on you to just block him. No reason to sit there and take an online assault from messaging.


Day 52.

Today I started yet a new addiction: brick addiction. If you play with Legos then you know what it is. I would build tons of Legos and disassemble old ones and repeat the process over and over again until I get tired and go to sleep. I just don't know if brick addiction can become a thing and if it does I will have to do 90 days without Legos.

One thing I am thankful for this week is Martin Luther King day because no school on Monday! Monday will be a relaxing and learning on my own day without pressure or anything that gives me cortisol rushes(I get stressed often).


53rd day of my detox to enlightenment.

Today I completed a lot of homework and feel ok. The homework was not really that exciting, it was just writing my fictional narrative(I rewrote it so many times due to dissatisfaction) and math problems. My friends who are still gamers were grinding away on their auto-clickers like usual.

I also made another lego video: 


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