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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. relapsed again. haven't been here in over a year. i am going to try and follow the quotes of "stop dreaming and start living". if i become tempted by something, i need to remind myself i can work to get it. trying again best jason
  2. day 5- new day tomorrow. best jason
  3. day 4- went well. continuing grind tomorrow! best jason
  4. day 3- said fuck it and wrote down a bunch of activities i would want to try no hesitance. I tried to write ones in accordance with my goals and dreams. Excited for tomorrow. best jason
  5. day 2- better day will try to write journals earlier. best jason
  6. day 1- first half of day woke tired. i know that's because of inadequate sleep. the second half of the day was better though. i wrote down my goals like hand wrote them. i think they'll be easier to follow now. got urges to play but didn't. went on a nice walk today hope you are all doing well best jason
  7. Hi fortune, welcome to the forums! what you're feeling is what many of us, including me felt when we first quit. we felt lonely and confused. As you said since gaming was our social circle, when we quit we don't know where to go. I'd say if you want to become more social, i'd try to label out what your goals are and find activities that go hand in hand with that. for example if you wanted to become more active you could try hiking, running, or canoeing. i think that common interests are much better on the social side than just looking for a particular person to talk to. another good place to start though is going out and just small talking with someone like "hello! what's your name? what do you like to do?" although that second option might be a bit out of your comfort zone for right now. i hope this helps. i wish you luck on your journey best jason
  8. day 0- relapsed again. also overall today was shit. Tomorrow's a new day though. im gonna do some exploring on why i don't care about myself enough to do the things that i know are best for my mind spirit and body. hope all is well best jason
  9. @Gundhamthank you! he didn't tell me my grade but he said i did well so we'll see. Day 2- better day. managed to get some work done and some photography in. still working on building habits. im tired so there won't be pros of the day but a lesson for today is that i realized long days with lots of activities are a lot more fun than video games. hope you're doing well best jason
  10. Day 1- a bit rocky. still tryna work on my time management, wont happen in one day though. i noticed that photography is peaceful and also kind of therapeutic for me. saw a glorious sunset peaking through the clouds as i was walking up a hill. today was mostly spent studying for a big exam i have tomorrow. procrastinated on the studying too. we'll have to see how well it goes. i know i am ready for the dictation part, spelling messes me up though. might have to spend extra time on that. pros of the day managed to fit photography in went walking, felt nice in the cool weather wrote a prose today improved my social skills. The lesson for the day would be that time waits for nobody. So don't waste it. Also use small moments of time I have to my advantage. Work on a hobby, go for a walk, complete work. Something. looking forward to a beautiful day tomorrow hope all is well with you best jason
  11. Ey, Congrats on 2 weeks already! Also good luck tomorrow! Best jason
  12. @Wojciech S.Thank you for your kind words. Day 0 - relapsed again lol. I stayed off for most of the day but i snuck a game in for a few minutes so I'm counting that as a failure. it's fine, got strength for tomorrow. also feel shitty cause i rushed a major project for a course, and i know i performed badly which in turn will receive a bad grade. sigh well the only thing i can do is instead of being hard on myself, i can learn for next time. i just feel bad because it was a big project. pros though is i have one more phase to save it. lesson: procrastination is bad. hope your days were fruitful and rich with good things best Jason
  13. i have used all those apps before! i found them pretty useful! another app id suggest is forest, its like focus-to-do, but if you leave the app or stop focusing the tree that's been growing will die. i find forest helps me stay off my phone while im working. only thing is it costs money on the app store. another thing id say to do for studying is to try to find a quiet place where you can work. i wish all the best for you! best jason
  14. Jason70


    it's amazing to see how far you've come and that you're still going strong! keep up the good work! best jason
  15. Hello! Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you made the big step to quit gaming for good! I can say from experience that trying to journal each day, even if it is a few words really does help. I'd recommend it! This community is very supportive, and are here if you ever have questions, so don't be afraid to ask! Best of luck on your journey! best jason
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