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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. It's been a long time since I've posted here but I'm glad to be back again. This is completely unrelated to gaming but about life. Today I was playing football with my swim team and I was guarding this guy, let's call him X. So I was trying to stop X from getting the ball when he elbowed me in the stomach. I felt a sharp pain at first but then a burst of rage followed shortly after. "I want to KO this guy and send him to the ICU right now", I thought to myself. However, I saw how everyone else was having fun, and because I did not want to ruin the fun for everybody, I controlled my anger and moved on. Now sitting at my desk, I think to myself: if this happens again, should I go ahead and go full Mike Tyson mode on X and rip his face off? Or should I suck it up and move on?
  2. After almost 2 years, I'm back. Today was me mostly doing chores and making a video for fun. I have since made many friends and am no longer a video game addict. Happy to get my life back.
  3. I'm now a high school sophomore and have never had a girlfriend. Anyone got tips?
  4. This question may not be about quitting video games but about life in general. I frequently have a tendency to become emotional when someone insults or provokes me when I am having a bad day and become very angry. This also happens when events are very unfavorable for me for example if the computer stops responding when I'm in the middle of an essay. I also get very angry and want to use violence (beat them up) when someone acts like a jerk to me in school when I'm already having a bad day. What should I do?
  5. So these couple of months after I moved, I have been messing up constantly. I suck at managing my time and feels like all my goals are crumbling away like sandcastles at the beach. I have tried to control myself but my problem always comes up: I cannot control myself. One of the main problems that occurred to me was opening a new tab when I am working on either homework or other important things. I open a tab and search up random thoughts and it wastes my time. Another problem is I keep waiting to do the harder tasks and people have told me to do the harder tasks first but I always fail. This is why I am messing up now and I need advice on how to improve myself.
  6. 9/29/2021 Lost track of time since I last watched a gaming video or anything of the type. I moved to a new city and now have busied myself with everything and have no time to think about gaming maybe on the weekends but the reason I did not write was because I was under stress from adjusting to a new environment and new school. As of now I am more comfortable with living in the new city and I still stay in touch with some of my old friends.
  7. I could not write these past couple of days because I was very sick. It started with a sore throat but I ignored it thinking it was just a common cold(it was actually just a common cold) and I went to swim practice just to avoid boredom. It was about Thursday night that I came back from practice and a fever descended upon me. I was fatigued by the amount of exercising combined with my constant headache and I felt chills running down my spine literally. I later got a fever of 102 degrees and took some tylenol to reduce body temperature so I could at least sleep a few hours in the night. The following day I went to test for COVID and luckily I was negative. I was so relieved by this news but I need to be more careful around people now since everything is reopening.
  8. This has been 2 days since I have last written. My goal for this week will be a small goal: go to sleep before 9:30pm so I can get up early the next day to exercise and get a kick start for the day. I hope I can accomplish this goal because time is running out for me and I don't want to end up like a loser.
  9. I'm quitting again because I feel like I shouldn't be wasting my time during summer vacation. People don't live forever and I don't want to regret my life on my deathbed thinking I wasted everything. This time I want to try to convince my friends into meeting in person more like we used to before the pandemic rather than talking through discord and gaming mindlessly. I hope this will be the last time I fall into a terrible relapse again.
  10. I heard my dad say that when he was addicted to gaming and wanted to stop, he just quit cold turkey without any difficulty. I haven't been able to do that with myself maybe because of a different world today with more technology dependent individuals or my own problems but has anyone else ever successfully quit cold turkey without difficulty and not have any relapses ever since? I need help because I keep relapsing detox after detox.
  11. I'm back! There were several reasons I was offline for 2 months. One being that I was busy the last 2 months with vaccinations and transitioning my quarantine schedule back into the pre-pandemic non-social distancing daily tasks. I went back to my swim team and attended school in person. I also got my 2 doses of pfizer vaccine which the second one gave me fever 😞
  12. this is sad... I have relapsed everyday for the past week. This has been my most horrendous week ever since quitting for good. I hope life gets better for me somehow in the future but for today what I did is: waste time clean the floors wasting more time regretting my mistakes(worst thing you could ever do in life) finally realizing why I am a loser today and started on some productive things I wish I knew this younger before in elementary school but it is what it is, I was too young to understand back then.
  13. Oh flip! It has been a week since I last posted ever! 😮 Well, this is what I've been working on: Piano Exam, online one where you record yourself playing and upload and P.S. I didn't cheat 🙂 Use of calendar app, an app on iphone that I recommend highly instead of a to-do list. Most people give up on their to-do list everyday. Video with Adobe Premiere Pro, Expensive video editing software more powerful than iMovie which I used to use.
  14. Already easter today! I have finished all of my tasks ahead of time like piano exam and numerous assignments. Now I get to have some fun going outside to the park and working on my lego films! I have not even touched lego filming ever since last month due to a combination of school and preparing for my piano exam. Now I feel more relaxed and easy with time. Today I want to share something I learned. It's always important to stay busy with hobbies even if you are done with everything. This can be derived from Calhoun's mice utopia. The mice who get free food and free bedding stop reproducing and started killing each other. After 2 years the mice population was on the verge of extinction. So conclusion is? if you don't have meaning in your life, create meaning. This is your life, spend it wisely.
  15. Hey everyone I missed april fools but here is something I am doing to make up for it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/510828567/
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