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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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@WorkInProgress I agree with you. :) I just thought it was an interesting article.

When I was in college I took all sorts of tests to see what I was most suited for.  All the tests said I could do whatever I wanted to be.  Which was no help at all. lol  I majored in computer engineering.

I am glad I have that background.  But there are many times now I wish I had studied art or writing or teaching instead.

I just wondered if you are studying what you are studying to prepare yourself for a career and possibly not be being true to yourself?  Which I don't know if it's possible for anyone to be true to themselves in this society.

Really I didn't mean to be analyzing you.  I apologize.  You just seem to be a thoughtful person.


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I sutdy process engineering but had a similar experience like you. I was basically suited for everythign and did take the comfy route. I jsut picked smth. with chemsitry and a lot of natural science. But rigth now I am more leaning towards computer science and train actively to get a starting job as software tester. I think my chances aren't that bad. So your analyzinge wasn't that far off ;)


I would call myself a good amateur player. I read a few chess books and tried myself vs a chess computer for half a year or so. But I never played in a chess club or smth. I am not used to play under time limitation but have fun to play it.




I would call myself a good amateur player. I read a few chess books and tried myself vs a chess computer for half a year or so. But I never played in a chess club or smth. I am not used to play under time limitation but have fun to play it.

Looks like we're in the same league. I was able to play on limitation 20mins +5 seconds for every move to think correctly and to not be forced by time.

@Cam Adair



I'm the forth. We should do The Tournament of European Game Quitters Best Chess Players 2017 once Cameron will arrive to Warsaw! :D

@Piotr could be probably interested into that too!

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist



The year is over. Even if it is just a number I will use his event to start over again.

In 2016 I quit gaming learned a lot about positive habits and found a direction for my working life. I did a train with bodyweight pretty regular and meditated the last 2 months every day. I tried to make cleaning plans and a lot of daily habits. I read self-development books, listened to nearly episode of the Tim Ferris pod-casts I wanted to do so much and got only a little bit done. I journaled sometimes every day and sometimes every week. I wrote over 1000 entries in this forum. I did youtube and caffeine detoxes. Not everything was successful. I didn't do many things I wanted to do. I broke my chains on a lot of occasions. I neglected more important things like my studies or my wife at some times. I learned a lot about myself in this last 10 months.  Things I struggle with are:

1) I want to have more self-respect. I am fast at lying to myself and others if things get hard.

2) I am seldom aware of my emotions and don't act accordingly.

3) I have always less time the I anticipate.

4) I yearn for praise and want to feel important (and be it only in a forum)

5) I want to do a lot of new things if the old thing gets stale or hard

6) I want to work with code and develop software

To sum up I want to be more reliable and true to my word. I want to focus on the 20% of my habits who give me the most bang for the buck so to speak. That is a hard thing to measure though. But I felt a little over the place the last days were I did daily meditating, training, programming, cleaning, journaling, shaving and repairing tomorrows breakfast. Too many of these "habits" are just chores and didn't deliver direct benefits. The same goes for thinks I forbade myself to do like games, youtube or porn. These are all things I  don't want to do again or in case of youtube don't want to do excessively But I tend to forget this and instead thinking of that they are forbidden and that I had to use some willpower to decide against them. But that isn't the case. I actually don't want to do porn or play games. And I don't want to watch useless stuff on youtube. But I need to learn to handle all of that on my own instead of just doing a "detox". I don't need no detox because I am not addicted to porn or youtube. They are just ways of instant gratification. I feel like awareness is the key to overcome this and not strict rules.

How does that relate to holding my word? I'll lessen the pressure on myself and prioritize on the things who seem to work especially good. I'll will report here from time to time on a loosely weekly basic. I will meditate everyday in January for around 20 minutes. I'll be more aware on the things I do. I study for my exams every workday for two hours. Thats it. I am sure I will do a lot more but these are the essentials and I will keep them up whatever will happen.

Next report will be next Sunday. But I'll start a new journal for this. I want to finish this journal with this entry.

See you around the forum.



Hello! I think that this year was amazing and for me it always helped out, when @WorkInProgress shows up and supported me even with the shortest post ever!

You gave reassurement for many times in 2016, especially during tough moments and I want to say: thanks for that, man!

I'll point out all your achievement in dots to have better summary :D

In 2016 I

quit gaming learned a lot about positive habits and found a direction for my working life.

I did a train with bodyweight pretty regular and

meditated the last 2 months every day.

I tried to make cleaning plans and a lot of daily habits.

I read self-development books,

listened to nearly episode of the Tim Ferris pod-casts

I wanted to do so much and got only a little bit done.

I journaled sometimes every day and sometimes every week.

I wrote over 1000 entries in this forum.

I did youtube and caffeine detoxes.

That's eleven epic wins! Congrats on that, bro!

I've watched an awesome video on how to be encouraged to take action if you'll think about your wins, and of getting lazy, because you did so much, that you want to give it a break  (It was in Polish, so I won't give a link here, but explanation).

So, the main point is, especially during the moment of being tempted to do something wrong like going back to YT/porn/even games is not to focus on your accomplished.

Instead, you should be concentrated on answering really easy question: "Why I was accomplishing it? What I was doing it for?"

I watched it yesterday and haven't tried out yet, but it makes sense for me and I'll implement it next time when I'll have hard times. What do you think on that? :)

1) I want to have more self-respect. I am fast at lying to myself and others if things get hard.

2) I am seldom aware of my emotions and don't act accordingly.

3) I have always less time the I anticipate.

4) I yearn for praise and want to feel important (and be it only in a forum)

5) I want to do a lot of new things if the old thing gets stale or hard

6) I want to work with code and develop software

  1. Well, I think the best way to achieve this is to have conversations with yourself alone. This way you can spend 15-60 minutes on answering to yourself many important questions like:
  • What I did well this day/week?
  • What could I do better?
  • What I REALLY want to achieve in my life?
  • What is the REAL purpose of life FOR ME?
  • How can I become a better person?
  • What I did to become a better person?
  • With which friends should I spend more time and which ones should I get rid off?

There are many more of them, but they're up to you.

Obviously what I suggest is to try it out and the reevaluate :)


I strongly recommend morning pages and the whole benefits from them.

You can write them just for yourself on paper (or in eine Heft :D ) und in Deutsch :).

The first video I've found on morning pages idea and benefits


If I understood you correctly, I think this is how life works.

And thanks to having less time then anticipated we can do heroic missions in our lives :)


For me you're important GameQuitter. And that's a lot :)

In which situations you also want to be important in your life and you're not?


I recommend what I was doing for a long time: visit a new place at least once a week.

It could be anything: the cafe, restaurant, even someone's flat :D but when you'll do this consequently for a year, you'll gain 52 new places discovered :)


Can't wait to see your code! :D


Also, it's nice idea to start new year with new journal.

That's like fresh start.

And thanks for being a part of my 1000 days challenge! I really appreciate that and I think I should do an announcement on forum to deal with many easy tasks during that 1000 days and see how this will work.

Because during almost 3 year anyone's whole life can be turned in 180 degrees.

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist



Hey thanks for that enourmous post and the praise ;).

I started my handwritten journal yesteraday and sue it in a similar way to the mornign pages. I write one DINA5 site of it every morning where I freely talk with ymself about my life.Right now I decided to Keep it simple and not add specific questions to answer but I'll maybe iterate it if I see that it doesn't give me the beenfits I want to get from it. On 5 you undrsood me wrong. I experiment too much. I start to foten something new instead of focussing on the things who work but are boring :)

If I build an application I surely post a github link here that everyone who is interested can check out the progress.

It will surely interesting where we all are in three years.

Thank you again for the support.



Can't wait to see that app! I'm also interested on effects of this handwritten journal, can't wait for the results. I hope you will share a bit, about how that works for you.

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