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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Day is the day. What makes this day so special? Absolutely nothing! I'm just going "monk" for one year while I record my progress. Abstaining from all time wasters and vices. And replace them with more meaningful activities. After every week and month, I will give myself a debrief and then a final review once one year has elapsed.No excuses just effort and execution.



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Sounds like you have this down to a perfect, precise, execution! Just reading that made me more pumped and motivated hah. Your positive attitude and high energy coming from your personality really seem to show in your writing. Looking forward to seeing the progress KO!

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I found that trying to quit everything is easier to do than just trying to quit gaming, because one bad habit can trigger another. Looking forward to reading about how you are doing! 


Wow! You're off to a flying start! I look forward to seeing how you do, but keep in mind that it'll take both discipline and commitment. Emotions, even motivational ones of the best kind, can be fleeting, so having methods and plans in place will allow you to apply your commitment and build discipline. How are you going to keep yourself from engaging in 'time wasters' altogether?

All the best for your new journey :D 

Posted (edited)



YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Starting day 1 of my EPIC journey. I decided to quit video games, specifically MMOs because they are all monotonous!  I grind, grind and grind for levels so you can reach the fun parts. Do some more uninspired questing because I “have to”. And obtain the best gear until it becomes obsolete in couple of months. It wasn’t fun at all, it was the opposite! Down right frustrating. I tricked myself into thinking that I was an accomplished bada**. Once I logged off  nobody cared who I was. Time is one of my most precious resources. Why would I waste it on; something that isn’t real, provides no value to my life, and fails to entertain me. Why not invest my time and energy into useful?“The Matrix” red pill and blue pill metaphor made more sense to me. Either drink the blue potion and keep on playing games to escape life. Or I chug the red potion and accept that my life isn’t great but I can level it up it I grind it out. 

Noob Traps:
What holds me back in the game of life. And how I counter them.

Internet browsing-I set blocks and timers for websites I spend too much time on.
Video Games-uninstalled all my games and deleted all my accounts, no point in going back.
Drugs-Too expensive and I cut all ties from people participate in drug culture. 
Porn-Multiple adult blockers. Nofap button. 
TV/Videos-I will only watch lectures/informative videos. I will cut any non stimulating TV show such as Big Bang Theory, Friends, Family Guy, etc. I will only watch stimulating TV shows during my downtime(Sundays). For example: The Wire, Sherlock, Seinfeld, Rick and Morty, Duckman, etc. 

Daily Quests:
I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine 



The long term/short term goals I set for myself


Scroll(s) currently being read:

Every week or two, I will read a book and discuss it 



I give myself letter rankings to some of my attributes

Spirit: D- This stat represents my willpower/discipline. How well I resist temptations 
Wisdom: D-This stat represents how well I can use the knowledge I have attained in an ethical way.
Strength: D-This stat represents how well I can deal with setbacks  
Charisma: D-This stat represents how well I can handle social interactions.
Potential: A-This stat represents how much I can still learn and grow. 

Adventure Log:

Keeping track of what happens everyday 
-Woke up around 5:30 am but didn't get up until 8:00 am
-From 8:00 am to 9:00 am I was idle
-9:00 am to 10:30 am I wrote in my notebook 
-10:40 am to 10:50 am I meditated. 
-11:00 am to 12:23 pm Workout
-12:40 pm to 12:50 Cold shower 
-12:50 to 1:00 pm Break
-2pm to 3pm Project
-3pm to 6:35pm took a nap

-6:40pm to 7:00pm Dinner
-7:00pm to 8:00pm Scroll of the week
-8:00pm to 9:00pm Lectures

-9:00pm to 10:00pm Get ready for bed and plan the next day accordingly

Not the best start, I definitely need to work on managing my time, prioritizing and disciplining myself.  

“Blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.” -Proverbs 20:30

I really appreciate all the support :)

Edited by KO
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Love the cold shower! That really helps getting us out of our confront zones!! What sort of work outs are you getting up too dude?

YOOO! Cold showers are awesome! Especially clearing the mind. I'm doing a variation of Greyskull LP with accessories and calisthenics on off-days. The basics, bench, squat, dead-lift chin ups.

Sounds like you have this down to a perfect, precise, execution! Just reading that made me more pumped and motivated hah. Your positive attitude and high energy coming from your personality really seem to show in your writing. Looking forward to seeing the progress KO!

YOOO! Glad I could motivate someone :)

looking forward to your posts, I especially like the rating system of your attributes and your keeping track of what happens everyday!


YOOO! Haha, thank you. One of the only good things I got from video games :)

I found that trying to quit everything is easier to do than just trying to quit gaming, because one bad habit can trigger another. Looking forward to reading about how you are doing! 

YOOO! I agree with this, if I quit gaming and still browsing the internet until 4am

Wow! You're off to a flying start! I look forward to seeing how you do, but keep in mind that it'll take both discipline and commitment. Emotions, even motivational ones of the best kind, can be fleeting, so having methods and plans in place will allow you to apply your commitment and build discipline. How are you going to keep yourself from engaging in 'time wasters' altogether?

All the best for your new journey :D 

YOO! Thank you, I agree, discipline>motivation. Quitting cold turkey, recognizing habit cues and blocks are all I have so far to combat time wasters. :D

<----- big fan of cold showers

YOO! The benefits are amazing! The best one is being done fairly quickly. :)



YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO with day 2 of my EPIC journey. DAY 1 IS DONE SON! NOW LET'S GO FOR TWO! Quitting is hard but replacing the old and implementing the new is even harder! If anyone has any tips and tricks they would like to share post away!

Daily Quests:



Short Term

Quit Games (2/30)

Quit Internet(2/30)

Quit Porn(2/30)

Learn how to sell and start selling

Long Term

Scroll(s) currently being read:



Spirit: D->F (-Went down because I spent half the day doing nothing, +caught myself before the whole day wasted)
Wisdom: D
Strength: D
Charisma: D
Potential: A

Adventure Log:

 Wake up(5:30 am) to 3:00 pm- ZEROOO!

Reset my mind with a cold shower and a meditation session.

"A setback is a setup for a comeback"



YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO with DAY 3 of my EPIC journey.

Daily Quests:



Short Term

Quit Games (3/30)

Quit Internet(3/30)

Quit Porn(3/30)

Learn how to sell and start selling

Long Term

Scroll(s) currently being read:



Spirit: F
Wisdom: D
Strength: D
Charisma: D
Potential: A

Adventure Log:

5:30 am -Wake Up

6:30 am 8:30 am-Reading

9:30 am to 9:45 am-Meditation

10:30 am-Breakfast

12:48pm to 2:48pm-Workout

3:00 pm to 3:25 pm

3:30 to 3:40-Cold Shower

4:00 to 4:15-Break

4:20 to 6:30-Project

6:45 to 7:10 Dinner

7:10 to 7:46-Reading

9:00 pm to 10:00 pm-Get ready for bet and plan the next day

Definitely better than day 2 but still not where I would like to be productivity wise.

"If you always want to escape, you're probably ******* up in this life"

Posted (edited)


YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO with DAY 5 of my EPIC journey. Yesterday was a major bust, but there is only now.

Daily Quests:



Short Term

Quit Games (5/30)

Quit Internet(5/30)

Quit Porn(5/30)

Learn how to sell and start selling

Long Term

Scroll(s) currently being read:



Spirit: F
Wisdom: D
Strength: D
Charisma: D
Potential: A

Adventure Log:

7:00 AM Wake up

7:00 AM to 7:05 Meditation

7:05 AM to 8:00AM Reading

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Project

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Reading

12:10 PM to 1:30PM Gym

1:30 PM to 2:00 PM Lunch

"Realize that the present moment is all you have. Make the primary of your life."

Edited by KO

I like your style of tracking your 'stats'.


I also tried to quit reddit, porn, games, meditate daily etc all at once.

My advice is when you relapse on 1, dont relapse on all of them. It is inevitable you will relapse on 1 of them sooner or later. At that time, try not to be so hard on yourself - and be proud that you still have your other habits going.

I relapsed on every habit except games, felt miserable - but happy I can still say I ahvent relapsed on games in 77 days!


YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO. I have not been consistent with the journal and lost faith in myself. I was on Facebook and read a post that two of my high school friends recently passed way. I started to question my own morality, quarter of my life is almost gone and nothing to show for it. Unless you count crap like capped characters, achievements and gear. Life is way too short to get caught up in bullsh*t! I plan to reboot my journal on Monday.




YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO. I have not been consistent with the journal and lost faith in myself. I was on Facebook and read a post that two of my high school friends recently passed way. I started to question my own morality, quarter of my life is almost gone and nothing to show for it. Unless you count crap like capped characters, achievements and gear. Life is way too short to get caught up in bullsh*t! I plan to reboot my journal on Monday.

Hang in there bro. Life is short, we're all here to make the most of it! 


DAY 1(7/18/19)

YOOO! What's good Game Quitters? It's KO! Giving this quest chain another go! After thinking about


Quit Video Games(In Progress)

Quit Porn(In Progress(In Progress)

Quit Mindless Internet Browsing(In Progress)

Quit Junk Food(In Progress)

Daily Quests:
I’m starting small with my daily habits and gradually add more once I start to get into my routine 


Scroll(s) currently being read:

33 Strategies of War

Straight Line Persuasion


Spirit: D
Wisdom: D
Strength: A
Charisma: D
Potential: A

Adventure Log:


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