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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. haha that's a funny way to get a boost of dopamine while also bringing light to how silly the digital achievements are.
  2. Welcome Sahar. I hope to visit Israel some day.
  3. Urges will pass just hang in there. Try to exercise move your body get outside if possible. Use the pomodoro technique to do other activities like learning to code. Do it for 30 minutes and then take a non-digital break like going to get a cup of tea. This is a new experience for you, be patient, it gets better.
  4. Hey Brandon, welcome to the community. Happy to have you join us here.
  5. Welcome! Grateful you have joined us. Today you begin turning things around so that when you wake up on your 46th birthday you are immensely proud of yourself instead. ?
  6. Hey Ben, welcome to the forums. I relate to you not being able to moderate. It turns into a binge for me every time too.
  7. Good to know - thanks for the heads up.
  8. Welcome to the forums. You're in the right place to turn things around.
  9. Hey Connor, welcome to the forums. You've got it this time and we are here to help ?
  10. Hey bro! Good to see you here today. Happy New Year ?
  11. I used to smoke pot to cure boredom as well. Identifying that I smoked pot just for "variety" helped me change - instead I could go to the gym or go for a run or something to feel different. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbMjSLiEXj0
  12. Hey Guillaume, hope you feel better buddy.
  13. Gaming definitely numbs, and one of the transitions you make after you quit is beginning to feel again. That can be a bit intense and confronting but also very freeing as you learn to navigate your emotions. The emotions were there all along, you were just avoiding them. @giblets has come far in this process, maybe he has some advice.
  14. Gym is the best. I'm about to go myself. After 3 weeks I find it becomes harder to not go than to go.
  15. So much love for you Laney. ???
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