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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

notKosmic's 90 Days


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Yes it takes time, but it will be quicker than you'd expect. 

Life is 1 big game and try to level yourself up in real life instead of a game. That's what I'm doing right now and it works.

Keep on going!

Looking forward to your next posts!

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Day 43

Thank you Robin and WorkinProgress for the encouragement.

Today, I finally did another step.  I deleted my Facebook account (and Twitter, which I never use anyway but I don't want to shift over there from Facebook.)  I'm glad to have it gone.  I've been reading up on the negative effects of video games and have seen the negative effects of social media as well.  There are some great articles out there on this.  This guy summed it up quite well in his Ted Talk:

"Quit Social Media"


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Social Media can indeed have a lot of negative effects. You should only be using it when you have a certain goal for using it like for example:

- Finding like minded people

- Business related / Marketing

I find myself wasting too much time on social media aswell sometimes, but I mostly use it to connect with other like minded people.

You're doing a great job tho! Keep it up :)

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Day 44

Yes.  The internet, in general, has a lot of negative side effects.  The worst may be just the near constant "arms length" reach it has into my mind... meaning, whenever I'm almost bored, I cave immediately and find something to fill that space.  Always thinking about my Facebook, or what's possibly on Youtube, or checking my email, or finding another show to watch, or looking up an interesting article about "anything."  I saw a guy who went a year without the internet who is a millennial.  He had quite the interesting experience.  But, you lose so much when you aren't connected at all too...

I'm trying to find that happy medium where I'm disconnected but it is available as a tool.  "StayFocused" helps on my computers... can only have ten minutes a day on Youtube, Amazon, Hulu, etc.  I installed an App Locker on my phone to keep me from mindlessly going on the web or Youtube or anything with a search.  If I want to search something or use it... I need to get my wife to put the code in.  That helps take the desire away a bit.

I want to read 40 pages a day.  That takes some deep reading time to accomplish.  I read 50 the first day, 28 the second day, and 6 the third day... still need to read today!  I want to take away the things I don't love out of my life, like Facebook and mindlessly consuming Youtube, so I can make time for things I do love: my career as a pastor, dad, husband, reading, etc.

Slow and steady wins the race!

Thankful for:
1. my kids playing and "helping" with chores.
2. Good coffee each morning.
3. Lots of volunteers working hard for about 4 hours at the church to clean and repair things!  The place looks decent again!  
4. DIY projects.  I dug a trench with a young guy helping me around the base of the church.  We put termite stuff in there and filled it back in.  
5. Blisters.  Hard work feels so good!

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Reno F, I will have to try that!  

Day 45!  Half way!

Thankful for:
1. "Daddy-daughter" date... took me little girl to the symphony for "The Planets."  Pretty awesome orchestra and videography in the background.
2. Time with the rest of the family after.
3. Half way!
4. Slowly but surely taking myself away from things that distract me.
5. If I hate it & don't have to do it = eliminate it.

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Day 47

Thankful for:
1.  Spoke to a Navy Chaplain recruiter yesterday about being a reservist Chaplain.  Seems like a good opportunity to pursue and pray about.
2. Coffee.
3. My son slept for two hours in a row by himself from 1AM-3AM... it's the little things, you know?
4. I desire to stay focused on my calling even when pursuing a part-time opportunity on the side.  I want to be faithful with what I have now.
5. Resilience, listening to the chapter on friendship was really good yesterday.  We have friends for pleasure, virtue, and utility.  Most men I know don't do well making and keeping lasting friendships.  Friendship is a worthy pursuit in itself.  And, as Aristotle said, virtue is a wonderful side benefit to friendship, not the main goal... My wife is definitely my best friend.  Yet, I'm most grumpy and mean to her at times.  

I'm trying to read more often.  I started something with my three younger brothers.  We're going to get together and talk about our reading monthly-ish.  Each month one of us will bring a book for everyone to read before the next meeting.  So, each of us will get a chance to recommend something... I guess this is a "book club."  But, I do desire to be real friends with even my brothers.

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I'm trying to read more often.  I started something with my three younger brothers.  We're going to get together and talk about our reading monthly-ish.  Each month one of us will bring a book for everyone to read before the next meeting.  So, each of us will get a chance to recommend something... I guess this is a "book club."  But, I do desire to be real friends with even my brothers.

That sounds awesome. As someone with no siblings I'm slightly jealous of the idea; it sounds kinda cozy. A good way of exchanging and discovering new litterature too. 

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Day 51

I may need to lay off of Habitica/HabitRPG and use something else that isn't gamifying my life.  I think it helped for a bit to get me over the edge... but I need something else.  I'm getting to use the app like a game instead of like a tool.  

Do you guys have any recommendations?

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Day 51

I may need to lay off of Habitica/HabitRPG and use something else that isn't gamifying my life.  I think it helped for a bit to get me over the edge... but I need something else.  I'm getting to use the app like a game instead of like a tool.  

Do you guys have any recommendations?

Yep. try chains.cc , it's not so gamified and it works for me!

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 63

Wow, I haven't said anything in a while.  I've overwhelmed myself a bit with various things.

I will try coach.me.  I tried Habit Bull, but it limits you to 5 habits or you have to pay.  I was using Loop Habit Tracker, but the font is too tiny.  I don't even up it every day.  Habitica was starting to obsess me a bit but this app doesn't even get me to open it!  Hah!

Habits I need help with of late:

Finances.  I listened to an interview on NPR called Irrational Spending Habits or something.  The one thing that stuck with me is this:  "We all think we are good with money that we are better with it than we actually are."  I think I am above-average with money.  I'm not.  I spend money too much: eating at In-N-Out Burger and buying books and tools... I'm a spender.  So, I told my wife that I would ask her before I make a purchase each time.  That is hard to do sometimes... We are on a spending freeze... "You Need a Budget" looks like a good budgeting tool that syncs with your bank and phone and lets you know which categories have funds in them... (Only $27 left in groceries... or -$5 in eating out.)  I will try these.  Do you guys have any other suggestions? 

Oh yeah, I also found this helpful from "Rich Dad, Poor Dad."
Broke people: buy stuff
Middle Class: buy liabilities (Debt)
Rich: buy assets
*That's easy to remember and sort of motivating in a way!

Searching for a good habit.  I'm still looking for a good "break" habit that is challenging, progression-based, and enjoyable.  Reading has been going in and out of this.  Playing an instrument is another one that is hard to keep up with but I'd like to make it work.  What do you guys do to take a break?  (It is so easy to go on Youtube and watch dumb stuff about the elections in the US... yikes!)

Fitness: I'm tracking my calories with MyFitnessPal everyday.  I've lost about 6 pounds so far.  I'm walking a lot more regularly too.  In a few weeks I will start a running plan.  

Reading: I did well for a few weeks.  I was reading 30-50 pages a day.

Navy... Then I applied to be a Reservist Chaplain in the Navy.  The application process is just crazy.  This is eating up a lot of my emotional and all other energy... So, that's why I have been away for a while.  It is pretty crazy how much you have to do... Yikes!  I'm getting a little tired of it... I need to push through!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 93!

I haven't journaled for exactly a month... I just was Cam's response to "journaling daily is a good way to clear your mind."  I need to keep that in mind.  

I haven't gone back to video games the whole time.  I watched a chess video or two... the world championship just happened and all.  I feel "caught up."

I was using coach.me, but I was tracking way too many things.  Then, it got buggy and wouldn't work on my phone.  So, I deleted it.  I've been reading voraciously.  I started studying language again.  I am walking and counting calories.  I think I may not need to count the calories everyday.  I'm in a good grove of small meals every three hours, even an apple in the in-between times.  I will start jogging in a few weeks, sticking to a plan.

What is the "Challenge?"  I would like some principles for this stage of things.  I feel like this detox was life-saving.  Not that I was going to kill myself, just that I was killing myself, my soul, my life daily with video games.  I was numbing myself, self-medicating, with this digital drug.  I'm doing my best to set boundaries on my digital life.  I deleted Facebook a month or so.  I haven't missed it.  I don't watch the news.  I listen to the three-minute NPR news each morning, and that seems to be enough about "earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars."

I'm reading The Iliad. It's wonderful. Richard Lattimore translation.

I have an interview in Washington DC on Thursday.  I wouldn't have been ready for this opportunity without gamequitters and you guys.  Thank you!  I hope I get it!


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