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Entry 15.12 (Written on 16.12)
Day 87: No Useless Videos
Day 85: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 4 pomodoros in a chunk. Which I have done by moving my meeting with my renter by two hours, because i spent more time eating than I planned. A great move I believe!
3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-Doing half hour run at least despite of the time being quite late.
-Clearly 4 pomodoros
-Completing the time of cold showers (it was about 40 minutes now) which I have cut short from two days earlier in order to fit into schedule, plus here in Israel there's no heating in the rooms, so I was shaking quite a bit more than in Madrid, AWESOME, LOVE IT. Will be looking forward to many more days like this (Though I will be aiming for it to be a bit shorter, but maybe it will become colder outside 🙂 )

1 thing I could do better:

though I moved all my schedule 2 hours forward, got to stay conscious of sleep and not let myself go completely lose, cleaning the house and eating with no pressure. Be a lot more time conscious.
Bottom line, I would like to practice cutting meals in the middle, because it's a big issue for me, since I always justify that I have a complete diet plan for all my nutrients and if I cut short I'm lacking nutrients. But on the other hand if I start cutting it short to fit the time frame, I'll eventually find a way to fit all of the meal into the timeframe, instead of eating leisurely like I have infinite time like a b*tch.

Tomorrow's(Today's) top priority: 

Enforce two timepoints. Finish eating at 16 flat (Not including dishes), finish working at 21 flat (Be at home by that time).

P.S. Since I cut my workday from 7 hrs I'll complete those hours in a spread throughout the continuing days, or perhaps tomorrow in a bulk, one of the two.

Posted (edited)

Entry 16.12
Day 88: No Useless Videos
Day 86: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Partly accomplished. Finishd eating at 16:00 exactly, came back home at 21:14. Because I have taken a delivery which I thought I'll finish by 21 00, but I didn't.
3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-4 hours courier rides
-4 pomodoros without breaks before breakfast
-One meal besids the one I ate after 00

1 thing I could do better:

Avoid the last delivery if I'm not sure I can come back before 21 00

Tomorrow's top priority: 

Finish bike deliveries by 21:00.
( Very hopefully that will include 10 work hrs)

Edited by Yan
removed one word that was irrelevant
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Posted (edited)

Entry 17.12
Day 89: No Useless Videos
Day 87: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Not accomplished. Was at home at 21 24 aprox
3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-9 hours and a half courier work, completing weekend bonus
-2 hrs marketing
-Eating on meal as planned

1 thing I could do better:

Still the same. Avoid the last delivery if I'm not sure I can come back before 21 00

Tomorrow's top priority: 

Three full meals with at least 3.5 hrs separation between each.

Edited by Yan
removed one word that was irrelevant

Entry 18.12
Day 90: No Useless Videos
Day 88: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished Done Breakfast - 09 45 Begin Lunch - 13 26
Done lunch 14 12 Begin Dinner - 18 20

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-3 full separate meals
-back home 10 minutes earlier then yesterday
-8 pomodoros of marketing

1 thing I could do better:

Still the same, get home by 21

Tomorrow's top priority: 

Same as yesterday, 3 full meals with 3.5 hr separation

Note: Today it has been 90 days, I'm feeling awesome, and am considring what habit to start next. Will update further when possible.

Also I am attempting to sleep at 23:00 and cut evening routine in case im still not done with it by that time. That's why I'm a bit less responsive at the forum

Posted (edited)

Entry 19.12
Day 91: No Useless Videos
Day 89: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 3 separate meals with 3.5 hrs in between at least.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-3 full separate meals
-back home 10 minutes earlier once again
-9 pomodoros of marketing

1 thing I could do better:
There was no need to try to go to pay my landlord. I could do it on Wednesday simply.. Thus saving me time because I would go there on my way during a delivery. 

Tomorrow's top priority: 
5 hr workout.

Edited by Yan
Edited date, which I mistakenly left as 18.12

Entry 20.12
Day 92: No Useless Videos
Day 90: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Not accomplished. The workout's duration was 3 hrs and 40 minutes because I ate 30 minutes longer than planned in the morning, had to poop, and washed dishes for 15 minutes longer than planned mainly 

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-Went to store and back in less than an hour
-4 pomodoros marketing
- 3hrs and 40 minutes is still better than nothing

1 thing I could do better:
Train myself in cutting food in the middle by throwing out just a little bit at the end of the meal

Tomorrow's top priority: 
Deliver rent payment to my landlord

On 12/18/2022 at 11:14 PM, Paul A. said:

Congrats on 90 days!

Thank you very much Paul! Lately I've been concentrating on going to sleep at 23:00 so I cut sometime on the forum, that's why I haven't been replying.
I'm also considering making a sleep related goal next

  • Like 1

Entry 21.12
Day 93: No Useless Videos
Day 91: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. Money delivered to landlord.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-delivered money to landlord as promised
-6 pomodoros marketing
-3 separate meals

1 thing I could do better:
Get into shower faster

Tomorrow's top priority: 
5 hrs workout


Entry 22.12
Day 94: No Useless Videos
Day 92: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Failed. Only about 4 hrs workout instead of 5.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
-dental cleaning
-4 pomodoros marketing
-despite not drinking water because of dental treatment, complting the hard half of the workout

1 thing I could do better:
Pay more attention to where my appointment was, as I went to th wrong branch initially which resulted in a half hour delay in my schedule which hit my morale, then i did stuff slowr and th schedule goty even 1 hr nehimd

Tomorrow's top priority: 
7 hrs couriering 🙂


Entry 23.12
Day 95: No Useless Videos
Day 93: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Failed. 6hrs 40 min couriering (Minus 24 minute break) So it's a net. time of 6 hrs 16 min

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- Call for potentially new apartment (So that I could live with non-smokers)
- 4 pomodoros marketing
- Made progress in cleaning the room (Organizing the stuff that are unorganized since I've traveled to Spain)

1 thing I could do better:

Put additional time in schedule for preparing food when I choose to prepare it

Tomorrow's top priority: 
at least 21 deliveries until 21 00 


Entry 24.12
Day 96: No Useless Videos
Day 94: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Failed. 21 deliveries 'till 21 40

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- Done laundry
- 4 pomodoros marketing
- 21 deliveries, some in the rain
1 thing I could do better:

At the time devoted to breakfast, prepare breakfast, don't be cleaning all the things that are unorganized around the house

Tomorrow's top priority: 
Leg workout (3 hrs)


Entry 25.12 (Written on 26.12)
Day 97: No Useless Videos
Day 95: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Failed. Instead of working out, I was falling asleep after breakfast as usual, and went to sleep for two hours.
Plus I peed myself at night again and have been feeling sorry for myself and cravings of surrendering to video games were high. But got to keep going the good way.
I think also that the lack of defining the next habit I want to build here is also a contributing factor to the cravinigs.. Because I feel I'm not living up to my values and I want to burry it under escape in games.

I'm having trouble putting moving to Spain on the backburner, In order to focus on my main goal of financial freedom, moerover this would mean gaining less money in general, and feeling even more uncomfortable, so I postpone it all the time.

Also I want to focus on sleep and food on certain times, and am thinking whether that should be the next habit or marketing 6 hrs a day, that's what it comes down to.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- 3.5 hrs deliveries, a part of it in heavy rain, was completely wet
- 4 pomodoros marketing, plus not counting one during which the timer was running but I was just falling asleep and made no progress
- Cleaning up all the pee quickly and turning on washing machine, plus setting an appointment with the doc, and reading about fully cushioned bike (mountain bike) because now I'm riding a hybrid one, and I'm quite sure that it's not absorbing the bumps well enough...

1 thing I could do better:

Despite the situation I'm unused to of being completely wet and shaking before even starting my cold shower, following schedule. Mainly doing the minimum time of shower if I'm past 21 30 with it.

Tomorrow's top priority: 
Leg workout (3 hrs)


Entry 26.12
Day 98: No Useless Videos
Day 96: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 3 hour leg workout.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- 3 hrs deliveries
- skipping breakfast as planned
- 3 hrs leg workout (clearly)

1 thing I could do better:

remember putting 30 minutes for long term reflection in schedule

Tomorrow's top priority: 
5 hr double workout(Abs,back)


Entry 27.12
Day 99: No Useless Videos
Day 97: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 5 hr double workout (abs and back).

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- Finally took a haircut (at home with my machine)
- 5 hr workout
- Omitting bottled water(To test drinking from a brita filter) and soymilk (It's a costly alternative for b12. Better get Nutritional yeast or chlorella costwise. Althouuugh it i quite tasty and therefor difficult for me from purchase and purchasing a bit less oatmeal (to test IF I'll still be falling asleep after breakfast)

1 thing I could do better:

Organize to leave for workout faster

Tomorrow's top priority: 
4 hrs marketing

Posted (edited)

Entry 28.12
Day 100: No Useless Videos
Day 98: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 4 hrs marketing.

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- 30 grams of oatmeal instead of 50, as I planned (sometimes 30, others 50 para to test If I´ll still feel sleepy afterwards)
-  when feeling smoke in my room alternating going to the balcony and the stairs outside of the apartment to work on marketing
- even though I slid in times with the breakfast, still accomplished my top priority of 4 hrs marketing ( at the cost of delivery work =( )

1 thing I could do better:

Plan day one day in advance

Tomorrow's top priority: 
5 hr Chest + Back workout

Edited by Yan
Translated text I accidentally wrote in Spanish

Entry 29.12 (Written on 30.12)
Day 101: No Useless Videos
Day 99: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished. 5 hr workout (Although chest workout took almost all the time, and only managed to do a quarter of leg workout, which I want to complete on Sunday)

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- Only two meals and skipping the third as planned
- 5 hr workout
- Organizing room as planned

1 thing I could do better:

Be more effective in organizing room instead of extremely chill. I could have organized more stuff. (Still unpacking stuff from trip to Spain)

Tomorrow's top priority: 
6.5 hrs deliveries (Including food break)

  • Like 1

Entry 30.12 
Day 102: No Useless Videos
Day 100: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Not accomplished. 6 hours including food (Instead of 6.5)

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- 6 hrs deliveries( including food)
- Meals well separated in terms of time
- 3 hrs marketing

1 thing I could do better:
Done more marketing time in the stair room so as to breathe as little smoke as possible (In my room I often smell smoke because almost all my flatmates smoke (Not just cigarettes) and also neighbors.

Tomorrow's top priority: 
Complete 40 deliveries as courier


Entry 31.12  ( Written on 01.01 )
Day 103: No Useless Videos
Day 101: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished, 21 deliveries within 5 hours instead of 7, nicely done!

3 things I did right today, no matter how small:
- 4 pomodoros ( at least the minimum )
- Done 3 otof 4 pomodoros on stairs to avoid smoke
- planned both today and tomorrow in the morning

1 thing I could do better:
Done more marketing time in the stair room so as to breathe as little smoke as possible (In my room I often smell smoke because almost all my flatmates smoke

Tomorrow's top priority: 
Full abs Workout ( About 3 hrs ) because I celebrated new year, will do the other half tomorrow if fate allows it

Posted (edited)

Entry 01.01  ( Written on 02.01 )
Day 104: No Useless Videos
Day 102: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Not accomplishrf, but I did a 3 hour bike delivery instead. 😞 That happened because I wanted to fit food in the evening, and then I wouldn't workout right afterwards so the excuse was to do a low intensity activity, so i did 3 hours biking. (excuses)

3 things I did right yesterday, no matter how small:
- 4 pomodoros ( at least the minimum )
- 3 hrs biking
- calling another apartment owner to view an apartment and not letting the momentum stop me from doing so, although we didn't setup a meeting eventually, since the cheaper room that I wanted is now taken.

1 thing I could do better:
Despite feeling super tired after breakfast do a bit of pushups, wash my face, continue working, and get out for workout, instead of laying in bed, giving in to tiredness and feeling sorry for myself (The environment at home of extreme un-organization and mother's lack of responsibility have also probably gave me some influence 

Tomorrow's(Today's) top priority: 
Do full double workout even if I feel tired, and sleep only 6 hrs (As today I slept in for about 11)

Edit: P.S. The fact that I went for new year's eve back home to play monopoly with my family for a few hours, slept there and went back home first thing in the morning should not serve as an excuse to avoid any discipline, but I still must acknowledge the fact that seeing my brother who generally plays games showing what games he likes, seeing all the clutter around the house, and having mother tell me suggestions on how to live a better life, asking me to please take a worm shower and stuff... ( Omg.... ) Those things do have an influence. So I shiould acknowledge this, and move forward with this in my consciousness. Great thing that I have this short opportunity to reflect

Edited by Yan

Entry 02.01  ( Written on 03.01 )
Day 105: No Useless Videos
Day 103: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Not accomplished.

3 things I did right yesterday, no matter how small:
- 4 pomodoros ( at least the minimum )
- 3 hrs biking
- fixed the fan in 10 minutes (Thus saving myself buying a new one which costs at least 55 $ - 200 ILS )

1 thing I could do better:
Wake up when alarm went off

Tomorrow's(Today's) top priority: 
Still full workout

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Entry 03.01  ( Written on 04.01 )
Day 106: No Useless Videos
Day 104: Sticking to Food schedule

Top Priority: Accomplished.
3 things I did right yesterday, no matter how small.
- Full Workout 5 hrs, no more, no less.
- Despite feeling very sleepy, still sitting and attempting to progress at marketing for 4 pomodoros.
- Skipping a part of morning routine to complete the workout and marketing before 18 00, plus waking up on time despite sleeping only about 4.5 hrs

1 Thing I could do better:
I got scared of calling my apartment owner to let him know that I'm leaving my apartment, even though I really want to do it already.
I am sure that I don't want to settle on health ( My flatmates smoke in their rooms, and my window is kind of to the inside of the building where other neighbors sometimes smoke too ) 
Therefor I've got to keep looking for a better apartment and leave this one.
The plan is to at least find a more expensive flat for one month if I will see that I can't find something affordable within the 2 week notice that I give him. 
Scared sh*tless that I might not find something affordable and be left hanging, perhaps having to sleep with all my stuff in a shared dorm. But if it earns me a few months of life thanks to avoiding the smoke, and better quality of life during that time I think it's worth it.

P.S. Of course this is something that may be fixed in the current apartment, but I think it would cost me more effort to try to fix it than move out, since there are 4 smoking flatmates, and I cannot expect even one of them, not to mention all of them, to stop smoking in their rooms or put a rug under their door or something. 

One more thing that I want to take up is to stop eating at 19:00, I think this way I will go to sleep earlier, hopefully before 23:00
As they say, got to add something to my challenges, because it's either you grow or you die. 

This will go on top of the current habits of course

Plus something worth mentioning is that these two habits are building on an earlier one.
Day 171: Eating only foods I bought
Thank you everyone for getting me this far and Got to put some gas on my life because I'm already feeling the gaming cravings piling up. 
Day 1: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 1: Being in bed before 23:15 
Note: These may be up to change so long as I do it in my weekly planning, but better not, at least during 90 days.

I am also thinking that perhaps I should seperate my workout to be spread throughout the week, because it doesn't seem feasible to do three meals on a day of a 5 hr workout, plus 1.5 hrs of morning routine..

This may seem harsh and un-agile, but it's just for 90 days, and it is sure to make me healthier, but I'll have to sacrifice some things for it and it will be worth it.
Plus it is only for 90 days, and If I really want, I could change it later. The key is not to remain stagnant and indecisive.
Edit: I'd like to better start with 21 days and see how it goes

Edited by Yan

Entry 04.01 
Day 107: No Useless Videos
Day 105: Sticking to Food schedule

3 things I did right today, no matter how small.
- Chest workout
- Calling apartment owner to give him a notice that I'm leaving in two weeks
- Finishing to eat before 19 00 (At 18 59 :D)

1 Thing I could do better:
Go to sleep a little earlier at night, I spent a lot of time just mindlessly sitting and browsing the forum

I wrote day 1 yesterday but actually it was for yesterday, so today truly is 
Day 1: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
and tomorrow will be day one of (because I might accomplish it only after the daily journal entry)
Day 0: Being in bed before 23:15 

No need for top priority, as I'm focusing on those two goals for now, though it is worth mentioning that I'll need to devote at least one hour for apartment search every day, perhaps more to also go and see some.

  • Like 1

Entry 05.01 (Written on 06.01) 
Day 108: No Useless Videos
Day 106: Sticking to Food schedule

Day 2: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 1: Being in bed before 23:15 

3 things I did right today, no matter how small.
- 12 pomodoros! Haven't ad such a day in a long while. Wish for many more of those days.-
- Completing the workouts that I cut short in two occasions (almost fully)

- Finishing to eat before 19 00 (At 18 57)

1 Thing I could do better:
Get into bed or allow myself to doze off on the table only after putting two safety alarm clocks for 22 30, so as to have a barrier to brush teeth and prepare to sleep before 23:15


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Posted (edited)

Entry 06.01 (Written on 07.01) 
Day 109: No Useless Videos
Day 107: Sticking to Food schedule

Day 3: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00)
Day 2: Being in bed before 23:15 

3 things I did right today, no matter how small.
- 5 pomodoros
- 5 hrs deliveries (minus half hour food)
- Finishing to eat before 19 00

1 Thing I could do better:
Less chit-chatting with flatmates.
Only respond the essential responses. Do not initiate conversations. If you have something to tell them, write it down and talk about it with them on tuesday, or write it to them on Whatsapp. ( I lost about an hour and a half because of it yesterday which could have benn used for doing deliveries, or looking for an apartment for example.

Edited by Yan

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