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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)


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  1. I am again having an urge to play games. I finally got some things together but it returns. Dont know what to do
  2. Two ,ore hacatons won, one job offer lost and two competitions lost i am here again)
  3. Thank you for this, i guess i will add more water in my day
  4. Totaly it can be a thing. I eat big meals 1kg-1,3kg of food once twice per day
  5. I like how i have a choise and oppotinity and money saved not having to work for some more time. Its better then to work like this
  6. Yep, because of this company i only lost money/health/sleep/development time. Never try it again pure hell. You cant sit there or will be sanctioned. Nowbody explains howto do work properly. Nobody cares to help and answer
  7. #XX ML[ 🫥 ] Django[🫥 ] HABIT GYM [ 0/3 ] HABIT DAILY CODING [ 2/3 ] FINDING JOB [ MORE HR MORE CONTACTS🤙 ] 3 things i did for a better life - Attended a coding olimpiad - Slept 10hr+ to recover from my mistakes( more on that later) - Eated healthy and moderatly 1 thing i could do better - Take a contact of a pretty girl i chatted with) I was at big company working as an employee. Rules are u can leave whatever you want but there are sanctions for every mistake you make. I worked for 24hr-26hr straight because i wanded to earn money. But i earned around 40$ and was sanctioned for 80$... My bad i guess, SCAM comapany maybe. I am going to sleep and rest just small update how i am doing
  8. I do only meditation if i have free time to make my focus sharper if i am distracted or feel presured. I feel my body calls but rarely focus on them becase i have a lot to do and need to rezist pain and minor inconvinience
  9. Yes, i think so because after i drank i started feeing better and finaly could stand up and achvi my goals
  10. Machine Learning - a way to develop an AI, neural networks and etc. I am working right now on trying to know techology and undrestand how its working
  11. #61 ML[ Small pandas learning ] Django[ 🥶 ] HABIT GYM [ 1/3 ] HABIT DAILY CODING [ 3.3333333/3 ] FINDING JOB [ Talked to interviewer ] 3 things i did for a better life - Cooked healthy food - Focused on prep for interview and !olimpiad - Helped myself to hydrate and not suffer fatigue due to dehydration 1 thing i could do better - I should focus more on hydration wasted one hour trying to find out what is causing fatigue
  12. Lets go bro)
  13. 60 ML[ 🥲 ] Django[ 😟 ] HABIT GYM [ 1/3 ] HABIT DAILY CODING [ 5.5/3🤖 ] FINDING JOB [ 🫥 ] 3 things i did for a better life - Another part of analysys phew... - Gym - Eated good and healthy today (overeated a little bit) 1 thing i could do better - Go code faster
  14. 59 ML[ Very long way to go, cuda is working wrong but I tried ] Django[ No progress ] HABIT GYM [ 0/3 ] HABIT DAILY CODING [ 2/3 ] FINDING JOB [ Will work today ] 3 things i did for a better life - Tried to finish science article - Worked with some datasets - Bought for books about business, dating and manipulation 1 thing i could do better - Solid day, not the best and not the worst, maybe 1 more of coding tasks
  15. No, I was talking about two sections of your daily post). Was to hammered yesterday with work so sometimes I could not say what I want
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