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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Thank you for that thought! Nice to hear you took action.
  2. The Algebraist (Iain Banks) The Rotten heart of Europe (Bernhard Connolly) Math and Physics stuff
  3. Uhm? There is the https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/9-celebrate/ celebrate sub-forum?
  4. It depends on how much time you played video games a day. It also depends on how centered you where about videogames. When I did play hardcore it took arround 3 Months (see Cams 90 day detox or search the forums here for more information) to completeley forget video games. The detox period also depends on your hobbys and activities you can follow, to forget videogaming. All in all there is no world formula. Since we are all different. Also you should search for the relapse topics, I think they have usefull information for you.
  5. Any sort of table top game is a good thing. You learn to manage yourselve since you have to prepare stuff for the events. You learn to write stories and train yourselve to have fantasy (which is a good thing for sleeping and dreams). It is not a bad thing to do, since it also involves socializing and training your solzial skills. However, I would ask myselve what goal I want to have in my live. If it is more into science I would search myselve another hobby, like building a bicycle etc. But a social/artistic hobby can be a good alternative to calm down and take a break from reality. I would try it and see weather it fits myselve. Life is to short not to try anything. If you do have people to play with you, why not?
  6. 1. Set daily goals. Repeat them. 2. Learn how to cope with procastination, you are only learning to build up stamina for different activites than videogames. Slowly those activities are easier and faster to finish once you get routine. 3. Create a list of tasks and order them by priority (importance of task. like paying a bill etc.). If you live allone, it is deadly not to pay your rent, for example 4. Create a list of goals you want to achive. Build your tasks according to that goals.
  7. I still have windows on my computer. I deleted all my game accounts the second time thou. It was the only way to go for me, to be 100% game free.
  8. Thats called persevance. The ability to get yourselve together and do the things you do not like. It is hard at the start, but by continuing the activities you get routine and are able to finish those tasks more easily. For example, you have difficulties to clean up. It is hard at the start, you take long to finish up. After a while you get routine and clean up without thinking when you finish. It gets also easier to start cleaning up. After all it is not fun, but you take joy in mastering new things and be more effective. Granted you need to think about those tasks to get better at them. Also when working it depends on your colleauges, if you like them or not. If you do not like your job at all, make yourselve a goal to work something different, try to educate yourselve in new fields and make it a hobby.
  9. Thats the normal circle in live. Mastering the ups and downs is one of the most difficult lessons to be learned. Dont get to happy if it works out to be good and you do not get pulled down if something bad happens. Also, is there a reason you get pulled down again? Is it something that could have been avoided?
  10. When I stopped, I did activities that did not need much concentration. Like sports or going out for a walk, sitting in a caffeteria. Going out to see people still helps me today, when I do not have energy left to be productive.
  11. Computer gaming is an entertainment sport. If you are the lucky one of 0,0000000001% of gamers who get millions by playing computer games a year, you can do that arround 10 years. It's like the 0,0000000001% of actors who earn millions. Compare that to just working some random job, where you have no need to starve. Esports is the fastest growing sport compared to what? Dont trust statistics you did not fake yourselve.
  12. Hey everyone. Maybe you heard about the Fortnite/Google/Apple dispute. Fortnite added an ingame puchase moddel, cutting off revenue Apple/Google made from purchases in fortnite. How is your oppinion on this. For me it is funny, now that people loose their virtual progress becouse of some company giants fighting over money. One more reason not to play games for me, since we see there is nothing long term in the gaming world. Prooven once more with this incident. Do you support Epic or Apple/Google? I am pro Apple/Google: I do not hink Google/Apple has to much power over our phones, it is better to have one single app marked. It is easier that way for small developers to put something on the app stores and be recognized more easily. It is a service that costs google/apple trillions of dollars to keep the service up and running and appealing to new customers. It is only fair to pay those companies money, becouse you get free marketing on top of a secure trusted app platform. Do you find the 30% share payd to google/apple to much? I find it to be ok, since the quality of the app marked is really great. There are none viruses malwares on the marked (for the tested applications) for example. And it costs money to test all those apps. Also, the income of the app marked is related to the development of the operating systems, which has to be of high quality. Another point is, all of the casino apps where removed, you are still able to install them if you download the apk. Fortnite is nothing else then gambling since it has lootboxes, they may be transparent but it's still gambling in the end.
  13. You need to start doing activities that include social interaction. Like going into the baths or library or sport clubs. Social interaction needs to be learned, like every skill. If you go to some clubs where you can be anonym, you can make some mistakes at the start. This is important for learning social interactions. Noone is perfect, and while people started learning social interactions in their child times gamers are mostly allone and do not learn that skill. First you need to get comfortable being arround people. Then you need to get confotable talking to them. First of all, I do not know you personally. I do not know how you talk to people and what you talk to them. But I guess they feel uncomfortable arround you, since you describe it that way. People do not like to admit they own weaknes. So it's easier to lie to someone instead of loosing competence. Suppose your the cool guy on the block, he hangs out with you. A friend comes to him and asks "why do you hang out with that guy instead of me.". So the cool guy would have to defend himselve. At least? So you think they are boring? That's the point you need to learn to express yourselve. Our world is not created by rules, people are different. You need to learn empathy. What will be a normal conversation to you, may offend someone else. Like I wrote, people make mistakes and thats not a problem to anyone. But it gets a problem if you make them over and over again. This will not be a problem if you fix your world view, like I wrote at the start. Woman are the least offending to men, if you try (with exception to those who are just gold diggers). That happens to me till today. That's just becouse I hate conversations by text. I hate bashing on my phone and write something into it. It bores me to death. So I just call the people, but before you do that I suggest you learn sensitivity when you could call someone and when it may embarassing. Overall, I really do not know you. There are so many reasons people exclude others. It may be becouse your poor, or your weak. That happened to me and the best thing I did was just find completely other people to hang out with (neighbours etc). Every single man on this planet experienced this once btw. so your not allone.
  14. That has to do with calming down. Constant stimulation of the brain has unknown side effects. There are many studies that show positive and negative effects of constant stimulants in the brain. While some stimulants are beneficial to cure a disease, most have the opposite effects if you are healthy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3859825/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3065181/ So it is best to take a restfull task from time to time, so your brain can normalize the stimulants. This is from a sctientific standpoint (and it's mostly a theory, since we do not fully understand the brain). From a experienced standpoint: If I read a book (only 10 Minutes) it is easier to follow conversations or to concentrate for me. Even medidation has those effects, and going for a walk is medidation for me.
  15. Thank you everyone. I also found this video that helped me understand myselve a little more:
  16. Any news when the new shirts will release? I would really like to get one, but the current ones are not work friendly i'd say. Like walk to your boss with "i quit" on your shirt. I completely would have no problem if the text on the shirt is related to gaming. I like "level up real life" @Regular Robert
  17. Hm, interresting thought @Some Yahoo Anyway I think I do not understand that statement completely. And while I thought about it, I just deleted (allmost) all of my game accounts again. This includes steam / battle net / epic. I will keep my chess and magick the gatherin account, however. Since I meet really cool people there (real life events). Also, that something what gets boring after a while, since those are games mostly to be played with friends. The reason for me was this: While I did not really spent a ton of time playing videogames recently, I still does not enjoy thinking about them. It's like a ulteriour motive. It made me angry not to get that thoughts about videogames out of my head. I call it a hard quit now. There is better time to spent elswhere. It will make my focus alot better. Writing here again in 30 Days if the deletetion of steam is finished.
  18. https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/06/27/synaptogenesis-9-ways-to-form-new-synapses-in-the-brain/ Reading, sports or going for a walk in the woods.
  19. Still now answer, I think I clarify my question. Sometimes is is problematic to get your gaming thoughts out of your head. And it is easy to start a game, so you just go for a 10 minute videogame instead of doing your workout. Compare it to quit smoking. You constantly think about smoking if you quit it. You tell yourselve just one cigarette and i am good. So even if you know you could do other things, your mind is centered arround gaming, and how awesome it would be to own a VR Headset. It is easy to play a videogame becouse you do not know any other activities. You think about being part of society. Anyone coped with that problem?
  20. Where do you come from? For normal there should be volunteers in any country/region where you can get help. Also, try meetup groups or just get out to see some people. Staying at home and only thinking about stuff does not help. You need social interaction to get other thoughts. Also call liveline help (if your in america, there are alternatives everwhere in the world), suicidal thoughts are a serious problem. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone had that thoughts sometime in their live. Either if you loose your real love or if you loose your job. People are willing to help you there, better than we can do. Really talking to someone is nothing that should require you to spend money. Talking to someone is better than typing stuff in this forum.
  21. Hello everyone, i recently visited a colleague. He is a flight simulator enthusiast. He also built his own cockpits with knobs and handles etc. I have to say it's a cool hobby, even if it's related to video gaming. He showed me his virtual reality setup and I have to say I was really impressed. The immersion and the feeling of that new hardware is awesome. So, i saved up money for tools, wanted to buy me some better equipment for metalworking. After I got to see the VR tools today I really need to fight with myself not to buy something like this. My problem is this: How to fight against buying computer equipment that is mostly used for gaming. I do not want to get in the vicious circle again of buying new hardware when it is not powerful enough to play the newest video games. My other problem is this: Since I do not play computer games that often anymore I really have other things to do. I just can not afford another second time consuming hobby. But after 3 Days I still think about VR headsets. Do you know that feeling by yourself, any tips to stop thinking about buying video game stuff?
  22. Not being honest is some of the most perplex things i encountered in the gaming community. Why just tell them: I do not have any fun playing it anymore. You would not go to a party either with a sad face, pulling people arround you down? Why keep doing stuff that not fun to you anymore. Well, a real good friend would show up from time to time. But your the master of your own life, so yourselve has to come before anything. You wouldnt jump down a brigde if someone told you to do so? Sharing true feelings with a friend is something important. If they do not understand it they are not real friends.
  23. Money, it's all about money for me. Since softskills are easy to be learned, and everyone who is able to show empathy will be able to get friends, I focus on the material things.
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