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  1. Glad you're following. Day 3 Made a framework for the book. I am always thinking about what is the best way the write a book. Should I plan everything to every little detail, or should I just start writing and don't look back? Now I know that you have to make different plans for different kind of stories/books. A book which is about overcoming a gaming addiction, and about helping others should at least have some kind of framework I think, so I have made one. Written the first pages of the foreword/introduction. It's kinda weird to notice how easy it sometimes is to write. It really seems like the words appear on my screen without doing anything. I think I'm really in the writing flow right now. Decided to eat and drink less sugar. So there is something else that has been bothering me. I'm eating/drinking too much sugar again, a great part of it in the form of energy drinks. I know that my sugar cravings increase when I'm stressed out, which I was during December at my old job. Since I'm not stressed anymore (quite the opposite to be honest), I decided to stop with drinking energy drinks, stop with eating too much sugar, and I decided to start living healthier again. Today I had a severe headache when I got home from work, and that was because I didn't drink my daily energy drink. Have to fight through it, and I know I can do it since I already did it in the past.
  2. I have recently read Lion by Saroo Brierley, and what a great book it was. I now started reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, and I think this book will make it to my all-time favorites list.
  3. Welcome! You took the first step already by joining this forum, so that is a good thing, because it (most likely) means that you really want to get rid of your gaming addiction. Another great thing you can do on this forum is starting a journal. You can write about your battle against this addiction and also about the problems you encounter in your battle. The first thing I can tell you to do, is to uninstall everything that have to do with video games. I know that it will be a hard thing to do, since I had to do that myself. If you don't have the strength yet to keep those games uninstalled, then make another account on your desktop, which isn't allowed to install any programs and use that account from now on. If you still want to go to that other account, change the password to: I won't play video games. Maybe it will help you no to play video games. Try to replace playing video games with an other (more productive) hobby. Go read self development books, start working out or go work out more, start drawing, anything that you might like which will help you not to relapse.
  4. Day 1: Started with writing my book about having a gaming addiction I am back, and decided to bring this topic back to life. Almost can't believe that it has been almost one year since I have written something for this journal. Much has changed since my 61st day without gaming. Like I said in the journal, I got a new job. I did quit that one very quickly, got a new job which I also quit, and returned to my old job last week. My previous job just got on my nerves, and I was really close to having a burnout. Since I didn't want that to happen, I went back to my old job and asked if I could get my job back. I got it back and with a way better contract. And after some negotiation I already got my salary to raise in this week. My mind has come to ease, I am really calm since the previous week, and everything seems to work out at last. I really feel that I'm in the zone right now. Back to gaming. On the 62nd day of this journal I started playing some matches of FIFA again. It never was my goal to completely stop with playing video games, since I think that it's a great hobby to have, and I'm sure that I'm strong enough to not fall back in an addiction. So I have been playing video games, but much less than when I started the challenge, and it certainly doesn't get in the way of things that are better for me anymore. Because I'm playing again, I decided to transform this journal to one that is dedicated to me writing a boog about gaming addiction. I finally worked some things out, and I really think that I am on the right track now. So from now on, I will keep you guys (and girls) in touch about the progress of my book. They certainly don't conquer my mind anymore, because I won't let them. Am way too motivated to make something out of my life right now .
  5. May 10, 2017 Today should have been my 62nd day without gaming, but I decided to play some matches of FIFA again. You could say that I didn't reach my goal to not play video games anymore, but this has never been my goal. My goal was to set my priorities straight again, and I did that. I've sold many of my PS4 games, got a new job, and I started to write more again (I'm even writing a book now). It's a good thing that I've accomplished these things, and I do think that it will be refreshing to stop gaming for some weeks every ones in a while. So I will be doing that in the future.
  6. May 8, 2017 - 60 days without gaming I've reached the two-month mark, and have not been gaming for 60 days now. The biggest accomplishment regarding to gaming, is that I've sold many of my games. Last week I sold five PS4 games again and some PS2 games. Every time when I sell some of my games I decide to buy something else with a part of the money. That way I get to see the other things I can do with the money which I would usually spend on games. It is a good way to quickly feel better when you've just sold some of the games you like. See this as my two month anniversary tip. So, I don't have to work for a whole week now, and it feels good. After that just one more week at my current job before I can start at my new job.
  7. Good luck with the group conversation!
  8. May 7, 2017 - 59 days without gaming Tomorrow I haven't been playing video games for two months. It's really weird when I'm thinking about it, that it hasn't been very hard. I really have been shifting my attention to other activities, which most of the time are healthier and more useful. And the fun thing is, that I like these activities even more than I used to like gaming. Especially my writing has improved in the last two months. Recently I decided to clean up my site and to go a different way with it, and now I can't stop writing. Maybe because of that, I just know that everything will work out with my book too. I haven't been working on writing it the last few days, have been working on another story though, but I did work on many other things that will improve my life. That is a good thing. So I will keep on doing what I am doing now, and will keep improving my life.
  9. May 6, 2017 - 58 days without gaming I'm so happy that I will quit my job in two weeks for another one. Almost didn't get my week off next week, because I supposedly didn't have enough vacation days. A bit weird, when I work way more hours than I'm supposed to. Apparently they screwed up the vacation hours of many other people so I'm not the only one, but I didn't give up my free week. Maybe they will charge me a little bit of money when my contract finishes over there, but I really don't care. They just get on my nerves over there, and I just really need this week. If I have to pay €50 to €100 to have that week, then so be it. I really don't care anymore and am looking forward to my new job. Drew a Zentangle today (https://www.zentangle.com/zentangle-method), and thought that it was a fun thing to do, and also very relaxing. Maybe it will become a new hobby. Who knows? Haven't been working on my book lately, but I really like to write for my site again. And as long as I am writing, I'm feeling good.
  10. Well, the attached image is what it says on the site. So yeah, it is a game, but so is life. You are improving a skill which many businesses think is important nowadays, so it is a good thing that you learn how to type faster.
  11. Good luck with your journey, and congrats on taking this first step! Remember that there will always be people here on the forums, who are willing to help if you have a hard time with getting rid of your gaming addiction.
  12. May 4, 2017 - 56 days without gaming Damn, I have a headache and I can't seem to get rid of it. Nevertheless, I'm in a great mood today. My favorite football (soccer) club Ajax played a great match yesterday (4-1 victory). Just one more semi-final leg, and we will be playing the final of the Europa League, the first one since 1996. I am also happy because I have the week off next week. Haven't been doing very much with my goals lately, haven't written very much too, so I really need to step up my game. I'm sure that it will work out, but I need to do the work and no one else. Have to remember that. Thanks!
  13. Haha this is me if I have a morning plane to catch. It's your brain stressing out that you will miss your commitments so keeps waking you up early to make sure you're not late. I always do my best to not book morning flights now! This is an interesting topic. I have been recording my sleeping habits for the last 4 years, ever since I first got a pebble smartwatch, so it would be interesting to compare/benchmark. Yeah, that is exactly what it is and I hate it . I don't really care about waking up in the middle of the night, but I do care about having less energy the next day.
  14. Yeah, self-help/improvement books can be very draining if you read too many of them one after another. At the end of last month, I started to read my fourth self-improvement book in a short time, and I just couldn't get through it, even though I think that it is a great book (The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris). I decided to leave it for a while and now I'm reading another book, and am probably going to finish The 4-Hour Workweek later on. But I can recommend The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris. Fuck It! by John Parkin is also a great book. Talk like TED by Carmine Gallo also is a great self-development book which I can really recommend. As of fiction, I need to know which genres you like. If you don't know that because you are a new reader, then tell me what kind of movies you like. Most of the times your favorite book genres will be kind of the same.
  15. May 2, 2017 - 54 days without gaming I haven't been working on myself for the past two days because I decided that I wanted to relax for the weekend. But I went to a safety training at my new job, so I did something. The most important thing is that I'm relaxed. I don't feel any pressure anymore, which is a good thing. Last Saturday I told about my new ideas for stories. I have been working on them that night, and I really like what I'm writing so far.
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