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Detox: 16.10.2017 - 16.01.2018 (Porn and unproductive Youtube added for last month)

Week 6 + 7 (01.12.2017-14.12.2017)

Still no sugar.

I still don't work out. I tried a bit of  the 7min work-out and really like the principle. Right now there is jsut no way to find a fixed time for a routine. My whole day depends on the baby and his habits. I tried the weeks to have some daily routines and even installed a habit app to check them but I won't be able to enforce a daily routine until the little boy is a little bigger. I could do it but I don't want to because it would influence my wife in a bad way right now. That's why I'll focus on a few flexible things I try to accomplish and generally cutting out bad behaviours instead of focussing on daily routines and goals. The alexa skill development is more complex then I thouhg but I will finish this project anyway. It will jsut take longer then excepted. I definitely need to finish started projects because giving up to eraly because something different which is interesting pops up.

I watched an interesting video by john sonmez talking about the areas he deems important to master. He thinks they are health/nutrition fitness/attractiveness wealth/money and the way how to think analytically and learn things effectively. THe reasoning is pretty convincing. Everything you'll need every day or which makes oyur life better every day is ipmortant enough to learn about. That's why I became interested in nutrition. There is a lot of pseudo-science out there and a lot of cultish movements which I like to avoid. I bough a kindle book which sounded sensible( Good Calories, Bad Calories). We'll see what I get out of it. I still listen to a lot of audio. Lately I focus more on books instead of podcasts because they seem more in depth and aren't keeping me busy wiht new concepts every day.

Right now I feel like I am in a good place and I see how I start becoming more ambitious in a lot of areas. This is energizing and much welcomed because I most often are to easily contended to reach a better then average knowledge or skill level at any topic. The key is to cut ruthlessly. What I don't need to learn will not be learned. I need to learn only the things I focus right now. This will be alexa skill development and a general self-development topic of my choice where I start a project or try-out. Right now this is the zero sugar thing so i will try to accumulate a sound body of expertise in the nutrition field to further improve my nutrition. I think this is really important to be healthy and energetic and it will help me a lot in the long run even if I am eating pretty good right now allready I think there is a lot of room for improvement. We'll see where it takes me. My first project is to read the book and figure out things to improve in my daily diet. My improved self-discipline will help me to test these things out consequently for a bigger amount of time.

After I did this I will focus more on fitness/excercise/buildingmuscle. Or maybe I will explore the meditiation thing further. But I won't try to do this all at the same time because the past has showed again and again that doing to muhc things/habitbui,ding at once will just end in procrastinating the really important stuff.

Things I do focus right now: My family, Body hygiene, no sugar, starting successfully in my new jo alexa skill development, nutrition.

Things I cut out: Podcasts, youtube videos unrelated ot the topics above, excercise, meditation, learning skills I don't need right now for my projects, gq-forum browsing, porn

Audiobooklist: Finish innovators, find other nice books about the history of computing or biographies I didn't listen to in that time (the cool acid Test maybe?)

Things I read: Curiosity app, Fossbytes app, Finish principles, Good Calories Bad Calores..., most properly other books in that area


Posted (edited)

Try working out in the kids room. Get some weights - you know. I train completely at home, it's an investment of like 300 bucks if you're into lifting (I can do pretty much everything at home, there is absolutely no need for a fitness-studio). As a beginner you can get away with a 100 bucks for some short dumbbells and 10kg of weight for each of them (you should also get a book with illustrations to learn the form correctly). You will need a decent bench at some point – but you can wait out on that for over a year (!!!). Beginners should stick to low-weight anyways, to practice form with little risk and go easy on joints and tendons.

You know... do 10 benchpress... *change the diapers*.... do some crunches.... *feed kid*... I can imagine it working out quite well as most of those activities only take 5 minutes.

As for cardio (which is more important) you will need to leave your house - of course. That could prove difficult, but it should be OK to set a fixed time with the wife, where she takes over, right? That's what relationships are for, helping each other out...


Sugar intake is ridiculously easy to cut. Just don't buy any chocolate shit. If you survive 3 days your hunger-attacks will sort themselves out. Mind the drinks though - softdrinks should be completely taboo (even diet coke and shit) and juices aren't good as a standard-drink either. I drink a lot of tea, coffee and water to keep in shape. Sometimes, in the evening for dinner, none of that shit is appropriate. So as a good German you should get some alcohol-free beer. It's embarrassing at first - but it actually tastes good, has little calories, is affordable and has no (or very little) sugar. I drink like 1 or 2 bottles a day (because tea, water and coffee just don't cut it at some point of the day).


...talking about training... I have to go train now! Shit!


EDIT: Destoroyah's Trick #37 and #38: Oh yea... don't forget apples and bananas, man. Every good apeman should eat bananas.*eats banana, talks with full mouth* especially before training, because they are good for the muscles with magnesium and shit! Apples after training - because you need to replenish some minerals and vitamins that left the body with the sweat. If you don't sweat during training - then you are being too halfass about it.

Edited by destoroyah

@destoroyah Hey thanks for your input on training. I was/am pretty serious about calistenics/body weight training and for this you don't even need weights at the beginning. The problem with your plan is that I can't lie my baby somewhere easily without him crying. So it isn't possible to jsut do10 push-ups and then give him attention again. It just doesn't work that way That leaves some training wiht the baby as weight which could be fun for both of us but before he can hold his own head the possibilites are limited.

I also am trying to improve other skills right now which are to me more important then to have a great cardiomuscular fitness, where she takes over the baby. Out of birth related aftermath I also try to clean/wash our clothes/and cook for us. To make it clear she is doing all she can and more and is very supportive of me but it is jsut difficult to make time for non essential things right now which will get better as my son gets older and she fully recovers

It could be considered a bit rude that you'll just assume everything is easy for me even if you don't know my actual situation or how it is to have a newborn which needs you or how my relationship looks like (I didn't really told to much in this journal out of good reason), but I appreciate you trying to help out. Next time just don't assume things but better make suggestions and I would appreciate them even more ;)


Detox: 16.10.2017 - 16.01.2018 (Porn and unproductive Youtube added for last month)

Week 8 (15.12.2017-22.12.2017)

Still no sugar.

I am more productive then I was before and using my time more efficiently lately. I use the time I have mostly to spent time wiht ym family and doing chores which is fine by me because my family is still priority nr.1. If I have some free time liek right now I should do more programming to finish that damned skill before christmas. But right now I think posting on gamequitters for half an hour is a quite good past time for relaxation. Soon there will be christmas. We allready have a beautiful christmas tree standing in our living room and I am really happy to have our first christmas as three.

Things are still sometimes challenging and especially my mobile usage has to decrease. I often think I am productive (with reading ebooks on my phone or listening to audiobooks) but in reality it leads to me beeing not present and taking longer for easy chores or not paying enought attention to my wife. I try to read on kindle app with an audiobook playing on 2* speed if I have some time for for it. Maybe this will help to remember topics better (because two senses are used).

I didn't do porn and wasn't really unproductive wiht youtube but isntead selected the content I consumed pretty well. Still room for improvement there though. I think if I keep getting tougher I can spent time consumed in time producing more content (programming writing). Especially the realisiation that to teach is a good way to learn stuff and keep it in memory should empower me to produce more (tutorials or summarys of content I consumed). Next year I'll have a fairly big commute to work. I think I'll use my new laptop then to write things out without internet. Will need some planning though (downloading sources etc.)

I am pretty active wiht housework and helping my sister renovating and carrying my babyboy around so I am feeling ok with my missing excercise right now. I also loosing weight ( am around 78kilo) right now. So I feel like I am doing not optimal but not bad either on the fitness front.

It feels like I am on track and I just need to steer a bit from time to time that I end at my destination.

  • Like 3

Thanks for sharing your journey brother. No Sugar is a tough one because sugar is in basically everything. Great way to learn more about food and nutrition though. 

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On 17.12.2017 at 1:36 AM, Cam Adair said:

Thanks for sharing your journey brother. No Sugar is a tough one because sugar is in basically everything. Great way to learn more about food and nutrition though. 

Yeah I took it easy because in reality it is no processed sugar with a few exceptions (I still eat some ready made sauces once a week or every two weeks because some dishes just taste right if they taste like my mother mad it :D). I eat some fruit sugar but because of the fibres it isn't as stimulating as sweet snacks. So I still eat sugar in reality. Just not the classical fast processed glucose/fructose mix which is added to every fix-made meal. I cook more for our family and don't do desserts or sweets beside sometimes fruit salad. This makes it pretty doable. I am tempted to continue after the 90 days with some cheat days. Maybe sunday pancakes from time to time. Or at a social event if someone made a special dessert.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, WorkInProgress said:

Yeah I took it easy because in reality it is no processed sugar with a few exceptions (I still eat some ready made sauces once a week or every two weeks because some dishes just taste right if they taste like my mother mad it :D). I eat some fruit sugar but because of the fibres it isn't as stimulating as sweet snacks. So I still eat sugar in reality. Just not the classical fast processed glucose/fructose mix which is added to every fix-made meal. I cook more for our family and don't do desserts or sweets beside sometimes fruit salad. This makes it pretty doable. I am tempted to continue after the 90 days with some cheat days. Maybe sunday pancakes from time to time. Or at a social event if someone made a special dessert.

Still a major upgrade!

On 12/11/2017 at 7:30 AM, WorkInProgress said:

@destoroyah It could be considered a bit rude that you'll just assume everything is easy for me even if you don't know my actual situation or how it is to have a newborn which needs you or how my relationship looks like (I didn't really told to much in this journal out of good reason), but I appreciate you trying to help out. Next time just don't assume things but better make suggestions and I would appreciate them even more ;)

I see.

  • Like 1

Detox: 16.10.2017 - 16.01.2018 (Porn and unproductive Youtube added for last month)

Week 9 (23.12.2017-30.12.2017)

No sugar / No porn / no unproductive Youtube

I stayed strong over controversial which even earned me a wow from my sister. I spent more time with my wife and didn't plan anything for these days. I also failed to do enough of my focus work when I would had the time. But all in all it was a great time and I enjoyed the time off the grid. I also stopped every thing on my mobile phone which demands my attention. I finished my English vocabulary app which sent notifications every two hours ( I learned every word). I de-installed a tech news app and the curiosity app because I used them mainly to divert myself not to learn new things as I had hoped. Instead I focused more on reading and it was relaxing not have to wade through 10 notifications before I do something. 

I told last entry that I would focus on my health and nutrition but instead did explore the concept of manliness more. I listened to " The way of men" and checked out some content from the Art of Manliness. I found it fascinating even besides the political implications where I somehow disagree. Especially the author of the way of men seems to have some controversial political views which I don't necessarily share. This made it even more interesting to listen to because I could challenge my way of thinking.

A unrelated concept which I found useful the last days is the way of thinking about the detox. I wan't to be authentic. This means that I want to do only things I could defend if everyone would knew I am doing them. Just be myself and be ok with it. I am working on the grey areas where I am not proud but not really ashamed of. Porn is one area. YouTube-Usage another one. Also my trustworthiness. That's why I don't just stop gaming for some time until I can handle it or eat not sugar and fall back into my own ways. My own ways change instead. I become someone who doesn't game and waste time. I become someone who reads self-help literature to become a better man/husband/friend/father/person. I become someone who lives healthy and doesn't need dopamine rushes to evade problems because he is able to feel bad and still be proactive and do the right things instead of the things who feel right in the moment. This is a progress which changes my personality and the way I am. As soon as I realised that I am not that old person anymore it feels almost easy to do the right things (no porn/no games/no procrastination). I finally believe that change to the better is not only possible but my reality. And I am far from finished.

  • Like 2

I am happy to see you progress so much! In terms of thinking about a detox, or diet, I see myself thinking much alike you lately. It's not just a temporary state anymore to not game or not eat bad food, but a way of life, a part of your identity.

  • Like 2
14 hours ago, Mhyrion said:

I am happy to see you progress so much! In terms of thinking about a detox, or diet, I see myself thinking much alike you lately. It's not just a temporary state anymore to not game or not eat bad food, but a way of life, a part of your identity.

Yeah I always enjoy your entry's too. :D

  • Like 1

Detox: 16.10.2017 - 16.01.2018 (Porn and unproductive Youtube added for last month)

Week 10 + 11 (31.12.2017-13.1.2017)

The brother of my wife said he did a no sugar phase too and then started to eat it again at special occasions. This was the beginning of the end for him and now he is bad to his hold habit of eating. This made me think if this plan of mine to go back regulation is a good one. I don't wan't the only result of this detox to be a weight loss. I want it to become a change to a healthier lifestyle. I think I'll set a fixed limit of special occasion where I can eat sugar. I only eat sugary desserts it it if someone else made a effort to do something nice for me. I only eat sugary desserts at most at one day a week. This rules are simple and should prevent me to slip back after my detox.

I am also making a reading list on nutrition right now. So if anyone reads this and has read good books on nutrition or the biochemistry of the human metabolism which he recommends I would appreciate it. I don't want to follow a nutrition hype blindly but educate myself. This means that pop-science books are welcome but I will read only one per buzzword (vegetarism, paleo, low carb, low fat, etc.). Right now I am reading "Good calories, bad calories" which seems to be biased a lot towards low carb. I think I will next read something more substantial about the metabolism because the scientific basics of nutrition will be helpful to evaluate the soundness of the diets around.

Some things I try to achieve right now are a good balance of saturated and unsaturated fats and lesser carbohydrates(especially sugar/starch) ones. I try to cut down a bit on my bread/pasta intake and eat more fish and nuts. This seems to be pretty doable right now. If I find any other improvements I'll add them gradually.

  • Like 1

Detox: 16.10.2017 - 16.01.2018 (Porn and unproductive Youtube added for last month)

Week 12 (15. -22.01.2018)!

Tomorrow I will have done the 3 months of no sugar. 


- weight loss of 7kg (83 ->76)

- accumulated more knowledge about nutrition and saw that crap food is crap food, how delicious it may be.

- 1 month without porn

What now?

I changed over the last few months. My habits changed too and I am still working towards the goal of becoming the man I want to be. In the looks department this means building muscle (around 10kg of muscle) and getting a personal style. In the character department I want to be more strenuous, more expressive wiht my emotions on a personal level and motivating and risk taking on a professional level. I want to be fine without any substances (Coffee I am coming for you!) and keep a cool head if things get hard. I want to stay off porn. I want to be a better friend and take care of my family and the people who are important to me. I want to create finally a working software product and finish things I start.

I want to do a lot. Eating a lot of sugar for the dopamine high isn't me anymore. I'll eat sugar again if someone put a lot of effort into a dessert but otherwise I will evade it. I will drink the next 3 months (until 15.04.2018) only one coffee per day and finish my basic alexa app in the next two weeks (until 29.01). I'll also will do some sort of excercise 2 times a week. I'll start by doing 10 push-ups and 10 table-rows and 20 squats every day. after two weeks of this conditioning I'll start break days and increase the volume. Then I'll add pull-ups and dips. The goal for 15.04.2018 is to be doing workouts of 3 sets of 20 wide push-ups, 20 wide rows, 5 pull-ups , 5 dips and 10 pistol-squats. 

@Hitaru Can you change the title of the journal into "Journal (10/2017 - xx/xxxx)" ?


Week 13 (22. -28.01.2018)!

The 3 month mark went by and nothing happened. I still think sometimes about eating a few sweets but it isn't dominant or needed and I'll keep it that way in the future. This week I only drank one coffee a day at work and took almost all showers cold. Work was more productive then the first week but there is still room to improve. I also did my push-ups, rows and squats which seems to be a good start of a high intensity routine I#ll develop over the next month. Basically circling between some exercises and doing 2-3 circles. Right now 1 circle a day is enough. I have no time and no big desire for porn and feel pretty good about me for now. I am thinking about experimenting with coffee as a reward for a 4 Pomodori Session. Because I really like the taste off my cappucino and it would result in around 3 of them a day which is a good amount of coffeine for me without beeing excessive. All in all it is an exciting and productive time. I feel like life finally arrived after beeing on hold for too long at university and with playing games.

@Hitaru @stablish @Cam Adair Can someone of you plz change the title of the journal into "Journal (10/2017 - xx/xxxx)" ?


Week 14 (22. -28.01.2018)!

I did eat sugar at work and I am not sure if this was a great idea. I think I'll stop doing this except someone brings something homemade.

I also failed my Coffee goal. I felt like it wasn't worth it because the headaches seems to be not correlating. I think it was the 8giurs of staring at a screen and I got used to it know. Because the headaches didn't come as I started drinking more coffee. But I keep my eyes open and watch my reaction. All in all it wasn't a great week because now it starts to get harder and my ideals and dreams go back a bit and routine comes into the picture. I am still very lucky with this job but I'll need to work on my discipline that such weeks stay exceptions. Connected wuite a bit with a coworker at a lunchbreak and I feel like I start to understand the social structure of my work team. I am determined to be a positive person and impact the team in beneficial way. It seems to work so far. I almost finished another audiobook and doing quite a good job at listening to my wife and using my time at home to the fullest.

After some delivery issues my new laptop wasn't shipped and I got a refund. I don't have time right now to programm or do anything productive so I don't need it and will safe the 700€ to invest in some machinery at home. I'll also start to invest 300€ and try to learn by doing. I think I'll need to know more about money after I read rich dad poor dad. Because I want to be financially indepent. For this goal I need to be great at work, climb the latter and know how to invest my money profitiably. So this will be the start of this knowledge part. Could be a fun hobby too.



29.01-2018 - 04.02.2018

I changed the Format because I eat sweets again from time to time. This journal is meant to be open end now too. This will most likely damage my motivation to write in it a bit but make it more standarized which I feel like it is a good deal (I will reread teh stuff I wirte her periodically and am fairly motivated without a counter because I actually like journalling).

Last week I did one warm shower. It felt great but my skin reacted pretty fast. I think I stick to cold showers for now. I also ate a lot of sugary things outside of home. It is really suprising how much sweets are thrown after you if you watch it closely. If I wanted I could easily eat some sugary crap everytime at office without paying for it. I will in future only eat sweets if someone baked/cooked it, otherwise I can jsut go back to binge-eat tons of choc.

My workout routine seems to work out great. I sometimes didn'T do it at the weekend because My daily routine works only at work hours where I am awake at 4:30 and in total control of my time. I've made a nice daily plan and am able to somewhat do things repetedly in a routine way. I am not entirely sure but I think I gained some musclemass. in the chest. Maybe it is jsut fat after more sweets last week ;) Atleast my stance is improving for sure which lets my chest muslce look bigger I guess.

My working goals wasn't met again. It is actuallyquite hard to hit 10P/day if you have to do spontaneous tasks every day. These will cut into your pomodoros. Still my overall productivity is high and I slowly get a vision of my next few years working. I will prioiritize getting technical skills and then aim at a managerial role. I like to work with people and even sell stuff, but I want to feel the nerd in me first and be actually able to create some cool programms. I want to feel the power to let that damn computer do my bidding. This is why I will focus on getting my programming skills in the Java-Environment. The software I will consult other firms about is written in Java and I am aiming to writing plug-ins for it. It will also allow my to focus more on my OOD which is a weak point in my knowledge. It is pretty cool that I can choose to some degree what I am working on because I can justify learning java at my working hours if I keep the time investment reasonable and still get stuff done.

I also try to fulfill my prioriites (Family first!) with beeing as invested as possible if I am home. My mobile phone should be loading and my thoughts and my focus is laying entirely on my son or my wife. This is something which needs effort because starting in the working live I got ambitious. But family is still my priority. So I need to act like it. I do so far but I need to watching me closely there.


29.01-2018 - 04.02.2018 (Part 2)

I am doing shitty things lately so I want to write it down here instead of hiding from it. I have officially set aside 50% of my time to learn the programs and earn some certifications my company needs. This week I used this time to learn to program. The whole monday and 3 hours at Tuesday and Wednesday. This also meant that I wouldn't plan my tasks or keep myself accountable for anything else because: a job in software development seems still shiny and interesting and needs practice. Better I neglect my job then my family. Right! Right???

My original plan was to work an hour a day on the programming project. In all fairness it will help my jobskills because the mentioned programs are written in java (the language I am learning right now) and it is quite feasable that this Java kowledge will come to good use in the long term if I develop a plug-in for example. My awesome program whcih utilises a cool grammarlike structur to evaluate calculations in the command line won't do that to much though. The main thing is that I get my stuff ordered again. I think it somehow influences me in bad way that I never reach my work goals. So I kind of given up on my pomodori count. That is stupid. I think I adjust it to a period I can actually manage and then increase it. Like 6 pomodori a day. I can do this befor lunch and be done with it. And if something distracting come sin or meetings get in the way I am still able to do it consistently. I also need to study the things I should study, when I say I study them.

I need to fulfill the promises I make to myself or otherwise I won't be so different then the person I was 2 years ago. No ambition no self-esteem nowhere to go then to the next binge. I need to be able to trust myself. Maybe I learned know that I still really like to get into software development and should make this a valid longterm goal (instead of managing and earning a lot of money). I also learned that my working routine is fragile and needs enforcement before I can rely on it. I will write a really basic day plan which i will follow every day. For this to work it needs to be simple and somewhat flexible


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  • 1 month later...


I fall out of habit in journalling because I am pretty busy and didn't wanted to make time for it. Even right now I am lending the time from a project so I keep it short.

With my son in my life I am challenged to be very efficient with my time which is a great thing and I am actually doing surprising well. Maybe I was never lazy but jsut not challenged enough in the right way.

In my second Month on my first stop I started slacking off and this annoyed me. So I started last week a new routine: I list every activity, start and and time on a DIN A5 ring binder at my office and let it lay open. So far noone seemed interested but it helps me to really be honest baout myself. I will also add time for my gq-time and toilet/coffee breaks. But even with this not so productive work month I am convinced that noone at work even recognized it and I am doing really well at my highest priorty right now. My family. I was able to taike care of my son right after work and finishing early almost every day because I started so early (around 6am). I also take care to take time every morning to be thankful about my luck to have such an amazing wife and son and spend some 1on1 time with my whole focus at my wife if my son has his first long phase of sleeping.

I take one hour every day 4:30am-5:30-am to learn cs fundamentals and take right now the harvard course Introduction to programming CS50. And enjoy the linear and structured way of learning. I even gotten ebtter not to delay going to work because I wanted to solve a little program. I lsiten to audiobooks while commuting to work and alter between classical fiction/self development/work related stuff.

So basically my typical workday is pretty structured and effective. One hour of studying, 1 hour of audiobooks while commuting, 9 hours at work, and around 5 hours at home spent with my family or at chores which needs to be done. I fit in some reading on my kindle-app or quora if I have some spare time.

I am doing fine but in the future I want to reduce the amount of work to have more time to learn new things and spent with ym family. That's why I am workigna t curshing it at work so I can confidently ask for raises in the enxt 2 years or find a bette rjob to realize the 35h week for more money.

I will update this journal from time to time but won't commit to anything ;)

I hope you are all doing well. If not be assured that it is possible and it jsut takes time and effort. If you stick at gamequitting and improving yourself it will pay off. I experienced it and saw it in other cases where people seemed much more hopeless then myself. Keep doing good things and good things will happen to you!

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  • 1 month later...


I followed the routine described in my last entry until a few weeks ago. I did get to less sleep (<6hours) so I eliminated my coding studies before work.  The last few days I realized also that I felt a lot of stress through all this input. I listened to appr. 2 hours of non-fiction audio books a day, learned a ton of new things at work and read in breaks on quora or my kindle app.  This is just too much. I couldn't relax anymore that's why I made a radical move over the last few days.

I stopped all input besides work and family. No audio books. No podcasts No reading in blogs/this forum/quora/books.

It is time for me to process all the input I stuffed into my brain over the last 2 years and I think cutting back input and increasing output is the way of doing it.

That is why I commit publicly to my no input detox. No new input/projects besides possibly some excercise and/or meditation until the 7th August. I will think and enjoy my surroundings instead of searching new interesting and helpful stuff all the time. I hope this will make me more focused at work and at home. I also hope it will make me happier because I hypothesize that if I don't feel so much pressure I can enjoy what I do more. 

It is possible that I intensify my web-programming in this phase, but only if i actually need it for my work and in work-time.


I already failed. I read on my mobile and my kindle and I caught myself wanting to hear audio books again and to read on quora. I also think I am wanting to do this just to resurrect the feeling I got as I started my gaming detox. 

I will instead llsten only to fiction and reading only books - no articles or feed like media.

Fokus the input instead of cutting it out. 

  • 5 weeks later...

Tuesday 12.06.2018

Workday Morning Routine
Feed Cats. Make Coffee. Drink Water. Drink Coffee. 5min HIT. Get Ready. Listen to Audiobook. Write Journal Entry. Start 15min Touchtyping. 1hr High Prio Work.

Need to finish Ilias Audiobook just to enforce the finisher mindset
New books and projects are one kind of distraction from hard realities

I am needed
I am still healthy and hae a lot of energy which can be used
Flexibility is awesome

I will earn 8k+ more money next year
I will keep my apartment clean until end of June
I will pass my certification and study actively and effectively






Tuesday 20.06.2018

Workday Morning Routine
Feed Cats. Make Coffee. Drink Coffee. Get Ready. Listen to Audiobook. Write Journal Entry. Start 15min Touchtyping. 1hr High Prio Work.

Didn't Journal for too long, didn't train a bit
I am doing well at work
I want to be a tech lead because teamwork is awesome and empowering people is something I want to do.
How can I make this happen? I am only in for 6 Months and missing the respect and technical background
I need to become expert and lead my team without being in the position.
How can I empower my team members. I need to learn what drives them and then help them to get this motivation.
1on1 talks are needed

Motivation, Coffee, Love

I will earn 8k+ more money next year
I will keep my apartment clean until end of June FAILED
I will pass my certification and study actively and effectively ACHIEVED
Get leadership position were I can empower people.
Become an expert in 2-3 areas of my current work.

  • Like 2

Congratulations on your certification and studying! I really like your goals, they are so simple yet so "game changing"(pun intended). Good luck on them!

  • Like 1

Saturday 23.06.2018

We don't have coding expertise at work so I need to become the go-to-guy to everything relating to code.
Senecas letters series from John Sonmez is awesome. I should write key points from every letter down where I look at them

My awesome son, Youth, Modern Communication, my sister.

I will earn 8k+ more money next year
I will pass my certification and study actively and effectively ACHIEVED
Get leadership position were I can empower people.
Become an expert in the cross section between confluence and front-end-webdevelopment
Become an expert at the Java-API of the Atlassian tools and plug-in-development
Become an expert at the usage of the development tools of Atlassian.

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