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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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@WorkInProgress, thanks. I am not quite fine with delays and breaks in this process, but it's almost inevitable given the situation. Unless one's made of iron. ;)

October 2

Long day - lots of work which had to be remade after new instructions, some home errands. But I'm finaly home where I haven't been for two weeks.


Time spent playing: none. Not time, don't want to.

Grateful corner: eshops system

Things I could do better: less coffeine intake

Achievements: coming up with idea at work, home errands

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October 3

Cut my usual morning time to do some study. Not sure if it was good decision because it's not as effective when one's sleepy. Still, it was better then than trying any other part of the day.

Went to local mall with Pump It Up arcade today. Good exercise, bad results) Been too long since last time. Arcade's worker been asking me where I have been for the last month and whether I would be there tomorrow. She and two her colleagues even gathered by the arcade to watch me play. %) Not sure if I am that funny, but I don really mind either.

I am seriously considering to sell my 3ds. Turns out I don't really need that precise library + portability. I want to figure out a way to do stuff related to my skill-intensive hobbies - go and music. Reading is fine, but lacks skill or creation aspects and I don't enjoying gaming that much. Thanks to the 50 days I don't rush for "better games" anymore. At least, not that much)


Time spent playing: none.

Grateful corner: PIU

Things I could do better: being less grumpy

Achievements: investigation task at work (not 100% conclusive, but good training anyway)


I had that problem too. Me and my friend would search for the perfect game. Then play it, it wouldn't be so perfect anymore. My prayers go out to you on your journey !


October 4

To keep it short: mixed day. Work, some playing (a bit more than it should have been), sleep. Still sleepy today(

Got a good present from my friend. Tea cup with text "introverts unite". Looks good in office)


Time spent playing: 50 minutes.

Grateful corner: my friend, cafe

Things I could do better: just quitting game, not waiting for save point

Achievements: investigation task at work (this time, pretty conclusive. Finished the job today, at October 5)


October 5

Been sleepy all may, partly due to overplaying. Finishing optimization task at work boosting certain process 24 times. After work I bought replacement tea pot (my kid broke first first kitchen appliance, woot!) and went to Pump It Up arcade. One of arcade's workers mixed me up with some other player and asked why I came without a girlfriend. Probably because my wife won't like it. ;) Evening studies did not sit well on me, taking short break. This weekend contryhouse gonna be really cramped, doubt it would be effective anyway.


Time spent playing: none

Grateful corner: PIU, log4net, j-pop

Things I could do better: taking a longer walk route in the morning

Achievements: work task


October 6-7
Friday was very busy  day. I finished last of parts of optimization task. Sime of it was slow because I was too sleepy. It's hard no to be spending 3.5 hours commuting.
Finally I was together with my family at the end of the day. Wife's grandmother came all the way from Armenia and she was nursing her great-grandson when I arrived. Today wife's sister and her husband came too so it's pretty lively)

This time I left notebook at home because I plan to rest, not study. I have to get my sleep in chunks because of my son, but nights are mostly calm. Today I realised the circke of tiredness -> feeling lonely or unsatisfied -> wanting to play "the perfect game" to chill out. At lest that's how it went today. Not cool) Need to keep it in check.

Grateful corner: my family, rapid trains
Achievements corner: finishing few work tasks, lots of reading
Things I could do better: self-tuning. Maybe I should try meditating on regular basis
Time spent playing: none


October 8
I am still sleep deprived, but playing with my kid is a lot of fun. I got some sleep during day. Tried to cut it short in order ti fall asleep in the evening.
A lot of herbal tea and reading. Around 40 minutes of walking by the side of the river with pram.
Me and my brother-in-law tried to fix old PC in order to give it to our father-in-law, but it's graphics adapters are too moody(

Time spent playing: none
Gratitude corner: my family, Stephen King
Achievements corner: finding short book on "sane workweek". Gonna explore it in details. 
Things I could do better: sleep more. Cutting daytime sleep short backfired on me today (Oct 9)


October 9
Long trip to work. As I said, lack of sleep backfired today. I was pretty sure I'm ok till lunch break. After that I was really irritated at everything. To the point of ranting (in my mind) about overly active kid and long way to office. That's why idea of "sane workweek"  caught my attention. Hope I won't become too sleepy to constantly lose job performance. 
Had severe infrastructure problem today. The one that is on the client and prevents my to sync my work with code repository. Still I managed to finish both of today tasks and am now waiting to commit it. 

Time spent playing: none, but 15 minutes of vg videos
Gratitude corner: my family, Stephen King
Achievements corner: working under serious limitations
Things I could do better: less videos, more books


October 10

Actually slept well. Looks like deep breathing makes me less tired throught the day. Productive day, some PIU workout. Unfortunately, wasted 15-20 minutes on "searching"


Time spent playing: 10 minutes (beside searching)
Gratitude corner: PIU, subway
Achievements corner: finishing few tasks
Things I could do better: no gaming, less thinking about it.


October 11-13

Hi there. I'm still kicking, just had minor overload due to my schedule and feeliong obligated to study. I have crave sometimes but played 0 minutes while still spending about 25 minutes on videos.

I am on vacation for the next week, my wife and kid are coming back. I am eagier to see them at home again. Not sure if I would make time to study or whether it would be good idead at all.


October 21

I wasn't active here at all this week with vacation mostly taken by caring for a kid. Had some severe "search-cycling". Just for fun tried to google phrase like "videogames are boring" and it got me this:


I am perfectly aware that this is an article on a basically click-bait humor site, but I relate to every of the 5 ways mentioned, event though I disagree with author on some details.


Curious right? Videogames are the norm between the youth, yet at some point there still prevails a certain culture of "growing up" past them. Like you "shouldn't" watch anime beyond 20s you "shouldn't" play videogames past 30 as well. Is some kind of subtle "common sense" or a sign that "adults" still don't understand the real implications of gaming?


@Hitaru, hard to say. I still watch anime, but I am much more selective of what I watch.

I don't really get what "real implications" you mean. Maybe adults recognize repetitive actions easier than kids? Having a full work day gives one that) 


I also watch anime now and then, I lost the habit but society's expectations had nothing to do with it, it just happened (so I wasn't implying anything there ;)).

I mean, what I have witnessed is adult men judging negatively the time sink games represent and women judging the "childish" immersion (aka "Look at that sad guy playing games and believing himself a wizard, at his age"). Mostly, it can happen the other way around of course, just my experience. Anyway the common factor is they consider videogames something for kids, a toy. No one will talk about the potentially addicting patterns or the social, academic/professional, psychological/emotional issues, that's what I was trying to say.

For most of the "adult world" video game addiction is not about having a problem or at least nothing better to do, it's about being an immature man-child. That shaming needs to go if we want to stablish a real conversation. And that's what we're working for, as a community.


October 23

First day at work after vacation. Not as tiring as some of vacation days were, but still tiring) Seems like project has new organizational changes and issues. Been reading "Sane Workweek" by Itamar Turner-Trauring. Wonder if my skills are of market value now. It's really hard to study new things now and the last and current projects have not provided enough new tasks. Not to mention last project actually made me depressed and couldn't quit at that time.

Oh well, looks more like ranting than log entry... On a bright side, I see a path to break that circle even though it might take two or three years.


Time spent playing: none

Grateful corner: my wife, tea

Things I could do better: some quirky things at work

Achievements: solid first day at the office, using CBT skills (I believe it would much more ranting otherwise)


Getting things out of your chest is also fine!

For what I've been hearing and reading lately, the current trend in the market seems to be leaning more towards having practical experience rather than hard theory. They have a concept in Location Rebel called "relative expertise" (eg. An acceptable competence in Excel, Social Media or SEO Writing, rather than an IT degree, can already place you ahead of 90% of the workforce and that's more than enough to get going).


Yes, in IT practice is everything. It needs to be backed by theory at some point though. There's a possibility of a new project with another technology, gotta see where this is going.

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