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Thanks, everyone) 

Day 21

Not much to report: pretty common day at the office, but hey, it's a Friday. My kid now shows a lot of interest in different textures. It's always something new every week) The weather is getting autumny, so a lot of books and warm tea scheduled for this two days.

Last week I gave my wife King's "the Bazaar of Bad Dreams". She accused book of being horny because of  few characters who were using scabrousness words. I laughed it off and she said that maybe it's because American people are more sexually liberated. I wonder if it's true.

Posted (edited)

Day 22

I fulfilled my few months old dream: actually slept as much as I want today) My son seems to be becoming addicted to being lifted up in the air. He happily screams, but wife's sister says she's scared to watch it. 

Finished Gibson's trilogy today. We have another one of his books here, maybe I'll give it a try. 

I did not turn my notebook today, even though I occasionally remember one roguelike platformer. I was either sleeping or communicating family. Looks like my kind of a day off. :) 


@Mettermrck, do you plan to visit other countries? Not to test their specific aspect of culture, of course) 

Edited by HappyCat

Day 22

I fulfilled my few months old dream: actually slept as much as I want today) My son seems to be becoming addicted to being lifted up in the air. He happily screams, but wife's sister says she's scared to watch it. 

Finished Gibson's trilogy today. We have another one of his books here, maybe I'll give it a try. 

I did not turn my notebook today, even though I occasionally remember one roguelike platformer. I was either sleeping or communicating family. Looks like my kind of a day off. :) 


@Mettermrck, do you plan to visit other countries? Not to test their specific aspect of culture, of course) 

Always good to relax with a good book or journal, HappyCat, great way to build cognition in the mind.

Oh yes I dream of visiting Europe. You can't be a history buff and not want to see the places you've only read about! ?

True, take me with you.


Day 22

I fulfilled my few months old dream: actually slept as much as I want today) My son seems to be becoming addicted to being lifted up in the air. He happily screams, but wife's sister says she's scared to watch it. 

Does your wife's sister have kids? I remember being terrified at how my friend used to toss his little daughter up in the air. She was as happy as kids can be and I was flinching every other time. He said you get comfortable with that with time.

Posted (edited)

Day 23

Not many events, since I am basically resting, but enough thoughts. After reading other topics I found phrase about "people counting days towards the end of their detox". I caught myself doing just that, but I have specific plans:

1. Finish my current lengthy book on newest revesion of my mostly used programming language. I'm already at 80%

2. Take my next professional exam. My last attempt at this stumbled upon the fact that 40% of exam question touch overly specific points of one technology I don't use at work.

When I deal with this it would open me a possibility to take another exam to a higher degree in MS exams hierarchy. Which might open few career opportunities. 


Writing it down so it would be harder to drop out. :) I had enough things I abandoned, don't want this plan to be the next one.

UPD: and after those self-motivational post I overate chocolate with my tea.  Oh, wel... At least it's not tobacco or alcohol. 

Edited by HappyCat

@Vlad, I am full-stack web-developer. My main focus is back-end (mostly C#) and databases (mostly Oracle SQL). Of course, I do fair share of front-end work with JavaScripts and it's various libraries but most of the time I do  something on server or database sides. Our compamny offers software to automatize business processes in form of web applications.


@Vlad, I am full-stack web-developer. My main focus is back-end (mostly C#) and databases (mostly Oracle SQL). Of course, I do fair share of front-end work with JavaScripts and it's various libraries but most of the time I do  something on server or database sides. Our compamny offers software to automatize business processes in form of web applications.

So do you design websites or are you a programmer for the company, HappyCat?

Posted (edited)

Day 24

This is the most energitic monday I had in ages, weekend rest paid off. Not quite "rise and shine", but not a dying snail either. Made a stupid blunder in correspondence go ladder match though(

After work I am somewhat stuck with (re)setting up study environment. It's probably not gonna help with my exam, but the topic itself might be handy and I want to try it out. Looks like I need to switched to a newer version of development environment to do this. I am not surprised somehow)

Gratitude corner: point goes to my wife's parent for driving me to the traing and giving me packed home cooking for dinner

Achievement corner: I actually reinstalled practice test suite for exam mentioned above. I had troubles getting it to run the last time, but now it was pretty simple. Obstacle removed.

Edited by HappyCat

Packed lunches/meals are cool as hell. The last one I was given was 17 years ago and it was on an overseas trip in Ireland. Packed lunches are almost as neat as having a wife knit a uniquely-designed scarf for you. Her parents are nice.


Day 25

An energetic work day. One long laid bomb on the project exploded but I managed to found serviceable solution. A perfect solution would require way more work, let's see if time management allows it.

Visited my wife's friend today since she brought us some quality honey from the last trip. Her son was really not fond of my presence for the first hour or so but then he played with me. So I had a chance to glimpse on what we might be experiencing some time in the future and I am proud (temporary) owner of two bottles of non-shop honey and two pack of kid's clothes and toys.

Nothing in games department. I remember I did want to play cave-climbing platformer in the morning or did I? It's evening, so I am not quite sure) Hoped to do some studying today, but things-fetching took more time than I expected.



@BigPete247, I've been wondering, do anyone eat honey with bread and butter in USA?

IDK, the only time i saw someone eating honey was when they are cooking out or making homemade BBQ sauce, its also a good adhesive mixed with milk


Day 26

My solution from yesterday was accepted this morning and I already implemented it. Work well so far. *Crosses fingers and debugging tool* Now I have another tricky task at hand but it's a good way to see some parts of projects I wasn't involved with yet.

Today is a day of DDR again. It recovered me from the work day and long trip home. I dismantled new "donor" gamepad for wooder DDR pad and sent a pic to it's maker to get soldering scheme from her. It must be mostly the same as last time but I am unsure on few things. With this I will (hopefully) have a my "training kit" fixed next week. Which reminds me I still need to get something to make it more springy. Window isolation should do the trick. Worst case scenario, I can always get a new pad but I'd rather avoid it.

As for gaming, I don't hunt reviews anymore but I'd like to play a couple of *certain platformer* runs. Still, I plan to do at least one full month before launching anything.

Posted (edited)

Day 27 (part 1)

Started another day with DDR warmup. I slept really well probably due to having physical activity yesterday. Tha pad's maker confirmed my thought about soldering scheme which is a good thing. This means that everything is set to another controller scheme change.

Edited by HappyCat

Day 27 (part 2)

I am at that task, again. The one with a bomb. Had to do rewrite some parts and fuxed few other things in process. It was interesting task. If I am unlucky, PM would order rolling it back, but I have arguments to present.

I met with my friend today at burger cafe. She seems eager to become front-end developer. She's a bit down atm, but that's another story.

Definitely no playing for tonight since my PC is too busy checking itself. 

On other side, there's a game of go. I lost 3 or 4 ladder games in a row and for a moment wished to take a week off. Then I examined some variants and felt I want to play again. Correspondence games are just not the same things especially when having tasks at had. I have no ambitions to be another Go Seigen (hell, I am not old enough)) but I really enjoy game's exploration and intellectual contest. 

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