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The very concept of entrepreneurship is that you don't know how to achieve what you're trying to achieve. That IS entrepreneurship. That's what's fun about it - you have to be creative and resourceful to discover how to do it. :)

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I've started my new method of organizing my days. Summer has really made for a lot of empty time that I really have to manhandle into productivity. So, I've created this format:






Daily Reflection

Random Thoughts

This so far seems to be working well, and it's a lot more fun. It helps me keep perspective and keep organized with what I'm trying to accomplish. It keeps me from following all the random creative ideas that I have as a particularly creative type.

Arcs are essentially like story arcs, spanning a larger narrative. For instance, one might be "becoming an entrepreneur." Or, maybe it's something that you think will take 30 years to accomplish. Another might be "becoming a good artist." I like the word arc - it has this sense of grandness to it, like a journey. A friend of mine actually suggested "epic" as a larger category encompassing arcs. I might use that idea as well.

Projects are things that break down those general trends into more specific things. So, if you want to be an entrepreneur, your current project at hand will be listed in projects. Tasks are things that need to be done.


Well, I've updated the process a bit.






Contemplation (Morning)

Reflection (Evening)

Random Thoughts


Basically made a morning and evening version of both to keep focus on both ends of the day.

It's a very nice way of keeping track of your dreams, goals and updating them, refining them, etc. It's kind of a nice idea workflow method.

I may try to make an app out of it. I think the concept will be that instead of trying to be overly comprehensive, I'll aim for immediate ease of use. I.e. start someone out with default settings that they can later customize, but where it's a very simple layout.

I have a bunch of ideas that would make the layout insanely simple and easy to use. I just look at all these productivity apps and I honestly get a headache trying to make sense of them. They always sport pretty graphics, but just a really clunky interface - one that makes my manual use in Notes preferable.

Basically, it would be easier to code an app that is less bloated and it would just work better.


Well, I've updated the process a bit.






Contemplation (Morning)

Reflection (Evening)

Random Thoughts


I have a bunch of ideas that would make the layout insanely simple and easy to use. I just look at all these productivity apps and I honestly get a headache trying to make sense of them. They always sport pretty graphics, but just a really clunky interface - one that makes my manual use in Notes preferable.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I didn't expect to have cravings this bad at this point in time. It's clearly because it's summer and my brain has this "oh, I have all this free time" sense, even though that's bullshit because I'm volunteering in a lab, working a part time job and trying to develop this app that I mentioned with my friend. And I want to be in race shape, though I may have been overtraining.

At least I've been working on this app steadily now for quite a while.

Edited by Alkan

I didn't expect to have cravings this bad at this point in time. It's clearly because it's summer and my brain has this "oh, I have all this free time" sense, even though that's bullshit because I'm volunteering in a lab, working a part time job and trying to develop this app that I mentioned with my friend. And I want to be in race shape, though I may have been overtraining.

At least I've been working on this app steadily now for quite a while.

Awesome job with the app and everything else. Cravings during summer are normal. Being busy is certainly the solution in many ways. :)


I didn't expect to have cravings this bad at this point in time. It's clearly because it's summer and my brain has this "oh, I have all this free time" sense, even though that's bullshit because I'm volunteering in a lab, working a part time job and trying to develop this app that I mentioned with my friend. And I want to be in race shape, though I may have been overtraining.

At least I've been working on this app steadily now for quite a while.

Awesome job with the app and everything else. Cravings during summer are normal. Being busy is certainly the solution in many ways. :)

It certainly is.

One thing that helps is remembering that when I was addicted to games had like literally nothing interesting to talk about. Usually when you haven't seen someone for a while you have something new to say, but I had like nothing when I was gaming.

  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so... Coming up with better designs on my app, adding more features without reducing ease of use.

My friend who does the coding is about to start on it after I came up with the final designs for the app icon and logo.

Faced some serious game cravings recently. Thankfully they're passing again. I'll just say this: I'm thankful I did some smart things several months ago to make relapsing a much more difficult thing to do.


Hi @Alkan - Sounds like an interesting project. Is there a waiting list so we could be notified, when it's ready? What media is it going to be available for?

Posted (edited)

Hi @Alkan - Sounds like an interesting project. Is there a waiting list so we could be notified, when it's ready? What media is it going to be available for?

Yeah, I'll totally post it when it is done, then ask for feedback! :D

I won't quit working on it until it delivers on what I aim to deliver on. Simplicity, comprehensiveness and versatility, mainly. I also want it to feel enjoyable to use, and give someone the sense that they're progressing through life.

Speaking of which... Just had an anti-procrastination idea with this noticing that breaking everything down into small steps makes things clearer.

When you know you need to do something, visualize the path to doing it, and start on the very next actionable thing (this is part is from Getting Things Done if you've read that book yet). So, you try to keep this mental map of your goals and follow this single pathway of steps, each one representing progress.

I also intend to make it something that will work for more "right-brained" people.

Edited by Alkan

That was a really great article - a very awesome one. It kind of kicked me in the face a little bit, actually. And, in a good way, of course.

  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed a really potent concept: lowering tolerance. When you lower your tolerance for certain bad habits, or lack of good habits, it moves you to action more quickly. You can amplify your disgust at inaction, procrastination, fear, hesitation, etc.

It is not a process of self-loathing. That would be quicksand. It's a bit different than that. It's actually a lot different than that.

Think about things you already don't tolerate. Now, think about things that you wish you didn't tolerate. Now, stop tolerating them. Let it irritate you more. Don't try to feel good about it. Just do something to alleviate the irritation.

Things I am going to stop tolerating:

-Lacking confidence and assertiveness. I especially need to do this with things like work scheduling.

-General forms of irresponsibility (like procrastinating on important things).

-Spending too much time browsing crap on the internet.

-General lack of focus and productivity.

It's kind of easier to touch on a lot of bases at once by just lowering tolerance for general stuff I don't like. You know that nagging feeling you get when you feel you should be doing something else. I'm deciding basically to not tolerate ignoring that voice.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finished reading The Power of Habit. Wish I had picked that one up earlier. I think this whole process would have gone a lot faster. Perhaps people should mention more game-changing books in the behavioral change realm.

It also makes me want to go more on the straight and narrow with more things.

Learning about breaking bad habits with new routines and the same rewards and triggers is rather major. Also, in a way, it's like I now have a way to realistically put a lot more of what I want to improve about myself into action.

So, I'll be using my evenings for improvement, rather than mindless browsing.


So, I'll be using my evenings for improvement, rather than mindless browsing.


We usually recommend The Power of Habit first then The Slight Edge. Seems to cover a lot of the key points.


So, I'll be using my evenings for improvement, rather than mindless browsing.


We usually recommend The Power of Habit first then The Slight Edge. Seems to cover a lot of the key points.

I just got started on The Slight Edge. Its core concept is actually simple, so that already had a big impact. It's recognizing that the little "harmless" decisions are actually very, very big that makes a big difference in how motivated you are not to make them.


Hmmm. The slight edge has already had a huge impact. Just did 60 seriously taxing push ups today, first time I started working on upper body (I'm already in good cycling shape). That was after a bike ride of 42ish miles where I did a bunch of sprints along the ride and biked a couple of miles up a mountain. I ate healthier, maintained my place, got things I needed for classes, went on a little coffee date.

Stuff's going even better now.

What I really, really need now is something to help me deal with the fact that I procrastinate on a lot of bureaucratic things. Also, just general dealing with fear.


Awesome you're getting a lot of value from The Slight Edge. For me when it comes to bureaucratic stuff, I'm not the best at not procrastinating on it, but I do know I feel way better when I just get that shit out of the way. So I try to focus on that.

Posted (edited)

Awesome you're getting a lot of value from The Slight Edge. For me when it comes to bureaucratic stuff, I'm not the best at not procrastinating on it, but I do know I feel way better when I just get that shit out of the way. So I try to focus on that.

Yep, that's pretty much how The Power of Habit works, I've noticed. That's kind of the major key that you get from the book, but listening to the book really engrains the concept into your mind so that you have a better sense of how to actually focus on what the outcome of an action will be, and focus on the positive feelings of doing something you want to do, as well as the negative feelings that will result in doing something that doesn't benefit you in the long run.

I'm noticing that I'm also getting used to being more busy. I think this will be my best semester yet. It's like I've developed this massive disdain for sitting around and doing nothing, or relaxing. It's almost like I don't see the point. I have energy and I'm enjoying myself, so why would I stop doing that? Lol.

Edited by Alkan

I'm noticing that I'm also getting used to being more busy. I think this will be my best semester yet. It's like I've developed this massive disdain for sitting around and doing nothing, or relaxing. It's almost like I don't see the point. I have energy and I'm enjoying myself, so why would I stop doing that? Lol.

It's beautiful. :)

Posted (edited)


I forgot to mention the 40% rule earlier. I've been implementing it in conjunction with The Power of Habit and The Slight Edge.

When I did my first race, when I was halfway up the hill, I felt like I was done. I kept up the same effort level the whole way up and sprinted at the end. The 40% rule video became visceral when applying that to the way I do things in my life.

I just had an 18 hour work day. Left at 6 am, stopped doing stuff right around midnight. Not all of that was pure work, of course. There was plenty of stuff in the middle of all of that. But my persistence has really increased dramatically.

I'm becoming hungry to totally conquer each day through sheer will to power.

Breaking it down, the reward is feeling strong and powerful - what I gained from The Power of Habit. From The Slight Edge, I gained the sense that I need to be directing my desire to conquer every day towards all of the little things. And, the 40% rule is the thing that gives me the belief and drive to crush it.

Edited by Alkan

Do you follow Jocko Willink's podcast at all? His book Extreme Ownership is also fantastic. He's a Navy Seal Badass. Big fan! 

I'll check it out!

Alright, I've started to take meditation more seriously after I had a day where I was suddenly able to focus in class. Started the process of getting checked out for ADHD, depression and anxiety so that I can make a case to have some past shitty grades forgiven.

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