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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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I've been addicted for few years. My main games are CS&LoL. Decided to stop playing, because I dont even enjoy those games, both of them were just some challanges and I used to play for rank/rewards. To be honest I have never achieved anything big in those games and realized that there is a lot of time to spend when im not gaming.My goal is to give up games or to play in moderation in future after detox.

Posted this to feel more responislbe for effects of detox and to come out my comfort zone, because I need courage even to write some massage in Internet.


Hey ABC. Welcome my friend. Anything you need we are all here to listen. Some advice dude, Anytime you feel like playing CS & LOL just have a read of what you wrote. Look forward to hearing how your journey goes. 


Welcome, it's nice to see another countryman! You've made wise decision to quit gaming. Surely, your life will improve for better beyond your expectations. Just be consistent and remember why you do this, to live a better life. Have you started your journal?

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