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Wise Young Man's online journal

Wise Young Man

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Ive tried to go out of comfort zone but there is just so much resistance for people who want to bring you down. You might say ignore negative people etc but if it happens 500 times due to something you can never change, I just gave up, ill respawn next life. Sorry if this post is polluting your journal. Ill remove it if you want. Thanks

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3 minutes ago, sniper said:

Ive tried to go out of comfort zone but there is just so much resistance for people who want to bring you down. You might say ignore negative people etc but if it happens 500 times due to something you can never change, I just gave up, ill respawn next life. Sorry if this post is polluting your journal. Ill remove it if you want. Thanks

Oh okay. I understand. And it's fine by the way. Leave it in my journal.

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Hello Game Quitters members.


I'm starting to understand what you guys is going through by the way. And I'm not going to type and say "do better" because that's rude and not how the game quitters members forum supposed to be by discouraging each other without understanding each other situations. And honestly I thank you to the members for speaking up and explaining your own situation for me to fully understand.


Know with me on my own journey...

Everything is doing good so far. I feel my mental strength is more advanced by being stronger. I'm making sure to be consistent. And also...I realized I set up for success and also high level success if I just build my own path similar to a straight road. I also heard a word name "swiftie" named by Taylor Swift fans on a dating app and that's it, nothing else. I don't hate on nobody that find their own success and choose to be famous or anonymous similar to me with their work, and I don't talk smack to people who I don't know and try to reach their own success while not being a very well known celebrity, I try to focus on what I need to do. I honestly can't stand people who talk smack and compare someone trying to reach their own success with not trying to be a celebrity in general. These same people don't have much to write home about as a accomplishments so why bother anyway. Yeah anyway...fitness is still going well so far. Despite my weight is fluctuating normally and affect the weight scale reading with my FitTrack Dara Scale in active mode (because weight fluctuation is normal and take times to reach a specific weight number in general) so I try to use alternative by seeing how I look, how I feel, cardio time, how many reps, and also using a tape measurement for my body and write it down. The house remodel is showing a lot of progress in general this year by taking action in general. So yeah.

Alright I'm going to start my day with cardio and strength training. Bye Game Quitters members.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters members.


It's was my Mom's Birthday again yesterday. She is grateful that she is still living life alive.


I remember that my Mom said that people around her age do not see reaching their retirement age in general. My Mom is very wise in general.


My day is going to be great too by the way Game Quitters members. I am honestly glad that there is progress with my own house remodel without relying on anyone including a specific president to help my problems (which I don't truly need anyway).


I'm still exercising and finally consuming whey protein powder and creatine supplement, which was a very long time when I first tried it. I honestly see nothing wrong in consuming whey protein by drinking and mixing it with food such as cake and pancakes in general, I heard that people recommend to only eat whole food. However, food such as red meat does add up to an expensive price in general if they add up if I'm correct to compare whey protein supplements. It's also rare to find food that is high in protein without being a supplement because most foods are based on the high fat and high carb content of the food in general. It's also important that calories matter in general at the end of the day. I said to my Mom that someone can eat every steak in the world and still gain weight so in my point of view calories, honestly do matter in general.


I'm still trying to make YouTube work professionally. I tried to make original videos that are valuable in general and timeless. I don't care about making videos that are based on politics, yeah I remember a comment on one of my videos named "Things you should keep to yourself" got annoyed and wrote an angry comment and called all of my points "cowardice". I just calmly delete comments that have negative intentions in general. Anyway.


I want to write my second book in general that is based on mindset, success based on the reader, and focus on what they have control over in general. I'll see if my first book is going to sell well in general, the first book from me was kinda all over the place if I remember correctly.


The dating apps I'm not giving up on. I just have to do my research to take good-quality pictures in general. 


People say that "men are not trying anymore" while not acknowledging that every man is not the same with their mental strength in general. And the same thing with their desire to succeed in general.


My life is going to be better.


Alright, bye Game Quitters Members.

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6 hours ago, Wise Young Man said:

that people recommend to only eat whole food. However, food such as red meat does add up to an expensive pric

My 2c on dieting: don't count calories, but commit to eating unprocessed, chemical-free foods. Yes, they're more expensive and give less "immediate" results. But everything, EVERYTHING else will result in significant health concerns later down the lane- decades later, but still. 

I remember keeping a complex diet in high school, when I was obsessed w/ growing muscle infinitely. Did I succeed? Yes. But I lost enjoyment in my meals and cooking, I lost that sacred connection to my inner digestion cycles (i.e. ate when I was not hungry) and I gained disdain for the very process of consuming food. 

Now, I have lost ~10lbs in muscle mass, but I feel so much fresher and at-home in my body. My food is a joy to both cook and eat. And, I eat foods that are beneficial to all of me, and when I am hungry- and therefore am at what I consider my "natural" weight. Some people would call that too lean, but it is what feels "right". 

I feel free, most importantly, of contemporary conventional beauty standards- and that on its own elevates my mental and social wellness to a whole new level. 

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1 hour ago, Pochatok said:

My 2c on dieting: don't count calories, but commit to eating unprocessed, chemical-free foods. Yes, they're more expensive and give less "immediate" results. But everything, EVERYTHING else will result in significant health concerns later down the lane- decades later, but still. 

I remember keeping a complex diet in high school, when I was obsessed w/ growing muscle infinitely. Did I succeed? Yes. But I lost enjoyment in my meals and cooking, I lost that sacred connection to my inner digestion cycles (i.e. ate when I was not hungry) and I gained disdain for the very process of consuming food. 

Now, I have lost ~10lbs in muscle mass, but I feel so much fresher and at-home in my body. My food is a joy to both cook and eat. And, I eat foods that are beneficial to all of me, and when I am hungry- and therefore am at what I consider my "natural" weight. Some people would call that too lean, but it is what feels "right". 

I feel free, most importantly, of contemporary conventional beauty standards- and that on its own elevates my mental and social wellness to a whole new level. 

That's good to hear Pochatok. What works for you might not work for me and the same thing with what I do for you. I use a device still back in 2019 name Fitbit versa lite watch that track things such as protein I'm consuming in general while having functions of calories in and calories out while telling me on fat burn in general too. I have low muscle mass or try to grow muscle and lose body fat at the same time due to have high fat mass. I'm not saying what I'm typing is for everyone to apply in general due to fitness plan and goals is different for everyone. Some do the carnivore diet, some do keto, some track calories while eating nutritional value foods while eating nutritional foods and adding whey protein supplement in general, some do high protein diet (which that's also the carnivore diet in my point of view), and much more. And the same thing with fitness routine too, some do "bro split" or do full body workout routine similar to me. Some have no problem doing 7x per week some stick to less then that.


I'm not saying you're wrong or trying to choose to argue or insult you. There is no wrong way to apply whatever strategy and plan, it's all about what works for you.



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Hello Game Quitters members.


I'm honestly seeing progress with my house in general. I'm honestly glad the foundation of my house is fully remodeled in general, next is the water pipe from the basement to fully use running water in general. One of my parents is smart because one of my friends who is trying to move back to New Jersey said that the apartment in general costs $800 and a guy is complaining too much about him. I don't believe he is living in New Jersey based on what he told me yet, it's probably the area I'm living in or NYC.




Hopefully, the next house remodel is going to be amazing so far and well too. Because there are a lot of things that need to be done in general with the house I want to live in general. I honestly don't have time to worry about what people think about me and stuff that is outside of my control in general including locally outside of my house too. Worrying about people's assumptions and others talking about their negative behavior based on what they negatively think and projecting their bad experiences onto the people around them including people who they never meet and thought of interacting including myself in general. I'm honestly an entrepreneur who has better things to worry about and focus on what I need to do in general too.


I also didn't exercise yesterday and my Fitbit app said my calories out was 2,962 while not having a chance to exercise in general. So I guess that's good.


Yeah, life is going to be great in general. Hopefully, I'll get better results tomorrow in general. Because it's getting late.


Alright. Bye Game Quitters members.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters Members.


Unfortunately, I got tired easily the past couple of weeks and have to call the plumber from a different water leak from the basement of my house. Hopefully that's it with water issues in general....

So far today is great, my cardio time with the elliptical machine improved and increased from being 10 something minutes and a 220 calories burn. I believe the cardio exercise part of fitness training burn more calories easily. I think my fitness level improved too compare to previous years also in 2019 as my starting year of fitness, I felt great while weighting less. However comparing from 2019 to nowadays 2024 I feel and performed way better by using the word advanced. The same productive habits such as taking a evening shower thanks to video from Alpha M. talking about taking a shower in the evening will make you still feel clean mostly and said if you are running late just put a deodorant, fragrance for men and I add body powder for the lower parts front and back of the human body which the image consultant content creator didn't mentioned and ready to start the day. I can't wait to finally finished on my YouTube video on me trying whey protein powder and it's benefits in general also finishing the payment for my published book and continue to write my second book that I want to be 10x better than my first book in general too.

Life is going to be great. Hopefully I can make good quality pictures by myself with this professional tripod holder for both cameras and phones in my car in the future, and hopefully in the local park in my area too to improve my dating profile pictures for both Tinder and Hinge app. So yeah.

Okay, I want to get back in doing what I need to do in a productive way.

Have a good day Game Quitters Members.

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Hello Game Quitters members.


It's already April...jeez.


All well. My day is doing good so far too by the way.

...I also watch that conversation video with the game quitters founder and Nico or "The Action Man" name "I replace gaming with fighting". And both of them made valid points in general. In my experience just talking about video games and nothing else intellectually it's going to come boring and uninterested in general. I rather just expand my knowledge and my personal and professional experience in general too and also have proper social skills as well. And most video games is fully based on entertainment not something that the individual you are talking too that is learning something that is valuable and interesting in general. Honestly, nowadays ever since I stop playing video games I lost interest playing and what is the new video games generally coming out. So yeah.

My cardio time with the elliptical have drastically increase as 12 resistance max, 12:52 and burned calories is 235. I want to do more than that to 250 calories burned to 300 calories burned. I believe I have a picture that is way different and inferior in general saying I didn't do much with 0.24 distance and 40.0 calories burned compare currently 1.29 distance and 235 calories burned. I guess it was originally was 0.24 distance and 40.0 calories burned because my younger foolish self believed from someone on the internet that it's going to hinder life expectancy from this YouTube channel which it's not true once I got older and feel way better with my stamina and it's easier for me to burn fat based on what my fitbit watch is saying on my heart rate compare to Strength training in general so whatever. I'm reviewing my edited version of my book and still making sure to pay the monthly payment in general. So yeah. YouTube is going well again with the watch time in general, I try not to compare my own YouTube video to someone else YouTube channel even the ones that show no value and still gets a lot of views and subscribers. All well.


Alright. I'm going to continue my day. Bye Game Quitters members.

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Hello Game Quitters Members.


My day yesterday was a great day

I unfortunately didn't exercise in general yesterday and just start today early in general, no later than that. I'm also writing comment instructions that explains the book editor on what he or she need to correct on in general. This honestly had me looking back to my first book in general and I think it's best to say that there some improvements that need to be worked on in my second book.

I still want to work on YouTube as both enjoying making valuable and timeless educational videos in my own way in general. Yeah...people who remember 2000s version of YouTube which was still new that there was no money involved will express dissatisfactions with the changes on YouTube adding financial earnings once you reach a milestone as a professional channel and letting any content creator to view their channel based on how they want to view their channel based on their intention. All I can say that there is nothing wrong in viewing or using a channel for entrepreneurship, one part of your own business in general with good intention. The people with dissatisfaction with the changes on YouTube don't understand that the passion is still there on YouTube. Nowadays as a viewer...you have to critically think through the content creators intentions. Every content creator's intention is not the same.

I'm going to do strength and cardio training right now today in the morning right now to get it out of the way.


Have a great day Game Quitters Members.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters members.


There was a lot of things going on and realized in general. I believe this month was a local panic from the same people who were panicking in 2020 over a earthquake and the same thing as usual with me...I stayed calm and the only difference I didn't go to the store with one of my parents at the time. That day was a mess and I realized that most people don't learn their mistakes to avoid making the same mistakes in general, so that's why it's best to let people go and avoid in general and not hold grudges, that didn't ruin my day because as someone who is a young adult I already know how most people are and how they are intellectually and mentally, that didn't ruin my day. I still did what I need to do on that day.


All well.


Despite all that I'm exercising while being in a calories deficit in general. And I believe I finally reached 300 calories or notice a increase in my cardio fitness in general. This week I helped mowed the lawn (which I enjoy doing instead of paying someone else to mow the lawn who I don't need anyway similar to some of my neighbors). I made sure to write my script for YouTube. Now I'm writing my script about what I realized and think of the 2030 obesity statistics data study in general. Because yeah obesity is at a all time high however, people don't realize that if you gain muscle your weight will go up and will cause a misreading on the BMI reading in general. I realize that study was relying on BMI which put people in boxes especially people who exercise and do strength training as overweight and obese. And it's a little too early to blindly believe that study in general. I rather just wait and see. It's funny how statistics and data is involved...people critical thinking skills is thrown out the window which it's embarrassing so no.

Alright Game Quitters Members. I'm going to wash my face and take a shower to start my day. Have a good day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters Members.


I'm doing good so far in general. I decided to continue to write my second book which it's way better written compare to my first book in general which it's fine because my first book I was not knowing how to properly how to write a book in general.

Now for exercise today. Unfortunately I have to hold off by the time I write this update in general. Because from what I understand with this blood pressure reading is that if I exercise before going to the doctor's office there is going to be a misread on their blood pressure machine in general, I heard that from this channel name KenDBerryMD on YouTube about blood pressure misreading in general. All I can say I'm glad I am truly taking care of myself in general by exercising 7x per week with strength training and cardio training with elliptical machine in general, I already found what works for me with physical fitness and just tracking calories (which the local medical professionals have a hard time telling me that or educate themselves properly instead of relying on medical related research sources) and yeah I also asked lifestyle questions and the answer were not good were also rushed too so never again. All well. Again, as long I'm exercising with strength and cardio...then I'm fine since 2019.


Overall with that nonsense, I feel great about myself physically and lifestyle wise without playing video games all day being sedentary while not taking care of myself in general both hygiene wise and of course physically in general before 2019 in general. Now I learned to not repeat my mistakes from my younger years and I still get negative response and get looked on on from people who don't exercise consistently and obviously don't know how to find something else talk about instead of gossiping about my weight, thankfully I already know I don't care what people subjectively think is usually subjective and not objective as facts or not related to something they know that it's better to ask me on. So yeah dang if I do something productive in the present day, dang if I don't do the stuff I didn't do compare to what I'm doing in present day. People including these professionals will usually find something negative about someone in my point of view. The best thing to do is just simply ignore and do what I need to do in general. I don't care what people think.


Alright. I'm going to continue my day. Bye Game Quitters Members.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters.


Unfortunately it took me too long to update you guys. I had a lot of things going on this month and on my mind in real life. Obviously I do my best to do me and ignore things that is not giving me value and affecting my personal and professional life. I don't care what is going on in the news and what is going on politically in general, especially watching the wrong types of contents on YouTube that is not valuable and teaching me new skills. I'm honestly still thinking a lot of things in my real life while typing this update in general because there is a lot going on right now. ....I did successfully exercise both strength and cardio...before today and yesterday it was a lot of miss days and successful fitness days...it's a lot. Now hopefully the following weeks I'll be in the same consistencies in general with fitness. I'm still valuing Stoicism with a capital S, not lowercase s. I'm still doing well in general too.

So I'm going to weight in myself with my FitTrack Dara Scale and get ready for today and have a good day Game Quitters members.

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Hello Game Quitters Members.


I'm glad I have the ability to track my calories out or calories being burned again from my Fitbit Versa Lite watch, it was kinda hard to track accurately in general from the app. The 2019 Fitbit watch still hold up to be accurate for me and also useful in general. The book publication is getting amazing progress in general too. I also did watch the podcast style video from the Game Quitters channel that is recent in general. I remember was listening to it while mowing the lawn with my Mom in general. I like how mindset was being discussed too in general. I did study and learn from people for example basketball player Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee's mindset by researching on Google experimental AI tool with Bruce Lee Mindset. I truly like my present day lifestyle in general because I am doing what I'm suppose to be doing and not worrying about irrelevant stuff in the long term and short term generally. Everyday I'm grateful even on not so perfect days. I'm having a amazing time with exercise 7x per week of both strength and cardio. And my online business is growing too. I'm writing a second book for a upcoming year after 2025 or 2026. And I regained back to 25 subscribers again, I already knew that YouTube is going to be slow. It's better then relying on lottery tickets and the mega million in general which only rely on lick and that's it, not effort.


Alright. Got to start my day. Bye Game Quitters Members.

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Hello Game Quitters members today and yesterday on Friday was really good in general. I did went to my local bank to financially take care of things in general and also allow me to progress in general and it's almost 2025 to finally become a published author which mean in October 2025 the breakdown payments will be finally complete in general so I can make my own income onto something that I know it's something that I personally and professionally enjoy doing, not other stuff that is not in my interest in general professionally. I did exercise successfully yesterday with cardio and strength training without ending fitness sessions incomplete by not exercising the body fully with full body strength training workout in general. Life is going to be great for me thankfully, because I decided to choose to live and create a life that I'm setting up to succeed highly. And it's best for me to continue that way, because I remember a time I was the complete opposite in general in year 2012 clearly now I like my life better compare to previous years before 2020 in general.


Alright Game Quitters members, I'm going to continue my day. Bye.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Game Game Quitters Members....


I know by the time I'm writing this is there is a presidential debate on CNN (which I don't care and not watching it or was not watching it if you are seeing this after 2024). And there was a lot going on and thought time was going so fast...I miss days and weeks to update you guys.


Right now I'm exercising and trying to keep up on stuff that I didn't checked marked in my to-do list. I'm still reading non-fiction books to visualized my mind on a specific skill that it's trying to teach me based on the specific text from page to page in beginning to end in general.

I am still journaling my thoughts in a journal book where I can share my thoughts freely since late 2010s too.


I did notice on my interest towards video games have change. Because it's due to change priorities in general and some are still $70 plus taxes which make no sense to spend and even digitally for someone trying to remodel a house that I still remember visiting as a kid which Grandma gave the house to my Mom. I originally thought we were moving again and my Mom said we are not and now years progress I rather have this house on my name as well so I don't have to worry about moving somewhere else again in general.


I don't care about what is truly going on outside of my house and also TV news and what is being shown and commentated on with these political YouTube channels which I don't think it make sense to watch in general.


I'm more into taking actions in my own life to make it better in general. I don't understand the idea of following most people who is not doing much in their life and getting the same bad results in general while getting mad about it. I don't care about those people...


I can only save myself and the current house I'm living in generally too. Why bother worrying about other people saying about me and other stuff that is outside of my control anyway. Let these people and uncontrolled events and moments go. It's better to worry about stuff that I truly have control over then stuff and people who I don't have control over and they know that they cam improve their lives but choose to not too. So whatever man...


There is a saying ignorance is bliss. Yeah it's bliss to not try to know stuff that is not beneficial in general if you try to have a clear mind and calm mind in general.


So yeah.


Alright game quitters members I'm going to end today by going to bed and watch stuff that has nothing to do with politics. It's just something on YouTube based off skill learning and hopefully finish watching the founder based off of Ray Croc and finally watch Spiderman no way home or the recent spider man movie on blu ray so yeah.



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22 hours ago, Wise Young Man said:

Hello Game Game Quitters Members....


I know by the time I'm writing this is there is a presidential debate on CNN (which I don't care and not watching it .


 Ray Croc and finally watch Spiderman no way home or the recent spider man movie on blu ray so yeah.



You mostly sound quite stoic, apart for the part where you went to watch Spiderman 🙂 Keep it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Game Quitters.


Monday was extremely hot to continue fully in general.


I am still focusing on myself and maintain a Stoic mindset and I know what is going on right now in the US still that I am still ignoring believe it or not and doing my best of focus on myself at the end of the day.


Yeah what is truly going on is that a lot of things change after 2019 and it created a very bad political environment that is too strong.


All I can say for myself at least is to ignore and not bring up politics and just do me and create my own better life in the future.


The world is way too polarized since 2020 and obviously it's not worth getting involved, and obviously it's doing a lot of harm then good both nationally in the US and internationally.


I rather just continue exercising my body by improving my body composition and educate myself by learning new skills and work on stuff about me that needs improvements at the end of the day and fully journal my thoughts at ease so yeah and also just focus on growing on my professional career of entrepreneurship and advancing it at the end of the day as well.


So hopefully you guys are having a great day and year and I am going to continue my day while avoiding politics.


Bye and take care Game Quitters Members.

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