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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi guys!

Making a quick introduction, my name is WhatAboutToday?, I'm a 26 years old male and I've been addicted to games for the most part of my life. It is pretty strange to write that I'm addicted... that is something that I've never said before (and never said it out loud, I just wrote it!) but it's time to really face the problem.

Exactly 166 days ago (writing this in 4th of december of 2019), I decided to quit gaming and porn/masturbation for good. It's pretty curious remembering the exact day that it happened, mainly because I can't recall a "trigger" that made me take the decision at the time. But in the end, for me, it makes perfect sense, because my gaming habits were always something that made me feel ashamed. It has been a long time since the last time I felt like myself, and I don't feel like I'm living the life I wanted/was supposed to. So, at that day, a key switched in my brain, I took the decision, and I don't regret it at all.

After that, for sure my life got better, but I'm aiming higher right now. The process of quitting wasn't really planned and I don't feel like I replaced the bad habits with only good ones. Starting the journal is a way to keep myself on track, receive suggestions and exchange experiences.

Right now, I'm 166 days gaming free. After about 120 days, I relapsed on PMO in a stressful moment, but I'm back on track again.

I'm gonna try to be journaling everyday, so feel free to join me on this journey to a better me.

I gotta give some structure to this diary so that it becomes easier to make the daily posts, and I'm gonna begin in the first entry (today before I sleep, probably). In a better format it's gonna be better to describe the objectives that I have and the approach I'm gonna take to achieve them.

I'm excited to start, the better me is around the corner, let's go!

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Day 1

Today was a pretty busy day, I have an exam tomorrow so I had to study all day long, but I wanted to make a post today to start things off. It was an unusual day because I didn't even got the chance to be distracted. I'm aiming to do a real detox on dopamine in the next months: cut down a lot of Netflix, Youtube, browsing the web and other stuff. When I quit gaming some months ago the immediate feeling was boredom, day after day. After that I got used/replaced the bad habits with good + not so good habits and things got "balanced" again.

I'm aiming to feel that boredom again by eliminating the bad habits, but when I get bored I'm gonna actively try to do the things I long wanted to do: learn the guitar, study programming, get back to reading... well, everything that is pendent in my life.

Today the entry is a little messy, gonna get better with time when I get the hang of it.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

One of the objectives I have right now is to avoid staying in my room for too long. That's a residual habit I have from gaming, and I unconsciously do that all the time. Things like eating in my desk while randomly browsing the internet make me lose too much time of the day. Today, even staying at home all day, I stayed out of my room for most of the time. It was pretty easy because I had to study, but I'm gonna try to keep it when I'm with free time too.


Didn't manage to exercise today. Procrastinated a lot to study for this exam and today I couldn't leave home for that.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Pending

Physiotherapy - Done 

Skin care routine - Done

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 11pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Need some planning.

Monthly Goal

Need some planning.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

The studying went well. Boring, but went well.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Eat a little better. In general I don't eat well when I'm focused in studying, gonna improve that. Keep my bedroom organized.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Better organization/keep things organized. At work I'm gonna try to be more productive. Go to the gym. Look for the dance classes I wanna do there.

  • Like 1

Day 2

Today was that kind of busy day that it seems that you haven't done anything relevant. Woke up like 6:40 AM, I went to sleep pretty late yesterday and was tired. My goal is to wake up like 5:30 so I can get some things done in the morning. Went through my morning routine pretty fast (physiotherapy kind of in a rush) and went to college. Had an exam till almost 1 pm and there goes my morning. Lunch till almost 2 pm and after that work, where I actually didn't stop to do my stuff, basically helped my boss in some things. After that had a meeting that was pretty good, some things about my final project are finally getting on track and I expect to finish it and present it in december already. It was raining a looot today, so it took me forever to get home... got home like 8:30 pm and didn't feel like doing something useful. Went through my evening routine and that's it.

Current Streaks

No games - 168 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 7 days

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Felt pretty good to help my boss today. He was really grateful, felt good about it. I gotta remember that it only happened because I had the initiative, most of the time I'm too passive. Gotta me more active.


Didn't have the time. Tomorrow, no excuses!

Social - Fuck it, just do it

Gonna try a new thing: Many times during the day I don't things by hesitation/fear (I was a really shy person in the past, that is something I had some improvement). Whenever I have this moments of hesitation I'm gonna try to not stop, going to just do it.

Not gonna be easy, but I will practice it daily, maybe with other stuff

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Pending

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 12pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Need some planning.

Monthly Goal

Need some planning.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

Exam went well. Work went really well. Meeting too.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Using a little less my cellphone. Nervous before the exam I was using it a lot, not good.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Wake up early. Exercise. Fuck it, just do it

Posted (edited)

Day 3

Pretty normal day. Woke up later than I wanted, but I was really tired from yesterday, so that's ok. Work went really well! Feeling good about recent results. Went to the gym and got some yoga done too. In general a good day, but nothing different than the usual.

I'm thinking about starting some monthly challenges with myself. Always wanted to experiment different things and maybe keeping a diary it may work.

Current Streaks

No games - 169 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 8 days

Things that I should do every week or month

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 30/12/2019

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge - Day XX

Going to start it soon, maybe this weekend

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Went back to exercising after about 10 days! Feeling good.


Gym + Yoga.

Social - Fuck it, just do it

A few moments of hesitation happened and I tried to fight against it and just do whatever the hell it was... nothing too thriling, but I'm satisfied that I remembered to push through the fear. Gonna try to keep it.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 12pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Need some planning.

Monthly Goal

Need some planning.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

Gym went well.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have woke up a little earlier. In the time lost in the morning I could have done more stuff.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Tomorrow is the first weekend of the diary! Gonna try to be mindful about time spent in the room. I have things to study, but certainly gonna have some free time. Maybe pick up where I left with the guitar.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
Posted (edited)

Day 4

Good day... Woke up early for a weekend, like 8 AM. Went to the supermarket to buy some food for a new diet. I'm thinking that if I'm gonna exercise, why not to follow a diet? After that I came back home and worked on my final project a little. I wasn't too focused, but at least I putted some work in it. Had lunch like 14 PM and worked a little more on the project. In the afternoon I made a hair hydration too.

By the night I went to see a play, it was really nice! That really got me motivated to take drama classes. Provably gonna be nervous as hell, but in the end it would be good for my shyness. Gonna search for it in the next days.

Current Streaks

No games - 170 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 9 days

Things that I should do every week or month

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/12/2019

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge - Day XX

Going to start it soon, maybe this week. Thinking about a diet

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Watched a play after a long time! Motivated me to take acting/singing lessons. Gonna search things related to this.


Not today

Social - Fuck it, just do it

Bad day today, hesitated hard on a situation... felt pretty bad after that. The acting/singing lessons would play a big part in changing this situation.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 12pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Buy Christmas Gift to SO.

Monthly Goal

Need some planning.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

Waking up early and running errands (buying food to cook for the week and organizing bedroom a little).

What I could have done to make my day better:

Work a little more on my final project. After a pretty busy week I wanted to enjoy doing other things a little... I think it made me feel good, so I don't regret ir.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Focus on the project and on studying more than today.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
Posted (edited)

Day 5 - 08/12/2019

A day with mixed feelings... Woke up really annoyed and had a conversation with my SO about how I'm feeling unsupported in the relationship. Like everybody, she has problems and I try my best to listen and support her, and I don't think she does the same for me. But at the same time, I can't expect her to do that if I'm not vocal enough about it. So today I was. It was really hard for me, cried a lot, but I was. Hope this situation gets better in the future after this conversation. At the same time, I'm really motivated with the diary and all this changes. Willing to take responsibility for everything that I wanna change in my life.

After that my day wasn't really productive. Worked on my project a little in the morning then went to the pool, which was really good. Coming back, worked a little more and then the rest of the day didn't do anything special 

Current Streaks

No games - 171 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 10 days

Things that I should do every week or month

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/12/2019

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge - Day XX

Going to start it this week. Thinking about a diet.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Having that conversation with my SO was really good. I'm a really closed person and this was a good step in overcoming this.


Not today's


Well, I count taking that conversation as a an accomplishment for me. More than that, since it's a big deal for me, I'm motivated to change my social inabilities as soon as possible.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - I was at the house of my SO, so no bed to make.

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Didn't do it

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Buy Christmas Gift to SO.

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!)

Ask about the documents and procedure to graduate.

Get the documents to graduate

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate.

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

Conversation with SO.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Work more on my final project. Didn't accomplish my objective, which was finishing the final version.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Finish the project by the morning so that I can study the rest of the day.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
Posted (edited)

Day 6 - 09/12/2019

A not so good day... Woke up not so early, so I blew the possibility of finishing the project in the morning. Went to work and finished it by 15 PM, that's the only thing I did until then. Then I had to study and make some assignments. Couldn't finish it because I was so unmotivated. I can't remember the last time I was that unmotivated before in college! The subject could be more interesting but the classes and assignments are so boring, I just created a blockage with it. Thank God it is almost finished, I just gotta deliver the final presentation. But anyway, I'm disappointed. I should've finished the task, but I'm not gonna worry about what I cannot change anymore. After that I went to sleep at about 2 AM.

Current Streaks

No games - 172 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 11 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done ?

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge - Day XX

Going to start it this week. Thinking about a diet.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Finishing the project. Now it's not in my hands anymore (not completely).


Not today. Gotta get back on track!


Not many opportunities to be social.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - out of home, didn't need to!

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - IN PROGRESS

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Buy Christmas Gift to SO.

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!)

Ask about the documents and procedure to graduate.

Get the documents to graduate

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate.

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Need some planning.

What went well today:

Finishing project.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have had more focus on the assignment.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

More focus on the important tasks. Gotta put the nail in the coffin in the project.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
  • Like 1
10 hours ago, WhatAboutToday? said:

Couldn't finish it because I was so unmotivated. I can't remember the last time I was that unmotivated before in college!

Yeah me too I remember college being a pretty discouraging experience. I've been through it recently enough to remember enjoying some parts but really hating a lot of it.
It's different for everyone but I think one common theme is the amount of risk and pressure there is to succeed during our time in college.

Universities like to talk about how much learning and growing they provide for young adults which I guess is true but I also remember developing some of my most unhealthy habits during that time too.

Hang in there @WhatAboutToday?! I know how tough this stuff can be. Definitely seek help early and often where you can and know you're not alone!

Good luck on your presentation!

If the material is boring try and investigate the root causes for those feelings.
Could be for a lot of different reasons like the difficulty, vagueness of the material is a demotivator,
could be the classes are for a major that doesn't really match your interests,
etc... whatever they are I'm sure you may already know the answers

2 hours ago, Avnat Netzer said:

Yeah me too I remember college being a pretty discouraging experience. I've been through it recently enough to remember enjoying some parts but really hating a lot of it.
It's different for everyone but I think one common theme is the amount of risk and pressure there is to succeed during our time in college.

Universities like to talk about how much learning and growing they provide for young adults which I guess is true but I also remember developing some of my most unhealthy habits during that time too.

Hang in there @WhatAboutToday?! I know how tough this stuff can be. Definitely seek help early and often where you can and know you're not alone!

Good luck on your presentation!

If the material is boring try and investigate the root causes for those feelings.
Could be for a lot of different reasons like the difficulty, vagueness of the material is a demotivator,
could be the classes are for a major that doesn't really match your interests,
etc... whatever they are I'm sure you may already know the answers

Thanks for the comment Avnat! I think I know the problem, it's mainly the approach the teacher is taking in this especific class, it really doesn't fit my learning preferences (in summary, too much theory, no practice).

And about bad habits developed during the time in university, I recall that I "lost" my interest in reading during my time there. I could say that it was related to gaming or some other stuff, but even when I was gaming hard I still had the hunger to read everyday. Don't know what happened, maybe the work overload, who knows. Today I'm still recovering the habit, but it certainly left a mark.

I passed by your journal earlier and was reading all the entries, I liked how you organize your thoughts. Good luck with the wedding! Gonna start following your journal for sure, success to all of us!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, WhatAboutToday? said:

I liked how you organize your thoughts

Thanks man! yeah it's the format that works for me. It took a little time and me looking around at other formats before deciding it's the one that fits me... for now.
Everyone seems to do it differently and the one thing I like about mine is it highlights pretty clearly my day to day
And one thing it lacks probably is it's sparse and doesn't track my long term goals

Edited by Avnat Netzer

Day 7-8 - 10/12/2019 and 11/12/2019

Writing on 12/12/2019, such a shame! Well, two pretty normal days, let me try to remember what happened.

First day: Woke up early and went to college. Had only one class and things went pretty normal. After class I asked about all the documents and procedures I need to graduate (yay!). Turns out the process is pretty simple on my side and the complications may appear on behalf of the university, but it was good getting to know that anyway. After that went to work, which wasn't so productive. Don't know, I guess I'm feeling the pressure of the week, which is being pretty tough. I'm keeping my daily habits, making plans, but it is pretty hard when things that you would rather not be doing get in the way. I'm really looking forward for the holidays, they are going to be a good break from everything and I will try not to waste them. Stopping to really think about it, it's gonna be my first holidays gaming free. Wondering what I'm gonna do with the free time. For sure, I will be able to exercise, but all the other things that I wanna start doing like acting/singing classes will probably be available only in january. I Gotta start thinking in advance about the things I'm gonna do to fill my day (pick up the guitar again and the data science course, probably).

Second day: Study and prepare presentation all day, that sums up the day. It's incredible how much time it takes for me to prepare a presentation, and I got really tired from that.

One thing I worth mentioning that happened 09/12: Got in touch with the music school but they want to schedule a visit. Tried to get informations about the costs and plans but had no succes. That pissed me off a bit, sometimes you just wanna get some information before actually going physically to the place. That gets me wondering if this strategy of making the person go through a visit really brings them profit. Probably gonna schedule a visit in the next weeks, if possible. Still gotta find a place to take acting classes, though.

Current Streaks

No games - 174 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 13 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 11/12/2019

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge - Day XX

Thinking about a diet - Traveling on Friday. Actually it wouldn't be wise to start it right now.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Finishing the project. Now it's not in my hands anymore (not completely).


Not today. Feeling a little bit of pain on the hip these days.


Not many opportunities to be social.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Not really.

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

First thing: Maybe I should choose a book that will get me hooked. In this pressure situations they are the only ones that make me read. Otherwise I don't do it. I've been reading a book on Buddhism, a subject that really interests me, but it's not the kind of book that gets me eating pages.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - IN PROGRESS

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Buy Christmas Gift to SO - DONE!! Check if you are going to buy another thing

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - Postponed

Ask about the documents and procedure to graduate - DONE!!

Get the documents to graduate

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

Got along really well with SO, I think the conversation had effect.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Less cellphone.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Well, tomorrow is today, so what did I do differently?


Day 9-10 - 12/12/2019 and 13/12/2019

Writing on 14/12/2019... I'm gonna try to not make this a habit!

First day: Woke up early and went to class. Made a presentation, pretty normal stuff, and after that I went to work. Actually, before that I talked to my advisor and scheduled the presentation for the final project, it's gonna be on 19/12. It's funny that I don't feel sooo nervous about it... It's probably because I wrote the entire project on the subject, so I guess I have good knowledge of it. But let's see when the day get closer. Pretty excited to end this stage of my life.

After that the day was pretty bad. My SO told me the day before that she was nervous about her period, which was delayed. We are really careful in this matter (totally not a good time for a kid) and I was really confident that we didn't screw up, but in the end she kind of freaked me out a little. In the end of the day, we made a test and it was negative, so I'm relaxed right now. She came out of the pill last month and probably her cycle is still messed up. But the main thing about this situation is that it was really stressful. It was really the kind of day in which I would relapse to gaming or to porn. The perfect excuse: "I'm having a bad day, I deserve a escape". I'm pretty proud that I didn't even got an urge to play something, although fapping came to my mind a couple of times. But my will was strong and actually I got like 30 minutes of guitar practice to occupy my mind. That actually got me pumped to learn this freaking instrument right now, I'm try to focus on this during my vacations.

Day two: On day 2 I woke up not so early and went to work. Worked a little bit by the morning and in the afternoon there was a party to celebrate the end of the year between with my colleagues from the department. It was pretty cool, I was needing that. Got a little drunk, and when I got home around 7 PM I went almost straight to bed. Woke up like 2:30AM, did my evening routine (well, I had to do it, can't break the streak!) and packed some stuff to travel some hours later.

Current Streaks

No games - 176 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 15 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 11/12/2019

Deep organize room - 

30 days challenge

Thinking about a diet - Traveling on Friday. Actually it wouldn't be wise to start it right now.

Cold showers - Gonna start it simple, taking cold showers. Starting by tomorrow (today, since I'm writing the day after

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Scheduling the final presentation day! I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!


Not today. Feeling a little bit of pain on the hip these days.


Talked with a couple of people that I don't usually talk to in the party.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Not really.

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

First thing: Maybe I should choose a book that will get me hooked. In this pressure situations they are the only ones that make me read. Otherwise I don't do it. I've been reading a book on Buddhism, a subject that really interests me, but it's not the kind of book that gets me eating pages.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - IN PROGRESS

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Buy Christmas Gift to SO - DONE!! Check if you are going to buy another thing

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - Postponed

Ask about the documents and procedure to graduate - DONE!!

Get the documents to graduate


Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

The situation with my girlfriend went well. And I have a conversation scheduled with professor about my academic/lifend situation that I think it's gonna be fruitful.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have been a little bit more calm in the girlfriend situation. Although I managed not to relapse or something like that, I spent a lot of time just using the cellphone, random browsing, searching useless stuff and just laying in the bed.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Gonna enjoy the day as much as I can, and by the night work at the presentation! Gotta write at least the first two sections (set the template, summary, motivation, objectives, and maybe start the third).

  • 2 weeks later...

Day 11 - 26/12/19 and others

Well, had to force myself to write again, let's get back on track!

Right after I stopped writing I've been through some stressful days, mainly because of my final project. Reflecting about it right now, it's a problem that I ditched the journaling habit when a stressful moment came. In this situation the journal maybe would keep me stable and track my habits and goals... but whatever, gonna focus on it next time.

Long story short: the trip went well, and right after I presented my final project. Got nervous as fuck but I did it. It's hard to put in words how big this was to me, this project has been causing me anxiety for a loooong time. Even right now it's hard for myself to really get how big that was. At the back of my head I'm still "worried", but it's like if my default mode became "worried" during that time. Anyway, with that cleared, I just gotta worry about a possible job that can appear in January, but I'm already taking care of it.

So, life is going pretty well post-presentation. Holidays went well, and I'm getting a lot of free time right now. Took this time to pick up the acoustic guitar again: I've been practicing it for about 3 days. Yesterday I changed the strings to give a little extra motivation. Gonna try to make it a month of practice, with about 30 minutes of practice everyday, and see the difference. Hopefully this time I'm gonna learn it!

With the free time, came the bad habits. Actually, they came right in the end of stressful period, but I maintained then until now. I'm watching more Netflix than I'm comfortable with, but I'm gonna change this. 

It's important to stress this: THE DIARY KEEPS ME ON TRACK. Although in these period I didn't journal I kept my habits almost everyday, it's much better when I'm journaling. It's MUCH easier to see the habits I'm being sloppy with, so I gotta keep journaling. Gonna make an effort to do better in this aspect.

Current Streaks

No games - 189 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 28 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 23/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 23/12/2019

Deep organize room - ?

30 days challenge

Thinking about a diet - Traveling on Friday. Actually it wouldn't be wise to start it right now.

Cold showers - 4/30

Practice guitar - 3/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

During all this period, the final presentation!


Gotta get back to the gym. Probably next year.



Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Daily Habits Tracker

I'm going to start adding habits soon.


Not today.

First thing: Maybe I should choose a book that will get me hooked. In this pressure situations they are the only ones that make me read. Otherwise I don't do it. I've been reading a book on Buddhism, a subject that really interests me, but it's not the kind of book that gets me eating pages.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - IN PROGRESS

Find a dentist and schedule it.

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - Postponed


Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

I'm excited about the guitar practice! Gotta keep up that excitement until I reach a stage that I really enjoy the "music" I make.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Less Netflix and phone.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

No Netflix and phone after work. I will use my free time efficiently.


Day 12 - 27/12/19 and 28/12/19

I gotta establish an hour to write the journal. I gotta establish an hour to write the journal. I gotta establish an hour to write the journal.

I will try to journal always in the morning. Doing this way I can plan my day and keep track of everything I gotta do. But the problem is that my morning is usually pretty busy, adding this to the morning routine maybe would require for me to wake up earlier. Maybe I can make the entries shorter, reduce the useless stuff. But I need to fix my sleeping pattern too.

As I suspected, the holidays are making me feel bored. I tried to avoid Netflix and phone these days, but in the end it was almost impossible not to watch something or not to do random browsing on the cellphone. What is interesting for me is that this boredom moments are moments of clarity... what I noticed is that it's SOOO EASY to simply play a game for hours and hours and see the time fly by (or actually don't see). In the blink of an eye day turns night. Night becomes day. And all that time is lost in an activity that doesn't bring any value to myself. Netflix is the same thing. Sometimes I think: "I gotta kill 2 hours of my day". And then I proceed to watch something for two hours and the problem is solved.  I refuse to give in to that. When I started this journey, what I had in my head was  that I already spent so much time playing games, and I don't wanna live my life doing just one thing over and over again. That's a waste of life. More than that, it's an escape from the real world. Today I have the feeling that I progressed so much in my life, but gaming were shackles that I still carried for years. Not anymore. No Netflix too. Actually, as I'm writing this, I decided to log-out from the account and I'm gonna try not to use it.

I'm failing in something that I proposed for me in the beginning: I'm spending too much time in my room again. Gonna try to fix that, tracking this as a habit.

About the two days, although I'm pretty unsatisfied with my boredom, I'm actually having a little success in inserting a new habit. Guitar practice is going strong, and I practiced for at least two hours today. The other thing I gotta start is the programming course. Maybe tomorrow is a good day to begin it. The thing is: if I'm bored at home, that's my fault. I should not fill the free time with meaningless "time fillers". Playing the guitar is getting more pleasant, but it's not in the level where I could spend hours doing that, since I don't do real music yet. I gotta plan my day better, set activities to do to keep myself busy. But at the same time this is so hard... maybe spending time in gaming was so easy just because it was a habit. I gotta think about it, but the immediate response to that is: play the guitar and read. I gotta get back to reading at home, let's work on that for now.

Current Streaks

No games - 190 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 29 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 28/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 23/12/2019

Deep organize room - ? - Gonna separate an hour in the day when the boredom hit to organize a drawer or any other thing. Step by step.

30 days challenge

Thinking about a diet - Gonna do it during January

Cold showers - 5/30

Practice guitar - 4/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Guitar practice! I'm feeling good about it, maybe in a month I will be enjoying the music I produce.


Gotta get back to the gym. Monday?


Met a couple of friends and had a good time!

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Not done.

Journaling - 

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Daily Habits Tracker

Staying out of the room - ?


Not today.

Getting to bed before 10pm

Not today.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - do it on Monday!

Find a dentist and schedule it

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - starting in january.

BUY THE FREAKING FLOSS - I'm going out tonight and I'm gonna buy it. Holy crap, how the hell I postponed that so much.

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

I'm excited about the guitar practice! Gotta keep up that excitement until I reach a stage that I really enjoy the "music" I make. Also, I'm excited with getting back to journaling. This gives me extra motivation to change.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have been more mindful with the time usage.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Gonna write in the diary in the morning and plan my day. I'm going to read the book I received for Christmas.

  • 2 weeks later...

Day 13

Sooo, got lost in life again, what the fork. I would love to say that it was because of the holidays, but I think that's an excuse. I was actually reeeallyyyy lazy to journal. Maybe I need an easier structure to journal, or maybe I can do short posts when I'm on a rush. But it would be pretty good if I started to plan my day in the morning. I'm gonna try it tomorrow: insert right here plans for the day by the morning and journal by the night.

Since a lot of days passed, things got pretty blurry in my mind, but now I'm back to the routine. I started a diet yesterday and I'm back to the gym, hoping to be going there like 5 times a week. I would love to keep the diet for like 30 days while going to the gym regularly and see what it happens. I'm still practicing the guitar "everyday" but the practice is not really good. I gotta progress a little more, even if the past lessons aren't perfect, otherwise I'm going to lose interest as always. Today I'm gonna try to learn some new stuff.

In general, I'm doing pretty well on maintaining my daily habits, but it's much easier to track then journaling, so let's get back on track!

Current Streaks

No games - 199 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 38 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 28/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 23/12/2019

Deep organize room - ? - Gonna separate an hour in the day when the boredom hit to organize a drawer or any other thing. Step by step.

30 days challenge

Thinking about a diet - 2/30

Cold showers - 5/30

Practice guitar - 4/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

I got back to the gym! Excited to be back and I'm gonna try to keep going.


Went to the gym!


Only short conversations with persons in the gym.

My conversations for many times are really shallow and I'm really complacent on that. I will try to have more interesting conversations everyday with strangers or people that I know. This conversations could be simply talking about the weather, praise something someone is wearing, a tattoo, a dog, asking something about the person, whatever. I gotta get used to have genuine interest in other persons. And to tell the truth, I am interested. I'm just REALLY complacent in this aspect.

Interesting conversations daily count - 1

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done.

Day planning - ?

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - done, but gotta buy some dental floss!

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Brushed. BUY SOME FLOSS!!

Journaling - 

Daily Habits Tracker

Staying out of the room - Stayed out all day.


Did some reading in the bus. Going to read a little more before sleeping.

Weekly Goal(s)

Get in contact with the music school I searched and find out plans/prices for singing lessons. Maybe guitar too - Get in contact again.

Find a dentist and schedule it

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - Next day: 12/01/19

BUY THE FREAKING FLOSS - I'm going out tonight and I'm gonna buy it. Holy crap, how the hell I postponed that so much.

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

Going to the gym felt pretty great.

What I could have done to make my day better:

It was a good day, nothing to be ashamed of!

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Gonna plan my day in the morning.


Damn dude, sick NoFap streak you've got going there. That's something I've been battling with for a long time.

If you have days where filling out a longer entry seems like too much work, maybe you should have a short-form kind of post you can do instead. Something that takes just 5 minutes or whatever, just to keep the habit up. I've taken to that approach for many of my habits lately... Even if I don't get the full thing done, just make sure I do some aspect of it every day to keep the habit going.

25 minutes ago, ElectroNugget said:

Damn dude, sick NoFap streak you've got going there. That's something I've been battling with for a long time.

To be honest, I think I wouldn't be capable of going past 2 week if I didn't have a girlfriend. A "hard" NoFap for me is something from another world, but you can do it. Personally, things that helped were minimizing my social media usage and blocking all kinds of pornography in my phone and computer browsers. But stressful days are always hard.

I'm gonna try doing shorter entries, thanks for the input!


Day 14

Today was a pretty nice day. Hot as hell - the last days were pretty suffocating. I woke up later than I wanted to, but over this week I'm gonna be back to waking up early again, just gotta fix my sleeping schedule. I think writing down my objectives for the day worked. I have a really bad memory and doing this in the morning is going to help me remember what things I have to do throughout the day. More than that, I accomplished all of them, yay! Called the music school and unfortunately the prices are a little bit out of my budget right now (actually, they are a REALLY out of my budget). I'm gonna try to find other music schools, but only to get singing lessons. I will keep studying the acoustic guitar by myself since I'm pretty motivated right now. I really have to search for a place to get acting lessons too, but that's something I'm avoiding since it's way out of my comfort zone.

Couldn't make it to the gym because I'm feeling my knee a little bit sore. Don't know what happened - it's the kind of soreness that comes out of nowhere - But since I was supposed to work my legs today I decided not to go. Hopefully tomorrow I'm going to wake up with no pain at all.

Got a silly cut in the tip of my ring finger, so my guitar practice was a little off today. Probably today it's gonna be okay, but right now I'm avoiding even writing with it.

Current Streaks

No games - 200 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 39 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 28/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 23/12/2019

Deep organize room - ? - Gonna separate an hour in the day when the boredom hit to organize a drawer or any other thing. Step by step.

30 days challenge

Thinking about a diet - 3/30

Cold showers - 6/30

Practice guitar - 5/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Accomplished all of my objectives for the day!!


Nooo. Knee problem.


Had some nice interactions today!

My conversations for many times are really shallow and I'm really complacent on that. I will try to have more interesting conversations everyday with strangers or people that I know. This conversations could be simply talking about the weather, praise something someone is wearing, a tattoo, a dog, asking something about the person, whatever. I gotta get used to have genuine interest in other persons. And to tell the truth, I am interested. I'm just REALLY complacent in this aspect.

Interesting conversations daily count - 3

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done.

Day planning - ?

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - Done

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - Done

Journaling - 

Daily Habits Tracker

Staying out of the room - Stayed out all day.


Did some reading in the bus. Going to read a little more before sleeping.

Weekly Goal(s)

Search another music school

Search a place to take acting lessons

Find a dentist and schedule it

Cook meals for the week (Important! You are spending too much money eating!) - Next day: 12/01/19

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

Setting the objectives in the morning.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Could have woken up earlier.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Wake up earlier.

Posted (edited)

Objectives for the day

- Write the justification letter and deliver it

- Ask for another copy of the master's document

- Print documents to require urgency

- Send the final project to print - Postponed (Forgot the signature pages at home, gotta do it tomorrow!)

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
7 hours ago, Erik2.0 said:

Woah your journal really has a lot of things you’re doing. Good for you putting all that effort in.

Thanks! On the other side, it's easier for me to get lost in all this stuff, but I keep trying!

Posted (edited)

Day 15

I'm really happy with how the day went by! Although I didn't accomplish one objective for the day, the other ones went really well and I will probably graduate next week. Made it to the gym today to do some upper body workout, but I think tomorrow I won't be able to work legs yet, gotta be careful with the knee. The cut on the tip of my ring finger still hurts, but I'm trying to keep picking up the guitar everyday, even if the practice is not ideal. The day was pretty busy between solving stuff and work, so I don't have nothing really interesting to report.

Current Streaks

No games - 201 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 40 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 28/12/2019

Clip nails - Last done 05/01/2020

Deep organize room - ? - Gonna separate an hour in the day when the boredom hit to organize a drawer or any other thing. Step by step.

30 days challenge

Diet - 4/30

Cold showers - 7/30

Practice guitar - 6/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Solved everything I needed to graduate! Feels like reaching a new stage in my life.




Running my errands I talked with a lot of people.

My conversations for many times are really shallow and I'm really complacent on that. I will try to have more interesting conversations everyday with strangers or people that I know. This conversations could be simply talking about the weather, praise something someone is wearing, a tattoo, a dog, asking something about the person, whatever. I gotta get used to have genuine interest in other persons. And to tell the truth, I am interested. I'm just REALLY complacent in this aspect.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done.

Day planning - Done

Physiotherapy - Done

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - Done

Make my bed - Done

Maybe I'm gonna integrate some meditation in the morning, but I don't wanna get overwhelmed with new habits in the beginning.

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Done.

Brush teeth and floss - I'm gonna do it right after finishing writing this!

Journaling - Done

Daily Habits Tracker

Staying out of the room - Stayed out all day.


Did some reading in the bus. Going to read a little more before sleeping. I gotta rescue the habit of reading at home!

Weekly Goal(s)

Search another music school

Search a place to take acting lessons

Find a dentist and schedule it

Cook meals for the week - Next day: 12/01/19

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

Solving the graduation problems and working out.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I forgot my meals at home! Gotta be more mindful about this next time!

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Wake up at 6 am (woke up today at 7, ideal time is 6). Also, I'm gonna start writing down every morning things I'm grateful for.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?
Posted (edited)

Objectives for the day

Send the final project to print

- Buy hair cream

- Buy a knee brace

Gratitude journal

- I'm grateful for waking up healthy and cheerful for a new day

- I'm grateful for my parents that gave me the opportunity to educate myself

- I'm grateful for the good food I have at my disposal to nourish myself

- I'm grateful for the water I'm drinking in these hot days

- I'm grateful for a new day and a new chance to do better



Edited by WhatAboutToday?
Posted (edited)

Day 16

Hey! Overall, a good day. Finger healed pretty well and the guitar practice is better. Accomplished all my objectives for the day. Not too much to report and I don't feel like writing too much, so that's it!

Current Streaks

No games - 202 days

No Porn/Masturbation - 41 days

Things that I should do every now and then

Body grooming - Last done 06/12/2019

Hair Care - Last done 09/01/2020

Clip nails - Last done 05/01/2020

Deep organize room - ? - Gonna separate an hour in the day when the boredom hit to organize a drawer or any other thing. Step by step.

30 days challenge

Diet - 5/30

Cold showers - 8/30  (this is going pretty easy right now, it's really hot these days. Do it again on a cold month)

Practice guitar - 7/30

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Got back to a decent guitar practice! Finger is still a little sore but the practice was good!


Not today, knee problem. Lower body workout only next week.


Only normal conversations.

My conversations for many times are really shallow and I'm really complacent on that. I will try to have more interesting conversations everyday with strangers or people that I know. This conversations could be simply talking about the weather, praise something someone is wearing, a tattoo, a dog, asking something about the person, whatever. I gotta get used to have genuine interest in other persons. And to tell the truth, I am interested. I'm just REALLY complacent in this aspect.

Morning Routine

First 60 minutes with no Cellphone - Done.

Day planning - Done

Physiotherapy - Skipped today, was a little sore from the workout

Skin care routine - Done

Brush teeth and floss - Done

Make my bed - Done

Meditation - Did a little bit of meditation, but it wasn't really good. Next time it will be better!

Evening Routine

Skin care routine - Done.

Physiotherapy - Skipped today, was a little sore from the workout

Brush teeth and floss - I'm gonna do it right after finishing writing this and eating my yogurt!

Journaling - Done

Daily Habits Tracker

Staying out of the room - Stayed out all day. Only a little in the evening.


Going to read a little more before sleeping. I gotta rescue the habit of reading at home!

Weekly Goal(s)

Search another music school

Search a place to take acting lessons

Find a dentist and schedule it

Cook meals for the week - Next day: 12/01/19

Monthly Goal

Present the final project and graduate (Got a day, 19/12!) - DONE (missing graduation)

Start the programming course.

3 Month Goal

Get back to running. The physiotherapy is really important, SET GOALS!

What went well today:

I had a good day of work. I woke up at 6 am and my morning was really good.

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have been more social during lunch.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

I'll make an effort to be more social during the day.

Edited by WhatAboutToday?

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