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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi, I just subscribed a few hours ago.

I'm not really new to StopGaming and Game Quitters, as I tried to quit in the past. However, until now, I always came back to video-games.

My first try, I had several relapses, because I didn't say no when someone invited me to play a game. As a student of computer science, video-games are really common among my peers. Then at some point in the summer, something in me "clicked", and I binged for a week on a game. Then after that I was more or less avoiding them, and at some point I went back to them, only to stop again. And once again, I started playing only to see myself waste a complete week-end being mentally stuck on a game. This is when I realized I need to do this and commit to it. I'm currently at two months of no gaming, and I believe I've understood what mistakes I was making

I didn't commit to this process completely. It's an addiction, and it take a lot of focus to deal with the problems associated with it. It will takes some time, but I need to sustain the effort. Another reason is that I kept in my mind the possibility of coming back to games. Maybe, when I old, I could play again. Maybe when I reach some goal in life. I've decided that I'm going to stop playing video-games forever. This mean that there is no turning back, no reason to get interested in them, and that I need to focus on my real life.

I did not expect this to make me emotional since I had tried in the past, but just telling myself that it's over forever makes me want to cry. I never had this reaction before. I'd say it means I'm walking in the right direction. As if now, I'm quitting for real. No moderation, only real life. It sound a bit weird though since I'm basically going to be a programmer in my life, but it's far more real than games. The benefits are much, much bigger.

I need to participate here, get involved. Hopefully, this time I will finish this.


Well, hopefully this time it's the good one. What made you relapse ? Did you believe like me you could play in moderation ? Was it a friend that invited you to play ?

Posted (edited)

I relapsed because I underestimated what gaming was doing to me. When I gave it up this last time, I felt a crushing loneliness and wanted.desperately to reach out to friends and family. I could've ran back to my gaming but I knew that gaming was isolating me. I couldn't keep that up.

Start a journal and we can talk more!

Edited by Mettermrck

Great to see another Linux user on the forums! What is your distro of choice?

It is emotional at the start because of the whole "but I've spent so many hours on it and that's all I know" mindset, but after a week or so into it you'll feel rock solid.


Thanks both of you for the welcome too.

I'm a Debian user, although I'd like to try to get good at Gentoo at some point, it's considered the hardest one and I'd love to join the "elite". :D What's yours ?

Thankfully they are not all I know, but there's definitely a feeling of emptiness, like a part of me is disappearing. I've started the detox approximately two months ago, but only yesterday did I decide that games have to go for good. It was the first time I felt like this.


Debian as well, or Raspbian to be precise! I have always wanted to try Arch, the idea of customising absolutely everything for your machine and compiling it yourself to make it super speedy has always interested me - especially since I generally have had bad internet connections and old hardware. Gentoo has always scared me away for the reason you mentioned!


Don't give up Tux, just stand up and fight again and again. Would be nice to have plan B, C,D- lot of passions, ideas you could try even if option A won't work for you. Finding a passion and seeing clearly, believing it will give more sense, value to your life it is what works for me. hope will work for you too. keep fighting man, good luck

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