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On 1/26/2024 at 8:56 PM, richter said:

A couple days off turned into two weeks off, so I feel ya! I'm planning on running again tomorrow. I've a neighbourhood that I run in and it has both trail and street runs. I switch it up depending on the weather. How about you? Do you have a goal you're working towards? I'd love to run around 7-8k (solo) a couple times a week, and throw in a race (with friends) every now and then.


I have four routes that I do semi-regularly, but I like to try the odd random route. While I sometimes push myself in terms of speed, my only real goal is one of exploration. I use Strava to log my runs, and there's another app called Veloviewer that connects to it and has an "explorer tiles" feature (the world is divided up into 1km squares), which encourages me to try new routes to cover the most squares. It feels like a far more compelling goal to me than speed, distance, or some specific race.

On 1/26/2024 at 8:56 PM, richter said:

Day 66

I'm mildly miserable at the moment but I'm also somehow confident that I can turn this around. I'm trying to limit my screen time by having a to do list and only use my laptop if I have a reason to use it. (No mindless surfing and wasting hours.) So far it has been reasonably successful and I will continue this 'simple' method. We'll see where it leads me.


Sounds like you're doing great minimising screen time!

Can you pinpoint why you are mildly miserable, or is it just lots of little things/nothing in particular? Or else because it's winter? (if you're in the northern hemisphere)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 95

Oop, it's been a while. I haven't gamed in the meantime though, so yay me.

On 1/28/2024 at 6:01 PM, Vee said:

Can you pinpoint why you are mildly miserable, or is it just lots of little things/nothing in particular? Or else because it's winter? (if you're in the northern hemisphere)

We're finally coming out of winter and I had a medical check-up done because I was/am so very tired all the time. I'm deficient in a couple things and hoping to feel better soon.

Apart from that, not gaming makes me feel all the feels instead of numbing/ignoring/procrastinating them, so I'm working with a therapist on that as well.

I hope everybody is well.


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Day 102

Hey, it's over 100!!!! Pretty proud of myself for making it so far.

I'm still struggling with over- and under-stimulation, for which gaming was the perfect solution that totally got out of hand. I'm hoping to be put on ADHD medication soon to mediate that.

Other than that, I'm mostly trying to eat healthy, move more, get rest and do fun things. In other words, getting the basics right 🙂 and trying to enjoy the process.


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Day 108

Still seeking meaningful pastimes and trying to enjoy life. I must say that the joy isn't really there most days and I am not sure what I can do to fix it, apart from working with my therapist and GP. I've a long walk planned tomorrow (it's bound to be a sunny day) and I have a 10K coming up on Sunday.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 123

My renewed healthy eating habits have led to some weight loss. Yay! Very close to two weeks off, which I'm looking forward to. I'm going to loosely plan some fun stuff. Not much else to report. Still haven't gamed, though cravings come and go.


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Reading sounds Awesome! Also good you taking help from a therapist, I'm doing that too. She told me that I cant control my life, but in the game I have totally control. The game is an escape. Maybe we need to escape sometimes, and I hope we can find better things than the game to escape too. ❤️

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Day 130

The urge to game is strong. I have two weeks off and the weather is shit, so I need to find alternative in-door activities. I will not game today.

Next week is important in terms of psychological assessment and diagnosis. I will start my journey to find out about the addictive side of my personality, and more.


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Hey! Admiring your commitment- I will not game today either (tho, the weather is easy on me- the sunniest it's been all week). 

Good luck on your journey- look forward to hearing about it ❤️

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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 156

I'm sorry for the long pauses inbetween posts but I feel that there is less to post about once I got through the early 'withdrawal' phase.

I'm still game-free, running, eating healthier, gardening, and I added lifting weights to the mix 🤩 I try to run/lift 2 times each a week. I also aim for 10k steps a day. It does good things for my mental well-being, to be honest!

Cravings are still present at times. It's a good thing I gave away all my good in-game items/currency to friends, because I think I might have relapsed if it wasn't for that.

The pursuit of an ADHD diagnosis made me feel weird for a while. The psychologist was asking about autism traits too. I think it messed with my head in the identity sense of things. It took a couple weeks to feel more like myself again, and I've become ambivalent about the ADHD diagnosis and meds. I still have time to decide whether I want to do the tests or not.

Anyway, still no plans to ever start gaming again. So the next time I post, the number should be higher! 😁


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9 hours ago, richter said:

Day 156

I'm sorry for the long pauses inbetween posts but I feel that there is less to post about once I got through the early 'withdrawal' phase.

I'm still game-free, running, eating healthier, gardening, and I added lifting weights to the mix 🤩 I try to run/lift 2 times each a week. I also aim for 10k steps a day. It does good things for my mental well-being, to be honest!

Cravings are still present at times. It's a good thing I gave away all my good in-game items/currency to friends, because I think I might have relapsed if it wasn't for that.

Nice work man! I had given away my actual accounts when I started a new major medication in 2017, and was off of the games for 2 years, but that was because of natural adjustment to the meds. I might do a giveaway soon enough in the company of friends, because doing it alone might make me want to get it all back for 'fun'.

Congrats again!

Edited by wheatbiscuit
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On 4/25/2024 at 1:45 PM, richter said:

Cravings are still present at times. It's a good thing I gave away all my good in-game items/currency to friends, because I think I might have relapsed if it wasn't for that.

Same here, that helped tremendously! So glad to see you change in ways profound, richter!

Let's keep moving ❤️ 

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