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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. Hey, Hitaru. I hope you can be in good terms with you mother soon. Peace, mate.
  2. Welcome, Neat! Together, we are strong!
  3. Don't you like listening to music while doing housework? Sometimes I put on "I want to break free" from Queen and pretend I'm Freddie Mercury doing housework, just like he did on the videoclip. No, that's not true, but I thought it would be funny to say it. Sorry, haha. Have a nice day, DaBest!
  4. I like the part that you know I'll make it . I have a request, Cam: I'd like to see you using the water from the just-built well in Tanzânia. I'd do it if I was there, but since I'm not you, would you do it for me? Day "just a little longer" Unproductive as last sunday, but I recharged for the week so that's good enough. I left in the morning for a kind of flea Market in a nearby park with wife and a friend. It was quite nice day, there was live music and I ate churros (or Spanish dougnuts). I had to give two english classes to an old lady and that was also refreshing. After getting home I reviewed some kanji and messed around on the computer, sorting files and checking out the fórum. Now, to my reflections: 1 - I could only do half of my weekly goals. I noticed that one goal that was based on writing was giving me a lot of pressure, mainly because I hadn't figured out how/what to write. When setting my goals for this week, I will break down some activities in smaller ones, making them easier to think about/handle. I now understand better one of my weaknessess and I'll have a workaround for it until I'm good enough for not needing it anymore. 2 - I wrote 3 times on my emotion dumpster journal since I created it - I'm calling it the Gray Book. Whenever I'm under stress, I open it and start writing until I feel I have said it all. For all the three times, I felt much lighter a few minutes later and it was way easier to focus on a creative/mental engaging activity. The first time I wrote, it felt like magic. All worries were gone. I'll keep on experimenting with it, and perhaps makeit a habit. 3 - Unfortunately, I had to keep some of the planned activities for last week on this week's list. This time I'm better prepared to tick them out. Hey, I got this Japan flag beside my name. Hope people don't think I'm Japanese. Stay cool, guys. LifeIsGood!
  5. Libraries are THE BEST place to study! Focus is the word. PS: you should apologize for comparing writing with gaming! Writers are creators! PPS: i used to lurk around ongoingworlds reading some horror rps. That was when I first got interested in rp other than tabletop RPG.
  6. well, to be honest, I'm not really much interested in food. I'd be glad to just get energy straight from the sun, but that is not a possibility unless you were born in kripton. but, yea, traditional japanese cuisine is said to be healthy, but i don't think everyone eats traditionally in their houses. it's just the eating habits, really. i remember when i was a kid i hated vegetables but here children eat them on a regular basis. another thing i noticed very quickly is that the amount of food/$$$ is way less than in western countries. For example a large sized meal in a mcdonalds here would be like the medium size in the US. also, there is way less sugar in sweets. i can't eat anything sweet made in Brazil anymore, because i think it is too sweet. even my favorite chocolate became too sweet for me! i do like french, italian and spanish cuisine, though. italian is my favorite!
  7. I'm a big fan of tabletop rpgs, but I can see where you are coming from. I haven't played wow, so I can't really know which aspect of the game attracts you, but perhaps you could 'gamify' your life and 'level up' your character on the skills that are important for your roles. I'm sure you play many roles in your life, professional, father, husband, individual, etc, and there are many different skills that affects how you perform on those roles. If that doesn't work for you, perhaps you could do a similar reframing exercise and see your situation from a different point of view.
  8. I feel the same way. I've been thinking of opening a store in the beverage business (coffee shop or Juice Bar), I've even envisioned its values and target audience. I've also thought about building a youth hostel. But I'm broke and I have no idea if any bank would lend money to someone like me (foreigner with no practical experience in enterpreneurship). I've also thought about becoming a writer and a musician. In Brazil would be tough to live from music, but in Japan I can see myself making a living out of it. Also, I'd like to have a source of income online, perhaps with a personal brand. That may become my first step in enterpreneurship, since it is the one that require less investment, financially speaking.
  9. Cam, mate. I'd like to volunteer to translate GQ to Portuguese. If you have a coordinated work, please let me in! I have experience with translation and interpreting. Let me know if an interview is required!
  10. Quick follow up from yesterday's post: Record a song: I did it! But I erased it later! I had so much trouble setting everything up to record it! I won't go into details, but the result was good enough. I erased because there was a lot of noise from the pick hitting the strings and because some of my bendings were a bit out of tune. But I'll record again, and upload somewhere.Clean de fridge: done.Clean the shower room: not yetWrite a blog post: not yet. this is becoming my nightmare.Record reading: done, but for one text only. second one needed practiceSend resumes: gonna do it later tonight.That's it. I still have tomorrow to finish my weeklies. Let's do the final sprint!
  11. Hey, I liked that you changed your eating habits! I only eat meat because of convenience. But if I could avoid it without putting effort to it, I'd tottaly do it! I do try and eat less food derived from suffering, though. Congrats on your 9th week!
  12. I just posted one more entry right now, about 17 days after the last one (also mine). It is free-for-all write-when-you-feel-like-writing style. I know every single author personaly, they have been my friends for over 10 years. I have the feeling that they only said yes to the roleplay because they were my friends . I got a new member though, 18 years old, I hope she has more energy than the old farts I'm "playing" with. I would share with you, but can you read Portuguese? Do you play on a roleplay website? In my case, I set up a blog and gave writing rights to the other members. I don't feel confident enough to write in English. It is like, when you are young, it is ok to suck, but after you get older, the embarassment is bigger. Wait, this is not my journal, haha! About your roleplay partner and your friends: keep engaging and being proactive, but be detached from any outcome, be it positive or negative.
  13. I felt asleep once on my 10-minute meditation. Be careful to not sleep while meditatting, because it is not meant to sleep!
  14. In the roleplay I started, I had 3 other authors, 6 posts and 5 were written by me. fml
  15. In Russian, I only know "Moscow" and I think it is awesome!
  16. By freestyle, you mean like the 80's freestyle dance? Cool!
  17. Do we get to hear it? At your own risk! Day 81 or 83, I'm not sure Tomorrow is already friday and I haven't touched on my weekly goals. Let's get something done by tomorrow. Most of the are writing, and I'm still very bad at it. And when I try to be good I spend about 30 minutes to write a few words. There is only way to get better at it and it is writing more. So I'm writing. I mentioned in some previous entry on this journal that I was keeping other journals to cover different topics. Well, recently I was writing only in two of them and I'll keep it that way. Besides this one, I have another way that functions the same way as this one, but I write it in Portuguese. And today I created another one, where I'll dump all my feelings and emotions on it so I can get them out of my mind and have a better focus during the day. I wrote on it for the first time today, like about 20 to 30 minutes non stop. One hour later I was feeling much lighter, with clearer thoughts. I'm not sure either if this is an direct effect from this writing exercise or if it will work again the next time I write, but I'm going to figure it out. Meanwhile, I'll keep the crap out of this journal and try to use this to make positive reflections. Things to do tomorrow: Record a songClean the fridgeClean the shower roomWrite a blog post (even without a blog to write on)Record myself reading in japanese (two texts, and these are not to be published here!)Send a few more resumes, if there is something interesting to doI wonder if I should put things like these on my calendar. I have lots of free space on my calendar and I fill those with one activity from my habits/to do list, because I like the flexibility to do what I'm feeling like doing. But I do realize that one needs to have strong discipline to keep doing what is important even if you feel inclined to leave it for later. Maybe I should do an experience with writing everything on my calendar. That's all for today, folks. Have and awesome day!
  18. Today I had a near gaming experience. I finished studying at 11am this morning, So I turned on my laptop and started playing with a graphic manipulation software (GIMP). I would like to have some skill on image edition, so I've started learning the software since last friday. Today I was only going to check out how to use the color channels to create lightning masks, but the next time I looked the time, it was 5pm. To be honest, I checked the clock every hour, but as with gaming, "I'm just going to finish this, then I'll stop". I had many plans for today D: Needless to say I barely ate anything for lunch. I don't wanna look at the scale tomorrow morning D: At least I didn't game, ha. This is it. Friday I'm recording the song I've been practicing. Time to move on. I'm saying friday because I have a debt to pay on writing. Didn't meet my goal for last week. Short input today. Good night, fellas!
  19. "Follow the signs" - The shepherd from The Alchemist
  20. Hi Terra, welcome to the forum! If you quit once, you can do it again!
  21. Ops! Thank you @JSmith Day 80 something, maybe? Messed up day! Felt a little sick in the afternoon, stayed in bed. Feeling better now, but it's already 10:40pm. I'll wake up early and make it up for today. Still have some minutes to study Japanese
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