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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by goodvibes

  1. Good on you for deciding to join us in your ambition for sobriety - I have a link here to be a help to Newcomers maybe it can be a help, I wish you all the best❗ Neil
  2. Ultra runners Scott Jurek and Rich Roll have inspired me as well so I also look forward to be able to run 100 miles! @giblets
  3. If only I had seen the light at your age, congrats and best of luck!! For your reference to help along the way here is ..A welcoming statement In preparation for a 90 day detox and beyond .. First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Do consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well .. For what little cost think about that return on investment! ..Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions ..You might not identify as an addict and that is fine ..If you are here for any reason to quit video games that is still a benefit to you❗Thank you for signing up and joining our united cause to make the most of our time --Give this your best and I am sure you will do well Welcome to the forums!! @the_0ne Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member Direct Message Me, Discord Support ChatArticle: How To Quit Playing Video Games Article: Four Reasons We Played Video Games Article: Alternative Activities By Game Genre Article: Why You Should Detox Find a Video Game Addiction Therapist Download A Gamequitters Podcast Read A Gamequitters Blog ?
  4. Wonderful momentum you have found Conor keep on feeding it you can do great! Don't forget to introduce yourself https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/5-start-here-introduction/ For your reference to help along the way here is ..A welcoming statement In preparation for a 90 day detox and beyond .. First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Do consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well .. For what little cost think about that return on investment! ..Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions ..You might not identify as an addict and that is fine ..If you are here for any reason to quit video games that is still a benefit to you❗Thank you for signing up and joining our united cause to make the most of our time --Give this your best and I am sure you will do well Welcome to the forums!! @conorshand Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member Direct Message Me, Discord Support ChatArticle: How To Quit Playing Video Games Article: Four Reasons We Played Video Games Article: Alternative Activities By Game Genre Article: Why You Should Detox Find a Video Game Addiction Therapist Download A Gamequitters Podcast Read A Gamequitters Blog ?
  5. We fear what we don't understand. The real trick in my experience to living a healthier lifestyle is to just do it and make sure you are doing it for yourself not to please someone else but because this is an investment you can carry with you the rest of your life! Nice work starting your journal keep it going!! Neil
  6. Good on you Derek for deciding it to be time to put a controller down and do more to better yourself never give up - change starts with you and what you make of it❗ For your reference to help along the way here is ..A welcoming statement In preparation for a 90 day detox and beyond .. First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Do consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well .. For what little cost think about that return on investment! ..Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions ..You might not identify as an addict and that is fine ..If you are here for any reason to quit video games that is still a benefit to you❗Thank you for signing up and joining our united cause to make the most of our time --Give this your best and I am sure you will do well Welcome to the forums!! @DerekMT Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member Direct Message Me, Discord Support ChatArticle: How To Quit Playing Video Games Article: Four Reasons We Played Video Games Article: Alternative Activities By Game Genre Article: Why You Should Detox Find a Video Game Addiction Therapist Download A Gamequitters Podcast Read A Gamequitters Blog ?
  7. Webtime Tracker from chrome extension store has a nice graph.
  8. I looked one up right away that is a great idea! Which time tracker do you use on your computer?
  9. Agree about the therapists I have had some that pry and work with me and then I have had those that just nod and listen. I do think chances are you will have a good experience this time around knowing what you want help working on - best of luck. Neil
  10. Congratulations on your decision to quit gaming you certainly do not have to identify as an addict to reap the benefits. With enough time and discipline you will no longer have to rely on a game for entertainment ever and that is time that you get to decide what to do - glad you found us❗ @LucyInTheSky For your reference to help along the way here is ..A welcoming statement First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Do consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well .. For what little cost think about that return on investment! ..Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions.Thank you for your interest to quit video games ..Perhaps such bold action will inspire others to great deeds as well ?Welcome to the forums!! Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member My Profile, Direct Message Me, Discord Support Chat, My Journal, My Introduction
  11. @JaySK @dahankus @James Good @James S. @The radtech @TwoSidedLife .. and everyone curious about the topic here, I just wanted to share that rationalization is not new to addiction recovery. This article here will show you how alcoholics fall into this trap as well - we are not alone in our struggles. https://www.addiction.com/3436/rationalization-12-step-process/ I have no doubt if you go to an AA meeting face to face or online and ask to add rationalization to the meeting topics you will hear a lot of stories. We can of course share our stories here as well but point being AA has been around for almost one hundred years and have had a lot of time to address the issue - it might have a section in their big book I am uncertain but will update the topic if I find out❗ Neil
  12. Rent sounds like a great idea to see if you enjoy it first! Yeah Violin & Viola had my interest. Solos sound great and they are amazing in an ensemble oh and Ukulele would be cool.
  13. I dig hearing that about the music making. I am so interested to find a new instrument to learn .. once I get a handle on that cash flow this has got to happen! @Functional_Addict
  14. Hey V, here is a Linux cheat sheet for the command line I came across and thought of you I am not certain if you are new to Linux though I know you said you had a headache getting your new OS up and going - enjoy either way I am going to download this myself❗
  15. @The radtech @Volpe Addictions are a progressive disease on a spectrum because the more we subject our livelihood to them is the more rooted and entangled they become in our lives. The more the addiction is fed even in its infancy, is the more it will progress. The bigger question is are you tired of feeding the addictions over and over and asking the same question, "Am I an addict?" Maybe you are, maybe you're not but the only way to win that battle is to starve the beast. I am happy to see other people interested in quitting video games so thank you both for being here❗ Two months later since your original post, but I did see you are still active here so .. For your reference here is the best things I know to help you .. Kindle Your Detox First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Do consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well .. For what little cost think about that return on investment! ..Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions.Thank you for your interest to quit video games ..Perhaps such bold action will inspire others to great deeds as well ?I wish you the best with your Detox! Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member My Profile, Direct Message Me, Discord Support Chat, My Journal, My Introduction
  16. I am blessed, my smartphone is so old smart the youtube app refuses to update and stream videos. Then when I do visit the website my Chromium extension hides the entire right hand recommended content section in youtube is great it is called "Remove Recommendations Youtube VK Facebook" .. I promise I will be cutting back to one day of Wifi a week soon❗
  17. @Redmark Several of the people I stay in contact here as well as myself have found we all tend to easily get sucked into sedentary activities as we find and discuss what we have found to help us to binge less often. Very soon I plan to have Wifi connected only one day per week once I finish transcribing & deleting my useful internet bookmark topics to paper. I really should just delete the lot of it and figure things out again as I go along but I have this big paper binder already so gracefully sorted with dividers helping me to file away information I deem pertinent as meticulously as possible. Really as long as its not something I am always looking at it is a step in the right direction. I think I will later transcribe this binder of topics onto spreadsheets. Typing 80 words per minute when I really get to work so it wont be a bad time sink. I have looked at game-play videos since after the 90 day detox and it's not a good place for me to be. My game addicted Dad is always playing around me so I really I survive off of affirmations in my head like "Hey look at that, what a waste of time" or "Wow is he going to sit there and play games all day?" Addiction relapse can be frustrating but be proud that you got right back with the detox plan - nice going!!
  18. A fine question. I was quite a socially awkward myself during the gaming years - still a long way to go but I have noticed after staying away from porn and games that I have become very comfortable talking to people one on one while dealing with people who knew the old me is very awkward still. I think expanding the social activities will come naturally as we progress and feel more comfortable in our own skin. I will be looking for social activities somewhere that no one knows me and who knows maybe after that awhile I will be fine socializing with people who knew me as an awkward guy. I am thinking that doing volunteer work to get contacts for my resume is my first place to start! Great question @Redmark you got my noggin thinking a little.
  19. Yeah the Discord live chat aspect does make it rather simple to get attached to. Useful platform to attract people interested to stop gaming but usefulness really ends there and again it is chat so it's rather a frequent thing there to be attaching your energy to trolls and people crying they don't know what to do .. oh and the people who are on the server and play games all the time! Good place to attract em here and get em thinking but that's all. You know .... .. there, I left the discord also. I think bots providing the discord chat with useful information is the way to make the most out of that place. ?
  20. Consider checking out the Respawn program offered here as well. Little cost but think about that return on investment :)
  21. A smart and fine move to join our ranks @Functional_Addict take it all the way and do every thing you must to complete the 90 day detox it is really the start of a new way of life. Strap in and enjoy the ride! For your reference to help along the way here is ..A welcoming statement First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind .. This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! .. Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time! Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep .. NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet .. This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan .. Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me .. Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..https://gamequitters.com/hobby-tool/Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..https://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/topic/3160-guidelines-templateshttps://forum.gamequitters.com/index.php?/forum/11-daily-journals/Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions.Thank you for your interest to quit video games ..Perhaps such bold action will inspire others to great deeds as well ?Welcome to the forums!! Neil, Ex-Gamer Addict, Gamequitters Member My Profile, Direct Message Me, Discord Support Chat, My Journal, My Introduction
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