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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by BooksandTrees

  1. Sorry to be a pain, but you should only be posting your journal in this part of the forums. There is an ask the community portion of the forums where you'd typically post something like this.
  2. I wanted to add that I did 2 hours of animation tonight. I thought about it and got apprehensive at first, but then just stopped thinking and went to 3d model and made some good progress on my gastly model. I want to stay in the mindset of no fear and just doing it because it makes me happy.
  3. I still want to try getting out to walk. There's a new trail near my new apartment that I'll walk on after work each day for sure in the future.
  4. I really hope I can do what you did. What keeps you going? How do you deal with cravings?
  5. After going through my emotions last night and today I've found that I'm looking for something different than what I was originally looking for with some experiments about mindfulness. I think I'm honestly just going to meditate each night. After doing my porn analysis the way I analyzed myself with video games, I found that I want to watch porn for the following reasons: Stress relief Relaxation Anxiety relief Panic Attacks Loneliness Arousal Boredom Procrastination/escapism/avoiding work Mood boost/Depression Relief If you notice, the green colored font means I want to relax and calm down. I think meditation will help with this along with exercise and proper sleep. The orange font can be solved by planning more activities either with friends or with myself that I'm actually interested in. The purple font highlights trying to escape my problems. This can be solved by just directly working on my problems. The negative effects porn is having on me are: Depression Ruining my sleep schedule with too much stimulation at night or naps during the day Shame and disgust with myself Regret that maybe if I didn't watch porn so often I might have tried harder to get a girlfriend Loneliness Becoming lethargic after watching it and not wanting to do more challenging activities After watching porn I'll want to eat junk food and be lazy Potential neck/posture issues by watching in bed Instead of falling asleep I get energy at night out of excitement to watch porn Inability to concentrate for long periods of time Stress If you look at the orange fonts above, you'll actually notice that the negative effects highlighted are reasons I watch porn in the first place. They share common points in reasons I watch porn, negative effects from porn, and triggers that cause me to watch porn. So basically, porn is not helping my problems at all and actually adding more problems in my life. Triggers that cause me to watch porn: Stress Anxiety Depression Tiredness Boredom Meeting an attractive woman Knowing that I can find someone on a porn site that looks like someone I meet in real life A romantic event in a book or someone falling in love in a book Certain online advertisements Dating profiles/online dating The interesting thing I notice from triggers is that the blue text is stuff that is exacerbated by porn viewing, while the red font is just loneliness and looking for love. Finding a girlfriend during the quarantine is not the best idea as we all know, so that will be the biggest challenge. The blue highlights will go away. This comes to my conclusion. I've gone on many porn free streaks this past year and a half. I usually make it about 1-2 weeks and then I get lonely and aroused. Once I relapse from arousal, I re-introduce this stress of blue back into my life. I know online dating does not work for me. So I need to just surround myself with friends more often with the quarantine in effect. Maybe I can meet a girl eventually, but this isn't the best time for it. I've got to be strong here. If I can get my loneliness to only masturbate instead of watching porn then I'll feel better about myself. After that I'll try nofap entirely, but that's going to be difficult. The ideal goal will be to watch no porn, masturbate only once or twice a week until I meet a girlfriend and then become intimate with her. The issue is we all say oh, I'll masturbate once or twice a week. And even that turns into an every day affair. So I'll have to maybe see about doing hardcore nofap for a while and just not do anything for a bit. Today I'm grateful for my job, my friends, and myself for coming to a few strong realizations.
  6. Probably going to try to change the way I masturbate to be honest. I do it as fast as possible as a stress relief. I think I'm going to change the mindset to take my time and enjoy the session and focus on mindfulness and not finding something online. If i change the reasons and then change the process i think i can win.
  7. Glad to hear you both turned things around. Those are big steps indeed. Glad you're both in the community.
  8. Today was good. I got accepted to rent the apartment I wanted. I move in 10 days. I was a little more productive at work today, but not really. I meditated and relaxed tonight for 5 hours. It was frustrating and peaceful at the same time. Although I'm going to bed late again I feel like I made progress. Today I'm grateful for my new apartment and my job and myself for being brave and patient tonight.
  9. I've been trying to reduce energy during the day to rest. Music I'm listening to hang pan drums instead of death metal for work. It's a little better lol.
  10. No, I'm out of climbing until we get a vaccine. I like trails outdoors and have lots of those.
  11. Thanks. I'm just at the point where I've fully recovered from video game addiction to be honest. I've tested myself and I'm done. I want to focus on quitting porn now.
  12. It's kind of funny to be honest. I noticed it last night.
  13. Today I didn't work that much. I felt sick and was exhausted from doing so much yesterday. This house touring has been frustrating me and it's sapping my energy. I saw another house today and it was good. I filled out an application. It's cheaper rent in a nicer place. I really hope that it works out. I'm tired and just want to find a home for at least a year or two and just focus on work, my exam, cartoons, and living life. I spoke with my therapist about overcoming my addiction to porn. This diary is going to be switching towards being a porn recovery diary. I know it's not gaming, but the NoFap website is full of assholes and all they talk about is sex, which is triggering to me. I really want to just avoid porn and move forward in life. My therapist also agreed that a schedule would be nice and I'm putting too much pressure on myself to animate over the weekends. Maybe a few hours per week is good enough until I'm there, which I agree with. Today I'm grateful for the potential apartment, myself for getting through the day, my therapist, and a few friends I guess.
  14. Is it possible to set ground rules that when you're in the partition not to disturb you? Or even have your mom explain to them that when you're working you can't be disturbed? How was Parasyte? I wanted to see it.
  15. It's just tough because our minds can only take so much. Work is stressful with all the projects, then I gotta look at 6 homes to rent within 4 days, then I gotta move and coordinate that, then I want to fix my life a bit, learn hobbies, talk to friends and family. It's not realistic. I did half of my schedule right yesterday and I fucked it up by watching porn before bed and not sleeping. This kept me up super late and I felt unrested upon waking up. I hope you're able to sleep better soon.
  16. Also wanted to add porn at night ruins my sleep schedule badly. I wish I could stop.
  17. Today I stuck to my schedule, but failed at dedicating time to animation. I had a slow day at work because of staying up late, then I toured that apartment. It gave me bad energy. I walked in and just felt dead. It was so surreal. I did not feel comfortable whatsoever. I've never felt that bad about a place and it was in good condition. Very strange to me. Something happened there for sure. I can tell. The landlord told me several conflicting stories which leads me to believe he doesn't take care of the place. I just left. I have another tour scheduled tomorrow and one on Sunday. I don't want to do the one on Sunday because I'd have to pay another 2 months rent at my current place at a high cost. Fuck that. I made a new recipe for beans tonight that I enjoyed with my dinner. I also need to post my monthly summary. I'll try to do that tomorrow. I did everything to schedule today except I had to talk to people and research homes so it left me unavailable to do any writing or 3d modeling. It's a bummer, but it happens. I'll try again tomorrow. Today I'm grateful for my intuition, connections, friends, family, community here, food, and life.
  18. I honestly think it's going to require like 2 weeks of good sleep, not just a few in a row, so I'll track how I feel as the month progresses. I guess we're all struggling to get sleep.
  19. I find myself lacking all motivation to work today. It's very frustrating. I've been so stressed out with moving and searching for homes that I haven't wanted to 3d model or write or even do my normal job. Then I grow insanely jealous that others are doing their hobbies and I become angry at myself. I am following my new schedule so far, so maybe after a few days I'll feel better this week. I think the sleep schedule should help starting tonight.
  20. Hi everyone, I hope you're still going strong or have made new commitments to bettering yourself. This past month was the most difficult for many of us during the pandemic, but it has also brought dozens of new members to the website who are trying to overcome their addiction to video games. Feel free to write a quick paragraph about something you're proud of that happened over the past month. For me, I overcame the most difficult video game cravings I've ever felt. This happened at the beginning of the month and needed many emergency therapy sessions. I am now at 83 weeks straight. I got derailed on other good habits, but I'm going to stay strong.
  21. Today I want to talk about fear and what I realized about it regarding my lifestyle. Fear can be categorized in many ways. Fear of failure, phobias, death, and much more. One that I'd like to talk about is something we all deal with here on the forums. Fear of stress. All of us have stressful lives. We escape into gaming, porn, sex, alcohol, drugs, and TV to escape from stress. For the most part, these activities are safe activities or allow us to escape into an environment with more pleasure. As many of you know, I got into 3D modeling. Although I don't have lots of experience with it, my models look pretty fucking awesome. I'm not gonna lie. I'm proud of them every time I look at them. The issue I'm facing is that I get so stressed out trying to make things work. I spend hours trying to make something happen and if it's not a major component to the model/animation being completed then I feel disappointed at the lack of overall progress I've made because I focus too much on the big picture. The week day starts with me working 8-10 hours. This is stressful because my job has lots of pressure. I do like the job though. It's just a lot of pressure and stress. I love animation and want to create something beautiful. Theoretically, this would be a destressing activity for many because it allows them to express themselves creatively and destress. To me, I am afraid to actually start 3d animation. I have to psych myself up for hours and then once I do it I have all this pent up energy. The moment I encounter one problem, that pent up energy unleashes and I freak out. I yell at the computer, I smash things, I beg people for help, I rant to my friends. It takes hours to calm down. Then once that pent up energy is gone I can model and create something beautiful. I'm then proud of it and want to do it again, only to repeat the process. Over time I get burnt out and then give up. I'm creating a toxic environment for myself. I'm not afraid of failure. I'm afraid of the stress I'm creating for myself. I'm afraid of going from a stressful environment at work to another, more stressful environment for fun. I'm putting so much pressure on myself to create a fun lifestyle that if I don't have fun doing it I erupt and take out all my frustration on myself. It's unhealthy and quite frankly a miracle I haven't relapsed with video games. The only thing keeping me strong with video games is honestly how much I hate gaming. Sometimes it's good to be a sith lord. All of this comes at a cost and I wanted to piggyback this post onto my last post. I think lifestyles come together like a puzzle. Exercising after work will release my pent up frustrations from the work day. Eating and drinking water will satisfy those natural cravings. Then I can look forward to 3d animation. I can do this for 30 minutes - 1 hour tops for the next few months. I need to treat this like a marathon. I can't rely on impulses and sprints anymore. I basically want to animate for 30 minutes to 1 hour and then write scripts for my cartoons for 30 minutes to 1 hour tops. This is something I've been dying to do, but just been too afraid to do it because I'm a very mean person to myself and don't want to feel this abuse much longer. Weekdays: 7 AM wake up, weigh myself, eat breakfast 7:30 AM work 10:30 AM walking break 10:45 AM work 12PM eat lunch fewer than 450 calories to not be lethargic later and watch TV or relax 1 PM Work 3:30 PM Walking break 3:45 PM Work 4:30 PM Exercise/shower 5:30 PM Eat/Meal prep/Cook 6:30 PM 3D model for up to 1 hour 7:30 PM write scripts/plots for up to 1 hour 8:30 PM Watch TV show 9:30 PM Read book 10:30 PM Go to bed Weekends: 7 AM - wake up, weigh myself, breakfast 7:30 AM go for a walk or exercise 9 AM shower 9:30 AM do a fun activity with friends or do a series of hobbies for up to 1 hour at a time so I don't burn out or do chores for myself 12:00 PM Lunch/relax 1: 00 PM do a fun activity with friends or do a series of hobbies for up to 1 hour at a time so I don't burn out or do chores for myself 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM do a fun activity with friends or do a series of hobbies for up to 1 hour at a time so I don't burn out or do chores for myself 8:30 PM movie or something 10:30 PM bed I know it seems stupid to have a regimented schedule, but I need it or else I get depressed. After 2 years of this now I know I don't do well without a structured lifestyle.
  22. I agree. I'm starting today and I'm going to outline below what I plan on doing a little because I made another revelation.
  23. Welcome to the forums. Detaching from the gaming lifestyle is one of the hardest and emotional transitions you'll make in life, but I promise it's worth it. I sense a lot of frustration and emotion from your initial post. I have full faith in your words that you're doing the right thing by quitting. You sound similar to me. Although I'm 83 weeks free from gaming, I still get pissed and have cravings. I recommend finding new ways to deal with anger such as exercise, eating properly, sleeping right, talking to friends, singing loud music, etc. Also, be kind and patient with yourself. I think I've found long term and short term ways to deal with anger. If I'm brutally frustrated I'll do exercise to death metal for 10-30 minutes and it works. Otherwise I'll do vinyasa yoga and fix my sleep schedule for weeks and it helps.
  24. Ah ok. That makes more sense.
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