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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by BigPete247

  1. *sigh* I guess i was a little too harsh on myself when i meant what i said about quitting gaming, you guys are right, it really depends on how far your life has progressed during the 90 days vs. just beating the calendar, think it might be better if we actually sit down and really think about this after the detox rather than going on a whim.
  2. I'm not sure I get that Pete. Can you explain the "attention" part a bit? Just don't let anybody get under your skin, sometimes undergrads are out of control and seek attention. Also, nice pictures.
  3. Glad you resisted Zeeko, just focus on your hobbies it'll help in the long run.
  4. Day 77, glad you got your dog taken care of, remember just focus on reps, you got this.
  5. Day 12: Felt good in my abnormal psychology class today as i gave an example on the question of how do people with misinterpreted and misperceived behaviors react in reality. I responded with "gaming, as it causes brain-rot", got those nonchalant looks by a few, heh. I forgot to do one of my assignments in another class but luckily my professor extended the due date and allowed us to finish the essay paper by Thursday. Didn't waste no time so I went and knocked it out at home, took me a few hours but i feel accomplished. Earlier, as i was heading to my car, i noticed that a girl i introduced in class last week kept taking quick glances at me, so i waved at her and smiled and she smiled back and laughed. Could i have finally pulled of that potential date? idk. It's just interesting how so many people in college can think critically but are really opinionated. I recently started drawing again on a makeshift notebook and posted what i drew on DeviantArt, an online art page dedicated to artists, for the first time. I wanted to break my comfort zone and chat with other artists to share art related opinions with, so that's what i did. Got no views yet, i just need to keep drawing, they'll come. Might also read a few more Tom Clancy chapters before tonight. As i started thinking about my gaming past, i realized that i really lost interest in playing. The group i was gaming with noticed that and actually wondered why i was playing with people younger than me if i had real life responsibilities. Had no real answer. Anyways, my cold's getting better as i wasn't dying in my bed this morning, come to find out that the AC was clogged with dust. Not fun. Below is my goals i put up from before, since @Hitaru pointed out my mistake on the Forums. ; ) My Goals: -Maintain a 4.0 GPA -Get my car fixed -Manage finances better I'm Grateful for not procrastinating and meeting people.
  6. Np simmsjt, hope you do the right thing
  7. Nice, do you remember the Ops Center series, Mettermrck? Cool, you know that's honestly how it all started with the main protagonist being recruited to do espionage work, Jack Ryan, in the Net Force and Ops Center series, i didn't get a chance to see the movie in 2016 though. Since Clancy died, the books didn't have any good authors except Greaney.
  8. Good luck on your assignments, giblets, just keep studying.
  9. Same here, before i even saw this forum, i had a really tough time trying to quit, i just decided that enough was enough and i started browsing youtube for help on quitting games, saw this video and it lead me here.
  10. Nice, do you remember the Ops Center series, Mettermrck?
  11. Didn't watch them yet! (but I will, I promise) Today I was conned 166 euro in probably fake concert tickets and there was a short but strong fight at home. My mother showed me the website, I did the transaction without double-checking her online stupidity and apparently it's my fault, won't give me money ever again, etc. I completely lost it and started screaming at her while she taunted me. It's not me who paid thousands of euros in fucking garbage, ugly as fuck furniture that can't be touched or used in any way, because my life is empty of purpose. It's not me who plays offended when I ask for money to invest in myself but would instead give me 50 euros to party in a heartbeat. It's not me who doesn't have real friends and it's going to die alone and regretful. Way to go Hitaru, again bitching about your mother, isn't that like so fucking old or something? No, please, I need to know. Why, why do I keep this toxic relationship going on? Why do I keep having this big ass stealth contract of expecting her to actually not being a victimist, hypocrite, self-centered bitch? Why do I keep thinking that parents must be loved because they are parents even when they are not good for you? But who taught me that? Them! It's a self-preservation tactic. It's a fucking self-preservation tactic based on guilt, and I bought all the fucking scheme. I'm only here because I don't have anyone else to latch onto, but she, she perpetuates that. She made me like this, and now I have to fix it. So no José, start accepting already. You are going to die and you are alone. And you are going to fight for yourself because in the end, all that your mother cares about is her ego, in its many forms: job, money, furniture, a sparkling clean house and all the stereotypical things that make a worthless life. There's the habit. I know it. It's just a habit. Not finding a job? Habit. Giving up? Habit. Pretending to have a normal relationship with your mother? Habit. It's my mother or my life. When my mother dies, I will regret every single second I invested in her and not in my life. She wouldn't do the same thing for me. Not a single second more. Starting from now, silence treatment. No more asking for money. No more expecting to be fed and taken care of. I'm destitute. That should give me the proper motivation once and for all. Srry to hear that, Hitaru, it was a bad experience and now that you know how to approach it you can react more consciously the next time it happens. Just don't do it.
  12. Welcome man, good luck on your journey!
  13. Heh, never thought color in certain drawings was a determinant for mental stability, i usually would draw my pictures with a blue or red hue. Cool,
  14. Good to have hobbies to keep your mind preoccupied, qwethm987, I haven't played in years since my first recital at an elderly retirement home.
  15. Hey you deserve it @HappyCat, better to spend time relaxing the only way you know how.
  16. 11 days right now, learned a lot about myself in the past week than most other people did, tbh, i felt like a butt when i was gaming.
  17. Nice, -n.g-, do you draw online as well, seems like you would make a good artist?
  18. Is this some kind of art therapy? If it's not I might be not getting the sentence. ^^' Yeah, you can call it that HappyCat, it helps to draw what's on my mind and to show my creativity, so to not lose my mind in solitude. It's like meditating, but more low brow.
  19. Great, Zeeko, just keep at it!
  20. First let me say, good resisting those urges, mithras! Second, no matter how long or short your posts are on here, as long as you express yourself and prove to mithras that you are constantly not gaming and focused more on improving mithras, it shouldn't matter if you can logic on the forums or not, it's about the integrity of what you say. Just look at other people's journals.
  21. This is something I want to get rid of. The fear of trying something new or risky. Life is too short to not do what we really want, or the best we can be, or worst to live looking back in regret. I really need to sleep so I will keep this short. The more I stay away from videogames the more I want to improve my life. I feel like a fog of my mind is vanishing. Yep, it'll be all over soon, just keep on improving, Daniel, your mind just simply needs to remove the space occupied by gaming.
  22. I learned a litte Hangul from being deployed in South Korea but i'm not fluent at it, seems like you spent more time working and slightly more on you-tubing, good work Tom2!
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