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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Tom2

  1. Day 11 was great - It was productive. I'm happy right now. I want to sleep as it's 12 am. <Gratitude> 1. I had pizza this evening. 2. I have 2 months of vacation. 3. I can drink water whenever I want. lol
  2. Don't be too stressed. You were just trying to start. It's ok. You're gonna find your own excitements during your journey to learn something. I guess there must be some online or offline lectures for drawing or graphic tools. You need to be patient. Most of us can't be perfect when they are trying something new. This video will help you move forward. Always remember, you're gonna improve. If you can't find something else that interests you, keep trying to learn drawing until you finally find one. I don't know whether you have perfectionism. In my case, I had the similar thoughts as yours. I just didn't study at all because I thought it would be useless if I can't be perfect, or at least, great. That mindset really held me back. Don't give up yet! It's been only 7 days! You don't know what will happen in 83 days! If you say that it was worthless after the 90 days, then I will admit. After 90 days! Keep it up until you reach that date.
  3. lol that's interesting! It sounds so practical to prevent ourselves relapsing. I hope you have a party after the selection process.
  4. Wow, your life must be busy! Keep it up. I'm making baby steps, and I should be like you someday. I recall one of Cam's video about reward. You may get an idea.
  5. Wow, your life must be busy! Keep it up. I'm making baby steps, and I should be like you someday. I recall one of Cam's video about reward. You may get an idea. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LA4ewY5d5IU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Hang in there... I don't have any brilliant ideas that fit this situation.
  7. Day 10 was good <Gratitude list> 1. 토목기사 온라인 강의를 들을 수 있어서 감사하다. 2. 운동하고 샤워를 해서 감사하다. 3. 스스로에 대한 의심에 더 쉽게 대처할 수 있게 된 점에 감사하다.
  8. Day 10 was good <Gratitude list> 1. I'm glad that I can take online lecture for civil engineering. 2. I'm grateful for the shower after exercising. 3. I'm grateful for the fact that I could deal with doubt in myself with more ease.
  9. You should find other activities that make you interested, in order to beat cravings during your free time. Keep it up! I look forward to reading your next story.
  10. Good move! Keep it up! I already relapsed once and I'm fighting back again! You can do it!
  11. You don't have to tell somebody else about your situation. And there must be someone who understands you. People are different, but at the same time, they are similar. You're gonna find someone during your journey! Don't worry. It's only day 4!
  12. Tom2


    Wow, that's an interesting ending... I couldn't predict that. However you're doing fine. "9/14 done!" That's 64%. And you're doing about 100% of your exercise! That's incredible. I think you have potentials to get better next days.
  13. That's a brave action. I hope you get better, both mentally, and physically. You were doing really great recently. It's ok to have a mediocre day sometimes. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  14. Tom2

    Day 6!

    When I was at the first attempt which lasted 45 days, there were almost no craving until I reach 40-44 days. In my case, I missed my gamer friend once, when it was day 45, and that was the vulnerable time. I missed my gamer friend because there were huge amount of tasks to do. I got overwhelmed so that I became emotionally weak. That's why I tried to reach my friend again. Doing something else that drags your attention is the best way to deal with craving. Something that doesn't give you much stress. I hope you have a great day then!
  15. Day 9 - 아주 훌륭한 날이었다. - 내 자유시간의 84%를 공부하는 데 썼다! - 오늘은 주의분산이 훨씬 덜 일어났다. 인터넷하는 데 시간을 더 적게 썼다. 공부할 때 좀더 사람들 왕래가 많은 장소로 바꿨다. 결과는 성공적이었다. <감사한 일들> 1. Onlysoul의 충고에 고마웠다. 2. 누군가가 일을 더 하도록 설득할 수 있었다는 사실에 감사했다. 3. 측량 과목 요약을 여섯 페이지나 만들었다는 사실에 감사하다.
  16. @Onlysoul : Thanks!!! That's exactly what I need to keep in mind! Day 9 - Great day! - 84% of my free time has been spent on studying. Mission accomplished! - Much less distraction today. Less time spent on the internet. I changed my place to more public place, when I was studying. It was successful. <Gratitude List> 1. I'm grateful for @Onlysoul's advice! 2. I'm grateful for the fact that I could persuade someone to work more. 3. I'm grateful for the fact that I made 6 pages of summary of surveying. 4. Thanks to @giblets for the present! I'll use it when I face a horrible situation in the near future!
  17. Day 8 별로 안 좋았다. - 쉬는 날엔 내가 편하게 느끼는 곳을 떠났어야 했다. 오늘 일정이 취소돼서 쉬게 됐는데 시간 낭비하는 걸 합리화해버렸다. 내일은 달라질 거다. <감사한 일> 1. 내가 본 영화 두 편에 감사하다. <식스센스>와 <맨 프롬 어스>를 봤다. 두 영화 모두 좋은 영화였다. 2. 오늘이 일종의 휴일이었다는 점에 감사하다. 3. 내일이 있다는 것에 감사하다.
  18. Day 8 wasn't good. - I should have left my comfort zone when it's my day off. My work schedule has been cancelled today, and I justified myself wasting time. Tomorrow is gonna be different. <Gratitude list> 1. I'm grateful for the 2 movies that I watched. <Sixth sense> and <The man from earth>. Both movies were great. 2. I'm grateful for the fact that it was a kind of holiday. 3. I'm grateful for the fact that I have tomorrow.
  19. Tom2

    Day 6!

    Totally agree with him. Hang in there!
  20. @Onlysoul : I use a mobile app 'study checker'. It's a stopwatch. Which works manually
  21. Day 7 괜찮은 날이었다. - 재충전을 하고 생각을 정리하는 날이었다. - Respawn을 구매했다. 탄자니아 프로젝트에 돈을 조금 기부했다. - 친구와 번역, 자막 작업을 하기로 했다. 그래픽 기술의 역사에 대한 비디오에 할 것이다. - 내 노트필기를 친구와 공유하기로 했다. 가능할 때 도와준다고 했다. 주로 내가 내용을 채울 거지만, 예전에 구글 독스를 이용해서 같이 작업할 때 재밌었던 적이 있어서 하는 거다. - 부모님 집을 청소했다. - 진로에 대한 생각을 블로그에 썼다. George Swain의 <공부책>을 읽고 썼다. 우울할 때 글을 쓰면 생각을 정리하는 데 도움이 많이 된다. - 내일은 다시 공부를 시작해야겠다. <감사한 것들> 1. 친구와 뭔가 같이 만들 수 있다는 사실에 감사하다. 2. 글을 써서 감사하다. 기분을 가라앉히는 데 도움이 됐다. 3. 페이팔에 감사하다. 송금하는 게 정말 쉬웠다.
  22. Day 7 was ok. - It was a day that I recharged myself and examined my mindset again. - Purchased 'Respawn'. +Donated some money for the Tanzania project. - Decided to translate and make subtitles with my friend! The video is about history of graphics. - Decided to share my notes with my friend. He is going to fill the notes whenever possible. The notes will be mainly filled by me, but I had a very interesting moment before, when I worked with my friend via Google Docs. - Cleaned my parent's house. - Wrote my thoughts on career at my blog. It's Korean post so you guys won't understand... I wrote it after reading George Swain's <How to study>. Writing helped me a lot to organize my thoughts when it's depressed. - I should get back to studying tomorrow. <gratitude list> 1. I'm grateful for the fact that I can make something with my friend. 2. I'm grateful for my writing. It helped me to stay calm. 3. I'm grateful for Paypal. It was easy to send money.
  23. Tom2


    Umm, there's one thing I want to ask. Do those activities on your list have to be done everyday? It seems too many so you can be exhausted easily if the plan doesn't go well. It's up to you so it's just an opinion.
  24. You're right. I have a friend who got A+ on every subjects this semester so I was jealous. But there was no point being jealous. He is on his journey and I have to focus on mine, not his. I deserved my low grades. He must have been studying while I was gaming.
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