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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

It happened


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As the title of this topic says, I relapsed yesterday.The reason why I relapsed is because, sometimes I don't know how to say NO without feeling guilty. One of my internet friends was annoying me for the whole day to play with him ( he knew that I quitted gaming). I was afraid  to give him a negative answer , you know maybe I'll hurt his feelings and we'll not be friends anymore or something like that. And of course I agreed to play a bit ( to be exact for 4 hours). 

To be honest , I saw it coming ( me relapsing), because I did everything  the other way round. Every day I've watched  tons of gaming videos /streams so I had to deal with cravings for  24/7. It was just a matter of time until  I'm going to relapse, because I was teasing myself to play. So every day was filled with stress/anxiety until the point where I couldn't fight back anymore.

After relapsing , I feel more motivated to quit , because I felt like a failure in life. It made me sick  that my hard-won  1 month "sobriety"  has veered into the ditch.

To avoid relapsing  in the future , I've deleted Skype, installed an add-on to my browser wich can limit my time spent on various websites or even better , block them. 




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How are you doing now?

I'm doing great! Thanks for asking.I haven't been able to post  anything in a while , because I was ill(rotavirus) , so I wasn't able to do anything else, besides lying in bed  ????. About gaming, I'm  staying strong!!! Although every morning I  wake up with a strong urge to play , it fades out somewhere  around afternoon, and rarely comes back during the day. I'll start to post regularly  in my daily  journal , from tomorrow :). See you soon!

Edited by Remigjus
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Hi Remi

Very important here to not be to hard on yourself. As people we all make "mistakes" and your relapse is not a failure, but just a step on your journey.

According to friends, if there are people in your life who can drag you down, it's best to cut them out. This is a very extreme statement, but ask yourself if you're better of with 1 bad friend or no friend? We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with in our lives, so choose those people carefully. 

As you stated yourself, watching streams won't help as an alternative, try to stop with it or gradually build it down. 

But most important do not feel as a failure in life, you had the courage to admit you have a problem with gaming, you signed up for this website. That's already more effort than a lot of other people would have put in ;) . There will always be setbacks in life, but accept it as a part of your journey.

Best of luck on your journey and I believe you can do it :) !!

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How are you doing now?

I'm doing great! Thanks for asking.I haven't been able to post  anything in a while , because I was ill(rotavirus) , so I wasn't able to do anything else, besides lying in bed  ????. About gaming, I'm  staying strong!!! Although every morning I  wake up with a strong urge to play , it fades out somewhere  around afternoon, and rarely comes back during the day. I'll start to post regularly  in my daily  journal , from tomorrow :). See you soon!

Great job!

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