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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by dirkj3

  1. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Hello It has been awhile I am done with gaming i quitted on saturday last week I feel overwhelmed with taking responsibililty in my life i cannot go any further if I dont make meditation as a habit I am afraid that my gaming addiction is turning into a yt binge addiction The entertainment part of me wanting instant gratification is extremely strong on friday evenings Just because it is weekend This has always been an extreme time every week i Can remember. I am facing the toughest time in the week as well as I am tired and it is late like 12pm Those are the key cues for me hitting my weaknesses! Wish me luck!
  2. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Hi superiggy I habe ordered Kelly Mcgonigal the willpower habit I still have a few chapters to read on The slight edge!!
  3. The last few paragraphs really nailed it!!! Keep it up!!!
  4. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Hello I am not interested in games anymore they don't satisfy me anymore. I feel screwed I talked about that woth my dad that I feel isolated and depressed I thought about suicide. They don't understand my problem with gaming addiction I cannot explain them anything because they don't understand. I cannot put a blanket about my problems anymore. I am screwed I have no real friends I never played multilayer games Most of all II am afraid that nothing will change from its own no problems will disappear all that I will carry over I am afraid that I ll slip into drugs and I don't want to see my pare ts cry when they see me dead somewhere laying around. I am really scared and I bet that after I write this post I ll be looking for a game to play or to attempt to cover my issues. I am afraid to go upstairs because u can game there whenever I want and how much i want. Will that shit ever stop? I know how addiction works but I have never really practice what I know consistently to get away from porn and gaming.
  5. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Day 5/90 Nogames Hello all! Gratitude the sunlight baking a cake being in charge and responsible for actions One advice I can give us once you are preparing yourself for success: 1.Make a structure in weekdays for the weekends. That removes huge amount of starting issues in work or anything else you'd love to do. 2. By Brian Tracy there is the principle I cannot clrecall its name but do the most difficult and the most important thing first. 3. Do 3 or 4 things a day and give yourself a penny on your imaginary account each day you did one thing the second day give yourself 2 pennies and so on the point of it is that each day you do something is worth more than the day before. It helped me to push myself out of the thinking "all days are the same". Emotions/feelings It is tough to do one thing that you don' like over the course of time. I am tired but I am happy that I feel the slight effect of the happy habits having on me!!! See ya!
  6. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Day 1/90 Nogames Gratitude I didn’t sleep in this morning More time for new activities Less pressure in school at the moment Feelings I'm tired
  7. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you very much I ll give it a shot! Hello Gamequitters! It is almost a year now since I have joined this forum with Cam being my last hope to help me to introduce me to the website I have to admit I didnt come here very often(which I ll definitely change) I spend my last christmas week gaming I have stopped because I JUST SEE THE LOSS AVERSION AND OR SUNKEN COST FALLACY IN IT I have gamed through the nights like every 2 days.. the insight for me has been the moment when I saw in my imagination my parents and my brother crying because i had gamed me to death It was just an image and after few minutes I HAD MY PHONE WITH THE GAME IN MY HANDS READY TO SINK ANOTHER NIGHT Then I was like: I wanna be happy so bad and I dont want to deal with the Gaming requirements to unlock certain things anymore I wanna be free from that(school will be starting soon) Since two days I have my phone in the common area which feels awesome I started the HAPPY HABITS for a little Today there was an exam and it was tough to be with the self critizising voice in my head Usually I dont hear it but today it was very stressful and I was resisting it.... I have fapped yesterday but i had such an enormous dream experience!!! I have read 10 pages of the slight edge and i feel that it is working in me.! Gratitude list I was helping an elderly woman in the elderly home to open the door for her and to grab the papers she has dropped on the ground. I love myself being mor energetic since I have a no porn streak of one week. I see the world in a more positive light than before. HOW DO I FEEL RIGHT KNOW? I am tired and I am tempted to game on the pc right know
  8. thats awesome!!!!! I feel the same way!
  9. I cannot agree more!!
  10. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Hello Gamequitters! It´s me dirkj3 after quite awhile now. What books can I recommend you? The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson Do you know a book which deals about short and long term gratification? Thank you Gratitude list A night of rest My mum having as a support relief that i dont have to hide yself and the possibiliry to speak more
  11. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you for your awesome support I have celebrated my streak of one week push ups a couple days ago. I have applying the slight edge for a couple days Especially the three reasons why one does not follow daily activities has been a real eye-opener for me. Gratitude list The first travel without gaming Day 11 of push ups !! Travel to North Sea
  12. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Yeah those are great! I have build up a steak of 5 days already!
  13. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Hello Gamequitters I have started yesterday my journey to finally break through the box that keeps me being miserable I found myself reinstalling another game on my phone i had deleted several times. It was 4am where i was so pissed about restarting the game starting from scratch... I told myself that i am done with it . I wanna quit games and pmo no matter what I notice that i have a negative association to being productive.(Thank you Cam for putting that video out) I have written a pro and cons list about why i game and about the consequences. Now that there wont be any pro arguments for gaming other than the craving for dopamine surges... for example i have been to the christmas fair today If i would have been gaming i wouldnt be going outside. I can use dopamine to work for me and not against me. I have started to do 5 daily push ups just for consistency. I have 3 exams after the winter break. I have quitted at 4 am and as i got up i felt down and afer that i went to town to buy some christmas gifts and it felt weird But it is definitely easier to change myself because there is nothing that hinders me. I picked up typing and it feels great that i didnt forget everything!! Gratitude list buying christmas gifts and having a nice lunch in town
  14. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you Mimetic for your encouraging words!!
  15. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you Hitaro!!
  16. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Today my teacher said that I shouldn't think and just do Gratitude list A good night of sleep I felt refreshed as I woke up at 6.30 in the morning. I didn't feel sp weak like yesterday I did some exam prep for tomorrow love the usual german lessons in which our teacher.is talking about the middle ages and myths that are out there It is very interesting.
  17. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you for your encouragement and help I am done with it I have been gaming for about 16 hours and slept for only about 3/4hour? Damn. I have a very difficult exam on Wednesday I watched a few of Cam's videos
  18. dirkj3

    Day 6!

    Thank you for your encouragement and advice I understand that fear of failing is there especially the vicious circle that I have been trapped for a long time The thing is how can I get stronger to go through tough days? Today I have been having no strive and I felt good that I had my last exam this week. Sometimes it is desperation or today it was feeling good that causes me to binge on yt or porn. I have watched some procrastination videos and perfectionism but I don' know how to put this into practice. Sometimes I wanna throw a mountain I do several things that are productive but sometimes I give straight in like ah there's a negative feeling or something I don't wanna deal with and bam another dose of dopamine I don't even try to face the difficulty sometimes hen I have a tough day. I cn do well on easy days but when there is a tough day I do the easy binging. I have relapsed today on binging and pmo and yt. I have never done something productive over a longer time. It was only those binge learning for tests and I am already working on that one but no pmo and quitting games.. Also the root issue is that I look at one thing one time and then never again and say yeah I can do no games but as time goes on and I am feeling better I have forgotten what kind of consequences gaming has or pmo. Gratitude I learn more about my root issues and have pushed through 3.5 days without games!
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