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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. I liked your reflection. I had the same during my detox when my dailies were all under control. New experiences show us new paths. It is like trying a new game.
  2. That is what the detox for. Reevaluation. I sometimes think about games and I know they are fun. But now they don't a have place in my life. Its a decision only you can make, and whatever you decide is right.
  3. One step at a time. You've made your first today. PS: I've been people try multiple challenges here (mostly no games and no fap at the same time). Maybe you can find some light in other journals regarding this. Welcome, Robert!
  4. Nice to meet you, Bob. Best luck! You got this this time!
  5. is it already that cold over there?
  6. Today I took the time to read the original article about the pomodoro technique and improved my time management system. I had to do this after two days without doing much for apparently no reason. What gets measured gets controlled, so I'll try to work tight during my 'working hours'. The system is basically all set and I'm running it this week to adjust whatever needs adjustment. I've also decided to have 'working hours' everyday, which are those hours that I'll be working on full power. 4 hours when I have an appointment for the day, 8 hours if I'm free. This is something that I should have done long ago. Perhaps I just didn't have enough momentum to keep it going. I'm this close to opening my website. I have a domain named after my name and set up a free webhost to host the site. The purpose of it is to serve as a hub to have all my articles and everything else I write online. I'm not sure about what it will become in the future, but I just feel it is the right thing to do atm. Now I'm back to having only one journal. The main benefit I take from it is to process the day; if i find i'm writing something importand that i'd like to keep it for later, I'll just move that piece of information to another page of my notebook. one page that I actually check often. Thanks for reading. Hope you're having a great day.
  7. If you're thinking about self defense, don't forget Jiu jitsu
  8. it will. momentum. it does wonders.
  9. I've wanted to join a book club from a long time! You can't find those easily these days!
  10. "Manage with the left, lead with the right"
  11. I also play the guitar. Let's start a band!
  12. Hi Tatu, You're doing well! It seems you have a good plan for your first week! Listen to that voice (not the other one who tells you to play!)!
  13. Reno F

    Army of one

    Whether you can or not, only you can decide
  14. Welcome, mate! Use the resources available and count on us for the extra support!
  15. Reno F

    Army of one

    Congratulations on your second week!
  16. @Fagus My goal is to look like those nude statues sculpted by Rodin or Michelangelo. I don't know what is that in terms of weight. I was 55 when I started, my goal was to be 60, which I have never been in my life. Now that I reached it, my next target is 66. I guess 70 should be the place to be based on my body characteristics, but that is just a guess. I believe I have the same genetic 'problem' as you, I can't get fat easily. For the moment, I'm not worrying about it too much as long as I feel I'm healthy. As you guessed right, I work out different muscles each day. You can only do so much in 30 minutes, but since I'm exercising at home, I feel bored from it quickly, so 30 is a good number. My training is weight lifting. My exercises are dumbbell squats, dumbbell alternate biceps curl, standing bent over one arm dumbbell triceps, deltoid front raise with dumbbells, One arm dumbbell row, and dumbbell bench press. I sometimes go running, but that's very far from being a routine. And yes, whey is a supplement, but it is the only one i'm considering because I'm not sure whether I'm eating enough proteins to build up muscles. Using the formula you mentioned, it seems I am supposed to eat about 50g per day. I wasn't aware of that, I just tried to eat as much as I could (which was not much). Anyway, I'm still not trying hard. Thanks for your questions, they were very informative, even though there are questions! ---------------- I think I can say now that I have a morning routine: Wake up before seven (usually 6:55), shave, drink a glass of water, go for a walk outside (10-15 minutes), rehearse two afirmations, comeback and do my bed. After that, it varies, but I usually read something or review kanji before eating breakfast. I think it has improved my life a bit, especially setting up a time to wake up (before it was kind of random) and the outside walk, which helps me to connect with the nature and the world. I used to write in the morning, but now I want to stay out of bright screens for at least the first 30 minutes of my day. It feels great to have some stuff done right at the start of the day!
  17. I thought about saying something, but I'm sure you know what should be done. You've got this!
  18. I like using RecueTime to track down where I'm spending most of my time when I'm on the computer. It doesn't control what you do with the free membership, but it provides useful information on your 'digital habits' if I can say that.
  19. What a coincidence. I've just watched SPI TV, and its first episode is about writing books. Perhaps you'd like to check it out, it's on youtube.
  20. @Fagus I'm 178cm. I also don't want to take supplements of any kind. I exercise at home, for about 30 minutes 6 days a week (recently only 5), but I struggle to have more than 2000 calories each day. I must be spending around 1600cal on average per day. I might consider buying whey in the future, when my finances are better. ------------- Today I worked using a timer on the pomodoro technique for basically everything. and the results, as i expected, where great. I managed to do only 6 pomodoros, though. I had plans to go out today (wife's day off), but wife felt sick after lunch, so we stayed in. I managed to get some stuff done in the afternoon as well. I set up my pc timer (Win10 has a great timer app), so whenever I'm using the pc on my own, I can start it with two or three clicks. Let's do it for the next three weeks and make it a lasting habit.
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